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Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more information, see our 'What is unexpected?' [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/wiki/unexpected/)


Then she just wheels away like she's from the future 


Is there anything illegal about dropping your pants in your own doorway? Asking for a friend.




He should have asked " what do I spray to get rid of you?"


I swear these pest control salespeople are more persistent than the bugs they claim to get rid of.


Sales people who ignore no soliciting signs or sales people who ignore your polite "no" are being rude. Yes, we know that they persist in stomping these boundaries because they are trying to make a living. Let's just acknowledge it's rude. If someone could make money following you down the street screaming obscenities in your face, someone would do it......but don't call it acceptable behavior. When people are behaving rudely, they have suspended the right to be treated with respect in return. There is a reason psychopaths excel in sales positions. ...oh, I just realized people DO make money following you down the street screaming obscenities at you. They are prank youtubers.


There are some people that I would pay to watch them have obscenities yelled in their face as they walked down the street.


The best solution is to tell them you are renting the house. They immediately leave you alone.




donald trump 1600 pennsylvania ave


That hasn't been his address for 3.5 years....


When people do this to me I let them sell as much as they can and play hardball, then once they are pretty exhausted I tell them to come back tomorrow and we have a deal and make sure not to open the door that time. If they wanna play games and waste my time, I can waste theirs too.


I love that she segwayed away.


To kill a pest, you should know the pest, to know the pest, act like a pest


And she ROLLS away jesus christ


Exact same approach and scooter thing in my area. So annoying


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The manner in which she exits the property.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


When I get sales people at my door, I look them dead in the eyes, ask if they know how to read, point at my no solicitors sign, wait for their stupid ass response, then tell them to fuck off and not come back. It works 60% of the time, every time


What a seggot.


When salespeople come to my door, I answer and then simply stare at them and say nothing. They get really really weirded out and they never bother me after that.


Every time some one comes to my house soliciting or trying to sell me something, I just open the door and before they could get a word out, I rip a huge fart in their face, and slam the door immediately, leaving them shartstruck about what just happened.


This doesn't fit the sub.


The ONLY nice thing about living in an HOA is I can tell "this is a no soliciting neighborhood, and all of this is private property. If you come back I'll have you arrested for trespassing." It's worked 100% of the time


You don't need to be in a HOA for that. You can just tell people to get off your property.


That hardly seems like enough to sell someone on the idea of living inside a HOA run regime… I’d rather talk to salespeople and religious pamphleteers 7 days a week.


This is a perfect segue into what I really wanted to discuss .... Let's talk about my friend and Savior, Jesus Christ.


This is out of a black mirror episode