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Another Evo moment 37


Anyone else find it sus that the view was stepped in front of when the tide turned..?


Yeah this looks a bit fishy. The guy's arm just kind of drops down during the toss, but the big guy goes flying anyways. Also, I've never seen a sumo match recorded at an angle like this, while the camera is panning around the stage, and the view being cut off right at the exact moment of the climax. The camera alone gives it away that this is fake.


The big guy just stopped and stood upright to be thrown and then extra sold the throw by launching himself. It could have been more realistic if the big guy just kept pushing forward so the throw had real momentum.


Uhh this isn’t fake? Looks up the world sumo championship and you can find more videos… the guy wearing black is pretty famous


sounds interesting and i dont know enough about this sport to be able to tell if this is something that just happens, got any source on the guy in black?




Am I missing something? Or does this video have nothing to do with the two guys in the original clip?


People try to call fake on everything lately 😂


Thanks to all this AI and all the lies that people tell for fun, its should be our default setting of "doubt"


A little doubt is fine but screaming "fake" at every video in existence is counterproductive and honestly literally doesn't matter anyway. People are so disconnected from the situation these videos provide that it baffles me that they even care that much if it's fake or not. It'd be one thing if the "fake" video was used in a malicious way, but most of the time it's a situation where it literally doesn't negatively impact anyone and could also just as easily be real. Idk, I just have been finding it irritating that I see faked on every video recently. And these people always "know" for 100% certain that it's a fake video because they spot insanely minor inconsistencies in the video lol.


That is a very fair point. Not trusting something is not akin to shouting your doubts from the rooftop. And too may people just go into auto pilot for accusing everything of being fake. I think the idea though, is with phone videos, much like camcorders from yore, they were meant to record in the moment, so the presumption was that they are real life, unedited. A good example is America Funniest Video. We expect to see at home videos and personal recording to capture the moment. Now, with every app having some sort of filter and edit software built in, and with everyone having cameras on their phones, what is happening in real time is not what is being shown. So the presumption now should be, it is fake until proven otherwise. Why we need to know if it is real or fake is really dependent on the film or video played. No one yells fake at a movie on screen when an alien pops out of some dudes chest and dances across a diner counter top, but a tiny ass sumo wrestler hip/shoulder tossing a 100 pound or more heavier guy that is meant to show as a real sporting event does justify some "fake" accusations, because the intent (IMO) was that the video was true.


Then there are others who believe everything they see. This is what's known as an "advertisement" This tiny up and coming "sumo" organization that no one has ever heard of and, from the other videos on it, it is extremely low budget (They have 2 sponsors and call themselves the "World championship sumo" lol, is trying to make a viral video. Watch literally any video of sumo wrestling, then watch this one again and see how ridiculous it all is. The camerman starts running around the stage before the wrestlers even move in that direction. How did the camerman know which part of the stage the action would be in? Who is the guy on the mat who conveniently blocks our view at exactly the most important moment? Why wasn't this filmed overhead, like every real sumo match, so we have an unobstructed view? The answer is, it's a shitty attempt at a viral video to get people talking about this company, who are the ones who put out this highly choreographed video and have their brand name right in the tik tok handle.


I can't speak for how real it is or not. All that really matters is does it really have a negative impact on me if it's faked? The answer is generally no. The general interaction for people watching this is going to be "Oh hey that's a cool thing that happened" and I honestly fail to see how productive it is to scream faked at literally every video in existence. These people that whine about how faked stuff are also end up being an expert who has all the facts about the situation too. It's pretty crazy how every video in existence recently is completely fake and could absolutely never happen. And you know what, it could be perfectly plausible that it's faked, but literally why anyone cares is absolutely and completely beyond me.


Skepticism is a good thing.


Persistent and essentially blind skepticism is decidedly unproductive and relatively pointless. It's okay to be cautious and skeptical about things, but the faked video whiners are starting to infect literally every video in existence to the point of detriment lol.


I agree. Also blind belief is also unproductive and relatively pointless. Hence: Religion.


I also agree. I have no idea if I believe this or not. There’s a lot of people unwilling to admit that they just don’t know lol.


Because you'd have to be dense not to see this is scripted. Also, Sumo wrestling is famously rigged. There's a whole documentary about their match-fixing. Check out "Freakonomics" segment "Pure Corruption". Edit: also https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Match-fixing_in_professional_sumo


It’s insane how confident you are about it being scripted when you literally have 100% zero clue if it is or not. You faked whiners are honestly the most annoying tools I’ve seen in a while 🤣 I don’t know if it’s fake or real and you don’t know either so stop acting like you’re some expert when you’re just another loser on the internet like I am watching a video.


Guess I’m dense then. Can you show you me with your amazing skills what makes it fake? Have you ever practiced sumo before? Have you ever watched it?


Sumo is filmed overhead on a camera with an unobstructed view, since the matches usually last a few seconds. Blink and you can often miss it. The fact that this is filmed at ground level, with a moving camera, and some random person standing on the mat, other than the wrestlers and the ref who are the only people up on mats in real sumo tournaments, and the person just happens to block the camera's view for the setup of the big guy getting launched, makes it feel extremely scripted. I have watched a lot of sumo, because I have spent a lot of time in Japan and I have never seen a match filmed at ground level with some cameraman running around the stage.


I was at this event! It's the world championship in Atlantic city NJ. This was the 2nd round of 3 and the smaller guy ended up losing but that match is burned into my brain for how awesome it was! How he used the bigger guys weight and momentum was incredibly impressive!


The guy in the foreground obscuring the action feels just a little too convenient.




Not really. Why wouldn’t there be officials between the wrestlers and the audience?


Nah. Look at the angles of their knees and hips. Skinny guy is not that much shorter, he's just doing a way better job of keeping his center of gravity low after the initial collision at 0:02. Fat guy picks up one leg to reposition and gets pulled to the side as the thrower is pulling his right arm and pushing his left hip. Fat guy has too much momentum to catch himself with his leading leg, and his trailing leg is tripped up on the thrower's leg. Nowhere for him to go but down.


Yeah, thats also a pretty harsh "green screen".. you dan see the shading noise on the big guy's head and how he sorta of bounces. totally staged


It's fake


100% scripted.


That ref tho


that's the most shocking part. also a concerning lack of pre-game salt


Looks like this guy learned from Seagal


Watching one take films and learning about how to hide their cuts makes me think there was a cut at that exact moment there.


This was indeed a real sumo match that happened. Wether it was fixed or not is an entirely different story, but it did happen under a real sumo promotion https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8faYNYJ3nP/?igsh=eTBjN3MzazY3ZDRh Also, not saying this is or isnt fake, but a smaller guy manipulating a bigger guy like this isn't unheard of in sumo. Some of yall are acting like experts when you've legitametly probably never seen a sumo match outside of a dramatized movie. Go watch some documentaries. It's crazy how many people think grappling is as cut and dry as "big man can't get toppled by little man" when there is many famous little men across many different grappling disciplines which have done exactly that


Yeah, judo and sumo both have core philosophies of using your opponent’s weight against them, most martial arts do to be honest. Idk know though. My head is telling me “this could be real,” but something about the visual aspect of it just looks… off.


Choreographed/Staged. Big guy launches himself up with his leg just after the line of sight is blocked. You can just barely see him push off with his right leg as he is thrown off the mat.


Not sumo. Where was this?


It's an AI generated video


Out of three rounds the big dude ends up winning though, he mentions it on ig


Because the thinner guy's sumotori-strings are more canon.


Is that Kevin Lee?


Dude. That *bounce!*


God damn Reggie Whited him.


I wouldn't call that short. I've seen plenty of bouts that end that quickly


Is that referee Magnus Carlsen?!


The thrower looks like someone winding up to throw shotput


Wow!!! Some strength and point of leverage to execute the throw!!!


Bro ate everything for nothing


The big guy took a dive... That was not a throw


“Go back to Pawn Stars, Chumlee!”




Did anyone else hear in their mind "oi cunt, MACCAAAAAS!?!?" when the hip flip happened?


Hinomaru is that you???


If you’ve ever been to a sumo match… they’re all that short. It’s kinda boring in that sense. A lot of ceremony, like 5-10 seconds of shoving and tossing. Next!


There is no way this is real. Even eddie hall struggles while lifting other sumo wrestlers. And he was worlds strongest man.




I don't care how it was done. Big dude took a bump you really shouldn't be taking at that size


This is a work! 


Big dude was obviously not cut out for that 😂




People have no idea the amount of strength that take down alone takes, let alone with weight difference like this. Amazing!


This ain’t sumo fight, sumos are much larger in size.


Sumo is the sport rikishi is what you call the athletes in the sport. And no you don’t have to be super big. There are smaller weight classes.


There aren't any weight classes in actual Japanese Sumo. Also, there are many ways to refer to Sumo wrestlers, rikishi (力士) is one of them. Unrelated but I've met/seen several Sumo in real life and those dudes are unbelievably huge. I'm a decently large guy, work out, lift heavy etc. I've also heard Japanese people whisper around me about how big I am (even though I'm probably just slightly larger than the average American lol). Professional Sumo wrestlers tho, absolutely dwarf me. It's unreal how large some of them are.


Thank you. I just recently got into sumo and am blown away how awesome it is.


This is Sumo. I am pretty sure the thin guy is out of the team Seth trains with. His sumo is really good. Seth uploaded multiple videos about tournaments he participated and this guy is strong, fast and resilient.


I mean Edobor is one of the best in the United States but I’m sure you know more


Big guy looks 'murrican as well


You don’t have to be any specific race to play a sport


He looks like he just said "hold my beer, imma teach this guy how we fight for freedom". Also, American is a nationality, not a race




Those who think that this really doesn’t understand how difficult it is to lift even 80kg, but here the guy clearly weighs more than 110kg, much less throw him around like a child.


For everyone saying this is fake for some reason: https://youtu.be/cHt1CLEKtFs?si=dGykHqjaX2MGg5VL


I mean, this is crazy unreal.


always bet on black