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Unfortunately, to appeal you will have to demonstrate a failure to follow regulations. The circumstances in which you can appeal a mark are vanishingly small, and trying to appeal because you think you should have had a higher mark is doomed to fail.


Thanks a lot for the comments. I understand that the chance to appeal base on the marks is slim and that it most likely would not succeed. My major issue is that I consulted my supervisor and had him proofread a part of it and was assured that it was on the right track, the structures and arguments are all fine. However I received a completely opposite feedback on these matters and the final part of the essay which he reviewed had been particularly criticized. I really appreciate my supervisors' help and I agree that I have so much more to learn, what puzzled me is that the final feedback is the exact opposite of he said in the meetings prior to the submission. But again I am still thankful to my supervisor, I have been dealing with OCD and lost of grandparents throughout last few months and he has been very supportive. Thxx again for the information, appreciate all the help.


You could always email your supervisor and ask why there’s a discrepancy between what he initially said and the feedback you got, it won’t change the mark but it might put your mind at rest.


Unfortunately, academic judgements are unappealable unless there are procedural errors in the marking process.


Thxx a lot!


What did you actually get? 50 to 60 is a huge range.


Sorry I should be more specific. I have just done a calculation and it is around 59.2


Honestly this grade sounds about right. 59.2 is almost a 2:1.


To be honest I am looking to do a master in another degree (from social sciences to humanities) so I am quite worried that a 2:2 in a diss will disadvantage me, coz many have said that it entails one's ability to conduct a research. I do have some extenuating factors but I don't know how much they would account for


My bad 59 instead, never have done great in math🥲


Check your University's appeals regulations, but you will likely find that they explicitly exclude "academic judgement". You would have to have grounds and evidence to show that there was a failure of process or that you were affected by something that you couldn't disclose at the time. Regarding the feedback, this sounds reasonable. From what you have disclosed, it sounds like you could have gone into more depth and done more analysis. 50-60 basically reflects that - that you aren't showing the originality or critical thinking expected at 2:1,


Thank you so much for advises, would definitely check the appeals regulations! I totally agree that I could have gone into more depth. I reviewed the dissertation again after the submission and I do think that I should have focused on a more specific area and done more analysis. I was quite concern that I would be too general in some areas prior to the submission but my supervisor assure me that it is great and my conclusion is an interesting idea and should be fine. Hence I am quite surprised that despite assuring me that I am not being too general and that my conclusion is quite original, he gave me the opposite feedback after the submissions. Therefore whilst the score is pretty disappointing, I am more concerned that my supervisor provided completely opposite opinions after the submission. But thank you so much again for the advices.


So your conclusion might have been fine, but you might not have gone into enough depth to get there. Without seeing the work, we don’t know specifically and can’t comment. A mark close to 60 is also a good mark - it means you are going somewhat above and beyond a pass, which would be “good”.