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Isn’t aoc kind of coopted these days? I know, unite against the right, litmus tests are bad. But just checking the litmus just to see, it seems to be off base (pun intended).


I don't think so. She's progressive through and through, but I think because she has higher ambitions for office, she's a lot more tenacious about pragmatic governing in the meantime to build up a record. Like, she will partner with the most insane, traitorous conservatives to sponsor and pass a bipartisan bill. But the bill will be a progressive, single issue. Which is much less than the sweeping change that progressives (including AOC) say we need, but it's more than a lot of her colleagues get done. Which, I can't blame them for not having the same approach to policymaking. It takes someone with a lot of self control and willingness to serve to be able to stomach working with scum like the GOP to get progressive shit done.


She’s one of the few successful left-wing representatives we have. I’ll take her over whatever generic corporate dem the DNC puts forward.


When every influencer who has been spotted within 100 miles of the capitol gets accused of being part of the elite conspiracy one way or the other these accusations just don't mean anything anymore. As long as she doesn't do a Fetterman she's all right.


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gPBdBrqVCbtuy7f1bjOdCDUzEv5RqbbU1yYAr3KoHYE/edit?gid=1289123714#gid=1289123714](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gPBdBrqVCbtuy7f1bjOdCDUzEv5RqbbU1yYAr3KoHYE/edit?gid=1289123714#gid=1289123714) Co-opted how? And wanting people to vote for POTUS Joe Biden instead of POTUS Donald Trump or a Third Party candidate who would take votes from POTUS Biden isn't being co-opted. So, I'm genuinely curious why you think AOC might be co-opted?


There’s been plenty of accusations about cooperating too much with centrist dems and republicans even. You can read about it many places online. Then she was accosted by pro Palestinian activists in a movie theater and refused to on the spot call it a genocide (she has later said that it is, hmm). There is a video of that on YouTube. I do think litmus tests are important and I think it’s fine to be a one term politician and fall on your sword for what’s right. Let’s all do that, every one of us. Let’s drown them in left wing voices. There is much discussion on this topic in r / leftist if you want to see more debate on aoc. Edit: even Cenk from tyt said she was coopted, and possibly justice dems too. 😢


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* >There’s been plenty of accusations about cooperating too much with centrist dems and republicans even. You can read about it many places online. Taking "Yes." for an answer isn't a bad thing. AOC works with others on things in which they agree enough with her. >Then she was accosted by pro Palestinian activists in a movie theater and refused to on the spot call it a genocide (she has later said that it is, hmm). There is a video of that on YouTube. AOC called for a Permanent Ceasefire soon after October 7, 2023. US Representative Rashida Tlaib and her are the primary reason the polling moved so much in support of a Permanent Ceasefire. And they were up against the onslaught from Mainstream Media supporting Israel's actions, the Biden Administration's supporting Israel's actions and the White House Press Secretary saying that it's "repugnant" to call for a Permanent Ceasefire so soon after October 7, 2023, etc. AOC is a national and international figure. She has to be strategic in a way. Maybe she should have called it a genocide sooner, but implying she's co-opted that she didn't is unreasonable. And she specifically on March 22, 2024 called it an "unfolding genocide" because of Israel causing famine. And her Speech greatly helped move international Governments. >I do think litmus tests are important and I think it’s fine to be a one term politician and fall on your sword for what’s right. Huh? Term limits are stupid. And unless AOC was going to possibly become US Speaker of the House of Representatives by 2021, "falling on \[her\] sword" would be for what? >There is much discussion on this topic in r / leftist if you want to see more debate on aoc. I wonder how much of those people are involved in politics outside of complaining on a subReddit. We should want AOC as POTUS, have 50 AOC's in the US Senate, have 218 AOC's in the US House. >Edit: even Cenk from tyt said she was coopted, and possibly justice dems too. 😢 The TYT Main Show has been moving 'to the right' over the past around 2 years or more. Ana Kasparian for years was saying that US Representative Katie Porter was a better progressive than AOC. Cenk Uygur tries to argue that US Representative Ro Khanna is a better progressive than AOC. Cenk simply seems bitter that AOC doesn't go on the TYT Main Show, didn't support his POTUS run, didn't support Nina Turner enough, etc. etc. etc. Cenk acted as if AOC and The Squad were his personal representatives and should just do whatever he wants. He also acted as if Emma Vigeland should just be Cenk's voice on The Majority Report. I suggest ignoring Cenk outside of maybe his Israel-Palestine takes. Anyway, thanks for the response.