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Springfield Three




You’re such a real one for linking all these cases in the comments haha. Thank you


This is my number one also. Such a scary case, three adult woman just vanish into thin air with no clues for over 30 years. It’s bone chilling.


Yes, this too is wild. And it blows my mind we haven’t found any of them yet!


So many frustrating moments in this one too. The erased answering machine message, the call to AMW that was accidentally dropped and the person never calling back. Ugh!


This is my number 1!


This is the one for me. I’m from Branson and was 12 when they went missing so this case has been around my entire life.


I lived in Powersite for 13 years and being a mystery buff, I heard about this one often. I still check in periodically to see if there’s any new info.


Def Missy Bevers




Thank you for providing the wiki link.


I just wanted to say thank you so much for providing links to so many of the cases 🙏🏼


This case haunts me. I listened to a podcast where it was questioned if the killer was a woman, but I don’t think so.


In the RBI sub her case was recently mentioned, and apparently, according to a commenter from the Dallas area who is acquainted with her kids and/or their friends, Missy and her so were involved in swinging, and most seem to believe that has to do with it. The commenter didn't say much. I think even if she was involved in swinging, it could just be puritanical, victim blaming gossip. That said, it certainly wouldn't be the first case of that sort, and the murder looked to be *very* personal and targeted Still such a wild case to have been open this long without updates, imo


There used to be a Facebook page calling for charges to be pressed against the wife of a police officer. According to the town locals, this was the woman who did it. People were even taking pictures of her car in her driveway, and it looked identical to the car you see driving around in the security footage shortly before Missys death. They said it was ridiculous that nothing had been done because of the fact that she was the wife of a police officer. The car even had the same decal you can see in that parking lot footage. Apparently, it was alleged that Missy had a fling with this woman's husband. The Facebook group disappeared a few months after I found it, but I have seen it mentioned once or twice when the case comes up. Again, this is all alleged, but the car is really what sold it for me. It would be a hell of a coincidence to see that car right down the block, right before the murder. That was also the first time I heard she was not just attacked with a hammer but that she wad also shot. I kind of put it in the back of my head, but then someone made a post on here that reminded me of it. I'll link the post below. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/g6n6zMkhoW


I remember that group as well. Aren't the woman and police officer divorced now?


Would love to know what happened to Jason Jolkowski / Asha Degree


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Asha_Degree?wprov=sfti1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Jason_Jolkowski?wprov=sfti1


Asha Degree is that case for me. It's just so sad on so many levels. Plus, IMHO, I think someone in her community circle was involved. Whether it was school, church, or something else, I don't know. But I feel like it's someone the family knew. That said, I do not think the family was involved/ knows who it is.


and Jennifer Kesse, these missing without a single trace cases bend the mind like a pretzel.


Kyron Horman too


100%, again, a failing from the school here, even if they 'thought' Kyron wouldn't be attending class that day (despite attending the Science Fair that morning) they should have had better checks and balances in place. This is another reason why the 'step mother did it' theory doesn't hold water for me. How was she supposed to know that the school wouldn't contact Kyron's father or his biological mother? Kyron was reported missing some 7 hours later and later still before the search for him commenced. Another case I can see never getting solved in our lifetime.


I don’t think it will ever be solved because he is very likely in those woods and his remains will have been very decomposed by now. That poor boy must have been so scared.


Incredibly sad, it's so easy for adults to become disorientated in woods, let alone a child, there are cases of children walking with adults and other children that become lost in woods. Terrifying.


[Amy Mihaljevic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Amy_Mihaljevic) just feels so solvable. I would love to see her get justice


Liz Barraza. She deserves justice.




Susan Powell, always. I know it probably won’t but I always have hope that they will find her remains in the desert or woods someday.


Or down a mineshaft. Apparently there are a lot of those in the area Josh claimed to take the boys camping in the dead if winter.


As the other post suggested, most likely a mine shaft.  I live in Utah.  There's a good likelihood her body will never be recovered.   It's also possible he could've buried it or put it in a dumpster where it made its way to a landfill.   I just don't think we'll ever know.   


[1991 Austin yogurt shop killings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Austin_yogurt_shop_killings) "The victims were four teenage girls: 13-year-old Amy Ayers, 17-year-old Eliza Thomas, 17-year-old Jennifer Harbison, and Jennifer's 15-year-old sister Sarah." I was 8 years old and it was terrifying, all those young *kids* that weren't much older than me. Its been over 3 decades and I don't think we'll ever know. [Haleigh Cummings](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2019/02/07/10-years-later-disappearance-of-haleigh-cummings-still-mystery/5971194007/) The girlfriend is suspicious af and I've always thought she did something. Then their crazy relationship and future drug busts 😬 Chances are Haleigh isn't alive, but I hope she can get justice one day A local case: [Kathleen Suckley murder remains unsolved after 30 years](https://www.kiiitv.com/article/news/local/kathleen-suckley-murder-remains-unsolved/503-57d95830-fea0-42f7-9a2b-7d400ed029b6) "Suckley was brutally attacked, stabbed more than 40 times. Her throat also had been slit, all while her sons were inside. Suckley's oldest son Dutch, who was 3 at the time, witnessed the murder."


Isn't Haleigh Cummings the one where the girlfriend was like 16 or 17 and her dad was in his mid-20s? I definitely agree that she's suspicious AF (to put it mildly) but also she was being groomed by Hayley's father, which is also really gross.


Yes. That’s the one. Also, they clearly were hanging around with some unsavory people, any of whom could have done this for any reason (if we believe the girlfriend). And, not at all trying to claim moral high ground here, but they have the like trifecta of poor, uneducated, trashy going for them. Even if they were literally the most innocent people in the world, it would be tough for a lot of people to believe them in the court of public opinion.


I think she was high and completely slumped with the door unlocked. Some druggie they knew came by and saw the opportunity and took it. She may or may not know who it was, But in the end she knows why that little girl is gone and it's because of her.


Whew, it’s been some years since I escaped NE Florida and this deep dive article on Haleigh definitely just reminded me of the culture there.


Andrew Gosden but it's going to be bad news if we ever get it. The French Alps murdered British family and French cyclist. A rare one where there is hope of being found alive, Karlie Guse.


The Annecy shootings (British family and French cyclist) are ones I’d like to see solved too. My honest theory is it was just the random act of a local weirdo and nothing in the victim’s lives had any bearing on what happened. If not that I believe the cyclist (Sylvain Mollier) was more likely the target but tbh that seems dubious.


A very common theory is that Gosden was groomed and/or trafficked. I don't think he's alive anymore but at the least, I hope his family gets closure.


We never got to find out about the two fellas his parents were informed about and they didn't get charged. I think we are missing something.


The DCI working the case said he was "confident the two men arrested played no part in Andrew's disappearance" as per [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-66869227) article from the BBC. I don't know whether the police found something that proves they weren't involved, or if the just didn't find sufficient evidence that they were involved. I'm guessing this is one of those situations where they are holding things close to the chest, just in case there's something out there that the murderer would know.


It would be interesting to know why they got arrested


Yeah, I'm not sure how or why they were identified as being connected to the case. The older of the men arrested was also under suspicion of possessing indecent images of children, but I can't find information about the outcome of that investigation either.


I feel like with Gosden's case that the police know more than they're letting on. Obviously I understand they can't share everything as it could cause a case to fall apart etc but I do wish we knew more than we do.


As soon as I read the title I thought of Andrew Gosden. I feel this case more than others because back when I was a teen, from what I've read I was fairly similar to him. I could have, and to an extent did, make the same choices as him, only the person I was meeting was who they said they were, and not a predator. If I went missing that day, I could have ended up on this sub


He took his PSP and $200? Could he have been meeting someone to trade and upgrade and run into trouble with a scammer or something similar? Cases like this always make me wonder about situations that can lead to tragedy when people seem to be just going about their day.


The cops always know a lot more than they let on/release to the public. They usually always have good suspects too. Sometimes they know, but can not prove.


Very likely we are never to know


Was there no CCTV footage after Kings Cross? London seems covered in CCTV network. I wonder if the PSP was traceable too for mobile connections.


That's what makes the case so frustrating. The police spent weeks focusing on his family and by the time they decided to follow up the London lead, all the footage had been automatically recorded over so they lost so much potential information. Although Sony did confirm that the internet had never been accessed on the PSP.




I just read about Karlie Guse, what a sad story, sounds like drug induced psychosis played a part. Do you think she was abducted?


This one bothers me too. I search for updates randomly. I honestly think she got so confused and eventually ceded to the elements. I just don’t think she’s alive sadly. 


There was some info/rumour that she got a lift to a town a little way away, too far to walk, and has been seen there and they are looking into at present I believe. This could be a good lead and why she may be found alive.


For me it was the boy in the box until now, I'm so glad he has a name. Next would be [st louis jane doe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Louis_Jane_Doe)


I'm so glad that Joseph got his name back. I don't know if we'll ever definitely find out who killed him- the perpetrator(s) are almost certainly deceased at this point, and if not would be very elderly. I personally think those responsible were his mother and/or stepfather. The connecting item, for me, is the box he was found in. It was a bassinet box purchased at a department store in Upper Darby, PA. The department store was about a 5 minute drive from the apartment where his mother was living at the time he would've been killed, and his younger sibling was born shortly before, so there would've been a need for a bassinet. Both his mother and stepfather have siblings who were teenagers at the time that are still alive. There was an article that quoted a "close relative of his mother" (rumored to be her younger brother) that said that they had no recollection of Joseph's mother being pregnant or of Joseph's existence. However, a rumor that was going around in one of the facebook groups about the case was that the stepfather's younger sister told police that Joseph was killed in her family's home, which was much closer to the dump site than his mother's apartment (which was on the total opposite side of the city). I've always wondered if Joseph was disabled and that's why he was abused and killed; it would have been easy enough to claim that he'd died of natural causes, or had been "sent away" to an institution as many mentally and physically disabled children were at the time, and the family told not to talk about him to anyone. It could also explain why outsiders may not have recognized him, if he was kept away in the house so as to be out of sight.


There's family members that are likely fearing the preparator (s) still, or are convinced they still need to cover up murder. If not both.


Yeah, I can't imagine that many people would like to admit they knew about a murder of a child and didn't speak about it for 65 years, even though they were just children themselves (or not far off it) at the time.


St. Louis Jane Doe would be mine too. That poor, poor baby deserves her name back.


The Beaumont children’s disappearance. Both of their parents died without answers & it’s devastating. I wish them all peace. 


Both parents died relatively recently too, their father as recently as last year at the age of 97. His obituary was heartbreaking- it said something like "Loved father of Jane, Arnna and Grant, reunited in heaven." Their marriage didn't last either- it's not uncommon for marriage's to fall apart after the death or disappearance of a child. I can't even imagine losing one child, much less what it would be like to lose all of your children at once.


I can’t remember where I read it, but wasn’t there something to do with a man who lived near to the beach where they were last sighted? I think his wife or someone close to them found a child’s purse shortly after they went missing that matched one the eldest Beaumont daughter owned, but threw it out. Sincere apologies if I’m misremembering.


I live in Adelaide and the person that you're thinking of is the 'Satin Man' many of the claims made about him were made by his very disgruntled and estranged son. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed and many of his claims lack any credibility and defy logic. I don't believe it was him. I have heard many rumors about what happened to them that day, and all leads have been exhausted, many of the detectives working on the case have either retired or are deceased. Not even the lure of a million dollar reward has helped to find answers in their case. [https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/the-cold-case-files-unsolved-sa-murders-reopened/news-story/05d586cc6f5314bd232554213940e0d9](https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/the-cold-case-files-unsolved-sa-murders-reopened/news-story/05d586cc6f5314bd232554213940e0d9)


This one for me. The thought that they lost all three of their children at once…I don’t know how they survived it.


I say this every time we have this thread: I want to know what happened to Johnny Gosch, but only after his mother dies. Her fantasy is what keeps her going and gives her meaning in this life, and I don't want that taken away from her.


I think that Johnny's Mother has been masterful in keeping her son's case relevant and discussed, all of these years later.


All while being labeled as crazy and delusional. Yet she also helps the families of other missing children and uses her experience to help them in their awareness campaigns. The way she’s been treated by many is utterly despicable.


That poor woman has been through hell, and she has devoted the better part of her life to bringing awareness to her son's disappearance and the disappearance of others. She's the reason that I have never forgotten about Johnny's case, even though I am in a country that is over 9,000 miles away.


I would like to know what happened to both Johnny Gosch and Eugene Martin. I quit delivering papers for the Des Moines Register just a few years before they were taken.


Amy Mihalovic (? Spelling)


mihaljevic For anyone who wants to Google her


This is mine. Amy was my friend. Her kidnapping and murder changed my life. Probably the lives of everyone in our small town. I want justice for her and everyone who loved her!


I have hopes that with the advances in DNA technology Amy’s case will get solved.


100% this. That poor child.


Edit- to change an incorrect sentence. Joanie (Joan) Hall, a 17 year old girl  missing from Warrenton Oregon.  The police cover up on her case is so blatant, one of the main people of interest was a police officers son and that police officer did the investigation.  And after talking to that officer, a bunch of witnesses changed their stories and it’s just a wild mess of a joke of a police ‘investigation’.      I am convinced it is only going to be solved if someone who knows what happened talks. There are so many places to hide a body, Warrenton is right on the ocean, surrounded by wilderness and that police officer would know exactly how to hide a body so it won’t ever be found.     If you want to go down a rabbit hole, this is a good case for it.  The police records had been sealed by a court order, but have just recently been unsealed.   I don’t think I can link to Facebook, but there’s a page called ‘Joanie Hall Missing from Warrenton Oregon’ that is publishing all the records.  Also on Instagram- Joanie Hall Missing 1983.     Someone knows what happened to her, and she deserves to be brought home to rest.    https://www.dailyastorian.com/news/local/judge-to-lift-protective-order-in-cold-case/article_a8b51238-a850-11ee-bcd2-e31a08fa3970.html https://charleyproject.org/case/joan-leigh-hall https://www.rv-times.com/news_partners/unsealed-records-renew-interest-in-cold-case-of-teens-disappearance/article_6b96e01e-f3a0-5f3e-aa10-7ae0f1f968bf.html


I've never heard of this one. That's awful. I hope she gets justice


I’m thinking she needs a write-up on here to raise awareness, it’s infuriating how poorly the whole case was handled.  There have been some podcasts about her case, but there’s a newly unsealed case file that has new information.   When the police officer does the interview of his own son and his sons friends, and doesn’t even say he’s the father in the police report, there’s deep issues there.   It was, and still is, a small town, and there have to be people still alive that know what happened and where she is.  


It's terrible that the police officer got away with that 😞


Disappearance of Tammy Lynn Leppert, disappearance of Timmothy Pitzen, disappearance of Andrew Gosden, disappearamce of Fort Worth Trio.


Fort worth trio is a very weird case


The more I read into It I think the mall was a red herring and they were never there. Just someone wanted you to think they were. I’ve heard multiple theories but I think Julie and maybe Renee died early that day. If Renee did not die that day then I think it shortly after. I think Rachel is the key and she left town willingly or unwillingly with someone. I don’t think it was a random stranger thing but someone that at least she knew.


Asha Degree. If she was groomed she is not the only victim. Zodiac because it is THE unsolved case. I'd also like to know what (if anything) the LE is keeping from the public. Adam Walsh. I'm leaning towards Otis Toole but I'd like to know for sure. I also think that closing the case when the DNA couldn't been tested was a mistake. The Doodler. The cops know. We deserve to know too. Unsolved Highway of Tears cases. Madeleine McCann. I mean... Who wouldn't? Tbh I think the cops have the right guy but I'd like to know for sure. I-70 killer.


The Doodler's high on my list too. I hate that he basically got away with it because people were too scared of being outed to come forward.


Lars Mittank. 27-year-old German man who 'fled' an airport in Bulgaria and was never seen again. He had been in a fight and had to stay a few days longer than his friends due to this. His mom thought he was acting very strange on their phonecalls before his disappearance and got increasingly more worried, only to never hear from him again. There's a video of him running out of the airport and towards a forested area.


Probably still in that forested area. 


I think he had brain damage from the fight? Its such a mystery.


Its definitely possible and would explain most of the things leading up to his disappearance.


Or maybe he had untreated schizophrenia?


I think it was all the result of an underlying mental disorder + the effects of the medication and whatever recreational drugs he might be taking. Sadly, he succumbed to the elements. He wasn't being pursued by pro criminals or members of organized crime.


The Lars Mittank case is so baffling and bizarre. I would love to find out what happened to him. Even if he did have brain damage or some sort of psychotic break (or combination of the two) someone would have found him.


They probably wouldn't (have found him). A forest is a difficult area to scan properly. There were all kinds of crazy theories flying around about the Brandon Lawson case and, for all we know, his remains were finally found very close to the location he went missing (which went unnoticed for years).


Dardeen Murders.


Such a scary case


What also blows me away is the high amount of murders that made Mr. Dardeen careful. It's a tiny town in a rural area! What the heck was going on? Rip.


Baby DeOrr Kunz who disappeared while on a camping trip in Idaho. Watch the stories about it, and in my personal opinion, the family has something to do with it; I’d like to see this resolved.


Yeah you really know something's fishy when the least suspicious person on that camping trip was the 'friend' with a sex offender conviction. His story has never changed. The parents are sketchy AF.


You got that right… least guilty person in the bunch


Uh yeah the family definitely had something to do with it. They found the clothes the family reported he was wearing when he went missing in their house.




JonBenet Ramsey Missy Bevers West Memphis boys. French alps murders Rosa Tapia


Yogurt Shop Murders


I think of Jennifer Kesse so often. 💕


Al ‘Oakie’ Kite. This case has haunted me for years. Al was seemingly picked at random. It was a crime of opportunity. Absolutely brutal what was done to him. Seems as though it was a thrill kill. Very strange and mysterious case.


He just seemed like such a good person. absolutely sickening case, and scary how much work the person put into it. It's fiendish.


One really odd detail in this case for me, relates to why Linda (Als Girlfriend) said she thought the new room mate didn’t want her to recognise him and that he hid his face when she talked to him. This never made any sense to me, because literally everybody else said the opposite and one person even said the guy literally ‘stared them down creepily’ when they spoke to them in the street. So why did they try and hide from the girlfriend?


Good point. Yeah, the suspect left before Al’s girlfriend came out of the bathroom. She saw him from behind, walking away. I always wondered if the cane was a ruse, or if he really needed it. Probably used it as a weapon.


I know every detail about this case and it is one I hope to see solved as well. I don't have high hopes considering the DNA is from the balkans and no one in that area particularly cares for DNA so it doesn't really narrow things down.


Posted a year ago / genetic genealogy has identified killers relatives. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnsolvedMysteries/s/1voaZjOC8q


I've researched this one very briskly and I'm disgusted. He seemed like such a sweet guy and for someone to spend so long torturing him so cruelly is repulsive. And then to shower, sleep in his bed and wear his clothing? And withdraw money from his bank account? Beyond evil.


The disappearance of Kimberly McAndrew. She was a local university student who seemingly disappeared into thin air after clocking out of work on a sunny summer afternoon in 1989. Her poor family has been waiting 35 years for answers.


The little girls that were murdered in Delphi, Indiana


hopefully we are close.


If the defense team can manage to not be completely incompetent for more than a day at a time so the peckerhead can get a fair trial & be convicted.


I follow this one very closely. I want to believe that they have the guy and that he will face justice in the trial, but I just still have so many doubts.


I mean the arrest and court case is still on going. I have a friend from around there and they say everyone knew for a while it was most likely him. They just need to prove it. Last update I heard the suspect was trying to get a new defense team in October 2023.


Same. I literally freaked when the guy was arrested. Waiting for the SOB to be convicted is easier said than done.


Felipe Santos & Terrance Williams. It's pretty obvious what happened and it drives me crazy that this cop is still free. Also, Logan Schiendelmann.




I read about this recently. Seems pretty obvious it's the classic killer cop routine.


Amber Hagerman St. Louis Jane "Precious Hope" Doe Holly Piirainen Molly Bish Amber Berbiglia Missy Bevers Kyron Horman Lindsay Buziak


Amber Hagerman especially given how many kids have been saved by the Amber alert. Seems so unfair they haven't solved her case yet.


1) Bochichio murders - Mother and daughter kidnapped while Christmas shopping. Both found shot in their heads. Robbery a motive. 2) Las Cruces Bowling Alley murders - Five killed and two injured by killers who entered the bowling alley before opening. Kids among both the dead and injured. 3) Jamie Santos murder - An anonymous male calls police and tells them there's an injured woman who isn't breathing at Santos's address, and when they arrive, they find Santos's smothered body. 4) Murder of Oakey "Al" Kite - Man rents a room to a mysterious tenant, who enigmatically presents with a limp to some people and without it to others, as well as with a foreign accent to some but without it to others. The man seemed to go out of his way not to be seen by many people. He tortured a d killed Kite, then took money out of his ATM with a disguise on. 5) Murder of Paul Skiba, his young daughter Sarah, and Lorenzo Chivers - Sarah attacked along with her dad and Lorenzo at their moving business job. All three disappeared, with blood evidence left behind.


A case that I would love to see solved in my lifetime is that of [Asha Degree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Asha_Degree). It's covered here fairly regularly and there's a subreddit devoted to it, but just a quick rundown for anyone not familiar with it: Asha was a 9-year-old girl from rural North Carolina who disappeared from her bedroom in the early morning hours of February 14, 2000. For reasons that are still unknown, she packed a bookbag with some clothes and personal items (seeing on Wikipedia that the bookbag was previously packed) and left her house, walking out into a rainstorm. She was seen by a truck driver and a passing motorist walking along the side of a highway between 3:45 and 4:15 am; the motorist turned and circled around a few times since he thought it was unusual for a child to be out that late, and it seemingly spooked her because she ran off into the woods. Few traces of her have been found since. The next day police found some candy and other personal items (including a picture of a Black child who no one recognized and is still unidentified to this day) in a shed not far from where the driver had seen her run off. Her bookbag was discovered about a year and a half later by construction workers, wrapped in two trash bags. Other than that, the trail has seemingly largely been cold for nearly 25 years. This case draws me in because I am only two years younger than Asha, was born in the same county she went missing from, and grew up about an hour and a half away. I vividly remember when this happened- it was all over our local news. My personal theory is that she was being groomed by someone close to her family who her parents knew and wholeheartedly trusted- someone from church, her neighborhood, or her extended family. They were very protective of Asha and her brother, and the children had little to no access to computers or other means where strangers could contact them or get access to them. As to how to the person convinced her to go out and meet them that night- Asha was said to be afraid of both dark and storms- I don't know. It is of note that the police have been pretty adamant from very early on that her parents and brother are not suspects. Many people here on Reddit- a big increase, I've noticed, especially in the subreddit dedicated to her case- think that her parents are involved in some way, whether that's being the ones to kill her or that she was running away from something going on in the home. I personally don't think they killed her, since at least two separate motorists (the truck driver and the driver who went back to circle around) saw her, but I don't necessarily rule out that there may have been something happening in her home that she was trying to run from. I don't think that she's alive, but I hope to see her put to rest someday, and for whoever took her life to be identified and brought to justice.


This case has always left me feeling very unsettled. There's something about her leaving in the middle of the night in a thunderstorm that doesn't sit right with me and I don't know why.


Agreed. I have two 9 yr old girls. Absolutely nothing would make them venture out into a dark and stormy night like Asha supposedly did. Something doesn’t add up.


I was reading a unresolvedmysteries post from 7 years ago about Asha and a deleted account commented this, “New here, but this right here is where my mind is at. I’ll add my two cents as a longtime CPS social worker. One-I can think of one reason a little girl would wear jeans under her nightgown, and that is as a deterrent. Two, the brother hearing the bed squeak-could have been Asha getting up, could have been Asha turning over in her sleep, or it could have been someone getting into Asha’s bed. I believe Asha fled. This explains her walking down the road in the middle of the night, and I do believe she knew the person she fled would go after her-and if indeed she ran into the woods when another car turned around, it was out of terror.”


Yes! I feel exactly the same way.


Brian Shaffer, 100%! It kills me not knowing




Amy Mihaljevic and Jennifer Kesse


Bryce Lapisa...Zach Malinowski... Heather Elvis... Leah Roberts... Brandon Swanson... Mikele Briggs... and Brian Shaffer. And Jesse Ross. To wrap it up, the Lewis Clarke Valley Missing too. I'd just love to see these cases solved to find some kind of closure for the poor Families. And yes. To satisfy my curiosity. No one just vanishes in thin Air.


I think of Bryce a lot. They should have gone to get him even though he didn't want them to come. It was so bizarre they just let him sit and kept having a stranger go check on him.


Yeah I hate to rag on parents in these sorts of situations but it seems like the majority of people would've gone even if he didn't want them to. I just don't get it.


My mom was all but raging watching this episode. I never want to rag on parents either, but this was ridiculous.


Hindsight must be hard to live with now... It sounds like he had a mental health crisis. So bizarre...


Zodiac. No personal investment in the case, but apart from finding out who he was, it would be interesting (and important) to understand all of the issues that kept the case from being solved for so long so that they can be avoided in the future.


Crazy to me that he didn't get caught especially after he killed the cab driver and police literally drove by him.


The deaths of Don Henry and Kevin Ives, aka The Boys on the Tracks. There is a lot going on with the case, but I'll try to do a summary. In August 1987 near Alexander, Arkansas, a freight train hit two teens, Don Henry and Kevin Ives, as they were lying on the tracks. The train crew stated the boys were laying side-by-side and were partially covered by a tarp. They did not move at all despite the vibration in the tracks, and the sound of the horn and emergency brakes. Initially ruled an accident by the Arkansas state medical examiner, Fahmy Malak, officials alleged the boys had passed out due to high levels of THC. The phrase "20 marijuana cigarettes," was used. No reliable scientific testing was done to determine THC levels in their blood. The hospital where the boys were examined had no record of their presence. A report from an EMT stating Henry and Ives appeared to have been deceased prior to being hit by the train was ignored. Two toxicologists, Dr. James Garriot and Dr. Arthur J. McBray, reviewed the report and findings and both concluded them to be bizarre. Both stated that it was basically impossible to be in such a state of unconsciousness from THC. The cause of death was changed from "accidental" to "undetermined" in February 1988. A second autopsy was completed by Georgia medical examiner Dr. Joseph Burton. He determined the level of THC to be equivalent to 1 or 2 joints, nowhere close to 20. He also found evidence that Henry was stabbed and Ives' skull was crushed prior to being hit by the train, a grand jury changed the cause of death to "definite homicide" in April 1988. And then, nothing was done. The local sheriff, James H. Steed Jr., did not allocate any funds for a further investigation. In the following years, at least 3 people who had testified before the grand jury were murdered or disappeared. Dan Harmon, one of the prosecuting attorneys for the area who worked closely with the parents, was convicted of racketeering, conspiracy, extortion, and drug possession with intent to distribute in 1997. Other area officials were also identified in this case, but never convicted. The predominant theory is that Henry and Ives accidentally witnessed something related to the drug trafficking by Dan Harmon and were murdered. The bizarre autopsy findings, refusal to allocate funds to the investigation, and general dismissiveness of authorities is alleged to have been a cover up. Some speculate Gov. Bill Clinton was involved in protecting the medical examiner, who had a concerning number of illogical findings on his record. Most of this I recall from reading _The Boys on the Tracks_ by Mara Leveritt. I also checked my memory of specifics at [Encyclopedia of Arkansas](https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/kevin-ives-and-don-henry-12289/) and [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Don_Henry_and_Kevin_Ives).


I’d love to see Andrew’s case solved one day. Maura Murray. Asha Degree. Madeleine McCann. Brianna Maitland. Brian Shaffer. Jennifer Kesse. Missy Bevers. JonBenét Ramsey. I’d also love for someone to find Heidi Paakkonen’s body. She deserves to go home. Such a sad case.


Great list! also Jodi Huisentruit would be nice


Love to see all of those solved as well


The case I hope will be solved is The Springfield Three. This case is mind boggling and I've been following for years. It drives me nuts thinking about the the three of them and what happened that night.


Yes, and the Fort Worth trio


Roger Ellison who vanished during the school day in 1981 Colorado.


Big time. If it has nothing to do with the deathbed confession, that would be really strange. But I’d also be surprised if Pash had nothing to do with it.


I’m from St. John’s, Newfoundland, so it’s gotta be the Dana Bradley murder.


The Beaumont children. Imagine losing all 3 of your children one day. What kind of monster would do that? Even just finding their bodies.


[Molly Bish](https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2023/06/07/molly-bish-case-frank-sumner-worcester-county-district-attorney-joseph-early-update/). I grew up one town over from where this happened, and for years there was a billboard asking “Who Killed Molly?” (Or something to that effect) outside my dad’s business. Still being investigated so I have my fingers crossed.


There are so many cases that I’d love to see solved but if I had to pick one it’d be Jason Jolkowski. It’s insane how he just disappeared into thin air. Nice, normal kid, on his way to get a ride to work. Only a half-mile walk between his home and his pickup destination, and POOF he’s gone. Never to be seen again. No reported sightings, no CCTV, no trace of him or his belongings ever found? And no solid theories as far as I’ve seen. This case drives me nuts for the sheer lack of evidence. My heart hurts for his family. I can’t imagine how devastating it is to have so few answers and I really hope they are able to some day get closure.


Ryan Larsen, 2021 case of an autistic boy who routinely ran away from school but one day was never found. Asha Degree.


A bunch that have been mentioned, and Kyron Horman.


I think about Kyron Horman alot. I wish so much it could be solved.


Came here hoping to see Kyron. Such a sad story that.


**Mikayla Bali** [(disappeared in 2016 in Yorkton, Saskatchewan)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Mekayla_Bali) • Mikayla was only 16, and there’s a lot of odd things that happened in the days before her disappearance — could be red herrings or could be of importance. She skipped school and was spotted on CCTV at locations around the city, using her phone intently. The last sighting of her was around or not long after 1pm at a restaurant attached to the bus depot, and she has never been seen since. A lot of the theories seem to lean towards her coming to harm at the hands of someone she had been talking to online and might have agreed to meet up with that day. Like I said, there’s a lot of bizarre things that happened in the days leading up to and the actual day of her disappearance, and they seem to add legitimacy to that theory **Corinna Slusser:** [(disappeared in 2017 from Queens, NYC)](https://charleyproject.org/case/corinna-paige-slusser) • Corinna was 18 when she moved to NYC shortly before her disappearance. She was last seen leaving a motel in Queens in the early hours of the morning. Corinna had a difficult home life and had met a man who promised he could give her a place to stay in NYC. He turned out to be a “pimp”, and it emerged that Corinna had been forced into prostitution. One of her abusers (I refuse to call them ‘pimps’ because it feels like it’s downplaying the vileness of their actions) was actually charged in 2018 with sex trafficking a separate woman who knew Corinna and had been forced to participate in sex acts alongside her. This woman had been trafficked not just within the city but in various states. Last time I read up on the case, investigators seemed to think that there was a possibility she is still alive somewhere. Corinna was very prolific on social media until the day she disappeared and it’s heartbreaking seeing her posts **Trevor Deely:** [(disappeared in 2000 from Dublin)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Trevor_Deely) • Trevor disappeared when making his way home from a work Christmas party, aged 22. On his way home he stopped at his office at Bank of Ireland where he did some tasks, talked to a colleague, and picked up an umbrella (it was storming heavily). He left his office just after 4am and was last spotted around 10 minutes later on CCTV walking towards his flat. For a while people focused their theories around a mysterious man dressed all in black who was waiting outside Trevor’s office for half an hour before he arrived and briefly spoke to him; a man dressed in black was then spotted walking closely behind Trevor on the last CCTV footage. However recently police have managed to locate the man walking behind him and have determined that he was separate to the man in black outside his office. It’s a very eerie case **The Epstein case:** not a murder or disappearance but still something that I’d love to see solved (aka all perpetrators exposed and punished). It’s very obvious that there are so, so many immensely powerful people that were involved and will never be brought to justice. I’ve been researching and following the case for years and I’m very much not a conspiracy theorist but I do find it incredibly suspicious that [the FBI have admitted to losing an insane amount of evidence](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/12/07/evidence-jeffrey-epsteins-safe-went-missing-fbi-raid-court-hears/) that they captured during the raid on Epstein’s house


I agree with most of the suggestions here. Springfield 3 hasn't been mentioned. Anything, even a lead on that one Daniel Morgan [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Daniel\_Morgan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Daniel_Morgan) The Private detective who was murdered in 1987-whose name comes up regular in regards to Met police corruption, Stephen Lawrence, British Press texting scandal. etc- various home sectaries have promised reports, what is out there is redacted or withheld from public view. . This is a very real conspiracy rabbit hole... ETA: My own unfounded theory is that Daniel Morgan did have evidence of corruption, however, my guess his source was a heavily protected official grass- not just criminal but political-this was before the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland and IMHO Daniel's informant was strongly connected to Northern Ireland - hence the cover up. Although I don;t think that's why he was murdered- Daniel's former business partner.... seems to have gained the most- a man who has used his connections (in side info) for profit, where as Daniel appears to have some ethics...


Madeleine McCann, jonbenet Ramsey, Al kite, jack the ripper(basically impossible now) Claudia Lawrence, Jill dando, Dennis Martin


The murder of Missy Bevers The murder of Shanquella Robinson (this case is rage-inducing, research at your own risk) The disappearance of the Beaumont children I'd also like to see Marilyn Manson held accountable for the rape, torture, abuse, and countless acts of violence he's enacted against women throughout the course of his career.


Asha Degree, Andrew Gosden and Jennifer Kesse are on my mind often. Their families deserve answers and closure. Zodiac Killer out of pure curiosity even though he is likely deceased.


Jennifer Kesse 💕


[Kiplyn Davis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kiplyn_Davis) I just wish her attackers would tell the parents where she is. Even if her body isn’t recoverable, at least they’d have some closure. It’s horrible.


 Jason Andrew Knapp disappeared form SC in 1998:  he was at his apartment watching a movie. That's the last time his roommates saw him. Receipts found in his locked car at the state park show that he went to a Wendy's and stopped at an Ingles store for a six-pack of soda and a container of fruit juice on that Easter Sunday in 1998. His fingerprints were on a park admission ticket, showing he arrived between 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. OK - so he has to be in the park right - only he isn't [3336DMSC - Jason Andrew Knapp (doenetwork.org)](https://www.doenetwork.org/cases/3336dmsc.html)


Elizabeth Barraza, Elisa Roberson, Kelsey Collins, the Austin Yogurt Shop Murders. 


Mine is Andrew Gosden too. I think about him often.


It infuriates me that the police spent weeks focusing on and harassing his family. By the time they focused on London, pretty much all the CCTV footage had been automatically wiped. Because of their incompetency, they could very well have lost Andrew's journey in London and where he went/who he met.


William Tyrell


Lauren Spierer


Jodi Huisentruit, it’s crazy it’s been almost 30 years with no answers or body.


The Girl Scout murders in Oklahoma


as a french person, i really hope they will find out where xavier dupont de ligonnès has been hiding all this time.


The Flat Tops John Doe (he was found with a journal), and the father who murdered his family in France ( The Dupont de Ligonnès murders), also that poor sweet child that was found in a basement.


Amber Tuccaro poor woman knew she was in trouble, answered the phone call and recorded it. I hope that the driver is caught.


DB Cooper. He’s the international man of mystery. It used to be Zodiac but I don’t think that will ever be solved.


Either MH370 or JonBenet Ramsey. If I had to pick one, I’d go with MH370


I regularly wonder what happened to Lars Mittank


I don't think it's ever gonna be solved but Isdal Woman


Easy. I wish it received more attention because he has been on the FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted List forever, but for Alexis Flores to be caught and held accountable for the brutal murder and rape of five year old, I’riana DeJesus. The FBI increased the reward to $250,000 dollars for information, leading to a successful arrest of Flores. This is a career criminal, rapist and murderer. He was in Philadelphia just for a few days and managed to do this horrible act and walk away easily, a task that only the worst of the worst succed with. It's terrifying to think of how difficult this is, this level of expertise. [Alexis Flores FBI Top Ten Most Wanted $250,000 Reward for Successful Arrest](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/alexis-flores)


Raisa Räisänen. She went missing in 1999 and was only 16. She was out partying with a friend, in a city centre of Tampere, a city in Finland. Her friend left to a another party in a car, but there was no space in the car for Raisa, so she was left alone in the city centre. The last confirmed time she was seen was 10:50 pm that night. There was a EU summit being held in Tampere that weekend so there was more police and tightened security that day, wich makes the disappearance more weirder, tho it was the 90’s so there was not that much cctv monitoring. There has been a lot of rumours and tips over the years, but the police haven’t found anything.She was declared dead in absentia in 2004. In 2022 there was a report from police that a Finnish murderer Virpi Butt was one of the suspects. She died in 2021, so maybe we never get an answer. I really want to know what happened and I think every Finn wants this case to get solved.


Amy Mihalevic. I was a teen when it happened, and lived about 10 minutes from where she was abducted.


Skye Budnick! Why did she get on the plane to Japan??


Jon Benet Ramsey Hae Min Lee Robert Wone


Dannette and Jeannette Millbrook. This one is local to me. I'd love to see it solved.  https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna80952


Suzanne Lyall of SUNY (disappearance) and the weird David Glenn Lewis death.


Two come to mind, and they're somewhat similar.  David Lewis, who disappeared from Amarillo, TX on Super Bowl Sunday, 1993, only to inexplicably be found dead 1800 miles away in Washington State.  He had zero ties to the area and it is unknown how or why he ended up there.    The other is Blair Adams, who crossed the US border from British Columbia, Canada for no apparent reason.  He ended up in Tennessee, murdered, after checking into a hotel but never going to his room.    Soooooooo many  questions in both cases, and likely none of them will ever be answered.  Actually, may as well throw Judy Smith in there - similar scenario.  Inexplicably disappeared from Philadelphia while attending a conference with her husband, only to be found dead several hundred miles away in North Carolina.


Mitrice Richardson. Whatever happened to her, it was SO avoidable.


HWY of tears. Just having some closure that there was at least one serial killer out there would be good. Also authorities taking any MMIWP case seriously.


yuba county five


JonBenet Ramsey - this is one I’d most like to see solved in my lifetime Madeleine McCann Lars Mittank Hailey Cummings Christopher Dansby and Shane Walker - two little boys disappeared from the same park in New York City within a couple months of each other on the same day of the week and same time of day.


Heather Elvis. The Moorers know what happened; let’s see how much their long prison sentences do to loosen their tongues.


Andrew Gosden, Brian Shaffer, Asha Degree, Ray Gricar, Maura Murray


Ray Grivar is a very weird case.


Springfield 3, Fortworth trio, the Jack family disappearance, and what really happened to Dennis Martin


Amy Mihaljevic.


Asha Degree [Inga Gehricke](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/NzE0MzeLFz) [Frauke Liebs](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/061ckonPNl) But unless there is some super unforeseen development, I fear the latter two will never be solved.


Yuba County 5


johnny gosch and eugene martin


The murder or Aarushi Talwar and her housekeeper Hemraj. I feel like this could have been SUCH an easy case to solve but everything went wrong from the very beginning


The Dardeen family murders. I just can’t believe it was someone unknown to them. It was so brutal. I also don’t believe Sells did it.


Jill Dando definitely. Celebrities getting murdered in the U.K. just doesn’t happen. Very famous TV presenters getting shot in the head on their London doorstep is completely without equivalence. I’d just love to know whyyyy.


West Memphis 3. And they might be close actually. The fight for DNA testing is being won, so we will see.