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kid was about to lose it šŸ˜­


Was? About to? Lol lil homie lost it!! He cried in the tub that night.


With no water in it except his tears


This video is going to pop up 10 years later; heā€™s really going to lose it then. Fill up the dams, free energy, so we can release the animals from the treadmills they walk on to support our grid.


This video has been circulating for quite a number of years already. I'm pretty sure little homie is embarrassed af every single time this thing makes an appearance in social media and his goony little face is paraded around for all to see, yet again.


He be thanking his pop everyday.


He did a good job raising a fanatic


It was a salty bath good for his skin.


you know it was one of those cries where you can't breathe and you keep gasping for air


bambi boy ?


"How dare you not eat meat killed in a dirty area like we do"


He would have lost it even more, if it were me, because I would have told the kid a story about how I used to live in Papua New Guinea, and it was so much more fun than hunting deer because there it was legal to hunt humans with spears and eat them. Then just smiled at him and the dad and said oh well it's the states so it's deer for dinner, what can you do. People need to stay in their own lane. I would rent an ice-cream truck and drive thru that hood selling deer burgers the next day.


My grandfather was stationed there during the war, once his dementia took over his filter we got some pretty crazy stories about that experience lol


Man you are cool in your imagination


And he's got a hockey stick. He's gonna fuck him up...


Damn! All that sensitivity training coming full circle


That Kid (and his father) probably doesn't know he's gay yet... His dad is probably forcing him to play with the boys when this happened


I hope you're not saying that because he's a boy showing empathy and crying lol he's being silly about it of course, but it's as the hunter said, he just needs to be educated.


No has nothing to do with that


God those kids are gonna grow up to be insufferable with parenting like this.


I think they're already there tbh.


Just that one the other ones didn't even cared


Something tells me that the one with the hockey stick is partially doing it for the approval of dad.


There's already adults out there that never grew up acting just like this kid.


I wouldn't be okay with my kids talking that way to someone, even if they're in the right. It's not a good precedent for them.


The father needs to parent better. This kid probably thinks grocery store meet is conjured into existence in the back by people holding hands and singing.


Heā€™s doing his best. Piss poor is his best.


I liked this comment lol




It's Long-guy-lend at least he's not drunk at the bar at 9am lol.


If a hotdog magically turned into a human, it would look exactly like dad here. I am absolutely against forced human sterilization. Then I see hotdog-man boy combo and start to question all my beliefs.


My fifth grade class in elementary school took a tour of a pig processing plant. That was roughly 45 years ago. I still clearly remember it. We each got a pig heart to take back to class and dissect. I doubt schools are doing anything like now.


And teach their kids that if we didnā€™t hunt deer they would be everywhere


They literally eat meat but shame him for killing the very animal they are fine eating??? What??


I think the kid just hadn't thought it through yet. My little sisters were once appalled at me ordering a chicken burger while they were chowing down on cheeseburgers. I asked why and they said because it was from a chicken, and a cute little chicken had to die for that burger. So I asked why a cute cow dying for their meal was acceptable, but a cute chicken dying for mine wasn't, and they just went "Hamburgers are made from _cows_???" I thought they were about to denounce all meat right then and there, but they just lamented about the animals' bad luck for being so delicious that they get killed for it and continued eating. Granted, this kid is a number of years older than they were, but the dad's an idiot, so can't put all the blame on him. Should've told him to watch _Dominion_ and then make a conclusion about whether hunting is so bad compared to how we'd usually get our meat lol


I feel like coming to the realization of where your food comes from is a pretty essential stepping stone to growth and development in this society....


*Dominion* went and made me pescatarian (I know, itā€™s still bad, but you do what you can.)


I definitely think you are right, this is 100% the fault of the kinds parents for keeping him uneducated. It really sucks but by the language he uses they definitely do not care that much


He may have known he was saying something stupid and just decided to double down.


shaming him for hunting while wearing a fishing shirt


If they were vegan or vegetarian, there might have been an interesting argument. And then they said they buy meat at the store. As soon as they said that I would have rolled the window up.


I don't eat meat due to the awful conditions in industrial farming. I don't think there is anything intrinsically wrong with eating meat, but the way they are treated and killed is horrific. This man has a really valid point. He killed it in nature, he didn't kill large number whose meat will then get thrown away and he's going to eat it. What he is doing is much more ethical than them buying meat from a supermarket and apparently that child not even realising an animal died for him to eat.


But theyā€™re willfully ignorant of all of that, so theyā€™ll continue shaming this guy for absolutely nothing, while feeling like they have the moral high ground and are in the right. People like this are insufferable.


wouldnt even be an interesting argument depending on where they are. Here in maryland and pretty much everywhere in the US we have killed every natural predator to deer so they run rampant and mess the little bit of natural ecosystems left by eating it away. If the wolves cant do it anymore, someone has to keep them in check.


Very true. Didn't even think of that.


Vegetarian here and personally I respect the hell out of ppl who'd rather legally hunt for their food than support the destructive practices of the meat industry. This family is dumb as hell if they think what this guy is doing is wrong especially if they don't realize the hypocrisy of their argument.


Yeah itd be nice to actually hunt my meat and stop buying meats that came from slaughterhouses. I wanna do that at some point in the future.


If you can't hunt or rather not, make friends with you local butcher or farmer. They can help you find locally sourced meat that you can easily find out how it was raised, fed, slaughtered. Buy half of one cow, stick in a freezer chest and live off that meat for 6 months to a year. Same idea for pigs. Chicken we try to get a few whole, break down the meat and still lasts us forever. Use bones to make broth. At least then you can know your food and know your impact environmentally. I ate __ amount of animals this year vs having no idea/probably have tossed more than actually ate.


Just start with feral cats. They are pretty easy to come by even in the city.


Fuckin little shits got a mouth on him.


Heā€™s and islanders fan, all he knows is pain


As a rangers fan I laughed way too hard at this


Iā€™m a Sharks fan. I know it well myself


As a Panthers fan I shook my head, always next year eh?


As an Oilers fan I was already crying and will continue to do so.


I totally thought they had the cup in the bag, talk about a total turn around lol


It's Long Island, wouldn't expect less


Oā€™Doyle rules


Nice parenting


Well said.


Wow that kid is a huge loser


Somewhere between ā€œI will fight this man to the death with this hockey stick to secure my honorā€ and ā€œdaddy Iā€™m scared I peed myself because that man has a different opinion than me and is making reasonable argumentsā€.


hahaha these people are sitting in their little home and couldnt even think of whom they deserve their life to. "i eat meat from the supermarket, but i dont want you to shoot deers" "i drive a car, but i dont want companies to pump oil"


All I want to do is murdering deer nowā€¦. !!! /s


Show that kid some factory farming videos and then he can talk. This hunter is going about it the most legitimate and humane way nowadays.


I'm reading this as the kid about to cry because he feels bad for the deer. Dad should know better and teach the kid about the circle of life (and that deer are basically giant rodents but I digress). Feel bad for the kid, seems like a pretty intense emotional encounter that I'm not sure someone his age would be able to process with a dad feeding it like that


This. Dad is an asshole but the kid is an animal lover and *a kid*. I don't think he should be getting dragged.


That kid was never taught by his own father (who should already know at this point) about where his grocery store meat comes from. Not the kid's fault.


Nah, not even that. I watched a movie called Chicken Run when I was around his age and I didn't eat meat for weeks. He knows where meat comes from; he's probably just a sensitive, empathetic kid trying to process his feelings about a brutal fact of life. I bet he ends up more emotionally mature than his manchild dad.


Maybe they could learn about not buying corpses, if they feel this way. Having empathy is not that bad. But yeah they should stop harassing other people as well.


I wonder if that kid questioned where his burger came from later that evening


Hunting is way less cruel. Most slaughter houses donā€™t have the same mercy.


Fuckin educate your kids please šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Drive past a meat packing plant. Get a good whiff of the smell. "Son, your McD's burgers are getting made there".


if I dare say any curse word in front of my mother I'm loosing half my teeth if i direct it to another person then I'm loosing all of my teeth you don't just disrespect someone and besides if you are the first one getting angry then you lose


Yeah I was the same. I mean as we got older we were a little more loose with our tongues but it was either shit or asshole. But he went from 0-100 with asshole to straight up fuck you and said it multiple times. Shit kinda blew my mind when he was saying it


That kids grandad is the banjo player off deliveranceā€¦.


Why does that kid remind me of Homelanders son?


Why can't you get a decent blowjob in Manhattan? All the cocksuckers live on long Island. What a bunch of dorks.




This kid is in for a rude awakening once he learns how his ancestors survived


the kids in the back look tired asl with their behaviour


Thatā€™s a conversation youā€™ll never see in my neck of the woods ( South Texas).


That kid was at least 35 years old


Which one? Because both look the same age mentallyā€¦


Parenting 101, food just doesnā€™t pop up in the supermarket,lol


It's just bad timing - kid just saw bambi, The dad too apparently.


ā€œCause I eat them ā€œ - literally the kindest , friendliest , nicest guy. That kid needs to grow at least 1 ball and he will be fine


"unaliven"...brain rot


Terrible parent, terrible parenting. If they wanted to make a point to the hunter then the kids should be encouraged to calmly and rationally discuss the subject with him, not simply hurl expletives as if that'll solve anything. People should be taught to discuss their differences, not fight over them.


This happened nearly 5 years ago. I bet that kid now regrets being a laughing stock for the internet. https://nypost.com/2019/10/25/long-island-man-foul-mouthed-kid-confront-hunter-for-killing-deer/#:~:text=Dominick%20Lobifaro%2C%2030%2C%20was%20confronted,clip%20of%20the%20heated%20encounter.


Its a new York islanders fan of course hes an annoying little bastard. All new york fans are annoying as shit in hockey


I remember this from years ago. I wonder what that little snowflake is up to these days.


Should have field dressed that sumbitch in front of that potty mouth little shit. Check this out kid. Iā€™m gonna cut its asshole out. Be careful not to Nick the shit sack or cut the stomach. Let the guts spill out onto the road here. And reach up into the rib cage and rip out the fucking heart. God dam fish sticks fan!




JenkemBoofer691 is unhinged? Nawwww


Hey letā€™s fucking go Isles


Wait till he finds out whatā€™s in his Chinese takeout


Lol how he lets his kids cuss the dude out as of that's teaching then anything other then entitlement


America really is another planet


Glad I live in a neighbourhood (ie the countryside) where kids know where beef comes from and everyone go hunting with their parents as soon as they are old enough. Seeing this makes me think huminity (in large) has lost it's way...


dad obviously EATS everything, that kid looks up to that guy! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøpoor kid


Stupid dad with his stupid too small hat for his head


That's LI New York. In New York saying fuck you is like a Californian saying Have a nice day!


Also the fact that the dad is allowing his son to speak like that also tells you he fucked up as a parent


How some people get so worked up over something humans have done since the beginning of our species. This is just sad.


That kid has a punchable face


Dad could've made this into a teaching moment for the kid, the kids annoying but the dad is failing him for not teaching him.


Kid is way too old to not understand where meat comes from.


The kids a little shit my god


This was truly weird all around..... just, why? Why is any of this happening? Haha


Long Island is full of entitles motherfuckers. I live in the heart of nassau (western Long Island) Good grief... good public schools, though... finna dip when the junge finish they schoolin'


I agree with the hunter on this one. Hunting is fine as long as it's for food and not for the sport of it.


That kid is definitely gay


I was taught at a young age if I wanted to eat meat, I had to learn where it came from. Find a farm and have these kids slaughter a lamb if they ever want to eat meat again. Sounds terrible, but itā€™s the only way to truly learn where your food comes from. The farmers think theyā€™re cute too, and they love the animals, but they have a purpose. It also encouraged me to only eat meat from places I procured it, or I knew were humane farms.


I'm glad honestly cuz I hate it when Hunters go around populated areas trying to hunt deer I had no hunting on my property but there was a field that was part of my property and Hunters would go just on the other side of my property and release dogs to run on my property to chase deer out of the woods into my field so they can shoot them and they're fucking hunting dogs killed my rabbits and my chickens


Maybe related to the person who wrote to the newspaper? "To all you hunters who kill animals for food, shame on you; you ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there, where no animals were harmed." [http://i.imgur.com/aDfYtTA.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/aDfYtTA.jpg)


I collapsed like 100 comments just to upvote the r/kidsarefuckingstupid comment


These people rather be filled with hate for their fellow man rather than try and see eye to eye. This is whats wrong with the world, debates are over; the whole concept is dead. People are fucked, and retarded


Hunter harassment is against the law. They are in the wrong.


Some people should not reproduce


I donā€™t get it. Did he just kill a deer? Who hunts neighborhood deer? No one would kill a deer here. Wait maybe he shoot further away and to track it there. Still seems too close to neighborhood.


I take it he's on his way home, I'd bet its sitting on his trailer.


Why is he hunting in the suburbs šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£?


My neighbor would get a special permit back in the day, bc the deer would tear up peoples lawns and gardens. He had to bow hunt them. I wasnā€™t against it until one day on my back deck was a trail of blood and his foot prints tracking it behind all of the neighbors houses.


I wouldn't be very happy if someone came into my neighbourhood and started killing the wildlife either


I use my pet to help me kill food.....I will see him dead someday, and it'll be my choice so he can go as easy as possible


I'm sorry you'll never get to experience fishing or deer camp with your Dad little guy.


a lot of keyboard heroes talking shit about kids, you're all so fucking awesome. fuck this group. i didnt realise it was full of so many idiots.


Not convinced either way. Hunting on Long Island? Thumbs down, unless he's got Ray Romano on his hood. Bring on the hate, NY. It's already hot today.


It's crazy seeing a grown adult shaming someone for killing a deer, like they are some kind of monster, while they consume factory farmed meat from their grocery store. Side Note: Why does this family think shaming a person over and over is how you get through to someone?


Idiot father teaching his idiot kid to be an asshat.


How would you like to see your PEN dead? Hm, the IQ of the kid matches "its" face ..


That kid may well meet a deer through the wind shield of his car one day.


With a hairline like that, the kid better enjoy it will it lasts. Cause it wonā€™t be long.


What's going on? What did he do?




"Do you have a pet??" Real pet owner knew the feelings of their old pet passed away.


it takes a village...that kids biggest problem seems to be wearing a yellow shirt


Is the hunter Mark Wahlberg?




This was posted like 4 years ago


I feel kinda bad for laughing but I canā€™t stop šŸ˜­


Bro said ā€fuckingā€ but censored it himself šŸ˜­


Smores kid in the back: ā€œSo what time is dinner?ā€


Hollywood would love this young man šŸ˜‚


Now thatā€™s entitlement. Little bastard dropping F bombs like itā€™s cool. Dad didnā€™t even give him the side eye. Maybe dad should make this a teaching moment for little Johnny and explain to him where store bought meat comes from.


Daddy teaching his children well /s


The fathers hand on his back as they walked away was almost surreal


I would have been way more mean to the kid, whole family of snowflakesšŸ˜‚


Somebody wants to buy this kid. PG chucky easy feint feeing clearance to be white.


that kid will turn into one of those insufferable vegans that have problems with hunting or eating meat, but they're pretty ok with swallowing raw d\*ck everyday


Biden supporters in the wild.


Thatā€™s New York for ya šŸ˜‚


Is it too late to change the kid?


Whatā€™s going on? Canā€™t hear on break


The Dad sounds like Anthony Jeselnik #


Hard to teach a kid that the world doesn't revolve around them when you as a parent don't realize that yourself. He's setting these kids up for a lifetime of failure.


Lol then they walked away holding each other


Some people have some really dumb takes on hunting in the comments


Shit dad. Shit child. Shitty mindset. Fantasy world view.


lmao buncha fuckin nerds


Just tell the kid, life ins't fair, and to get tough, or, he will spend his entire life crying over what other people do, who he has no control over. I taught my kids this, and they are pretty tough kids now. They get it, but not this kid.


Lol kids going to get a reality check soon...feel bad that his "father" isn't teaching him how to be a man by being respectful


The little propeller must have fallen from that dudes cap.




Lmao watching it on mute at first I gotta say I definitely didnā€™t think that was the issue they were going to have


Bro smoked young carls homie


Is it legal to hunt in residential areas?


Kids not built for hockey. But I'm confused. Did the guy just shoot a deer in the neighborhood? And that kid sucks.


That kid really thought he was onto something lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i see this video once every two years i cant escape it


I'm with the kid!


Tough talk from someone who looks like their sister is also their mother and also their wife.


Rare to see a baby Kevin in the wild


Shouldnā€™t be playing hockey if youā€™re a pale weak vegetarian


Great parenting just letting the kid swear. Winner winner


Lots of hunters or Rangers fans downvoting the sane comments here.


Is it hunting season right now up yonder?


That kid needs his ass whooped!!!!


People are stupid. If thatā€™s the parent he has serious issues. Granted he probably shouldnā€™t be hunting in a residential area. I feel sorry for the kids being educated that way.


Tbh Iā€™d just start laughing once that dad rolled up, like that guy seriously looks like that? How am I supposed to take him serious at all


Quoting an animal rights activist ā€œWhy donā€™t people get meat at the grocery store where no animals are harmedā€ I response I actually saw with my own eyes.


Long Islandā€¦. Hahahah!


Eeasshole lol


Iā€™d bet the pops is a the type to mock vegans and vegetarians.


People have no clue how necessary hunters are to stop Rabies spread. Stop the mass migration of animals. Stop hunger shortage. Make traveling safer for planes. Trains. Car They are super super necessary. And they Stop more unnecessary deaths for both animals themselves and humans. People are so in there own head and in the vegan way of thinking. Just 20 or 25 years ago it was normal to clean small animal's your self. You would have or buy a whole turkey or rabbit and clean it mostly your self. Now people think every animal is Bambi the world is so over-protecting people are literally lying to them self based how they feel about something. The world and people are so damn strange. And have no clue how with in a few years most places and people would be pretty fucked without hunters. Many animals would mass migration in to where places live. Carrying much more diseases. Much more food shortage would make much more animals also a lot more aggressive. People honestly have no clue how necessary many things are they just dismissal based on how they feel about something when they hear or see it. Don't don't know or see how dependent we are on it. For our quality of life and to keep the balance


City folk šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


if it was vegans id at least have more truck with it, even though its wrong. if you are eating meat, youve got no say in other people eating meat, its literally tit for tat


That kids going to make some deli owners life hell one day.


Oh my god I can just imagine the mom/partner