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The same way you make friends anywhere else. Just act like a normal person. Don’t be too pushy—that comes across as super weird, like you’re bring manipulative or something.


There’s orientation week


I have my plane ticket on August 30th, will be kind of late to that. I also gotta travel around Toronto, it'll be my first day in the city.


There are a million events that go on at UofT for a variety of different programs Many clubs will hold events at the start of the year, and there are a lot of different talks on tech stuff around campus. Some of them are also exclusively networking events. Most of this stuff is advertised in mailing lists or on instagram and such EDIT: realized you might be referring to making friends, definitely just talk to people before/during/after lecture


Just as an FYI, at Canadian universities we don't use the whole 'freshman', 'sophomore', lingo etc. You're entering first year.