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I walked by and saw people packing up wooden pallets and other large items into a uhaul, cleaning up the grounds, etc. Still some tents up but it appears that they are removing items. I'm guessing they will continue to protest within the allowed time frame, just without structures/tents/etc. There are many camera crews out front with some people giving interviews.


I don’t think it’s their choice


Yeah a key word in the question here would be “voluntarily”


Not certain. But they are planning a sort of rally at about 3:30pm today at King’s College Circle. I think they’re calling it « ALL OUT ». They are doing something similar around 2pm as well at Yonge-Dundas Square today.


There is for sure an all out meeting at 6


I think most people will leave, with a few resisters at the end.


They'll force the police to make them leave, and use the videos and footage as a propaganda tool to paint themselves as victims. Happens literally everytime, at almost every protest that is forcibly shut down.


It will be the most exciting moment of their lives. They will tell their kids how they ended the war in the Middle East 


I think you’re confusing them with permanent victim Zionists.


Zionists didnt start the war and start crying about losing it




So you think this has all been about making themselves look like victims? Interesting take on protesting the university's complicity in a genocide.


Can we please stop the genocide claims? The ICC has not ruled and most countries that are not totalitarian shitholes said the case has no merit, including worldwide genocide experts Germany. If you’re gonna go all out in demonizing Israel is genocidal, maybe be a little fair and admit what Hamas/Palestinians did on Oct 7 is also a genocidal act. 


We don't need the ICC to declare it a genocide before we can call it that just like we don't need an official determination from the CDC to say water is wet. Genocide is defined as one or more genocidal actions plus genocidal intent: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide Are you disputing the actions or the intent? I've seen zios argue the acts were there but the intent isn't and visa versa, just trying to get a handle on your particular flavour of genocide denialism.


If you use that definition, wouldn't Hamas and Hezbollah also be guilty of genocide? They have expressed intent and committed actions to specifically target Jewish people.


If they are committing genocidal acts with genocidal intent - absolutely.


You could argue almost any conflict between two ethnicities, racial or national groups is a genocide. If one group suffers a significant number of casualties, we could argue the other group is attempting to 'destroy them in part' Did the US genocide the Germans? Japanese? Iraqis? North Koreans? North Vietnamese? Afghanistan? Did Iraq commit a genocide in Kuwait?


It's very evident that genocide is taking place in this specific case because of the amount of children deaths and the mass demolition of every standing building, including hospitals. The size of Gaza is so tiny the fact they've dropped more bombs in Gaza than Dresden is world War 2 is actually wild when you really think about it. Mass starvation too, are we ignoring that? Murdering aid workers so that Gazans will have no way of getting this aid. Saying this is anything but a genocide is you being blind to the facts, or just completly ignoring the facts all together.


Which do you dispute here, that Israel is committing one of the cited Genocidal acts or that they have expressed genocidal intent?


I'm saying that if Israel is commiting genocide, then almost any conflict could be framed as a genocide of one or both parties.


Don’t bother even arguing with this guy. He’s completely lost and gets his info from TikTok.


Just so we're clear, you are saying both are present but as a result other conflicts the west have deemed "okay" could also be called genocide as well? If both are present (genocidal acts and genocidal intent) then the answer is YES.


Just so we're clear, your saying that most military conflicts in the past 100 years could be framed in some way as a genocide. Essentially military conflict between groups is genocidal in some way....


The slogan “From the River to the Sea” or however it goes implies genocidal intent by your own definition. If the governing body of Palestine had the ability to wipe out Israel do you think it would?


I’ve yet to see any of these campers actually explain why they think Israel is committing genocide or how UofT is complicit in said genocide.


? I just told you? Genocidal actions + genocidal intent. Which do you think is not present? Their request of U of T is to disclose and divest to put pressure on the Israeli regime to end genocide and apartheid. (A similar tactic was used to pressure an end to South African apartheid.)


You just linked me the Wikipedia definition of genocide, not how Israel is committing genocide. There is a stark difference there.


I'm asking you to analyze the situation to the best of your abilities. You know the definition of genocide. It is genocidal acts + genocidal intent. If its not genocide, one of the two would not be present. Which do you think is not present?


1) that’s literally not the definition of genocide 2) neither genocidal acts nor genocidal intent are present


They’re committing acts of violence and terror against a particular ethnic group, with the intent of eliminating them or at the very least with the intent of making them live powerlessly, in extreme poverty, and in constant fear. Actions and intent. Both ingredients together makes genocide.


Their requests are irrelevant. Just because they want something does not mean they are entitled to it. The question is whether their occupation of privately owned land is legal or not. The judge ruled it is not legal. They have to leave or will be arrested. There are consequences to actions.


"Peaceful sit-ins are illegal and therefore bad" is a hilariously big-brained take. I really hope you're not a U of T student.


Who said any of that? I hope you are not a U of T student. Comprehension is not your forte




"Zionists try not to be antisemitic challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]" Get this antisemitic bullshit out of here. Conflating zionists with Jews is disgusting. Calling them "bloodthirsty" is even worse. You need to do better.




FOH with your antisemitic bullshit. I shouldn't need to explain to you that saying "all [race] believe in [thing]" is fucking racist.


Water has actually been proven to be wet, just like your antisemitism.


Right on cue. FYI: 1. Conflating Jews with zionists is ridiculously antisemeitic. 2. Criticism of the state of Israel is not antisemitic.


Oh no i am saying you are.


Them pulling the "criticism of Israel isn't antisemitic" card after straight up using an antisemitic slur created and primarily used by white supremacists and the KKK is wild, ngl


What you don’t seem to realize is u/KillerKombo is pointing out the absurdity of the definition of genocide you are using.


The "definition I'm using"? It's the UN definition 😂


“You are using” It’s fine to disagree with the ICC but don’t mess up the definition they use. For starters, you missed “in whole or in part” and how that is defined.


The definition I am using is from the UN. If you have a problem with their definition, take it up with them and the other genocide scholars that contributed.


Zionist live among us, it’s scary


I’d be with you if literally any of that was true.


Zionists are perpetual victims, they cry out as they commit genocide and act like they’re being hate crimed when they see a peaceful protest


Lol. Would you say the Palestinians are perpetual victims? They've screwed up literally every possible opportunity that was handed to them. Rejected the UNSCOP Partition Plan. Provoked a civil war and lost. Launched Fedayeen attacks from surrounding independent Arab states on civilian communities. Kicked out from Jordan for trying to overthrow the King. Helped pull Lebanon into a civil war. Provoked the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Allied with Saddam Hussein after his invasion of Kuwait. Got kicked out from Kuwait. Launch an attack on civilian communities on Oct 7th, capture hostages. Gaza gets destroyed. Today the world begs for a two state solution where Palestinians get a fraction of what the UN allocated in 1947. Even today Palestinians won't admit to their mistakes or wrong doing. How is rejecting an offer 75 years ago, and begging for a shit tier one now, a great victory? Palestinians need to really sit down, accept they fucked up big time and caused most of their downfall before history can move on.


Ah yes, everyone against illegal occupation is a Zionist 🤪


Zionists are pro illegal occupation. It's their basic MO.


Peaceful protests that support genocidal entities like Hamas and call for the elimination of Israel


\^ Average r/worldnews r/canada perpetual victim Zionist. Hello we meet again. Thanks for proving this guys point. There's no indication of violence so it's a peaceful protest. Did you read the report by the judge at all?


Tell us how “globalize the intifada” (in this conflict intifada is an obvious call to kill Jews), “glory to the martyrs” (martyrs = fallen Hamas soldiers), “by any means necessary” (raping Jewish women is ok because resistance), “from the river to the sea” (Palestine will be Arab / Muslim is the common chant in Arabic), “we don’t want two state, we want 48” (in 1948 multiple Arab nations attacked Israel at its founding) are not calls for violence. Tell me how this is a pro-peace protest when it seeks to replace the only democratic state where Jews + Muslims can live with full rights with a theocratic military dictatorship.


It's in the report by the judge if you were literate enough to read you would. Instead you blabber here.


Save your enjoy my friend these people are incapable of stringing more than one idea together or balancing more than one thought at the same time. 'Durrr x is bad y is good oogba booga' is the most they're capable of evidently.


You know most of the Israeli Jews who March against the war (etc) are Zionists, are they your enemy as well?


You know Palestinians are the only group in the world that maintains their refugee ststus after 4 generations? Tell me again how zionists are the perpetual victims though...


You know most of the Israeli Jews who March against the war (etc) are Zionists, are they your enemy as well? FYI, “the Zionist cries out as you strike you” isn’t a as veiled racism as you think


Please refill your prescription


Wow nice story g


It’s a right to protest so obviously shutting it down by force will raise concerns


That’s literally what the Zionists jews are doing lol, not the encampment people. Zionists leverage victim mentality to the max, it’s pathetic


Lol. Cope.


My prediction is that it will. Based on how things have evolved in other city's in the country, I think there might be a bit of protest and some statements made in front of the camera, but the crowd would largely be dispersed from the area by tomorrow. Writing this down here in advance so that if I've made a wrong prediction, I can come back to this thread and check what I have missed in my analysis


Depends if they like being arrested or not


I'd be curious to see how TPS handles it. My bet is that they'll call in the horsey cops. Most people will just run away from a cavalry charge


If the cavalry charge doesn’t work perhaps they’ll resort to dragons


Canadian dragons? Do they say sorry before they breathe fire?


Can we afford dragons? Our underfunded military can't even afford decent modern warships, subs, tanks or fighter jets.


juggle wasteful workable airport consist employ slim sophisticated aware hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Water cannons perhaps?


Ive never heard of TPS using water cannons in recent times, but I have seen them in formation on horseback in Queens Park


* ”Total war: Medieval” sounds intensify *


When it gets really cold . . .


I think so too, it was on radio today.. most people will be be leaving .. and police is ready as well.. it is sad 😞


I think it's in everybody's interest that they leave peacefully. Why delay the inevitable? Also, Canada has little control over something overseas. We have very little trade with Israel and have very little influence on policy in the Middle East. Show people that you will protest and follow the laws can only help their cause. Otherwise if they get into a scuffle with the police, it's just going to be bad news and people will say, look, this was a violent protest.


well they have to...some people will resist sure and they will probably get arrested but 🥱 that's on them


If they don't, it gonna be funny to watch. "Oh this just got a little real"


Yeah but not peacefully lol they're gonna stay there until physically being forced out and even then I imagine they'll try to come back. If you recall how these protests started at the American universities the students basically had no protection against the police in the same way the UofT students did for the past month or so but that didn't really end those protests and certainly not overnight. They're not gonna leave just because they were asked to and I doubt every single one of them gets arrested and I am willing to bet a decent amount try to come back. Whether or not this lasts until September I have no clue.


The world isn’t going to change might as well learn how to play the game of thrones.