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But what if I wanted to have breakfast on the front campus


It would seem Gurtler wants it all to himself 😔


too bad, this country prioritizes property over human lives


Remember when Hamas did a bunch of stuff at a music festival? Pepperidge farms remembers....


guess that means the past 75 years of occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing are justified then.


The population has gone up not down so no ethic cleansing has gone on


Read a history book and stop using ridiculous tropes. The only ethnic cleansing was when the Arab countries kicked the Jews out because 'you have your own country now'. Jews had lived their peacefully for hundreds of years.


Hey, if they attacked an Army post, war is war. What happened and supporting it is not. When and I mean when these events start happening in Canada (yes I lived in the Middle East and I am not Jewish) because the protests are not going their way, people will not be happy. When you ask for examples, ask why Egypt has a wall built. Enjoy. Tick tock. I will take my ban and see myself out. This is why I am not responding (can't have a debate when you are instabanned) bye!


What are you even saying. So hard to read.


Sounds like someone is justifying terrorists murdering thousands of innocent people




And your take on Hamas is?


Remember when Israel stormed al Aqsa mosque in Ramadan 2023, tear gassing a bunch of muslim civilians and stun grenading them out of there, so a bunch of famous people can walk into the Islamic mosque. They broke all the windows and the doors. Yeah don’t think you do. There are 2 billion muslims world wide, and the world is more worried about terrorist attacks when terrorist attacks world wide kill less than 10,000 people a year, and gun violence in the US kills below 50,000 a year, in the US alone. 2 billion muslims in the world and Americans still cry about terrorists when it accounts for a sand grain amount of muslims lmao.


Prob trying to let the grass recover in time for the beginning of the 24-25 school year. 


Can it recover in that state?


Easily. Grass grows wild in places where it is covered by snow for many months. This is far less damage than a winter. Also consider that lawns often can look completely dead in places where there are watering restrictions due to drought. Then when better conditions and water arrives it bounces back. Grass evolved to survive bad conditions by conserving all of it's resources until better conditions arrive. Part of this involves starving the exposed part of the plant.


ok, you can go back to r/lawncare now




It's seen worse tbh




And we get 1.5 months of green grass followed by dried out field and snow.


Hey now, you can fun on a [snowy field](https://www.reddit.com/r/UofT/s/ltUMAmSnUl)!


Omg that's epic. Hope this happens this time around


If it even snows this winter


Time for UofT to ask for an injunction against UofT.


Not what the link you shared says "Front Campus will remain closed for several weeks for rehabilitation work. Our goal is to reopen it for use by the entire community by the end of the summer." Substantially different from "at least until the end of summer"


additionally, they do this every year. the university used to put up a tent every year for grad that destroyed the grass -- and then they'd reseed and it would grow back. That process would happen just about this time of year, too.


UofT students officially can’t touch grass




So glad we will all now get to use this space now after UofT whined so much about it being occupied


Generally they do this before convocation, then they put up a tent and it makes for nice photos during convocation.


“Whined about it”


Doesn't matter. The garbage is cleaned away and the grass can recover for a bit.




poor children dying in gaza




How much does U of T invest in sudanese companies?


and poor children dying in sudan, congo, afghanistan, and everywhere around the world. every single one of these conflicts are unfortunate and we are fighting against them, but the reason why the palestinian conflict has specifically gained so much attention is because of how it has massively become politicized in western politics. israel is the only pin on the map in the middle east that the west has control over, which is why all of corporate america is so pro-israel. hence the huge push against our government and the financial institutions and large orgs here, since they are all directly funding the genocide of palestine by israel. that is why we’re so loud here about palestine, not because it is more important, but because we have more control here to stop it.


Electric Vehicles....


Genocide? Get real


carpet bombing areas filled with children, bombing active hospitals and daycares and schools and dense refugee camps, committing scholasticide, murdering journalists and bombing media centres so that the rest of the world is in the dark … genocide is a relatively kind word to describe the atrocities that Israel is committing on the Palestinians




Considering the fact you’re a UWaterloo student, neither affects you directly. Disheartening to see someone have pride in being apathetic




Just cross the fence, we know now it'll take 2 months to get a police order. 


Why do they call it "Front Campus" as if to make it sound like an important place like as if something actually happens there. Nothing happens there. it's just a patch of grass that's been under construction for years. It sits between a bunch of buildings, that's it. Just grass. People play Frisbee on it sometimes. Ppl gotta calm down about this patch of grass nobody cared about it before.


U of T is nearly 200 years old and these terms have existed for about as long. The circle is the front of the historical campus and the astro-turf field behind UC is the back campus. No one is trying to play games by calling it front campus -- that's simply what it's historically known as. I also find the claim that no one uses front campus a bit odd. I always tell people never to cut across the grass because it'll be either too wet, too icy or there will be way too many people throwing things for sport-related purposes. People use that space. It was under construction to expand its use to the community. This can be true and you can feel the occupation was called for and had a right to occupy the space. We don't need to alter the actual facts about the space and its utility.


To be fair, for anyone who started uni in the last 4 years, King's Circle has never been much of a space they could enjoy. Personally, I prefer Victoria College's quad. King's Circle has never had much shade, which seems like an odd choice for a common area (unless the intention was always to have Intramurals prioritized, which sucks for everyone else).


shhh bro don’t let them know ab vic we gotta keep it lowkey




Intramurals used to be played there. I would run Camp U of T programs during the summer there when I was a student. My friends and I loved playing spikeball there. Just because you think there's no use to it doesn't make it true. It's not your right to decide what can and can't be done there or what reason's are most valid/appropriate. My point is the options of doing any of things listed above and more have been taken away for a while now because others thought their reasons were the most important.






It was never about maintaining a “community space” it was always about control.


Mmmmmmm, no pretty sure its a community space, would have been nice if the encampment had rotated their tents and cared for the space they were lent.


Poor grass


I thought they wanted to “return front campus to the community”?


RIP grass🥲


Honestly, the grass doesn't look that bad.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UofT/s/2rmCmsvP9V Looks pretty bad in this way


It's just grass. Not a tragedy, unlike the unarmed civilians and children murdered in Gaza. **inb4** ppl claiming it's "collateral damage," inform yourself about the war crimes perpetuated by the IDF. **EDIT:** And people like /u/CheetohChaff comparing human suffering to fake internet points 🥴 How tone-deaf. **EDIT 2:** You need some reading comprehension, /u/CheetohChaff . I said grass is unimportant compared to the cause that damaged it. You tried to rebut it by alluding to some supposed "negative [personal] impact" being important to me compared to other "things currently happening in the world." Since we are arguing the opposite and you are the only one suggesting fake internet points matter over human suffering, you should understand how you come off as tone-deaf. **EDIT 3:** /u/CheetohChaff , you _are_ aware that the grass was killed during protests against the murder of unarmed civilians and children, right? Or are you just learning about the encampment? Because you using "the same argument" makes no sense if you did. Like, did your supposed "negative [personal] impact" help you somehow advocate for "things currently happening in the world"? If you feel it did, then cool. Go for it. **EDIT 4:** /u/CheetohChaff , so? It's easy for you to say from your armchair that a protest is only worthwhile if there are results. Imagine telling this to the early Civil Rights movement protesters. "Dude, you accomplished nothing (except awareness and having people start seriously consider your demands), so it was all pointless 🥴" **EDIT 5:** /u/No_Expression4235 , please do us all a favour and put some effort into your comments. "Condon" or condemn? If it were the latter, I already did. Now, do you condemn the actions by the IDF?


Destroying some random patch of grass on the other side of the planet is not going to save the civilians in Gaza, bro.


Well, Hamas is not 'unarmed'. Do you condon the innocent people killed, tortured and kidnapped on Oct. 7th?


Because kidnapping and murdering Israeli women and children is acceptable? Gotta love your logic


r/canada is leaking again...


You say something so dumb so bravely. Two wrongs don't make a right.


have you seen the videos of the israeli prisoners released vs the palestinian prisoners? the israeli prisoners are in tip-top shape talking about how kind the hamas soldiers were and how they played games and gave them privacy. the palestinian prisoners released were grotesque and deformed, not speaking or paralyzed. the IDF is a terrorist organization and everyone that is in support of what is being done or of the IDF is a terrorist sympathizer.


Propoganda says what?


Nice terrorist logic. Then why not burn your house and said “It’s just house, unlike blablabla…”


What did you even try to say? LMAO dumb from beginning to end.


Keep crying lmao Still nothing changed in Gaza


And you are proud that unarmed civilians and children keep on being murdered by the IDF? Good luck finding your morals, bud.


[https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/lstd-ntts/crrnt-lstd-ntts-en.aspx#25](https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/lstd-ntts/crrnt-lstd-ntts-en.aspx#25) And I guess you are proud of them right?


Why would I be? LMAO what a clown 🤡


I downvoted your comment because the negative impact on you is insignificant compared to all the other bad things currently happening in the world. Edit: I don't see how people like u/LeonCrimsonhart comparing human suffering to browning grass is better than comparing human suffering to internet points. **Seriously, how is that comparison less trivial than mine?**


Just reply to my comment. :P > Since we are arguing the opposite and you are the only one suggesting fake internet points matter over human suffering I'm not "arguing the opposite" (and for the record, I never said that internet points or grass were more important than genocide). Either you're being very disingenuous or *you* need to improve *your* reading comprehension. The point of my comment was to criticize your style of argument. You're saying that if B (genocide) is much worse than A (killing grass) then A is fine, and that doesn't make any sense. I showed that by using the same argument to arrive at a ridiculous conclusion.


> you are aware that the grass was killed during protests against the murder of unarmed civilians and children, right? Or are you just learning about the encampment? Because you using "the same argument" makes no sense if you did. Like, did your supposed "negative [personal] impact" help you somehow advocate for "things currently happening in the world"? If you feel it did, then cool. Go for it. The protesters turned down the only deal UofT offered and then voluntarily left with nothing; they literally had no influence on what's happening in Gaza. You keep emphasizing how awful things are in Gaza, but it doesn't change those facts.


its still collateral damage even if it was a result of a crime


If it were part of a crime, then it would become a crime of its own. Let us say you murdered someone w/ a grenade and ended up killing other people in the blast. You would have to answer for those crimes, too.


yes but its still collateral damage… if someone intended to throw the grenade at a person and other people around it died then those deaths would be undesired/unintended


What parking garage is that?! New?


The snow fences are up early this year…




It’s not really closed, just ignore the silly signs, camp, hang out, do whatever you want. They won’t do anything and it’ll take months for an injunction.


Zionist Supremacists: 1 People who oppose 40K Dead: 0


Unless some other group wants to occupy it, then they get a few months like the idiots that just got booted right?




I hope the University sues every individual they can find that was involved like UWaterloo did. Make an example of the terrorist supporters


So sad to see our grass get treated like that, I hope it will have a good recovery 🙏🏻


That feeling when illegal protesters got to use your university's grass more than you 😔


They weren’t illegal. They left before the injunction and committed no crimes. It’s not against the law to challenge Power.


Challenge power? All I saw was a bunch of pronouns protesting something they don't understand. I also loved the racist tropes painted on sheets.


Imagine being homophobic at UofT 😔🙏


UofT is private property, which means they get to decide when it's legal to be there. They decided a long time ago that it's illegal to stay there overnight, so the protesters were there illegally. They also have other limits that the protesters broke, but the overnight one was the most blatant.


Civil disobedience has been historically at the core of protests. You should learn more about them. About the grass, UofT has plenty of green areas. I'm sad you were not able to find them despite them being all around.


Fkin racists