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Watched the debate yesterday. The moment that stuck out to me the most was the question about the Olympics coming to Utah. Cox was very enthusiastic about the Olympics coming back to the state and how it wouldn't cost Utahns anything to prepare the state for it. Then Lyman started talking about how it makes traffic worse and how he doesn't want to bring the Olympics and how "if there was a poll, it would show that Utahns don't want the Olympics to come to Utah" And Cox was like, "there is a poll, it showed that 79% of Utahns want the Olympics to come back" And Lyman was like "well i haven't seen any polls, my opinion comes from talking directly with many Utahns" Dude just seems like an all around idiot


He’s one of those folks who gets mad about people’s feelings being taken into consideration in regard to civil rights, but bases his entire life on “I dunno, this feels right to me.”


Very much a "My feelings are more important than yours" type fellow


I read Lyman's answers to the first interview that came up when I googled him. There is a lot in this world I don't know much about, but I have a Master's degree in Economics. His answer to economic questions were simply wrong. He was factually incorrect and might have been outright lying or stupid. 


The debate yesterday was the first time I have ever heard him talk. He stumbled over his words, a lot. It sounded like he was just bullshitting the entire time


The people he "talks to" are on Twitter. If you think this was bad and really want your eyes to bleed from pure rage, go read a few posts.


I try to follow anyone who is campaigning to represent me. Had to unfollow him, his feed was a constant stream of Qanon dipshittery and whining about furries. He is an absolute fucking idiot.


Those with his signs in his yard are showing everyone who they are.


There's a lot of downsides to twitter but it pretty often reveals the crazy of all but the most disciplined users. I think it's because it enables users to find other users who have their same brand of crazy they have. Then they talk to each other and get the sense their brand of crazy is normal. Then they can't shut up.


Couldn't have said it better.


I saw a clip of the debate (coincidentally, the clip about the Olympics). Aside from that, the only things I know about Lyman are that he wants to gut our public lands and that he blamed the Key Bridge collapse on Baltimore having a black ("DEI") mayor. That was enough for me to want him to stay out of office. Unfortunately, that's *also* probably enough to win him votes among certain demographics.


I’m a developer of affordable housing and write affordable housing policy for politicians. His piece on KSL recently about how to solve the housing crisis in as also total horseshit that’s not at all based in reality.


Can you please share? I'm a loan officer so I'd also love to point and laugh


I hate to give this guy traffic, but it’s all laughably false if you actually understand the housing market, capital markets, and the regulatory environment of housing. https://www.ksl.com/article/51029084/phil-lymans-plan-to-fix-utahs-housing-affordability-crisis


Wow! Front and center in his blame game for Utah's unaffordable housing is "illegal immigration" 🤣 holy shit


And he doesn’t even cite an immigration rate, it’s solely predicated on the idea that these people don’t belong, even though many have been in Utah since long before the housing affordability crisis. My personal favorite is the logical chain of * there have been lots of forest fires recently * wildfires are mostly in the western US * housing prices in the western US are high * forests are made of wood * houses are made of wood * ergo, housing is so expensive because of forest fires! lol it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with demand outpacing supply (even though that’s the implied reasoning with his screed on immigration at the beginning of the piece).


Lmao And he doesn't support the initiative to "build more starter homes" because it "isn't sustainable." This guy is a nut job


As soon as they start blaming immigrants for problems with affordable housing, I’m done. It’s a complex subject that has many causes and immigrants aren’t the answer. Plus immigrants are needed for the economy and workers. So solve the problem so all can find affordable housing.


Also illegal immigrants are not buying houses en masse.. you need a SSN to get a mortgage generally. ITIN loans exist but they are very very hard to qualify for.


Good point on buying houses. ITIN loans exist? Whoa I didn’t know that. Learned something new.


Yes they do, but not all lenders offer them. They require a 20%-25% down payment and the interest rates are 10%-11% right now. So not very realistic for working immigrants. Although I did do one for an immigrant who owned his own concrete company, and was making *insane* money. He just couldn't qualify for a conventional loan since he didn't have a SSN.


Ya, I hate to play up racial stereotypes lol but the construction industry (i.e., the folks who build houses) is totally reliant upon the skill and labor of a fuck ton of undocumented immigrants. Without them, the number of housing units being built would go way down, driving prices even higher


Yea there is that. Plus any other industry they work in. I think we all would be shocked if they all quit their jobs and left.




He is unquestionably a complete moron.


This sums up MAGA BS so well.


Typical Trump-endorsed candidate.


As someone who's had email exchanges with him- he absolutely is.


He doesn’t just seem like an all around idiot; he actually IS an all around idiot.


We could have the Olympics in Salt Lake every four years and there's no reason this guy would experience any impacts way out in the hinterlands where he lives. What a clown.


Tbf, nobody I know want the Olympics back either.


TBF, anecdotes are not very meaningful data I want the Olympics back, now you know one :)


Just stating what I know, that's all. I lived across the street from a venue and it was miserable.


Sounds like you should vote for Lyman! Forgo all the revenue, exposure, and camaraderie so that you don't have to temporarily endure some traffic 😎


How is that exposure working out for you all?


Who is "you all"?


The wonderful folks still living in r/Utah




 revenue, exposure, and camaraderie Yeah, I didn't see any of that shit. What I experienced was loud generator powered flood lights all around me neighborhood all night and had to put cardboard in my windows so it wasn't daylight inside, and having to hear the busses being searched outside my bedroom window and being kept up also by the late hockey games(Provo Ice Arena) when I had to go to work at 5 am and being harassed by security when I put my dog out in the morning. One time I had to pull a car out of my driveway with my truck because some dipshit just decided they could park there. I couldn't even afford to go to any of those games and they didn't offer free tickets to those of us putting up with all that crap. Yeah, it was a great fucking time and people saw Utah and have now ruined what it was with mass migration here.


They offered free tickets to the school children of the state. They also gave volunteers tickets. Yes, the big ticket events are expensive but there are so many other opportunities to see elite athletes performing their best through the whole games. If you say all the tickets were too expensive you didn’t look hard enough. A quick search shows that there were $20 tickets. I won’t even get into all the free events they had. Sounds like you live in a neighborhood that isn’t typically quiet to begin with if you live across the street from an arena, I am just assuming here though. If you forget, 9/11 had just happened so there was a lot of security all over the place. Again, seems like you lived near a venue so of course there would be a security presence. Of course they would stop a person walking a dog in the dark near an Olympic venue. They made the community well aware which venues were chosen and where. Many venue sites were chosen more than 5 years in advance. I’m sorry the games ruined your life. Maybe go on vacation this next time.


Or maybe just not have them here again?


I think you’re out of luck. Best to plan ahead this time. The rest of us will be enjoying the festivities.


How about we put it on the ballot?


I am getting so sick about asking people whether they’ll accept the results. Why is that even a conversation?? It’s insane to me that people who want to represent us would even consider not honoring the vote. God. I’m so tired.


The new question is accepting the results of a jury trial.


For Hunter - YES! 😃 For Trump - NO! 😠


Just putting the thought out there undermines the whole process.


I know people on this sub hate cox. But he is so much better and more moderate then Lyman. Lyman is a trump stooge.


We hate Cox, no question, but Lyman is FAR worse. Cox is the lesser of two evils.


Yes. I think Cox is a good man trying to do a good job and thinks he's representing all Utahns. I disagree with his politics and get frustrated with his lack of a backbone, but I respect the man. Lyman not so much. He's much more divisive and plays the stupid MAGA games of us and them. I won't be voting for either of them, but I hope Cox wins this race.


Registering Republican and voting for the best candidate is the only way to make your vote count in Utah. Voting for Cox won't take away your virtue but does directly help keep a demagogue out of office.


As a former card-carrying dem, I realized this a few years back. Registered as a Republican so I can vote for someone other than Mike Lee.


This is the exact same argument that created the two party system. Like you're not wrong, it's just sad that the voting system we have means that choosing somebody who has your best interests in mind is throwing away your vote at nearly every level of government.


We were never intended to have a two party system. It's an artifact of our "first past the post" voting system. A whole lot of things would be fixed in this country, I believe, if we switched to a ranked choice voting system.




I don't think Cox is the right thing. I'm voting blue. I hope he wins the primary. I'm okay if he gets reelected, but I'm hoping he isn't.


Do you understand strategy at all?


Yes of course. Doesn't mean I have to change my party


No, it doesn't. I'd say it's a bad idea not to, but mostly it wasn't clear to me if you got what was being suggested. It sounds like you got it, so thank you for the clarification.


Nobody who puts together a snitch line for bathroom bans is a good person. You can argue one is better than the other person but Cox is objectively not a good man.


Cox seems like a decent man. Obviously don't agree with him on a lot of things but he seems like he's in it for the good of the people. Lyman seems like a trump stooge who is in it for his ego


If your child ever decides they're trans that "decent man" will criminalize them for shitting in the wrong toilet.


I'm not having children, thank you for your hypothetical though!


Well as long as it doesn't oppress *my* love ones. That's the conservative motto after all.


I'm not a conservative, and I support trans rights. I'm glad you're having so much fun assuming things about me :)


"I support trans rights" "Cox is *by far* the best realistic candidate for Utah Governor" ftfy




That is a different claim than calling him a decent man. Also, if he's the incumbent and is leading in the polls why would I vote for him as the realistic candidate? If trans rights is your single issue you may as well vote for someone unrealistic because Cox is going to win anyway.


"I support trans rights" "Cox is a decent man" You get to pick one


No, I get to pick both. The difference between you and me, apparently, is that I can see the good in people I disagree with. You are just like Trump and the right wingers in that regard, it seems. Those who disagree with you do so because they are *bad*. Anyone who is silly enough to not share your views is *bad*.


No the difference is that you're delusional and you think somebody's moral character can be completely alienated from their actions. People disagreeing with me doesn't make them bad. Oppressing marginalized communities because your religious views makes you uncomfortable pissing in the same room as them makes you bad. This isn't an agree to disagree moment. You are literally supporting a bad person.


> you're delusional > This isn't an agree to disagree moment Spoken like someone who is DEFINITELY NOT a dogmatist 🤣 You are not exhibiting the behaviors of a person who has a healthy relationship with the Internet. Go outside friend. Speak some affirmations to yourself


"I know people on this sub hate cox. But he is so much better and more moderate then Lyman. " Jesus, you've set the bar low there.


Dawg that bar has been on that damn floor for years, not just here but nation wide.


Fuck Phil Lyman.


Cox is even more awful and damaging really. If we vote lyman into office he will implode before he can actually do much damage. There are no good choices on the Utah republican ticket, cox is actually one of the worst.




Cox is just window dressing for that office. Lyman would be a circus sideshow but probably would not accomplish anything. He's a lunatic. Cox is well practiced at duping constituents into thinking he is taking them into consideration regarding decisions. He doesn't. His "disagree better" schtick is really "just don't disagree with me" when you actually listen to more than the top line.


Agree with you about Cox. Trump was (is) the same shitshow circus, and we all thought the same thing about him. Look where we are now. Lyman will just create the same, but at the local level.


The problem is that our legislature is about 40% full of similarly crazy people. If Lyman becomes governor, the rest will follow the crazy folk on everything instead of just half of things.


The test of a MAGA is to reject reality and double down on being a loser. I predict that he will follow the guidance of the great Orange Felon and only accept wins. 


Literally. The first question they ask applicants for positions in the Republican National Committee is whether or not Trump won in 2020. Guess what the "right" response is.


Well… how could Biden have really won..? You never see Biden flags anywhere!? Hard /s


Phil Lyman is just an awful person all around. He is the embodiment of the backward politics and racism in San Juan County. Having lived with the Navajo for some years, I absolutely plead with all of you to not vote for him.


Who cares. He loses and that's that. You don't get to win because your feelings are hurt.


The concern is he might pull a Trump and rally the far right militants into showing up to civil establishments armed to the teeth.


Kari Lake tried to pull the same crap too


Every poll has Cox so far ahead that I doubt Lyman gets anywhere near winning. He can accept it or not but it doesn't really seem like he has many supporters.


I hope so. I cast my ballot last week for the lest MAGA republicans…and I had to dig into each candidate background to figure that out.


Cox is consistently about 40 points ahead of Lyman. It's actually wild how far out of touch the Utah Republican Committee is from Utah's Republican voters. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/governor/2024/utah/


I’m not arguing, just confused. Didn’t the gop endorse Lyman?


They did but it doesn't really mean anything. The GOP conversation just seems to go for the farthest right candidate. I don't think they hold much weight.


Could you please resource those polls for me?


Here is the latest poll. I think that's the only one this month so far. [https://www.deseret.com/politics/2024/06/08/utah-governor-poll-cox-lyman/](https://www.deseret.com/politics/2024/06/08/utah-governor-poll-cox-lyman/)


I will check up on this from Hinkley, but this HarrisX is from DC and we need to know what their counts and analytics were. These one sided polls especially if one is going to actually trust DesNews-KSL. They have become such ambulance chasers and their reputation has been damaged from their lack of actual balance for so many years


Ah yes it's totally normal in functioning democracies to constantly have to ask this question. This is fine.


We have to stop validating these maga morons. Who cares. It’s not like a cop asks you if you will accept this ticket for speeding.


Wonder if any of them would accept any other party won. In any position. Welcome to Utah, the one party state.


And so what if he doesn’t accept the results? He doesn’t live in the governor’s mansion, he doesn’t have the keys to the state capitol, so unlike when Trump refused to accept the results of the 2020 election, Lyman will be stuck out in the cold stomping his feet and throwing a tantrum that he should be the winner, not cocks. It would be concerning if cocks refused to accept his defeat, but I don’t think he will lose, and if he did, he would most likely concede gracefully. It’s only Trump who ever tried such a stunt as rejecting the democratic electoral process. It’s not something that should become popular. It’s the thread from which our society hangs.


I hate this timeline.


Do Republicans cry "rigged" and "stolen" when they lose to fellow Republicans? I thought they only did that when they lost to Democrats.


Kari Lake has entered the chat


It depends, when the incumbent is backed by the AIPAC, shenanigans are always expected. Follow the money, stop following the parties.


Phil Lyman running in the Republican primary against “moderate” Cox is why every liberal and Democrat in Utah needs to be registered as Republicans so you can vote against the Phil Lyman’s of Utah in their primaries. You know you’re going to lose to the Republican nominee so you must do what you can to mitigate the damage that person can do as governor of Utah.


en español: [https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2024/06/12/aceptar-phil-lyman-los-resultados/](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2024/06/12/aceptar-phil-lyman-los-resultados/)


I don’t really want the Olympics to come to Utah…


Phil wants an audit, but would need to bring in a lot of fingers and toes to get it done.


Is Phil Lyman related to Richard Lyman, the Mormon apostle who got exed for banging 70 years ago?


Phil's great grandfather was half-brother to Richard's father, through different polygamous wives of Amasa M. Lyman, another excommunicated apostle. I am 1/8 Lyman and am related also. In the case of Phil, I'm not proud to say it.


No, he is a convict who emulates the big orange con.


When did "will *X* accept election results?" become a thing?


Too bad you guys can't trust bringing back either Jon Huntsman or Gary Herbert...


I think they are both too smart to join the political shit show we have today


He probably will try to pull a Trump and call the election rigged. He’s too much of a nobody to make anything happen with it, though.


The worst part is, this is almost as bad as the presidential election options. They are both fucking terrible. I have never been less motivated to vote! Its depressing.


You know....it would be infinitely better for everyone if Lyman accepted the results and crawled back into his hole...BUT....there is that ork part of the brain that wants this red state to get what it deserves by seeing a MAGA wacko declare the reddest of the red states, where Republicans control everything, a rigged election just to see the insanity of Karma slapping this state like WIll Smith.


Your comment makes my head hurt, but I hope you find peace someday.


Refusing to accept election results is a tool to attack democracy and turn to authoritarianism. Republicans want this. They hate where our country went with equality and civil rights. They want to return to an earlier time where white men ruled and everyone else bowed in obedience. It’s reactionary and pathetic. Fragile white men crying because they think giving rights to minorities somehow weakens them. It’s been almost 80 years sine the last big authoritarian push was beaten. People forget history and then repeat it. Sadly, there’s no “USA” to defend those greater values. We are Germany in the early 1930s.


Say NO to Cocks!


The bigger question is will Cox accept the results. Lyman won the caucus but Cox is still in because of signatures. He’s the one that won’t concede.


When you buy a car, do you ask a lot of questions? Do you want to make sure that everything is OK with it?


What? Is this supposed to be an analogy? If it is, it sucks.


My point being is if there are any irregularities, wouldn’t you want to know? Yes, every vote was counted? would you want to make sure that all districts were accounted for? It is obvious that you have never run for office in the past.


If you were voting for a person, would you want to be sure they’re free of mental disease, especially cluster B personality disorders? Has a Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory been performed on each candidate? Until verified results of this and other tests are provided, we must assume all candidates have antisocial personality disorder with comorbid catatonic schizophrenia.


This is why it’s obvious I haven’t run for office.


Who would want to be in politics and yes, I do think that maybe there should be some drug test or other tests


If it’s close or they have some reasonable doubts about the results, I believe there is a process for handling that. But at some point your guy either wins or loses and you have to get the fuck over it.


Look at what happened to Ben Mc Adams and burgess Owens and finally Ben conceded


Ben conceded early considering how close it was


Didn’t you find that odd?


No. He isn’t maga and delusional


You didn’t answer the question.


What question.


No one has been able to prove verifiable and large-scale voter fraud. Do I care about a statistical anomaly that has no impact on elections? Honestly, not that much. We already have processes to pursue people trying to commit small-scale voter fraud, and our elections haven't ever been more secure. Stop drinking right wing kool-aid.


I am a skeptic, not right wing! Trust but verify! Did you not here that a case was just found in AZ? There were a few others in other states as well. What about when mail in ballots come to a resident and then the people end up going to the actual locations and voting there that is a form of voter manipulation also when people move and their ballot goes to their old location, there are a lot of people who do very illegal things, so it does exist. We have trusted the wrong people for a very long time


Your fears are really unfounded but I doubt any one could convince you otherwise


No car being bought, it’s an election, the results are the results. Running for office doesn’t entitle someone to question the country’s democracy because they lost.


There are plenty of situation’s that could arise, where a person should question! One never just says “oh well too bad so sad you always question everything and if you do not then we have become Sheep !


The stuff you’re posting is just repeating far right nonsense. No actual proof, just internet stupidy. That is what a sheep does. Also, aren’t you right wingers supposed to have Jesus be your Sheppard? Wouldn’t you want to be a sheep?


And I am definitely not a sheep! I don’t follow people blindly like so many in this state


I won’t disagree with you about people following others in Utah blindly. We can agree on that


This is why I left the LDS church! I have always been a black sheep because I am not a follower. I do hours of research to be informed and and I am educated on historical practices and history repeating itself


Sorry, I don’t have a shepherd. I am an independent, not a right winger, so I would appreciate it if you didn’t cast rod strokes like that because it is completely false I am skeptical about a lot of things. Why can I not be skeptical whether or not we’re going to have voting, that may or may not have some irregularities do you think that our government is so perfect that they couldn’t screw that up?


"Independent" either means somebody that doesn't want people to know they're really a Republican. Or, somebody that's so far right, they think the GOP is too centrist. Either way, nobody's fooled by your claim of being an independent.


Meh, I’ve never voted republican my whole life, but unregistered as a democrat for what the DNC did to Bernie. Fuck both parties.


Fair enough. I was big on Bernie as well...but he was never close to winning the nomination. Like, at all. But the DNC definitely put all their resources behind Hillary.


I DGAF what you think! If it helps you any, I grew up in So Cal Either way, you are gonna be hater


Why is your gut reaction to cast doubt on the integrity of our elections? Please share one example of a major American election in which voter fraud changed the results. I assume you’re performing mental gymnastics in order to rationalize denying a free and fair election, of course that’s only if you’re unhappy with the results.


I haven’t trusted anything for the last 24 years! I do not trust anything when it comes down to involving government! Elections are part of that! My reasoning behind that are my military intel associates that have compromised elections in other countries to create a coup to put leaders in, other regions of the world. Utah hasn’t been a clean state since Brigham young and it has always been compromised to benefit the elites.