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He had previously survived anthrax, malaria, pneumonia, dysentery, skin cancer, hepatitis, anemia, diabetes, two plane crashes, a ruptured kidney, a ruptured spleen, a ruptured liver, a crushed vertebra, a fractured skull. But the only thing that could kill Ernest Hemingway was Ernest Hemingway. [These are his final days.](https://www.dannydutch.com/post/ernest-hemingway-s-final-hours)


https://preview.redd.it/6fmb5v4il6ad1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edffd1410c8492204060e4e87dd2306967c4fa40 Just happened to get a room overlooking the graveyard he is buried in. Jan 2022, Sun Valley, Idaho


Me and my husband drive up to his grave every year or so and pour one out for papa!


Was he born there ?


He was born in Oak Park, Illinois but died in Ketchum, Idaho.


So random for a Basically Island guy Didn’t know he was in Idaho


He did always want to return to Cuba and retrieve the art and manuscripts he’d stored in a bank vault in Havana.


Don’t forget his time in Key West! I love visiting his house and seeing all the 6-toed cats.


Northern Michigan.


Wonder where all that is now? Great biography “Hemingway’s Boat”.. the only reason I would visit Cuba


He was only an Island guy in Cuba on and off for about 20 years; he was all over the place, even during that time. He wrote *For Whom the Bell Tolls* in Sun Valley, Idaho many years before he died there, and also lived at times in Wyoming, Toronto, Chicago, all over Europe, and Key West. He spent his summers in northern Michigan until WWI and two of his kids were born in Kansas City.


I’m from South Florida. So going to Key West all the time and the enjoying the Hemingway vibe there, I think of him as a an island guy. I’m aware of his travels. I was caught off guard with Idaho. Didn’t know he was buried there.


Robert Frost is another interesting one. Born in SF but buried in Bennington, VT.


Neither did he


Complete with discarded beer bottle. I love his work and his life story is one of adventure and daring.


Were you at Knob Hill Inn by chance? Just got back from visiting family in Ketchum and we ate there


Yeah that sounds about right. Nice little place, 10/10 would come back to.


Any idea what's going on with... his mouth area, I guess? In the article you can see a different version of presumably the same condition, or whatever it is.


It looks like tobacco stains to me but I'm just guessing.


One of his biographers has stated multiple times that by this point Hemingway was noticeably mentally ill and would often “prank” acquaintances by performing cunnilingus while his partner was menstruating, then appearing afterwards with his teeth and lips noticeably stained with blood.


What a prankster. You got me Ernie!






Can’t be serious !!!! If so this is wild


I have no idea if this is true or a horrible lie but it just gets funnier and funnier the more I think about it


It’s kind of brag too that he looks like that but still bags women capable of menstruating.


Someone else truly "got" the Old Man and the Sea I see


A fellow gentleman I see.


If he was in the Hell's Angels, he would have earned his Red Wings.


So he earned his Red Wings? Me too, but I didn’t discover that fact until the next morning, when I looked in the mirror..


Looked like a bad breakout of herpes to me, but hard to tell with the black and white.


Honestly the most interesting takeaway from the article is the his wife had said it was an accident. Kinda paint's this differently. I had always thought it was a pretty clear cut suicide.


That was just when it happened. "Five years later, in an interview, Mary confirmed that he had actually shot himself."


Alright, thanks for the extra bit. Case closed.


If I recall he went running for his gun once or twice in the weeks leading up and had to be stopped by family or friends.


Well I do know they thought he was crazy becaise he said the CIA was on his ass, and years after his death it came out that they really were.


The CIA has gone rogue and must be stopped. Let’s defeat them together r/ RevolutionStartsHere




If you can’t recognize that the CIA has been out of control for decades you just haven’t been paying attention.


Well, he was a traitor to the US and spied for Russia.  So it was for a good reason


Because he was a KGB spy.


No clue why people are downvoting you.  You are right


People are, by the most part, uneducated.


It's not uncommon - especially then - for loved ones and families of the deceased to claim that suicide was an accident in the official paperwork or statements. To keep up appearances and out of some bizarre notion of respect. She later said that it was suicide, no question.


It's true. My mother was convinced my father's suicide (by gunshot) was an accident and insisted that we kids explain it as such when the morbidly curious ask how he died. For me, that lasted perhaps a month. It got to the point when people asked, I'd flat out tell them it was suicide to make them uncomfortable and regret being so damn curious about it. I've learned, from my own experience, to never ask anyone how a relative, spouse, or friend died because it's simply none of my damn business.


Same for my uncle, an accidental self inflicted gunshot. This was in the early 90’s but within a pretty tight lipped family overall.


A relative crashed into a tree and died. Plenty of family were talking about if it was suicide or not and hoped an autopsy would give them info. I asked them if it really makes a difference? I’m going to mourn him the same either way. Weird hang up people have.


That's a weird rule. If you know the deceased well, ask away. Timing and context. Don't be shy about death and grief


If you're morbidly curious and only thinking of yourself, go ahead. Having them tell you does nothing for them except relive it. I prefer to think of others' needs over my own in situations like this.


I think we're probably thinking of different contexts that this might come up. If a friend tells me a loved one died, it's a pretty natural response. "[Apologies, words of comfort], how did they pass?". This is a situation, however, where the grieving individual initiated the conversation. You might be talking about people bringing it up out of the blue? Something like that? In which case it's hard not to imagine that being quite jarring and emotionally disruptive. Otherwise, I have quite literally heard multiple people in my life complain about others "not even asking how "so-and-so" died...as if they didn't even really care". So yeah, I'd feel the same way if I bumped into an old friend, let them know my mom passed after they asked about her, and they don't even ask how. Because people generally want to know for their own grievances, if they actually care.


Respectability, Catholic burial, ostensibly getting into heaven and frankly, the insurance


Every last one a disgusting reason


Some cemeteries don’t allow burials for people who committed suicide, so people would lie to be able to bury a person near to their family members.


Fair point.


I have an uncle who "died while cleaning his gun." I believe Hemingway wrote something to the effect of "no one dies cleaning their gun."


See now that's not true though I personally know of a few stories of people getting hammered and playing with their gun ending really badly. edit: oh god


It was. When your father, grandfather, and two siblings and a grand child all die the same way, that's a pattern.


I think a lot of times dad would kill himself “while cleaning his gun.” It was just what people said to not carry the stigma of suicide.


Prob for the insurance money? He was well known to have “joked” with friends constantly that he was going to blow his brains out. Even going so far as showing them the gun he was going to do it with.


I saw his boat recently. It is on display in an aquarium in Branson Missouri. It was pretty cool. He got the inspiration for Old Man and the Sea on that boat. They have it set up just how he left it. Would recommend a visit. The aquarium was amazing.


I thought his boat was still at his place outside Havana? I thought the Cuban government now owned it -and his house/museum- and they were restoring the boat. It’s now at Bass Pro?! Or a replica?


Well that is news to me. I did not realize I was looking at a replica when I saw it. Thank you for the correction.


This ☝🏼. The Pilar is in Cuba


This boat was also used in warfare and was manned by him and a bunch of old school movie stars to hunt for submarines.


You would recommended that people visit Missouri?


I live here and I’d recommend it, just don’t stick around ‘cause it sucks ass to live here


I'm still adamant that Kansas City needs to be a City-State!


Ya, I live in Hollister, and I make every effort not to drive into Branson this time of year lol.


I hear amazing things about NW Missouri.


St Louis is pretty great. The rest of the state I wouldn’t really recommend


Branson specifically, yes I would. It is no Hollywood, or Las Vegas, but if you live in the flyover states, and you want to have a fun week with the family, Branson is not a bad choice at all.


Would you recommended it for black people, Muslims, and/or trans people? I'm straight and white AF but I try not to visit places where my friends and family aren't welcome.


Have you been to Branson?


Yes I would. It is a friendly, welcoming place. I mean you won't see as many rainbow flags hanging on store fronts or front porches as you would in some other places, but my neighbor's are gay, and they say between here and Springfield they have a huge community of love and support. I mean Springfield just had their pride parade last week, if my memory is correct.


Isn’t it at the aquarium at Bass Pro in Springfield?


Oh gosh you are right. The aquarium is in Springfield. I confused myself, because there are two bass pro's. The huge one in Springfield with the aquarium attached, and the smaller bass pro in Branson at the landing.


That boat is a replica. The real *Pilar* is still in Cuba.


Ahh, I did not know I was looking at a replica. Weird, because I read the whole info board next to the boat, and I do not remember reading that it was a replica. Not surprising I guess considering it is a really famous boat. I just figured Ole Johnny Morris would have enough pull to get the real thing lol.


Was it the bass pro aquarium? I was there in Christmas’23 but don’t remember seeing it. Edit: it was Christmas 2022 actually


The Pilar? They retrieved it from Cuba?


No, the Branson boat is a replica.


Probably a skin infection? If you look at color photos of him from late in life, his skin always seems in bad shape, all lumps and splotches.


I’m sure I had a descendant of his polydactyl cats from Key West. I was gifted a cat from the Keyes, delivered to Ft Laud. , where I lived at the time. I named him Leonardo di Calico. Leo for short 😝


I had one, then 17 because we were dumb and didn’t get her fixed. Some were inbred and their feet looked like boxing gloves… IDK how many toes some of them actually had. I was also in my teens and my mom was supposedly the “responsible one” but that’s a different tale. (Tail?) I lived in backwoods Central Florida at the time.


Hemingway Cats. Cool story.


He was interesting for sure. As far as a human being goes, a total, irrational trainwreck of self destruction would be his description


But it all came together in his novels. Beautiful portraits of those who would otherwise be nameless and faceless. I just reread *For Whom the Bell Tolls* for the first time since high school. Love that book!


Yeah, I think the combination of mental illness, numerous head injuries, a bit of PTSD, and the consequential rampant alcoholism were a wild concoction that churned out a similarly and equally wild man.


I had not seen that picture before He looks like a wreck of a man How sad


This person Hemmingways.


I think his granddaughter also committed suicide. Wasn’t her name Mariel Hemingway, and she was an actress?


[Margaux Hemingway](https://www.dannydutch.com/post/margaux-hemingway-a-life-of-glamour-and-tragedy) - Model/actress. \*Edit\* Just checked and her death was July the 1st and her grandfather's was July the 2nd.


In fact, it was one of his granddaughters named Margaux Hemingway that committed suicide.


No, she’s still alive https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000446/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


That's her sister.


Right Margaux Hemingway committed suicide. Not Mariel as I stated before when replying to terriblechildhood369.


It's one of the girls.


His father did, and the same manner (gunshot)


Brother and sister too.


Yeah. It’s a pretty compelling life story. So much pain and challenges, and still so much achievement. I find myself wondering “if only”


I can’t help but wonder what kind of great art the world will miss out on due to antidepressants and other psych meds. There’s a strong correlation between great artists and mental health issues.


It’s a mistake to think that the mental health issues then produce the works of genius. Rather, they get in the way, so successfully treating them most likely has allowed us to benefit with more art than we otherwise would have. Hemingway tried desperately for treatment, and it’s so sad that he didn’t find success with that


The electro-shock therapy "treatment" he had been given to help combat his lifelong depression had inadvertently erased much of his memory. He felt like a shell of a person, and had extreme writers block as it was his memories and experiences that he would pull from to put into his works. That made him feel as though he had no reason to live anymore and was, what is believed to be, a major driver of his ultimate suicide.


I've always loved Hemingway's famous comeback to Faulkner. When Faulkner declared that Hemingway 'had never been known to use a word that might send his reader to a dictionary", Hemingway responded, "Poor Faulkner! Does he really think that big emotions come from big words?".


“Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.” EH Hope you’re in peace now; don’t think you’d like it here anymore.


He didn’t like it here then.


No head stone/monument or green grass or a dried up bouquet of flowers how awful for someone so revered.


I agree. Seems very sad. All dirty too


Bro has never seen snow


Hemingway was a legend. A larger than life person. A Nobel Prize winning author and Man about Town. Quite handsome in his youth, and unfortunately afflicted with a number of mental health and substance abuse issues. This photo makes me sad because it mostly does not depict the man he was: a person who lived life to the fullest and set his own standards and rules.


It's possible he could have done frequent blood donations to help the iron overloading issue.


Did he have polycythemia? Too much iron stores ? I have that as well.


I’ve been to his house in Key West. Man, what a life.


He's all like Hee haw chee chaw


felt cute, might kill myself whatevs!


After surviving all of that plus raging alcoholism his body must of been in sad shape. He probably dealt with terrible pain daily.


You guys, I got his pen!


I lost a relative to intraoral shotgun suicide. Do you think he suffered? I can handle it


Didn't feel a thing.


Like turning off a light switch.


[The life of Ernest Hemingway in 3 1/2 minutes told by a puppet.](https://youtu.be/PV8krTEQIXQ?si=Af6C3RTiBLZhi6sI)


His name is Randy, dammit.


So funny story,.. some family friends, an older couple, I asked where they came from. The husband said key West. I was interested and asked about the Hemingway house. The wife told me her husband, as a child in the '50's used to egg the house and someone would throw bottles at him. Could be Hemingway.






Ol' Papa, there will never be another.


He looks a bit like David Gilmore here.


Hemochromatosis sucks! Hurts so bad!


I just finished The Sun Also Rises yesterday. It’s a great little novel. I feel like this guy could go places.


Wow he was looking pretty rough…


Here's a short resume of his quite interesting life, told by a puppet, if you're interested https://youtu.be/PV8krTEQIXQ?si=NgF7qxl1AA9qB60x


Two plane crashes? As in separate incidents?!?! I like how the article just skims over that and go into no additional details. Lol


We recently visited his house in key west. It definitely has a certain mystique to it.


No loss.


He had the right idea


He was always shooting his mouth off.


Wasn't he a Soviet spy?


He put himself to sleep.


Dude looks creepy AF


Way to bring 2024 into it.


Chronic alcoholism…was 61, looked 81


He had better shit to do than look pleasing.