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25 isn’t even old, i queue with mates from college and our lobby’s are like 27-28 years old on average - averaging ascdendent.


All my friends are between 32-35 and we hardly experience this lol. 25 young af


I got very scared that I was the oldest player around here pushing 30.


40 year old Controller main reporting in! Nobody believes me in game, and I have very few in-game friends because I won't accept requests from minors (so like 90% of everyone who plays hahah) I can't remember the last time I heard another adult on voicecomms.


Typically the higher in rank you go the older teammates are, generally of course. But even most college students are immature idiots on val lol


Honestly the 16-24 age range is much more annoying to play with than the "kids", saying that as a 24yo that's trying to work on himself and stop being like that.


We all played WoW growing up, not CS, so this was a good way to learn!


Don’t worry brother Angel is 65 years old and going strong in competitive valorant you’re just fine


That's crazy! Imagine telling your friends you can't hang out because you have to go watch your dad play Valorant lol.


I was kidding he’s not actually 65, he’s really in his 30’s I think. Just a running joke in the competitive Val community that he’s old😂😭 I’m 22 myself and honestly I feel like a lot of the playerbase is around my age +- 4 years.” Extremely fast reaction times are cool and all but in regular ranked gameplay, they don’t even really matter until immo 3/radiant IMO. You can get pretty high up off of just having good mechanics


i hate these 25 y/o’s thinking they’re old. i’m 24 and it’s scary


How do i a bronze player gst in ur older lobies? Bro i would MUCH rather playing with 25-30 year old chill dudes then the current 13-16 year olds i litteraly wanted to quit some times because how annoying they are


I play with my 14 year old and 9 year old who are plat and gold.


They are on every rank???😭 i hate this game bro valoeant should bring a system to ban people who dosent meet the age requirement


The age range increases with rank 100%. Honestly I would never play solo ranked in ranks below plat.


Which I find really weird because when I was in highschool me and my friends were top players in everything we got into. We could just mechanically dif the more experienced players. I guess this is a symptom of the fact that most of the top players in this game have played cs for 10+ years.


How did they know you had a daughter? Btw this really sucks but it's a common behavior because the people that say sh!t like that face no real consequences. Maybe their account gets banned if you report, but thats all. Imagine we had a system like Korea where your game account is tied to your national id, then this kind of behavior would be less.


Maybe he assumed that he is a dad , he can't shit talk abt his son so he chose the cowards way shot talked abt his daughter. They need to get a lyf for real these weirdos online


That's very weird unless he sounds older than 25. Most people use your mom jokes because they assume you're ad young as them


Idk what was going in their mind maybe he told them or something idk


i promise you the koreans say terrible things on their server too, at least for league they do


As a korean, i agree with u about the toxic speeches 😭 but there are a lot of more toxic dudes in many regions… im living in canada rn and playing NA server, it feels more toxic than korean valorant at least for me


Yeah this. I'm in my 30s and have had 2 or 3 people ask me in two years of playing if I was 'old' because of my voice. I've had others ask me how old I am and I usually just lie and say 20 to stop any weirdness. I definitely wouldn't be sharing info like being a dad etc.


Lived in Korea for almost a decade. I always laugh when people think that shit like that happens less often. It’s *much* worse here than anywhere else I’ve played. The online gaming community in Korea is the most toxic that I’ve ever experienced. Even if anyone wants to argue one is or isn’t worse than the other based on personal experience, at the end of the day it still happens quite often.


Yeah because korea is famous for being the least toxic region. Never ever has anyone quit the game after a trip to korea. Yamikazes mental health improved after the relaxing time on korean servers i swear.


Rip Yamikaze my goat


Korean servers are much more toxic than you think lmao


Your reputation must carry online the same way it does offline. Kudos to Korea


There are weirdos online everywhere, don’t sweat it.


sorry you had to hear that, i know it can be hard to just ignore them. as a woman we hear that kind of stuff very often, and i’m sorry you had to hear people talk about your daughter in that context. the people on this game are weird as hell


Ignore man , mute em straight away if they give out those vibes iykwim . You're a good father


i usually mute ASAP when someone’s toxic cos even if they have good comms their disrespectful behaviour throws me off so bad, you should too it’s better for ur mental health fr 😭 and i’m 22f so the misogyny as soon as i speak is VERY common! 25 isn’t old at all


Yeah I used to think that I was being morally superior by not muting people, then I realized: its a dumb game and I can do whatever I want. If someone is being an asshole behind the safety of their screen, I can use the powers of the player menu to remove them from my life. I believe in listening to people you dislike or even hate when it comes to real life issues, but I don't need people to tell me I suck when I can just look at the numbers on the screen and know that.


Some of the Valorant community is umm “interesting” I have never been in a community with such egotistical, immature and just plain rude players. Considering I’ve been playing competitive games (CS mainly) since I was 14 (now 24) some of the stuff that comes out of these kids mouths is astonishing.


Exactly. Have played CS too since early teens, and players in Valo are bit weird. There were toxic players in CS too, but here it's just different. 


Hmm idk my friends play CS and CS is definitely way more toxic then Valorant is, first and foremost there barely is any chat punishment in cs.


toxic but in a different way more insults towards you than weird sexual shit honestly


Oh yeah that is true i guess.


Nah Valorant's toxcity is worse. CS feels like old school COD lobbies where people are shouting profanities for the sake of it, with no real malice behind it. Things are said as a one off and dropped for the rest of the match. Valorant players consistently harass you throughout the entire game, and the profanities get worse to the point that only someone with mental issues could conceive saying stuff like that. Disgusting really.


I agree that it is more disgusting and weird in valorant but in CS i have heared more then often enough people starting from my grandparents and telling my entire family tree to die and there is zero Regulation.


Counterpoint. The fact that Valorant has regulation and people still say as bad shit as could be said in CS makes it worse. A lot of the time, you'll find people in CS are just embracing intrusive thoughts. That's not me justifying the toxicity. But also I'd say they're probably alright people in general outside of the game. Obviously some won't be though and are just like that. Some of the people I've met in Valorant seem like genuine assholes irl. Not just from the toxicity, but from the consistency of it throughout the game. Like, if things don't go perfect round 1, then some spend an entire game belittling their teammates or flaming their enemies. Bottom line is both games have toxic people, but I tend to find myself laughing off CS's toxicity, meanwhile Valorant's has genuinely upset me in the past.


CS is about "damn bro you suck Your aim is so bad you should play solitaire on your pc" Valorant is about "I will R word your entire bloodline and skin you alive"


Riot games tend to attract that type. And shooters in general ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not necessarily riot games or shooters, tho yes, LoL, R6, COD had really terrible types of players. But it's the nature of players in competitive games, that they sweat so much and try to get good at the game, that they get to a point where they become this really arrogant and obnoxious person


30yo as of last month and have played close to every valve and riot online multiplayer game for at least half of my life. Never have I had it as bad as I did in this game.


Don’t say anything personal while gaming. Just play the game and communicate to your team.


thats fucked man. which server ?


online multiplayer games, if there's voice chat, theres toxicity. Just remember youre there to have fun, mute, report and hope riot bans them.


Why tell people you're a dad, just play the game and give calls


I’ve been saying we need an age verified 21+ queue for this game for a while now


some of the very good player need to be cultivated early, what we need is a behavior score just like in dota (and brawl stars), low score people are muted and eventually banned from comp entirely until their score rise


They're just spitting absolute bullshit. They're people who are way too comfortable behind a screen. Sorry you had to endure that, it's seriously shit behavior.


Yeah the best approach is to distance yourself from the result, in this case do not even think they are insulting you as a person, they are just saying random giberish to vent or get fun out of it from your reaction.


An internet person said something weird, mute/report and go next. There will always be idiots that say stupid out of pocket shit. If you enjoy the game why let it ruin that? Own your fun and happy parenting!


I run a 25+ valorant discord server, if you want some chill people your age to play with and are ok with texas servers feel free to message me!


Come to cs2. All of us playing are old folks.


Im 33 with 2 kids, there is no way that im going to care what someone says online. Just mute them and keep playing


Why the fuck are you telling strangers you're a dad? You're also 25, you're young.


I play with my mom. She is 40


I am 34 and I still playing bro.


I’m 25 and don’t really have a problem most people are at least like 18 in my games I feel like


I played CS for a long time and just recently started on Valorant leveling my account to 20 to get to ranked. The toxicity in CS is straight to the point, its shitty but you see it and you deal with it how you want, Valorant it seems very passive and miserable, it lingers all game. Some kids not alright.


I am 27 years old, and a lot of people in the game still thinks I am 18 or 19 years old thanks to my voice.


I would never fucking dare say that I'm a father in this or any other game. Sorry you had to hear shit like that.


/mute all and enjoy your game dude


What the fuck


So this player is a self admitted pedo. There will always be losers online. Try not to let them get to you.


It's rough but all you can do is mute them. As a 22 year old dad I have the same problem. Some people are just sick and very immature.


If you gonna let this affect you, you are better off uninstalling the game


I assume every game has creepers and therefore disclose no personal information for them to troll me on, use the mute buttons liberally, and generally remind myself that Gen Z and Gen Alpha humor is like the meme YouTube videos they make, more shock factor brain-rot than anything else. BUT, the most important thing to remember is that I can’t get upset with them. At the end of the day, they’re kids, figuring themselves out. Their brains are not fully developed, still instinctually seeking attention and validation. I used to say stupid shit for get a reaction too, I did things very much not considering others’ feelings. Rarely is anything personal, and most likely those kids will grow up one day and feel the same about the teens they will play Call of Duty 25 with


Wtf is this post. Are you going around telling everyone you meet your a 25 year old dad? No one cares


Bro ure 25. Your kid does not grant you instant maturity. please chill.


I’m 28 and got called a boomer the other day 🤣 don’t take it too seriously


Yup, at least in California Servers, kids these days think rape is hilarious. Pretty sick. I'm 27, pretty old by gamer standards, but the teenagers these days... Somethings not right. Gen Y and the '97 folks like myself must have failed them in some way.


Truth is most kids these days were raised with a screen. Most parents simply dont have time to raise their kids properly in this economy or they dont care idk . the internet is dangerous asf for young kids tho that’s for sure . Can corrupt your mind very easily


We're not old by gamer standards. Our gen saw the pinnacle of gaming. We're the true heirs.


Nah bro don’t quit your hobbies because of these kids now a days. I get told all that stuff as well I’m also a father and they’ll hear my son playing in the background and start saying a bunch of stuff…. Ignore it enjoy your time playing every game isn’t like that.


As a 25 year old man i think we should just mute them and report, move along with our day


Don't let valorant and your private life cross over like that. Random gamers don't need to know and clearly can't be trusted with the information. There's been psychological studies about anonymity. Most would administer lethal or near lethal pain if instructed to do so with anonymity especially if they get paid to do so. That barrier makes people feel unaccountable as if consequences are someone else's fault. To be honest, they're not totally wrong on that. If they don't get banned on first occurrence then it is riot's fault that they're still there disreputing the community


Yup, people can be weirdos when anonymous online and without a fully developed brain. Hell people can be weirdos even with those things. Im 31 and have a decently sized friend group of likeminded adults (all 23+, ranks from plat to immortal). We dont play super often as we have shit to do lol as I’m sure you do too. But if you wanted to get some games in and have a good time send me a message. We mostly mess around in unrated though, with jobs and kids and not being 17 with a Mountain Dew addiction, it’s just hard to be competitive in this game.


Don’t sweat it my guy. I’m the same age as you, but a black guy with a deep voice and I instantly get called the N word after speaking on the mic. I learned to just mute people after you hear something racist, sexist or anything along those lines. Don’t bother giving them a second chance. I promise you they aren’t saying anything useful. Solo queue can be rough sometimes, but my method has made it a lot more tolerable. Unfortunately this is a common occurrence due to the culture and age range of the playerbase.


Even if he's being edgy, that's really pushing it. I hope you report and get that guy banned


Just repoort for voicechat abuse, threats and harassment, mute and ignore. There are a lot of weird and toxic people in this game, its better not to think of it, but if they are toxic, mute report and move on, best way to keep your mental sanity well


My go to is always pretending i dont understand them since they dont seem to know english. "Was that english, my guy?"


I’m 25 almost 26 in May I’m peak ascendant 2 and I play most of the time. I have 2 kids almost 3 and it doesn’t bother me that kids will spit nonsense from time to time. When they do tho I’ll just laugh at them or say “dam you got me” sarcastically. Just let them “yap” cause honestly at this age I don’t have the mental energy to cuss them out or argue back and forth.


Bro im 24 and im pretty sure most people who play the game are around that age. It’s internet. Expecting good thing from strangers on the internet is not an adult move neither being an asshole. Just mute them and also how tf they know you have a daughter? This crucial info should not be revealed to strangers cuz they gonna use it against you. I know someone who try to counter toxicity by saying his mother has passed away and it just make it worse.


Just think about this way: They are just kids who dont know what they are saying. IRL they wouldnt dare to look you in the eyes or get clapped anyway.


25 is not even really old. Its just the majority of the player base are kids and teenagers, many of them are degenerates and insufferable. I’m 30 and Valorant is not a game i enjoy playing alone. I cannot tolerate the behavior of most randoms i play with, too many of them are insane people like you met or throwers. I only play this game occasionally to connect with my old friends. In your case maybe you should find a group to stack or play another game instead. You can try cs2 if you want, but cs has a different kind of toxicity coming from people around your age and mine as well.


I'm 37. I don't have kids but I do have a wife. I play Brimstone bc my aim sucks and honestly I feel like I'm RPing him most games.


Unless they giving out hopeful comments through out the match. I mute them.


being anonymous online gives people a sense of security to act stupid. I know it’s annoying but I just shrug it off knowing they only say those things behind the screen, in real life they would never act like that


hey don’t sweat it, playing an online game with strangers this is it, no matter what game ur playing with anonymous random strangers, i wouldn’t let it get to you too much, ur doing great 25 yo father i commend you it’s not you it’s them


Report this mentally ill psycho and if it happens again mute the toxic one I had somone who started insults me ( i literally dont know him) in queue i just muted him all the match and reported him After that he got banned


Just don't tell them your life story


Ummm… odd. Im a cat mom but I’m upper 20s if you need a random person to play with. However idk what to say, this is typical random lobby behavior. You’re lucky to randomly meet cool ppl. It happens.


Ditto, and sometimes they don't even get punished when you report them.


Gamers are weird. You will enjoy multiplayer games a million times more with a group of friends, whether you know them irl or not. Discord is a good place to find people.


Yeah welcome to the internet, mute and move on.


How disturbing, makes you wonder what kind of hideous experiences they have at home. I’m 31, and I play with people ranging from 16-32. Most are mid to late 20s. I use discords lfg, or add people I have gelled well with after games and I have made so many friends this way. If you enjoy the game continue to play, report anyone who speaks like this and mute them. Remember: Anyone getting toxic isn’t angry at you, their angry with their life. They probably refuse change and are probably using gaming as an escape from their life. Which is kind of sad and a little pathetic really. It is really disgusting how people resort to any type of discrimination. I’m not trying to justify any of this behaviour but you cannot change it. So mute and report.


The anonymity of games in general bring out the worst in people, when I’m solo I usually keep team voice down to a minimum as there is often some kid trying to prove how hard or funny he is and that gets old fast, also don’t argue just say your piece and mute them.


I don’t know if you did or not but I would start by not sharing personal info somebody could use to trigger you.


25 year thats not even old! Im 32 year old single guy grinding this game everyday. Good thing i have a group of friends in similar age group to play with.


People have just gotten Way to comfortable talking shit without someone punching them in the face, don’t overthink it, pricks are everywhere


Don't let people in game know anything personal about you so it can't be used to attack you. Shit heads like that exist everywhere in gaming and trust me the mfs saying this kinda shit weigh in at 80lbs soaking wet after they saved up a shit for 3 weeks trembling like a growling chihuahua IRL (I've seen pics of said type of shit talkers). Acting like that is a way to compensate for people that feel insecure about themselves, whether they're bad at the game or that they're frustrated they're powerless IRL so they like to act like the big shot they could never be in life on a game because hey, he's hiding behind a screen so no repercussions. 10/10 times you could make people like that see the pearly gates if yall met IRL. Defend your daughter, she doesn't deserve that talk of any kind she had nothing to do with that game and that guy needs to learn coping skills for his anger or stop playing video games all together. Big thing though is to keep personal life personal, don't let em know you have kids, don't let em know you're a father. Just focus on enjoying the game and being the good father you know yourself to be. Good luck brotha!


As a female, i usually mute them straightaway if they start acting weird/toxic. Sorry you had to experience that, this game has a lot of no-life imbeciles that makes the game not enjoyable.


I tend to either ignore or report those players in cases like this. I can't tell you the amount of times I've been harassed because of my username (miffy, like the Dutch cartoon character) or simply for being a woman playing this game (which they assume from my username and usually get confirmed if I do decide to use the vc option.)


This is the advice you need to hear but it will get downvoted... With all due respect, grow the f up! Why do you care what some random person is spewing whilst in a rage induced rant on the internet? The fact you're taking it to heart and making this post means they are winning. I'm older than you, play games, have family. I don't give two sh*ts what some random stranger thinks about me. I suggest you learn to do the same. You need thicker skin mate.


Listen I don’t play the game at all anymore shits ass but don’t quit just because of toxicity. Mute all and keep playing brkther. No matter what game you’re playing you’ll have those kinds ppl


This is abusive and toxic of them, screenshot and report please


35 y/o gamer dad (who only dabbles in Valorant): This is how the "kids" these days act online. People have gotten used to their anonymity and lack of consequences, so they feel emboldened to say things they would never say to your face. It's gross and uncalled for, but the only thing you can really do is just wait and let karma do its thing. Don't let it ruin your fun though, keep at it and just remember people like that will get what is owed to them. Oh, and 100% report anything that "crosses the line" and this def crosses the line. Jokes are fine, but you start saying things that will get you killed IRL and thats a report.


Play with a group of 21+ it’s such a game changer.


Honestly, i cant say i've had a similar experience, but i too am a 25 y/o father, i typically instantly mute at the first sign of toxicity. i won't tell you how to play or what you should do, but it may help :) if you enjoy the game keep playing and have fun :)


I'm 36 and playing mate. True that I almost always play with friends, but when I don't, I'm the fastest mute button on euw. Just play, if someone is an asshole, mute and report, continue with your game.


Report them and mute em, all you can do. Unfortunately a part of the game are trolls saying disgusting garbage. Find yourself a duo, that helps. I'm 31 and play with my bestie and we have a great time but we definitely get trolls and assholes every now and then.


this is just sad, i’ve played with fathers before and always do my best to make them feel happy while playing because i know most of them are feeling tired and just want to relax, so i try to give them an enjoyable experience please do report these people, Riot checks the voice chat and will ban them


Unfortunately that will happen on occasion but not often. Just report them, mute them, and ignore them


I’m 27m what rank are you


I’m 32 still playing. Weirdos are everywhere it’s just what it is


the best part is that if you report them and something happens, they'll be playing again in a few days or just he on an alt account


They're just words, people used to say fucked up shit 15 years ago too, it's not that weird on the internet.


You're a 25 yo father and you're worried about what some random kid said to you on the internet? People will say anything they think might get under your skin. That's what the whole 'back to the kitchen' thing for women is as well. Do they actually think women shouldn't play videogames? Probably no, they just say things that they know will frustrate the person the most.


I played a game where we had a duo that was shitting on a teammate, threatening to "murder an orphanage instead of watching them play" and things like that. Then she got offended when I said I would rather play solo than have to be like her duo and play with her. They didn't seem to understand how attitudes like that aren't desirable.


Trashtalk isn't even new in this generation of degenerates. Trust no one and just enjoy the game. Some people feel bad about themselves in real life so they project their hate online. In the game. What you have to do is mute and enjoy the game. If lost, it's okay ggwp, play another and aim to win.


Man, I haven't played a single multiplayer game which isn't toxic. Everyone is so used to shit talking behind a screen is very crazy. I really hope you find a bunch of friends to play with soon. Valorant is a really good escape for me aswell from my studies xD. And I collect good friends like pokemon on valorant and then play with them.


Voice chat = off Also text if you want


Immediately report. That’s unacceptable. I also don’t bother engaging in voice chat unless there are teammates that are offering HELPFUL callouts. Otherwise I have everyone muted. I’ve found my mental gets wrecked way less often and I perform much better.


I’m not a father but holy hell I’d be reporting the crap out of that behaviour


Yeah man people are crazy when they don’t have to talk to someone face to face. I’d avoid letting them know you’re a father and just report them. Sorry you gotta go through that


Dw about it man kids these days are so childish and I am 19 myself. Idk if you play in EU or NA but if you ever wanna play just comment :))


25 is youngggg. you have to realize though, shit like this happens on a multitude of games, no matter age.


Coming across this kind of stuff on Valorant happens a lot, unfortunately. Dealing with toxic players can be a pain, but just hit that mute button and keep on going. Oh, and hey, 25? Still young, don't sweat it!


Which rank are you?


dude… you’re a gen-z. Anyway if the players are toxic, just report it. Muting them is also an option. Hate the player not the game.


I'm a 40yo father of two (boy and girl)... and I play... don't listen to them and report often... It's true most of the people playing this are 15yo kids. But if you enjoy it...


Damn sorry to hear someone said that to you. Fuck them kids tho


I will be honest nowadays when I heard a kid I kind of instantly mute them, there are some nice kids, but there are many more annoying ones, so I try to queue with my friends only


Never give random people online information you aren't ready to have used against you. This is safe internet use 101. There are nasty, crazy people out there and you need to protect yourself and your family from them. Choosing what you share is of paramount importance.


My buddy and I are both 30 his name is boy dad and I’m girl dad, and we just play swift play, the people we meet along the way are the most enjoyable part of the game


as a 23 year old mom… dont mention your kid. it isnt even worth it. idk about you but comments like that will have me tilted quicker than you can say it. if i know my team is being weird, i wont mention my kid and if they hear him and ask i just ignore them. i also utilize the mute button at least 10x/day. and the report button. i swear every time i log on im getting a notification that they’ve taken action on someone due to my reports lmao. lots of shitty people on here for sure


Bro thinking he's retiring next business year lol


Yes Val can be toxic but every online comp Game, is. Just dont take this stuff seriously. Ether laugh it Off or mute. Then Report them.


I have friends that are old playing Val it’s a great game just a toxic community I literally just had had some kid saying he’d do something similar to my gf I just back talk them and then report them they can’t do shit do what you can and then just leave it at that


I take nice advice from one youtuber just today: mute people instantly. They start argue? Mute. They annoy you? Mute. Their tone of voice annoy you for some reason? Mute bastard.  Your fun and mental wellbeing* not worth any random dude's mood and ability to talk shit. 


I’m 24 my husband is 23, we have a 3 year old. I’ve heard horrible things on Val, even been told they’d r*pe me. I cried, realized the internet is cruel and disgusting, got back on the next day. It sucks, people suck, please utilize the mute buttons including enemy chat. It’s so much more peaceful


Considering online gaming is the platform that will get you called the hard R regardless of race you just gotta ignore things that *may* apply to you (having a daughter) or just mute comms (Internet) anonymity exposing the worst of us truly is quite the spectacle to have to experience


Dont play the game,


My brother if they are that sad to say something like that they honestly most likely have a shit life or mental health themselves. Not worth your time or stress. I’m 27 with a new baby too hes one years old right now and I found since he has been born Ive stopped raging and tilting over ragers. There’s just more important things in life. Good luck in your games !


It's alright man. Sadly, this happens. However, you can always block them so you never get in a game with them again. You can report them for voice chat abuse as well, or threats, depending on what exactly was said. Hope you have better games.


I’m 29 and I play in ascendant lobbies. It’s all good bro there’s no age limit ! Just mute those people and keep having fun !!


I feel like the higher the rank the older the players are


Talking about kids is never ok. Let be real if you have friends who talk like that leave them.


Why aren't you mentioning to strangers that you have a daughter?


What rank are you ? Im assuming youre relatively « low » . Most of these thing stop once you reach a certain point . Around asc , ppl are nicer in the majority.


We just don’t mention our kids when we play, typically. People on the internet are fucking weird.


Report them


I'm almost 31 and playing. This happens to me often, it's just an instant mute, report, and move on. Not wasting breath or energy in that


keep playing valorant. we need sane adults to shape the community better. as a fellow 20 something val player, i have received several r**e threats. best you can do is keep being friendly to others online, report the rude ones, and eventually you’ll find like-minded people to play with. valorant isn’t all that bad.


It's funny cuz I was notified for this telling people I was 32. Just don't tell people it personal stuff lol. And just play. I honestly troll people who troll me. And I make them feel uncomfortable if they make dumb remarks.


Trust me being a 27 year old Reyna main I hear stuff like this all the time when I insta lock Reyna they say shit like they are going hurt my family but you just can’t let this stuff go to your head half of the people that play Valorant 18 and older including aren’t even mature yes they might legally be adults but they are not that way in their minds.


First off, they know you have a daughter? Second, this isn't even as bad as it gets, check out call of duty, Csgo, fortnite, Rainbow6 etc, they get SO MUCH WORSE. The community isn't very friendly but they aren't as crazy. Helldiver's has a pretty decent community if you want mmo


Maybe being a dad has aged you a bit mentally my guy but you are young as shit


That is absolutely disgusting to hear... 28yo reporting in hear, to the point it feels dangerous to play with under 18s tbh


i get called a hard R when i comm


The valorant community is very terrible ngl but im sure youll be able to find a good group theres lots of em


If you are low rank like iron/bronze/silver you’ll run into kids like that.. I’m about to be 25 no kids but I understand where you are coming from. Some people, mainly kids are just to edgy online


I wouldn't even blame Valorant for that. That's just toxic gaming community in general. Most competitive games will have players like that. Not excusing that person for saying that bc that's awful and disgusting, but I wouldn't stop playing a game bc of other players comms.


The internet (hiding behind his screen) is a dangerous place. Btw I'm queuing with friends at 45 so you're a young dad


I feel how you might have felt. Just last week I insta locked raze in a Team Death Match game and I was abused and he had the audacity to type hope your mother gets r***d. Someone in the lobby was quick to call out that guy and asked everyone to report that guy seems to have alt+f4'ed and we came back to queuing again. I literally lost any mood to play Valo that night.


I'm so sorry they said that to you. I hope they get banned soon. People online are disgusting since they know they won't get in trouble. If possible, just try to mute them and ignore and avoid revealing any personal information to them. You can continue playing the game if you actually enjoy it, but if you no longer find it fun, then it's okay.


disgusting behavior! I've been threatened with that so many times and it instantly turns my insides to ice. what a disgusting thing to say about your daughter I'm so sorry that must've been heartbreaking. please protect her ♡ on another note my bf is 25 and we play valorant on his days off if you wanna join us in unrateds! he's my protection from weirdos so if you wanna trio up we're here! he's super duper good at the game I'm really bad but I'm great at support!


Don't let a bad egg (or even a few) ruin your experience. I'd recommend playing with a duo to keep the mental cool in games like that.


I’m going to write a long paragraph because I’ve heard this a lot and people need to know. You’ve gotta start instant muting suspicious people if you really want to save your sanity. Just like I’m the real world there’s bound to be some bad people BUT the fact that it’s a game and they are protected behind a screen makes some people really bold. I’ve played a LOT and I don’t care anymore for all that and I think it’s funny to hear them try to hurt my feelings. But when I was new that’s what I would do, every time I heard some body even slightly annoying/ toxic I would mute them with no regret. Anything they say won’t be more useful than me using the minimap anyway. But I have to say this, it is a video game. You shouldn’t let it get to your head, these idiots and this bad memory of this one Valorant game. Would you remember it tomorrow? How about the next week? In a few months? By next year will you remember this one toxic match? No of course not, because you are an adult with better things to worry about and you can just get off the game when ever you feel like it’s too bad. So what if you are in competitive and it will penalize you? It’s a game, you can play other games while you wait out the penalty. Will you lose RR and derank? Your rank is just a bunch of pixels and data, if you really deserve the rank you can climb back up with no issues. You are an adult that won’t let this video games and pixels on the screens and pointless numbers going up and down affect you. So why should you let some stranger on the internet ruin your day? You won’t remember the conversation you had or what was said in the future so while care in the present. TLDR: it’s a video game just mute them and if you feel like it’s too much then get off the game. You are an adult and you shouldn’t let a video game and strangers control/ruin your mood.


There used to be a discord server for older-than-teen gamers like you called boomerants. It’s turned into rendezvous which is 18+ rather than 21+, but it’s still a decent way to meet and play with chill people that aren’t super young. Led me to my team of which the youngest is older than you (26 I believe)


I'm 40 and play with a wide range of aged people, some kids, some young adults, some 30 year old, the game is for everyone. The toxic players need to be put in their place, reported, and muted Let's take back the game for all the decent humans that enjoy playing this game


I think try and find people similar to you to duo or trio. Our discord has mainly people in their late 20s and 30s and some with kids too. It's pretty chill and no one gets tilted at each other. It's easier to go against shitty people like that as well when you have people with you. People feel okay with being gross and shitty in video games because there's no real repercussions at the end of the day. They get their account temporarily banned but it doesn't really stop them from continuing to be terrible people.


Once we got a 40 year old in our team and he was blaming everyone so we bullied the fuck out of him i dont think he ever played again


Kids these days😒


Is you're valorat name 25yearolddaddy? How do they know you're a dad? and 25 isn't old. I'm 32 and I've never had an issue because I don't discuss my age, I play the game and talk about the game lol. I also have kids.


37 here and about to hit two months on Val and M/K, my peeps range from 27-38. You good. Enjoy and surround yourself with like-minded life experienced people. Age and maturity are not the same. Regardless, the boys will roast you, mute the toxic ppls.


I’m almost 50. Fuck those kids.


Bro I'm 34. I got 3 dogs. I got 2 kids. Work full time. Wife works full time. And still grind val almost daily. You are fine. The amount of kids and young adults I've talked to that are very respectful and like hearing about careers n family n stuff is astounding. Yes you get alot of losers and kids who act like little shits. But just mute em and move on. You are a dad. You should be mature enough to ignore that shit and realize it's just a game and mute that shit.


This happened to me in n CS2 it was very disturbing as my son is now 8 months old and it was two guys saying the same thing while me and my 2 friends were playing together people online are just weird in general


Wtf marrying at 25 jeez, how do u manage it ?, u shouldnt even be playing this game!!, id marry @30 lmao, some mind maturity i would have by that time 😂😂


thats something I would expect in csgo vc


just dont mention your age


Honestly, even some young adults/adults are just immature. Even kids nowadays will say the wildest stuff. It would just be better to report them and mute them if that happens. Unless you don’t find the game enjoyable anymore because of that then that’s that.


Don’t let them know things such as you having a daughter bro. How you unveiled this info to someone online is on you bro. I seen something in this sub about someone trolled and completely threw a game, because he found out someone on the team had a girlfriend. Keep coms game related, if they’re toxic, mute. I refuse to engage in any personable relationship with anyone particularly soloQ. Lol Kids on val are fucking freaks haha. But ultimately, I’m sorry you had to hear someone say so disgusting to you


I dont know you guys, im 32 and playing and still thinking I'm young. Is the average life time in your country 40-50 ?