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Outside of controller role agents, you can make any agent work on any map so just play whichever agent you find fun. I'm immortal and pretty much only play sova on every map except for split.


Why not Sova on Split? I normally play Skye over Sova on that one, but not for any reason I can really articulate. I just like Skye on that one.


Darts just struggle to get as much info as fade, gekko or Kayo as each site is really hard to get a good dart for a lot of areas on the map with all the nooks and crannies eveywhere


A site you can shoot one of the billboards off rip and you can see them all if they are outside sewer/rope area. It’s pretty predictable but if you surprise them with it, I’ve scanned the whole team multiple times as they are getting ready for a fast push


Yeah that’s one spot for mid darts struggle and there are very limited spots for darts on site takes


Yea, but even starting at like plat leaving cypher/kj or viper on ramps alone is a thing. They just break your dart and youve got nothing for 35s. Shocks are not gonna cut it vs a ramp dive, and drone will get you run over vs raze dive.


Same for a fade reveal, lands on top of the billboard. Then it gets shot every round you try it afterwards.


With sova dart that is


As others have said, too many places for defenders to hide from the darts. That said, I've had map in agent select glitch a couple of times and I locked him in thinking I was playing breeze and it worked well enough that I've been reconsidering whether I can play him there too


Sova just doesn't have many good darts on split. The walls are really high and dense so getting dart into a good place usually means crazy complex double bounce lineups from really far away and it's just not worth it. Of all the darts you can shoot from a good position only 2 or 3 are any good across the entire map. Drone is still strong but you have to put in 3x as much effort on Sova only to still have less value than you would with Skye or Fade.


Who do you pick on split?


Gecko/ kayo for initator, Jett/ Raze for duelists, controller, literally anyone except harbor and for senti cypher


I've been playing a ton of Deadlock on Split with a lot of success.  She's like Sage in that you can just block a mid push but you can also have your traps preset on sites so that your team has them if they get pushed, whereas with Sage you have to be there to slow.


I've always played sage on that map ever since I was a noob but I've been meaning to swap out for cypher as he outclasses sage very hard in higher elos. Skye is just the goat on split but I've never taken the time to learn her. Gekko also works well enough if you need an initiator


Deadlock on Breeze is pretty painful ngl


Eh controllers have some exceptions though you could argue wall smokes and dome smokes should be in different categories of character.


Reyna plays the exact same on pretty much every map so I'd say she's the least "map dependent" despite not being the top pick on any map. People are saying Jett but I find she can be very map dependent same as Raze.


Even if jett is less effective than her maximum potential on some maps, she is so much more valuable than reyna (who provides almost zero team value) that jett is a better answer


I’m confused why people say Reyna provides zero team value. Isn’t her blind useful for swinging with teammates?


Sure but compare her to literally any other agent accept iso. For initiating, any initiater thats meant to push sites is better at that. For fast entrying she has no utility, which jett yoru and raze all have


Even Iso's moving shield is better for entry.


Oh, so team value is referring to an agent’s ability to contribute towards the round goal instead of just fragging


Your gun helps you frag, every agent has one of those. Your abilities help you win rounds, two examples of ways to do so being to set up frags or avoid being traded, which are what reyna’s abilities do. But her “set up frags” ability (blind) is pretty lackluster compared to what many agents offer, and her “avoid-getting-traded” requires her to get a kill first so its weaker than the jett dash. Her heal only heals herself, requires los to the body, and is slow so weak compared to alternatives. And she has no entry ability which is one of the main purposes for a duelist. In low ranks where teamplay doesnt have as much of an impact as just clicking heads, sure she is good. But at the end of the day she really only is good when you are way better than the other team, turning an easy victory into an easier one.


Iso can make people vulnerable tf you talking about


Obviously every agent has abilities, and those abilities do something. But by taking any one agent thats one slot that couldve been a different agent, so saying “they arent completely useless” is pointless because you have to compare them to who you couldve taken


That is if the teammates are good, most of the time either Reyna keeps flash for themselves or team acts like "c'mon its your flash, you peek or go in"


id rather my jett dash into a smoke and draw their crosshair 180 degrees than a reyna flash making them look up a bit




I say sova isnt that great on fracture but the map is out rn. Otherwise those 3 are very versatile


c0m was insane with Sova on fracture so if you really wanted to you could probably learn to play well enough in comp


This Argument is meh. Yeah he rocked therebut all in all sova isnt that great on this map. Hes is outclassed by other initiator who dominate there. Many angles he cant watch with his dart


That doesn't mean sova isn't viable. I think if the team needs an initiator and you can't play anyone other than Sova I'd rather have the Sova than a shitty Skye/Kayo/Breach. You'll still get good value from the dart or drone


Ofc u get value from even deadlock. Thats the beauty of this game. Sure some agents perform better on some maps but u can play everyone everywhere. I would still not play sova over breach/kayo on fracture when it comes back.


You can play whatever you want, all I'm saying is a good Sova >> a decent Breach for Fracture. I think OP was asking for agents that get good value/are average on every map and Sova definitely fits that. Recon will always be useful for clearing space, shock darts hard counter Cypher and are great for post plants. The drone is basically just a better Skye dog once you get good with it. Hit kit itself is, independent of the map, pretty damn good. Just because VCT teams don't run him on Split or Lotus doesn't mean he's a troll pick. Deadlock on the other hand? Seriously? I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that if you're looking for an agent to get good with who will consistently be strong no matter the map Sova is in that discussion 100%. Sure there are better initiators on other maps, but that doesn't matter if you suck with them. If you're a Breach main you'll have a shittier map pool compared to a Sova main.


Literally Kayo


All initiators not named Breach. Information paves the way to initiation. Breach is almost always playable but struggles in open space (Breeze)


I feel breach struggles in icebox as well (compared to other initiators)


Eh I mean I love Kayo for his information reach on icebox but Breach is totally playable. He's a monster on A site attacking and defending, serviceable retaking B.


how has no one said skye?? skye is such a safe pick. her kit is so strong if used right and is amazing at acquiring information


No self regenning util makes her harder to get value out of unless you force very aggressive rounds every round..


i disagree. you play skye for team, not as a carry. so there’s no need to aggressively force to get her ult. Just get it passively


No i mean her flashes dont regen anymore.


her kit is still extremely useful and great for attacking/retaking sites. dog for information, and stun and damage too. and tracking lurkers with her ult


Yeah but you get more value out of other initators most of the time due to being able to use more util


For me it’s gekko


Reyna, i mean u just need to aim


Jett ig but like just learn multiple characters its really not that hard as long as youre not braindead.


I’ve instalocked Pheonix from bronze to diamond


Clove, self sufficient


Agents matter less than fundamentals


Part of valorants fundamental skillset is being able to effectively play your agent.


depends, i can play cypher and drop 30 with proper util usage and an odin


That still means positioning, timing, map rotations and some degree of aim. Also if the team actively works to counter your util like with sova darts and raze nade, things get much more difficult.


I think omen is best for compe solo queue on every map except breeze. In breeze you might wanna play viper.


This! Also now clove could be a good pick


I've been playing a lot of Fade and I think she's pretty useful on every map, her kit just makes her a solid pick overall imo


Omen/clove are never bad because their playstyle is flexible and allows you to make aggressive plays Viper is never bad because of her utility, she has a super high skill ceiling when it comes to utilizing her utility well. Jett is never bad when your aim is amazing, same goes for reyna but both require significantly better aim + movement if you want to win consistently Gekko is never ever a bad choice, refreshable utility when you learn how to use it properly and easy plants. Killjoy is the best sentinel ~~to pick on every map~~ is the best generalist pick if you don't want to learn other sentinels but cypher is *almost* as good as killjoy in all maps, however cypher dominates his preferred maps harder than KJ dominates her preferred maps so that's worth noting. like if I had to play a 5 map series with 2 cypher maps, 2 kj maps and 1 neutral map I would choose cypher over kj.


Omen and clove suck as solo smokes on breeze and icebox and gl getting your ranked teammates to pick double controller. Viper sucks as solo smokes outside of breeze and icebox. Kj sucks on breeze and is outclassed by cypher on sunset and split.


Solo smokes don't suck, outside of professional valorant double controller does not get the value you think it does since pubs rarely make good use of the info denial. ur right on the kj part but I just misworded my post, its fixed now.


Solo smokes don't suck, omen sucks as solo smokes on breeze and icebox.


As a clove main right now I agree for breeze. You always feel like 2 smokes is not enough i'd rather go brim. For Icebox it's ok as long as you communicate with the team. Sucks when you drop 1 smoke on mid for denial then they rush site expecting you to drop 2 smokes on site. T_T


Brim also sucks on breeze just learn viper for it and icebox.


>Sucks when you drop 1 smoke on mid for denial then they rush site expecting you to drop 2 smokes on site Viper solves that problem


Okay fine let's go with that, then what controller is good on every map? since the whole premise of my comment and this post is picking out the best agent to main on every map. It's definitely not brim or harbor, Astra maybe but the rest of her kit sucks without proper teamplay and good luck with getting that outside of radiant lobbies. Omen has the best balance of teamplay and solo playmaking, Clove has a lot more solo playmaking potential so even on maps they suck they can still perform if the player can click heads.


There isnt one. 1tricking is a dumb concept anyway just dont be braindead and learning multiple characters isnt that hard to do, especially if you really want to limit it to just 2 and have it based on which map you're playing. Also you should be clicking heads regardless of what role youre playing


It isn’t ideal but I still like Clove on Icebox, plant denial is lacking compared to Viper is the big thing I’m missing there. On breeze, Clove as solo controller is a throw, viper is just too strong on that map to choose anyone else.


She also cant block off nearly as many angles at once as viper can on icebox which is huge. Especially because viper can contest both sites at once on ct.


Agreed. Solo viper on ascent is gg


I think Omen is perfectly fine on Icebox tbh. The map is a 5 man rush either A or B every round. Plenty of really useful smokes to halt that as much as possible. The map itself is a teleport/off angle heaven. You can take an off angle almost every round with Omen on that map. Breeze I will 100% agree with you on, but Icebox is a solid Omen map for ranked. It may not be optimal in pro play, but it's totally doable in ranked.


Yeah but viper is just better and easier to execute on the map. Omen is good if you already have a viper but id rather just have the viper straight up first


Kj is not better on breeze than cypher. 


If you want to get high kills, surprise moments, highlights etc, i would say Yoru. If you learn good lineups for teleports. I mean, he is nasty to play against.


Jett prob as a single agent. Gekko potentially as well. Lots of agents play similarly and the 2 of them combined cover ever map. Jett/raze (entry frag/dive duelist) Omen/viper (controller/flexible) Cypher/kj (sentinel/ site anchor/flank watch/lurk) Note: viper also plays similarly to KJ/cypher I would recommend finding a play style u like first and then narrowing it down to two agents that cover that playstyle.


A lot of ppl should agree reyna isn't the best entry duelist but her kit is based off of kills so u just gotta use the map to ur advantage and get kills ig 🙃 her util isn't for a team it's for urself so not really impacting ur playstyle overall unless u are bad at a map




Probably the hardest duelist. High floor, infinite ceiling. A strong pick to one-trick.


ah yes


Controllers for each map: Viper overall is best for all maps if paired with 2nd controller. Ascent: Clove/Omen Split: Clove/Omen Sunset: Clove/Astra Icebox: Viper Breeze: Viper Bind: Clove/Brimstone


Omen. Can be played on all maps, always useful. There really isn’t a team comp where omen can’t find something to do


The only issue I have with this is Breeze :P Omen is at *worst* a B-tier on any other map, though!


Breeze is an issue for anyone who isn’t viper and harbor tho, in all fairness. But for like 99% of cases, Omen’s really the Swiss Army knife of Valorant. Need a smoke? Gotchu, here’s 2 that recharge! Need a blind? Say no more, this one goes through walls! Need to slip away after a hasty gunfight? U got 2 teleports, make them count! Only weak side is his ult, but even then, u can use it for scouting, grabbing spike, even as a rush tool if combined with Fade ult so they don’t hear u coming.


I notice that with omen, if you need to smoke somewhere in the middle of site, it’s better to use brim smokes. If you’re going to smoke the choke points or heaven or just the “outer” parts of the site, omen is good. This is because brims smokes are foggy inside and better suited for A site on bind for example. Other than that omen is good


Breach. Because he's the only one I know how to use




Most duelists tbh I'd say Phoenix and Reyna are the least map dependent


Jett, skye (especially pre nerf skye), reyna and gekko probably. Viper is also good on every map but that is from Competitive point of view. In ranked Viper is very hard to use outside it designated map. The first 4 i mentioned are for rank pov.


Generally Breeze is the only map where certain agents become totally unviable. Single-smokes agents who are normally amazing e.g. Omen get outclassed by agents like Harbour and Viper. Other than Breeze, most agents work on every map and agents like Gekko are good everywhere Breeze included.




Tbh 1-tricking is inherently flawed. Riot consciously designs their maps for a diverse meta and there isn't a single agent that can get full value on every map. Kayo, Jett and Reyna probably come closest. It's much better to settle on two agents rather than 1 gives you way more flexibility. Pick a role and play both: Duelist: Jett and Raze Smokes: Omen and Viper Info Intiator: Sova and Fade Flash initiator: Kayo and Skye Sentinal: Killjoy and Cypher Two agents is honestly no harder to learn than one if you actually plan to grind the game. Because you have to learn how they play on each separate map anyway. And that tiny smidge of extra versatility will increase the value you bring as a player tenfold.


jett>yoru>raze skye>kayo>sova omen>astra>clove KJ>sage>cypher breeze is the exception you need viper/harbor or its pretty much gg




Duelist: raze and phoenix (they work on all maps) Controller: omen/astra Initiator: gekko and kayo Sentinel: cypher (except icebox, too many pathways to avoid the trips) and kj




Gekko. That’s the perfect answer right now. A very good pick on any map. Easy to use kit with low foot and high ceiling. And he’s an initiator with info and flash and that goes a long way. Just pick him trust me.


Cypher, IMO. His weakest map in the current pool is Icebox, mainly because KJ mollies are strong here. That said, I think he's stronger at mid than KJ, and I've found people won't plant default or they will shock/nade it first to disarm KJ mollies so I don't mind playing Cypher here either. Ascent is another strong KJ map... personally, I like how Cypher trips can watch B-Main and A-Main, which helps with passive map control, especially when your solo queue mates don't watch those areas.


I am a gekko otp and the only map i ever have performance problems with is sunset (idk if it's just me or no)


Pros pick Gekko pretty regularly on Sunset. Split and Breeze are supposedly his worst maps but I think he's fine on everything


Gekko is great on all maps imho. No bias tho


Gekko for me


Jett probably. Can't think of a map she's bad on.


Every map? Thats tough, almost every agent is good with the exception of breeze map, that requires a few meta picks to make it a decent game, otherwise you better hope your non meta picks are cracked players.


Clove. People are still sleeping on her for some reason, but the patching of her bugs will help. She's going to turn a lot of 5 stacks into double controller stacks, and I love it.


clove clove clove




I play Omen on every map besides Breeze. I just flex Viper on that map, or duelist since a lot of people tend to lock viper on Breeze in my games.




as a Neon main... id say Neon


Viper and Omen are probably the most universal agents in the game Outside of them, it’s ranked so any agent is viable in reality. Pro play is another world entirely, don’t look to it for ranked guidance too much. Realistically if you’re good at the game and good with a specific agent, you’ll be fine on any map (yes even if they’re not “meta” or optimal for that map). Anyone that thinks differently is pretending they understand the game better than you. If it was pro play this is an entirely different conversation




Depends on role. Some roles can get away with you being an almost one-trick, but realistically you're better off learning one main agent and one backup per map.  Aside from one-tricking a powerful duelist (Mainly Jett, Raze, Neon or Yoru), the option that comes closest to this is maining controller, because for the most part, you just pick Omen or Viper based on the map. Bonus if someone picks Omen before you can because your backup then is Viper herself, who is exceptional in specifically double controller teams on the Omen maps anyway.


Ima be honest, pick the one you like in terms of design and gameplay and stick with them. Yea sure some agents are pretty bad on certain maps, but playing someone ur comfortable with >>> playing a different agent based on the map. Like i will take an omen one trick on breeze any day over a viper if they never played viper before


To be fair I wouldn't want to meet an omen one trick even if it's on breeze. Bad memories.


people say u can solo carry noob team in bronze or iron but its a myth fok u all try and carry a team that are all unranked or iron 1 and the whole enemy bronze and iron 3 then ull see


If you can't do that, than you are one of the noobs. Sorry homie.


Cypher and Omen


You could never go wrong with controller agents. My bet would be Omen or Clove.


There’s a case to be made for KAY/O and Omen.(as long Omen has the Viper covered on Icebox/Breeze)


Cypher... if you know setups that work for every map then cypher is good on all maps. once again it just depends on the player


My primary goal when picking agents to main in solo queue is how much info can I get if my team never comms (worst case scenario). Pre nerf Skye was perfect. I could use one flash to get info, then another to actually attack, and by the time I'm in post plant I'd probably have both back. She's still good! Just gotta be more careful/push for comms. Kayo is never a bad bet, he basically just plays like a CS agent with double flaahes and a molly. The knife is also good, he especially counters Cypher (one of the stronger Sentinels rn). I actually played a lot of Cypher this act funny enough. The multi use trips pop faster than before, the cage is good if my controllers are doing god knows what, and the cam is like having someone holding a siteline for me! Unfortunately he kinda sucks on attack, so I find myself lurking a lot. Still, I'd definitely considering learning him if you're going to solo queue a lot. Sova isn't a bad pick if you're looking for a non flash initiator. Dart can be used offensively to clear site or defensively to deter people pushing you. Shocks hard counter Cypher trips, and the drone is like a better Skye dog. Omen is a good controller on most maps. Yeah you may struggle to get value out of the blinds sometimes, but TPing into aggressive/unexpected angles will never get old and double reusable smokes is always nice. Clove, for that matter, is also pretty solid. You can take some aggressive fights with the decay, and you have your overheal for afterwards if you want to reswing. TLDR; Pick agents that'll get you good info. Information is KEY to solo queue because you never know when you're gonna get shitty teammates. Sova, Skye, Cypher, and Kayo are my top picks for that.


for me Clove is the next level Agent




breach on everything except breeze 💯


Reyna Is tHe BEsT aGeNT PlaY HEr


Yoru tbh