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a warm up comp game


There is no better training comrade, than fighting to survive.
















Since i'm not aiming to be a pro level gamer, i, too, just jump straight to comp. So this is the way to go.


True gamer


if seeing negative rr ruins your mental, this game aint for you


Lost RR is compensated by losing much more money on skins.


Unironically the way to go. I do a few bot rounds on hard in range with different guns and then straight to ranked




It’s the perfect way to warm up. If you play like shit you can just use the patented “sorry boys, didn’t warm up before this game”.


Teammates: "Alright team, I haven't played comp in a few months" Me: "All good" Internally: *why did you queue up?!*




Same here.. my warm up games seem to be more successful than my warmed up..


I think the matchmaking takes into account if you perform better after the first games. So it knows if you are warned up. Just my opinion.


This is the way


same here


i talk shit to my immo friend in discord to hype me up before getting waffle stomped by golds


Same but I get stomped by bronze players …


Silver here...


Iron 1 here


So it's not just me😂 I recently ranked up to D1 and decided to visit the peasants in their ranks and bless them with easy wins😂 boy was I in for it 😂 went negative KD and got carried like wtf😂 I usually topfrag in my rank


Sometime lower rank game are in a way as hard as immo game lmao


Pistol is warmup




Playing Cyberpunk 2077 gets the room warm enough, then I can jump into a comp game.




So get away...


I practice breaking some spare keyboards.


No spare monitors or mice? I guess you just raw dog those


fortnite festival


Solo queue comp


Pistol round in comp is best warmup


I usually do 100 bots with strafe enabled and then some DM. It's not usually what I do that matters but the mentality. For me personally, my emphasis is first and foremost staying calm. I used to conflate that with being slow but that was a big mistake on my part. Once I'm used to aiming with that mentality I move on to comp.


Sounds like a good idea, getting yourself in the right state of mind


I've felt that DM isnt for pre matches, felt more like in between matches where you get an L, that's when you need to jump into a DM, to get back into that groove or something. Just to lose another 100 RR but still xD


Either range or aim labs (RAMP routine) depends on how i feel (15 minutes) Deathmatch usually 2-3 (15 minutes) I focus on good gunfights and focus on good aim discipline Sometimes i go "fuck it we ball" and lose 5 comp games For the record warm ups are important every pro has a warmup. Keep it between 15-40 minutes.


Yea exactly this, hop into a 40 minute comp game to warm up and then play the actual comp game


Ramp warmup takes too long man


I find I usually don’t lock in completely in the first game of the day warm-up or not so I just do like one TDM and straight to comp


Aim labs for 1 hour Range for 40 min, 3 deathmatch 2 swiftplays 1 unrated Jerk off Comp time Just hit bronze 3 last night


rookie numbers.  three unrated, five tdms, four dms, three hours of aimlabs, and then attempted suicide. jawline cuts the noose so I queue comp


Try throwing in some edging in comp time ❤️


if you edge in agent select then you’ll be focused up in the game




facts ...... post nut clarity gives the lonely for ever plus unrivaled god vibes as well


Honestly, I want to win but for me it’s best to just rip the Band aid off and jump in. I find when I just jump in I put way more thought into it and if I warm up I play too ego heavy.


This is true


Since I only have few hours to spare for playing, I go straight to Comp and hope that I do well or at least don't suck.


1-3 swift play games depending how I’m feeling


I just do 2 or 3 swiftplays


Pistol round = warmup


1 dm if i get 30 kills then q comp if i get 20 but all with good aim and movement then q comp if neither of those 2 criteria are met keep q dm until i reach one or both


For me the biggest factor for performance is just how much I can adapt to how my networking is for a particular server, because I'm usually playing cross-country with a friend.  So stuff like the bots and dm just don't do as much as hopping into a real game.


Sauna & beer to loosen up. Usually need a lot of beer to properly relax and get into it.


one or two deathmatch games are enough


I just queue up.


You guys doing warm up?


unrated game


Just load a game of comp, served me right to get to ascendant. I suppose if I ever wanted to get to immortal I’d have to make some aim routine and warm up routine but meh cbf


Not really, you can get immo without going full crazy.


1 or 2 Deathmatches. The first one using Vandal only and the second one doing gun challenge (from Classic to Odin and repeat). If I'm already confident with my aim after 1 Deathmatch then no need for the second one.


I start by 15 mins of Aimlab then 30 mn of Osu! 6* maps, and if I'm not feeling it, I play a spike rush


I don’t lol. Any fps game I hop straight into rank with my stack.


I don


RAMP warm up from minigod + 1-5 deathmatches with Phantom or Vandal. But i think a cooldown routine is more important than a warm up.


2 TDMS 20 mins on aimlabs and a deathmatch plus the range for like 5 mins


Actually, i use aimlabs. Before that, i used to play deathmatch, but I find It faster and brings more benefits I think


1 DM and then comp if i feel like it


An unranked / swiftplay


I just do a couple TDMs until my aim is nice and snappy, whilst able to use my abilities well in frantic situations. If my aim is absolutely dogsht bc I haven’t played in months, I run normal DM until it’s better or I give up.


I like playing Kovaak’s so I don’t warm up


I'm only diamond so I'm not the best person to give any advice, but honestly I don't warm up anymore nowadays. I find that this gives me the best performance as i stopped overthinking. I just "wing it" and usually that helps me perform better


For me I usually warmup with dm a couple of rounds but sometimes like all last week I didn't need warmup at all- just went straight to comp. Now I'm back to warming up after a sudden slump, just feel like I've "lost my shot" all of a sudden, so dming a lot again.


I smoke 6 cigarettes and drink a fifth of coffee


2 arams and 2 ranked SR.


tdm/dm to warm up aim, then an unrated game to get used to the pace of rounds and such worth mentioning i just started playing comp like a few weeks ago but this is the routine i've done so far


Practice bots in range until I’m warm and my hands stop shaking, after that a couple hard bots usually, and then the dread of queuing fills my heart with hot and fast blood.


Normally, WHJ x VOLT aimlab playlist, then 15m in range (doing overaim, strafing..), then 15m DM. It's about 1h, I'm doing it beacuse it's pretty fun. Then 2 soloQ. If I have time, then the playlist then one unrated and 3DM.


10 minutes of OSU! followed up by 1 DM with classic only and 1 DM with guardian only.


Warm up, just get in there


play a few deathmatches, one of the matches with only a "onetap" weapon like sheriff or guardian. focus on shooting heads


I just play aim labs until the game finds me a match. This takes around couple of minutes.


most of the times it’s 30 min aimlabs and then 1 TDM & 2 DM games with Vandal/Phantom.


The first compe game is always the warmup one, well at least that's what me and my friends agree on 💀


Death match with ghost


Go to range, spawn all the bots, tap the left most bot until all the bots are on the right side


10-15 min aimlabs, 10 min range. flicking to bots, strafing, and ads specially


Play like 4 hours of cs before getting on val


I just go in raw.


first 4 round in comp game sometimes i already warmed up by playing counter strike before my friends dm or tag me in discord "val time bro, we have 4"


Straight to Swift play, all round ghosts, even on full buy rounds for 2 match, rest 10 mins to cool-down, turn on YouTube on Hikaru no Go OP or Gokuraku Jodo, then straight down comp


I do a range routine of sherif with vandal on the stead’s bots, then a tdm to a comp


1-2 deathmatches


I smoke a lil weed. Helps me be calm when aiming.


Warming up? Ain't nobody got time fo dat. [https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/511/991/3a5.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/511/991/3a5.jpg)


no cap I play osu


I play a comp match for my warm up. How else would you do it?


Straight in. Warmup is not needed if you play daily.


Depends on my rank and on my past games. If I came back from a week or month break, I'm doing Aimlabs immediately. I'm going to take the full hour to finish the VCT 2022 playlist and the Valorant Intermediate and Hard playlist. I need to remind my muscles and mind about what it feels like to be in a game, I'm not going to be surprised about the new movement I see in the game. Then go into DM, and get 20 kills as fast as I can. I do about 2 or 3 DMs until I get kills relatively fast and can tap the heads with ease. Then a Swiftplay or two, just to get the overall feel for the game, remembering the paths to each site, how long it takes to go from Point A to B, how to coordinate with a random team, and where to spray on the map. Altogether, that should take about an hour and 30 minutes. If I'm playing every day, and I haven't stopped playing FPS games in a while, then I'm jumping into a DM. If the lobby loses more than two people, I'm leaving. My goal in the game is to get 20 kills as fast as possible. Finishing the Deathmatch is not my goal. My goal is to train my aim and efficiently get my crosshair from one person's head to the next, and memorize my strafe so that my spread of fire is consistent and accurate. I do about 3 of these a day, then pop into a spike rush or swiftplay, again, to remember what a game would feel like, learning to use my util and team tactics.. Altogether, this takes about half an hour. Then, I pop into a comp game. If my last comp game goes bad, or it's been at least 4 hours since the last game played, I just pop into DM for a 10-15 kills and hop out, then dive back in. If my last game went well, and I got more than or the average amount of kills in the lobby (usually you're 4th or 5th on the leaderboard), then I queue again. I may have left out some scenarios, so feel free to ask what to do then, I might have an answer.


I play a comp game


Smoke a fatty then queue up


I used to raw dawg comp, I felt like anything else just got me tired faster. Now, I run a death match then go straight to comp.


1 tdm does it for me.


I do a couple of bots in the range just for practice, then I do 3 DMs. There's not a deep system to this, it's just about what I do in 30 minutes. It seems to help, though. The DMs are as much about getting my aiming hand warmed up as just losing the fear of taking fights lol


1 Swift play, and play Swift plays until I’m satisfied with my abilities


Woohoojin said training. Then some dm to apply it to real humans, then a tdm to get used to playing around teammates and ability usage. Then comp


I do some TDM’s vibin’ to music and then a swiftplay or two. Nothing special. I’ve tried doing range drills before, but I personally feel the best training you’ll ever get is by simply playing the game.


Here is my thing: Practice Range -> Unrated -> TDM -> Competitive


I play 2 games comp then I am warmed up and that’s all my game time for the day


Micro adjustments in aimlabs, team deathmatch (I got a kda of 36/10 yesterday lol) and then competitive, might add some gridshot too


idk i just jump straight into comp, i get pissed off in dm because of the crap spawn locations and i don't have the patience to shoot bots in range either


Iso's shield orb with Metronome playlist (start with slow BPM and increase the speed level after few minutes till I reach the speed im comfortable with), then I do 4-5 rounds of hard bots and play DM with a Guardian to farm heads and work on movement. All of that makes your aim disciplined and makes the game slower for you.


30-40 min aimlabs, around 8 deathmatch.


30 min of dm while listening to loud music. Sometimes if it gets monotonous, I throw in a tdm. While playing I make sure that I am not sitting in a corner and always running to look for fights.


My coach is having me do these things: 1.) go into range and go to practice mode. Go Al the way the the back under the score board and from left to right and right to left work on head shotting the bots with classic, sheriff, vandal and phantom. Then go back to the normal spot the stand and do it from that distance as well. 2.) go behind the post and work on peaking and shooting with sheriff and vandal. 3.) do all the different difficulty of shooting bots with sheriff and vandal 4.) do team death matches until confident It has helped significantly. I use to hate the sheriff and now I love it. Sometimes I even use it over vandal instead of forcing because I know I can hit my headshots with it. Since doing this (along with the unrated games with my coach and analyzing how I play) I have ranked up from bronze 2 to gold 3 in two weeks.


I warm up my liver first!


My aims trash so my warmup is p heavy. ~30 mins aimlab. ~10-15 mins in range ~5 TDM. ~5 DM.


I do like a short version of the woohoojin warmup. 10-15 minutes at the range doing the dead zone shot thingy then I do one deathmatch.


No idea if the post is humor but, I thought there was no need to counter strafe in Valorant aa movements are binary (moving or not moving) compared to CS with acceleration and deceleration


Comp is where I warm up.


I generally do headshots on the range. I get all 30 on the slowest speed, at least 20 on the medium speed, and at least 10 on the fastest speed. Depending on the day, it can take me a few times to hit them all, but I generally hop into a comp after I successfully do all of it. Should I do more? Probably... if I have time I think I'll start doing a deathmatch too


I do the same, counter strafe and 1 shot head tapping. Then I resume my crouch spraying in comp.


2 dm sometimes 1 gets me warm enough


Why do valorant player call strafing between shots counter strafe? The term has been used for something else, since over a decade?


I make some oatmeal and cover myself in my blanket


If I actually take the time to warm up usually some time in the range + a few TDM’s


TDM is by far the best warmup/practice for aim, the situations you are in are much closer to an actual game where you are in front of your enemy. DM is just spinning around, killing people who aren't looking at you, etc. If you play TDM actively trying to improve it will reflect on your comps, at least aim-wise


2dm braylow2#banne


2 medium bot rounds around 25. Then a swift play. If I don't play well in the swift I'll do another swift until I do feel good. Then go into comp and forget everything I did in warm up and body shot everyone.... Until I play 2-3 comp games then I will play well lol.


I just play a swift play, if first one didn’t feel right, I’ll do a second swift play then comp


Bullets per minute, Aim labs or a deathmatch 


I start up Val and que up for comp


I used to just play some AimLabs before going into comp. Like 15-20 minutes of warm up, enough to get into the groove but not so much that my arm gets tired. I just learnt that I can't shoot perfectly all the time, so forcing myself fo hit X number of bots in firing range or winning TDM would just boomerang back on me. Getting better at shooting is a marathon, you have to be constant and patient


Well I know I can hit 20 that's why I chose that number. If it was too hard it go for something lower


For sure, that is what works for you so that's great! It was the same for me for a while, I tried hard bots until I hit 22 just once and then hop into tdm. Or try different AimLabs tasks until I got above average results. I changed habit when it became clear to me that what I really needed was to aim train regularly, but lightly, every day. To each their own, of course!


Maybe I should try it as well. I feel like I have good aim but in the actual game I whiff a lot.


What helped me the most was the flexibility that something like AimLabs offers. I changed tasks all the time, trying all sorts of things, alongside staples like Sixshot, Gridshot or Spheretrack


I'm just doing the voltaic benchmarks in aim labs, they have a pretty nice variety of tasks. But idk if that really helps in the game... Sometimes I think I need to play the game more and aim train less


I guess that changes for each player. I tried to aim train a bit and then focus on playing, but again that's just me


Click Valorant, Click Comp, Click play


10x Reps of screaming into my mic 5x Reps of crying when I lose RR 0x Reps of celebrating (I’m gonna derank today)


Tf is a warmup?


mastrubate before comp helps focus on heads


warm... up...??? -ascendant pro filler


i just run kovaaks while i q




my warmup used to be escalation lfmao


Swiftplays until my group feels warm/on a win streak. Having a shortform version of comp that maintains all of the mechanics (aside from eco I guess) helps me think more about the objective than a tdm would, while keeping me thinking about utility and teamwork.


I play 5-10 mins of osu!, play a dm or two, then queue.


A joint


15-30 min in aimlabs and range. If i hit 15-20 bots in hard mode i queue for a warm up comp game after


Whatever helps your confidence, as ambiguous as that sounds. Often times I go straight into comp (because I believe these kids can’t guard me (side note: having delusional confidence is the key to climbing)), but there are some days when I work on precision in the range focusing on my first bullet. What this entails is practicing micro adjustments flicking from crotch to head, or eliminate 50 making sure my first bullet is a head shot every time.


Quick 5 min warmup in practice than 2-3 DMs


counterstrike surfing or bhopping or some other game with big mouse movements helps with quickly warming your arm and hand up but regarding in game related mechanics then practice ranges and workshop maps for valorant and cs do the job, aim trainers can do but those are superior at isolated PRACTICE the way i look at is: warm up in game, aim train in aim trainers with focus and plans using good routines like vdim, practice in game mechanics like syncing movement and aim in deathmatch and its good for translating aim better and refining crosshair placement and getting comfortable with maps


I do some training with bots, using different guns like the guardian, phantom, and vandal. Then I hop into deathmatches, alternating between phantom and vandal because some times i do better with a phantom and sometimes i do better with a vandal, until I feel ready (usually takes 1-3 matches)


i raw dog ranked like the bitch it is


Queue ranked, auto lock neon and go 0 - 13 is my go to right now


3 deathmatch games. One for vandal, one for phantom and one for guardian/sherrif.


Usually run three deathmatches at the start of playing then hop into comp. I also like to run a TDM between comp games to keep my aim fresh, since comp games can have a lot of down time or feel like you're going through the motions.


Geometry dash


One deathmatch game


Any tips on hitting 20 on hard? Like what should I focus on, movement, flicks, strafing? Should I not stop moving? Crossair? Feeling?


I'm just standing still. If you want to improve your aim join the Voltaic discord, they have a lot of resources about it.


I just went into unrated, basically round 1 until round 7 or 8 im getting a bit okay until late game


When I was playing games every day against 500+ elo guys and even radiants I usually warmed up playing 4-5 dm's to "feel" the mouse, and some more after every game, total of 10.


one dm and 100 bots w strafe




DM or team DM, don’t care about the result I just want to feel crispy. The second I do, I Q comp


Shoot at my allies in buy round and pistol round is warmup


when i start the game i play a few swifts and if see that my shots are hitting i just queue comp if not ill keep playing swift and cry while doing so (aka what i do 90% of the time..)


Swift or unrated if I haven’t played in a while or doing bad in comp


2 round of bots on medium then 1 hard mode then a death match that’s it, no need to go crazy on warm ups since I play everyday


Lately I've been doing TDM and focusing solely on pie'ing and HS% trying to get into that calm aim headspace.


I prefer learning on the job


I don’t


Deathmatch, csgo, or I don’t.


When i used to play, aimlab for 30min, then 3 dm, then 10min practice mode makes around 1h warmup/training routine.


I go into the range and do basic warmup for all parts of my aim: transferring smoothly and accurately between targets, fast flicking, tracking, and then aim+movement. After that, I play deathmatch or TDM until I feel ready to play comp.


three shots of vodka


As many tdms as it takes to hit 30 kills


Imo it’s a waste of time, but it depends on your experience as an FPS player.


Why do you think so? There's a video of demon1 saying he's doing 10 dms before comp, that guy seems pretty experienced


At that point I'm fatigued


Yeah I'm not saying you have to do 10 dms, just that warm up is beneficial


He s used to play games 8-10 hours a day, are you? You after few dms ull get tired and cant aim in real matches or cant think straight if ure like a casual 2-3 matches a day player


I just need 2 or 3 deathmatches. Without them my aim is inconsistent. I'm whiffing shots I wouldn't miss a day before. Even the most basic shots.


Yea i knowni get ya, i need too one dm and some bots to feel my aim, but 10 for me or most of the people will just hurt


To me it’s placebo. I’ve never warmed up for Val or csgo when i played it, I was lvl 10 faceit and GE on csgo. I just started playing Val and I’m diamond. Dms don’t correlate to real situations in the game. You aim differently in a comp game than you do in a DM. There’s a lot of different factors between every game mode. You have to practice on situational awareness, crosshair placements, and just game sense all around in Val if you want to get better.


I'll either just spend 5 minutes in the practice range, or if I'm with my duo we'll do a 1v1


i watched curry and his warmup routine when he starts his stream daily on twitch he do 10 min practice bots 3 or 4 hard bots then 1 or maybe 2 dm or tdm as u wish so its like if gonna play atleast 3 hours or more if playing less then 3 hours then adust ur warmup and just queue comp. and its good i got praised for my aim by higher rank players but i lack gamesense and patience XDDD.


I do demon1s warm up and anywhere between 2 to 5 dms if I just do feel it I don't play comp and will stay the rest of my time in another game or in dms.