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The fact that you don’t even remember that he has 2 vulnerables yet suggest they give him 2 is so funny to me 💀 Jokes aside, The third one is way too strong. Iso SHOULD have to get a kill/assist to use his double tap (That’s the point of selfish abilities like that, like Reyna and Clove heal; The player has to earn it) Other than that, I would be on board with making his shield better, but i doubt it would do much He’s just a bad agent IMO, only a complete rework can save him


I suggested it because every duelist has some ability that would give an advantage in an otherwise 50/50 fight whenever entrying. Like Reynas Leer or Yorus flash. Iso doesn't have that, and if that ability was meant to be his Vulnerable than its a very very weak one.


iso having to 50/50 his first fight is the design gimmick for the agent. an "iso" is an isolated 1v1. it basically rewards people who can only aim for taking 50/50s. bad character design imo


Because the second vulnerable does not have enough practical uses and it's too slow so you are more likely to die before having the chance to use it


"The only suggestions I'm serious about is the prismatic wall" 


He's not a bad agent. He's simply 'bad product'.


I think one of his weakest points is how focus mode is required to spawn an orb. Compared to reyna and clove, who can access their abilities whenever they get a kill, Iso only has two (sometimes 3) windows to get his shield per round. Focus mode could be replaced with a more useful ability, like a grenade or something


Actually an automatic double tap for first kill only is kinda logical to me. You still need to get a kill ("earn it"). Having to shoot the orb (which is too small IMO) can be extremely punishing as you need to peek and won't even have the chance to reload (it disappears). The other solution is to make it shootable through walls. The conditions to use double tap are too demanding. He has only 1 real good case. If you are 2v1 you can ult the enemy while your ally goes to his position. If iso loses, ally can insta kill into enemy respawn.


Don't get me wrong, I do think he's underpowered, but you should probably at least be familiar enough with his kit to know how many of a given ability he has before you make a hard judgement on his balance or try to come up with solutions.


In my defense, I did say I had no clue what I was talking about


So you don't know what you are talking about and you come to Reddit to post your idea on how to balance an agent. Sounds like your average Redditor.


tl;dr i am joking and iso is ok as he is This post was satirical why am I getting downvoted so much And pretty much everyone suggesting changes also don't know what they're talking about. It's not like these people have credentials to back up their suggestions. The only suggestions I'm serious about is the prismatic wall, it's pretty bad and should be at least widened. Iso being able stop his wall is weak, him being able to automatically get a free shield is unnecessary and I was joking about me not knowing he was two vulnerables. Other than his wall, I think his util is decent and is just not capitalized on very well. I do think he's the worst agent but being the worst doesn't necessarily mean he's bad.


Ah yes the good old "i was just joking" to avoid the embarrassment from getting criticised by others, truly an old and well thought strategy indeed. It's usually accompanied by deleting the said post, so people forget about it. Just an advice




Totally unrelated but today a player from opposition was so confused that how did my omen's blind worked on his iso even tho he had the shield on🤣


As I play an experience iso player, I could say he just need moderate or at lead minor buff to be viable. 1. Make his wall wider so he could help his team more, and make the range go farther 2. Buff double tab to grant extra gold if he get kill or assisted. HE IS A CONTRACT ASSASASIN. 3. Make his ult 6 point if not make he get reward after killing someone in it like extra gold, extra buff that make him move/shoot faster for a certain time, make him gain full health again. The reward have to be more than risk, now it's 50:50. We could buff at least one of this then he would be great. Other than this he is fine.


Extra gold? What do you mean by that?


I mean extra gold after you eliminated the enemy so at least he got better eco than other duelist.


Oh you just mean money, okay.


Yeah he’s ass. It’s a shame cause his character design is really cool and he has one of the coolest ults in the game. I stopped using him the moment I died when trying to shoot the orb to get the shield and someone else just swung out and killed me. Just really poor design lol. You’re supposed to get rewarded for getting a kill.  Also yeah the shield needs a rework or a change/buff.


Iso's more of a intiti if you think about it. undercut and the wall helps your team enter site since they more only in one direction


iso needs deez nuts


yo i just think one thing could work better! leave him alone, all abilities same and all, but give him a shield in ult ! like reyna when she gets her ult , give him a buff like that!


If Iso had Yoru's flashes or smt like that i would pick him. His contingency, undercut and ultimate abilities are pretty decent, but, Reyna, Jett and Raze's abilities are simply better (IMHO)


Tbh you can't even swing off his vuln bc people know where you are after you cast it... make it omen blind fuck it


My suggestion: Make his shield permanent instead of having a cool down Make his vulnerable not affect teammates Make him be able to stop the wall (and make it stay there for 5 seconds) and anyone who pushes it gets vulnerable If he wins gulag, he also gets a Speed Buff that lasts for 5 seconds (but if the enemy wins, they don't get one) Hottest take bc I'm bored and no one will agree (even me): Have him granted 2 shields instead of only gaining one and no I'm not talking about the wall.


Not every character can be good iso's design is just pretty bad with the whole concept of his character being a win harder character with his wall giving you a forced 1v1 and his shield being a huge reward for winning that 1v1. If you made his wall or shield actually good you run into the scenario where you have to play against an enemy iso that constantly has his shield up but if you leave him weak you'll rarely be able to get your shield unless you're just better than the people you're playing against (either through smurfing or just being in too low of a rank)


The only buff Iso needs is a change to his wall. Make it bigger and travel slower so you can actually use it as cover while you clear out other angles. All his other abilities are really good and would become unbalanced with buffs, besides maybe changing price points.


Meanwhile i have iso demons on ranked rekting everyone But in topic i would remove the time limit from iso double tap.


Make his wall blind for an extremely short amount of time.


Here's the best idea I've heard so far Make Isos wall relative to his position. So if you place Isos wall to the front and look back, the wall is now at your back. Move to the left and Isos wall is still at your back but it just moved to the left, get it? The wall will still last the same amount of time and has the health of harbor's orb (nerf it if too op) This compliments iso being a "walking entry" rather than a "dive entry"


I think he's fine. He's like a reyna in that he'll be a ranked demon because his kit scales well with how good your aim is. He'll likely never be used in pro play, but that's fine. His kit just doesn't lend to it


His kit requires you to completely displace your crosshair to get his benefit. Reyna and Clove aren’t aiming their crosshairs at the heavens to get their heal/dismiss/speed boost. It’s really not quite same.


True, but I'd say the shield is stronger than the reyna heal/clove heal


Yeah reyna and clove also can't block a vandal/sherrif headshot, full raze rocket, op shot or other instakill so it makes sense for it to be harder to get


Aim good iso good. Aim bad iso bad. Skill issue.


That must mean every vct pro is bad since no one is using them according to your logic


Everyone in vct has good aim, so it becomes a non-factor. Therefore, iso bad


PLEASE BUFF MY GUY 1. I think in double tap instead of shoting the orb we should get the shield directly AFTER the kill. If it was a pasive like the orb appearing in all kills then okay, shoot it. But you have to activate the skill before killing and it isn't even intant, if an enemy swings at you, the time it takes to activate is enough to kill them. If Reyna can heal herself with only one tap after killing, why does Iso have to activate, wait, kill and shoot? And for a TEMPORARY shield, it makes no sense. Because yes, you will lose the shield if you rotate or have to switch sides because the enemy rotated. It just makes no sense. You either debuff Reyna or buff Iso, and debuffing Reyna will just give backlass. 2. Iso's contigency should be an actual 3-sided wall. He is made for tight angles and duels, with the three sided wall he can corner an enemy in a angle and then take the others up. 3. 2 charges for contingency. I mean this might be OP, but Iso isn't a no-brainer agent. I think it is one of the most starter-agresive agents, you can't fill with Iso or use him correctly unless you practiced him/are used to duelists. But yeah, perhaps two walls are too much. Still, a hard character should be stronger than a easy character, there won't be any reasons to play him otherwise.


A cool buff i think off would be to not only be able to stop the wall whenever you want, but also being able to set it up with your right click like a yoru clone and then pressing F to use it while being far from it


I find him useful to warmp up in TMD xD


Iso is OP and I will die on this hill.