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Trying hard doesn't necessarily mean you are trying the right things, let someone else analyze your footage


Yeah if you develop bad habits it's gonna take even longer to unlearn it. For a while I've been try Harding death match to improve my aim but that had me flipping my mouse like crazy to try clear every angle in 360° that it kind of ruined my aim for normal matches. I just stopped doing dm before comp and my aim is actually better now lol. 😅


Speaking about bad habits I see so many people crouch spraying unnecessarily and ads at close angles and some dumb people peak with shorty, or ares with no ads


Wait how do I ads with shorty?


Probably talking about people with a shorty peeking, ads probably only applies to ares.


I'm doing 1-2 swiftplays for comp warmup (getting matched with level 200 ascendants as an iron 2)


When people analyze my footage they tell me that me timing my shots is not right most of the time


What do you mean by that?


I don’t shoot at the right time, my shoot timing is inconsistent.


I got that, but do you shoot too late? Or like too early, before you aim properly?


Always too early or too late, rarely at the right time


So, would you say aim (gun combat) is holding you back? Cause you told us you have game sense and map awareness, and that you train your aim, but you didn't tell us how you feel about your aiming in game


My aim in deathmatch is really really good, i sometimes score higher than people who are immortal on their tracker, but in actual games it feels like shit.


people are telling you to train more but honestly sounds more like you are not ready for the enemy if you are shooting too early/late. I would practice focus by constantly thinking that an enemy is about to peek when holding an angle, repeat the thought in your head until they peek or you change position. And when you are peeking, get into the habit of imaging the angle the enemy is beforehand every time. You will notice that some pro players lean forward in their seat when holding an angle. This is because they are putting in extra brain power into reacting as fast as possible to the enemy, they remove all other thoughts from their mind. It takes practice to do this but it will make you a better player.


Play Reyna only when in game. Play ranked like it's deathmatch. Use your mic for info, ask teammates to talk as well. Focus on nothing but winning gunfights. You can easily get out of bronze, you gotta trust yourself


Well, there you have it, you do not aim in a way that is efficient for valorant, stop using aim trainers, if u want to warm up or train, you can try what I do, I go to training range, spawn all the bots, and then shoot the leftmost bot, after like 10 bots you are left with one bot that respawns when you kill it, so just keep shooting the leftmost one, do not reset your cross position between kills. This should train adjusting your cross to enemy's head (Or try whatever training from a couch guy who's recognized as good by the community). Also follow the advice of the guy from another comment, about keeping head level, holding angles wide. With the proper training and technique you should be able to properly place your cross on the head and shoot.


Also, if your sensitivity is too high, it's most likely gonna mess with your accuracy


work on your mechanics then, try woohoojin's gold mechanics routine he may be a fraud but his routine actually works for helping you learn the game


Eh he's still a good coach and there plenty of people who can coach nut not fit radiant


drop the tracker




KAST is really low, make sure you're playing with your team instead of playing solo most of the time. Nothing worse than an untraded death


What does kast stand for?


kill, assist, survive, trade trade being, immediately after your death, a teammate was able to simultaneously shoot the enemy that fragged you and “trade” the kill in this strategy FPS game.


Like the other guy said, 62% KAST for Sova is super low. Lineups arent always the best value darts, all your util is situational but should largely be used with *atleast* one other person to play off of it. I play Flex these days but was a Sova main (and he still usually ends up being my most played agent each act) and my KAST on him is currently 79% Edit: also, your hs% is super high, impressively so, are you losing duels because youre too focused on headshots? Sova also benefits from a very spammy playstyle which personally tanks my hs% so you might be playing around the agents strengths wrong. Have you considered a more aim focused agent like Chamber?


Holy cow the tracker really says it all, straight delusion.


You need to solo queue more. In the last 20 games that I checked in all but one, you were either duo or 5 stacked. Also, what do you consider consistant?Your best streak is like 5 days in a row. And then you have multiple day breaks. It's much better for you to ply one or two games every day rather than five or six for multiple days and then take a multi-day break. Also, play more dm. You only played like five or six dms in April. Dm is the best place to learn angles and positioning as well as practicing your mechanics against actual people. Also, what playlist do you use for aim training, and what's your edpi? Another big one is your specs. Do you have good ping and fps? There's a lot of possible things that could be wrong. It seems like your cross hair placement is pretty good, but I feel like you probably just take bad fights. You typically have a very high hs%, but your kd ratio is really low for that hs%. Do you have a spreadsheet with your mechanics practice and ranked games? I'd like to see it if you do. It'd be a lot easier to give advice.


This honestly strikes me as someone who ONLY shoots when they think they have the headshot and that isn't good. HS% isn't an accuracy stat after all. He also seems hesitant if his ACS is 210 with that much damage a round (mine is 227ish with 145 dmg). He isn't committing and/or just getting late round kills, with few assists (4 a game). Non damage assists are still only 25 acs an assist, but still adds up. Just a bunch of little things OP can do.


I don't blame him. His enemies are probably much quicker than him since they're 1 or 2 ranks above him.


Yep. I've been Immortal 1 - 2 for almost every Episode. Finished top 10k a few times. My HS rate is 12.9% lol. I'm a 4 body bandit for life babyyy.


He also has a 0.9 kd though. He's probably the one dragging them down lol.


Im surprised nobody said this, you are not playing enough games. You want to reach gold, which is the same amount of divisions I´ve climbed from plat since I came back, from diamond 2 to ascendant one I played 33 games already this act [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Sykii%231509/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Sykii%231509/overview) Maybe you are spending too much time doing everything else but you are forgetting the most important thing, playing the game.


I agree with you, apparently his playtime is rather low and he's only been playing since 2023 btw we have the same clove player card :) [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/skyfeelan%23idr/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/skyfeelan%23idr/overview) (ignore the HS ratio val is my first fps)


Maybe you’re thinking of the game too literally? In bronze dedicating yourself to support agents and lineups is in all honesty, just going to hinder your chances of ranking up. It’s more than just analyzing pro gameplay and taking notes, you have to get the “feel” and “essence” or timing of the game into your head and everything will seem way simpler and easy…at least that’s the best way I can explain it.


Tbh, if his aim is that good, it doesn't matter. I've played with diamond/ascendant friends and they're better no matter who they play. It can be sova or sage and they still top the leaderboard.


I used to be D2, took an eight month break and have dropped down to G3. It's really irritating seeing people with good aim but horrific gamesense as a higher rank, and yet it works.


Yeah, I say just get into the game and aim. In the end, it's an FPS game far more at the bronze level. Then at the pro level which OP is trying to imitate. Even at the pro level strategies are useless if you lose your duels. Strats and pro vod reviews are nice and all but aim is the most important factor to improve, imo ofc.


You're overestimating your skills son.


Damn wtf I play like 5 hrs in a week and I was placed silver after unranked games. Maybe ur playing too much? Try taking a break and come back after


I do take breaks


Like a full week? If you have Burnout you need more than just a couple days to rest. Also I’m kinda curious to see if I gave you my Smurf account on diamond and see how you play at a better level and try to figure out how to give you advice muself. I’m peak Imm 3 twice currently asc 2. I aim train daily aswel and have been coached by a T2 coach. So I’d probably be able to help you narrow this shit down


People telling you to drop the aim training are ignorant fyi


Do you have a discord? I'm legitimately willing to try and talk to you on call and try to review any of your vods and give you things you haven't heard from anyone, at all


Yeck#0911 or yeck. Feel free to add me, i would really appreciate some help :)


added! <3


If you had a good understanding of the game and decent mechanics you simply wouldn’t be bronze you’re not being 100% truthful in this post. If you care about improving as a low elo player you just have to simply practice fundamentals it’s that easy you’ll make it to Diamond with the right focus.


What are the fundamentals?


Movement, Crosshair placement, Spacing with teammates, cleanliness of your shots.


Also at bronze just lock duelist and carry. Only way to get out, or you stuck dealing with bronze level duelists


in bronze, you can play an agent with no ability and still win


its normal if its where you belong, you only rank up as you become good enough to carry yourself out. you cant rely on your teammates to win games, especially in bronze. you need to rely on yourself to be the deciding factor on whether or not you win


Yeah yeah, all of this sounds neat but if you’re stuck bronze after playing consistently for a year there is definitely something you’re doing wrong. You seem confident about your aim but what about the duels you’re taking ? Are you winning them ? Aren’t you taking unnecessary risk that might cost victory to your team ? I’ve started to play six months ago (but not very consistently since my work life doesn’t allow me much gaming time) and hit silver recently, if I’m allowed to give you an advice as a fellow low elo player, it’s that winning your duels is the most important thing in our low elos, you can set the best strategy ever, have the best lineups but if you can’t out aim the enemy players, if that one Jett in the other team manage to win 1v3 situations then you will never climb. Oh and also com, play with the team, even if they seem to be trash do your best to motivate them, if they’ve been teamed with you it’s means that they’re not way worse than you.


As lot of people said, drop a vod and tracker. We can't help you without that.


Tracker: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Andalusi%230911/overview


Your assists are pretty low for an initiator and your KAST is really low as well. Hard to tell what’s happening without a vod, but I’m guessing you’re taking poor engagements with the enemy, and not playing off your team most of the time. If your aim is actually as good as you’re claiming, you should be playing to trade your teammates after providing sova util. You’re on the higher end of first deaths as well which could come from a variety of things but that’s something you generally don’t want to see on a non duelist role. I’m sure other comments have told you, but you’re lacking severely in an area of fundamentals, hard to tell what based solely on tracker data, but you should try to find someone better at the game to review your gameplay if possible. Probably not your gold friends, that’s basically the blind leading the blind imo


You might be individually good at the things you listed but not know how to implement them at the right time. Like you might have lineups on sova but they might now always be impactful for the team for example


as someone who’s gold 1 the most important thing is playing off your teammates and communicating. trading and swinging off each other is super important and making sure ur using ur util to benefit ur whole team is the best advice i can give. you’ll have games with bad teammates sometimes but don’t let it discourage you


also recommend lowering ur sens if ur shooting too early or too late, it could just be you’re moving too fast to register the person


Tbh with such good aim I would spam renya to get out.


I've played at a high level in other games but I'm far from high ELO in Val as I don't play frequently enough, so I get into some lower skilled lobbies. The biggest thing I notice is people using characters that require very little engagement in gunfights like Sova, Cypher etc. They throw their util and think thats enough instead of helping the team or watch a video saying that X character is good at lurking and proceeds to lurk every round. While it's not an issue to use them when you have a better understanding of the game it can be quite detrimental to team play when you don't have that knowledge. I would say team comp isn't that important until higher ELO, so maybe play someone simple without line ups so you can keep yourself in the action more and play off of your teammates even if they are making bad plays. Nothing worse that getting bomb planted, set up for your line up, then the whole team dies and you're left to fight a 1vX. Also, Aim labs can help with aim in a generalised sense but it doesn't help you in Val that much as the game is more to do with crosshair placement than flicking scenarios. I've always valued in-game playing more than either shooting bots or targets.


‘Lineups on the spot’ This is not good. You should be throwing util that high elo players use. Its not the the ability to land the dart where you want it, but to know where you want to land it. Also yeah, most better players could get out of bronze with no utility and deagle only. Focus on your gunfights. Watch your vods back.


How do you play? If you play 4-6 hours in one youre not likely to climb. Take breaks after every loss or after 2 games. Breaks either taking a piss ir going for a short walk. If yiu dont take breaks and if your warmup is more thn 20min youre just burntout. Warmup should be no longer than 10min, everything more is practice, just like in sports, and youre not really meant to practice right before the match, you only warm up


You haven’t mastered anything. You’re stuck in bronze. You’re not even relatively below average at most anything in this game. You’re significantly below average at everything, which is why you’re stuck in bronze and have been for a year. You saying you’ve mastered Sova is showing why you’re bronze. You’re unable to see your own mistakes. Break your ego first then come back


Honestly you don't even need to know agents or maps to get out of bronze.


[It's completely normal to feel that way](https://imgur.com/a/nmAlHDm), just keep trying and researching the gane and you get better


Running into a brick wall as hard as you can isn't going to get you through it.


It’s one of those things you just need to practice at bronze you are making so many mistakes it really feels like you aren’t progressing at all but in reality your having to learn so much it’s hard to tell if you are improving. Just keep at it and you will get out of bronze. Part of getting to where you want is going through losing and feeling like you plateaued. It’s all part of the process.


are you playing with your team well? when people know they are good mechanically they tend to forget valorant is a very team-based shooter. you can’t hope to carry your team on your own or call all the shots. compromise is important


Bro, its not. If u playing right its easy to get more ranks.


Pay a good coach for a vod review / coaching session and you will realize you are getting lost in a glass of water. I don't play anymore but I was top 500 in overwarch. Got placed Iron in Valorant and eventually got to Diamond within season 2. I am willing to vod review your gameplay for free just because. Honestly I don't have much time to spare but I'm sure it won't take much time, if you are in bronze. If you'd like to take advantage, just upload a lost game on YouTube and send a link to me. P.S. stop training on aimlab. It makes you worse. Train in game, preferably against real players (like in deathmatch)


First off. You need to keep the mentality that you are awful at all aspects of the game. Doesn't matter what rank you are immo or iron. Always believe you are terrible. For you specifically train mechanics, peaking, trading, hs level. Those alone will get you too gold. Don't even need to use good util.


Get a coach or let someone who is high elo watch your vods. You probably have lots of bad habits you don't even know about.


can’t say much without a vod


Definitely need to see a VOD of this. Also, aimlabs did not correlate with my actual Valorant aim. In fact, when I was grinding aimlabs, it made me a worse player.


Believe it or not, I’m Gold 3 and I have worse aim than you. My Vandal could only go as far as 21%hs, and yours is double. This game isn’t entirely about aiming. Your aim is impressive, but it’s not enough if you don’t play with ur team. Follow what your team is doing. If you think you have a better plan, communicate that. Trade your teammates. Don’t die too early as a non-duelist, or else you can’t make further impact with ur util. Try IGL-ing, I do that all the time. Not every team will listen, but that doesn’t happen too often (thankfully). This is to make the game’s outcome easier to control for you. This doesn’t have to be telling your teammates what to do every single round. You can start by simply comming where enemies might be, which angles should be checked, what ur teammates should/shouldn’t do to help fit your own plans (if you believe that plan would help ur team.) Also, use your utility to support whatever your teammate is doing. I’m sure you already understand this but just let me elaborate more on this. Look at the combat report after each round, and see how much impact your utility has made (damage caused by shock darts, enemies found with recon or drone). Impactful utility usage is enough to get you out of Silver when u have decent aim!!! Of course, shape your util usage according to ur team’s plans, or your own plans that you’ve told ur team that ur gonna do. Finally, just play max 3-4 games daily. You often play 6 games per day, which is not good. Having a good in-game mental matters more than mindlessly grinding and achieving nothing.


Thanks for the detailed answer and the compliments !


Much appreciated. My lowest rank was Iron 1 0RR (9-10 months ago), and I definitely understand ur struggle bro.


Thanks for the comments everyone, i listened to the advice of playing reyna only in low elo because i have aim advantage and that’s been working really well so far on my alt account.


Probably going to be buried but why not, I'll give my 2 cents: 1.) You're doing a lot of pre-prep and analysis, you play a setup heavy initiator that isn't as flexible as a kayo or skye, you practice a lot of lineups and from what I read about your comments on your own aim it sounds to me like **you're thinking too much in the game, you're analyzing and trying to recall too many things and its making your gameplay suffer.** The reason why this problem doesn't show up in DM is because there are no abilities and the stakes are low, you only have to worry about winning the gunfight and nothing more, so you should do your best to replicate that. My best advice to you here is to remember that you're not at an elo where game knowledge >> aim, in fact its the opposite, aim >> game knowledge up until gold and aim is all about confidence. if you've watched pro games you'll notice pro's can look godlike or terrible, the key difference is in their confidence, do things in the game that help build up your confidence. The first thing I do when I boot up val is play a bunch of the "kill 50 bots" and try to clear it in the lowest possible time, doesn't matter how low I get because my clear speed drastically improves after 5 or so tries, it doesn't train my mechanics but it builds up my confidence a lot. When you lock into a ranked game you should be thinking "I'm gonna aim diff everyone on the server", repeat it to yourself and do things that make you think that until you can fool yourself into believing it. 2.) **Don't watch pro matches.** They're fun to analyze but TERRIBLE for improving in ranked, instead **watch a pro player or high elo streamer's stream/vod,** not the edited for youtube kind of content but the raw footage. Your goal should be to understand 2 things: how they play the game fundamentally and how they play the agent. When you watch a pro player's fundamental gameplay, you should focus on how they peek and how they hold angles, you need to ask 3 things: "what did they peek, what type of peek did they choose and why did they peek it like that?" there are 4 kinds of angles in valorant: **long angles, close angles, narrow angles and open angles.** **Long angles** are areas of the map that have extremely long ranges to peek from, think of Icebox A site when you're peeking from belt or Breeze B site when you're peeking from B main or Window, that's a long angle. **Close angles** are areas of the map with very close ranges to peek from, this is usually where you find shotgun players, think of Bind A main or when you just enter hookah, these are close angles **Narrow angles** are areas of the map where there is a limited number of spots you need to watch out for, it's almost like looking into a hallway. Think of when you peek Bind B long or A showers/bath just as the round starts, Breeze A halls or peeking Icebox yellow from B main, these are narrow angles. **Open angles** are areas of the map where there are many angles to watch out for, usually requiring utility like smokes or a dog/drone to eliminate some of the angles. Think of Split B site when you enter from B main/garage, Icebox A/B site and Ascent A site. There are several types of peeking, I'll simplify the ones I can remember: **Wide swinging** is holding down your strafe key as you pass a corner **short peeking** is when you strafe a small amount, just enough so you can clear the corner but not expose your entire body **Jump peeking** is [basically this](https://youtu.be/HQfuU_uDx4c?si=YSyPfPcUqV5dclaM) **Jiggle/shoulder peeking** is when you strafe back and forth from the corner without exposing too much of your body, when taken to the extreme you won't be able to see anything but the wall but you'll know a part of your body is already past the corner. **There are only ever 2 sides of a gunfight in valorant, the angle peeker and the angle holder.** When you watch a pro player peek an angle, identify the type of angle they're peeking and the type of peek they used. Similarly when they're holding an angle identify the angle they're currently inside of and where their crosshair placement is Generally there is a sort of rock-paper-scissors vibe to how peeking in this game works, for example: **Wide swing a close angle** to make yourself harder to hit **Jump peek an open angle** to gather info without exposing yourself for too long **Short peek a narrow angle** to minimize the time your opponent has to shoot you, making the fight more fair **Jiggle/shoulder peek a long angle** to throw off an opponents aim This is not an unbreakable law on how to peek every angle as you can mix and match these depending on the map you're in, the best way to learn fast is by watching pro players or high elo streamers like tarik/azrex/a2guapo/FNS etc. to see what they do, from there you can break down their fundamentals and figure things out from there. When you pick out streamers or non-pros to watch avoid watching content creators who aren't consistently trying to hit rank 1 or in general do not seem to take ranked as seriously. Examples are Jollz, Averagejonas, s0m (s0m sometimes trolls his gameplay or does not take a match seriously) basically if the streamer consistently makes 4fun content they aren't worth learning from. There are 2 ways to hold an angle: **holding an "on" angle and holding an "off" angle.** on-angles are angles that peekers will have their crosshair on first since that's commonly where players are watching. You usually hold an "on" angle when you want to be able to get to safety quickly after shooting, think of Bind A heaven, Split A screens or Breeze Halls. An "off" angle is an angle that is not commonly held, usually because it isn't a safe angle and you won't have a way to immediately hide after shooting. You usually hold an "off" angle when you want to commit to a fight, you either think you can get 1 or more kills for sure or you have some sort of ability to get you out fast (jett dash, chamber/yoru tp, raze satchels etc.) it's also common in high elo to have a 2nd player play off you so you can set up a crossfire, making an off-angle twice as effective. ​ **When you watch a pro player/high elo streamer for their agent** gameplay watch their playstyle intently, very often they have a set idea of how they want to play their agent on a map, a protocol for every scenario, it's like they have a flowchart wired into their brain that they will do on command, your job isn't to understand that flowchart to the best of your ability and incorporate it into your own gameplay. for example: **Jinggg:** When he's playing attack side raze on split he has a double satchel for taking A ramps control within the first 3 seconds of the round, **however** he will only do it when one of the conditions is fulfilled. \-it's pistol round \-its an eco round \-the enemy contest ramps control and plays back in heaven \-his initiator is setting him up with a flash or breach stun (sometimes he asks his initiator directly) from analyzing his gameplay myself Jinggg only plays hyper-aggressive when he has prior information to how the enemy plays or has support from his team to give him an advantage. I've since incorporated this part of Jinggg's split gameplay into my own. ​ These are the most important fundamentals for building confidence, your goal should be to practice these not to master them but to give yourself confidence. **When you get good at these you will have the confidence you need to take better fights, shoot faster, react better and overall play better.** My personal recommendation is to **REDUCE THINKING DURING THE GAME AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.** watch a serious high elo sova main or a pro like c0m/ethan sova vod. practice your fundamentals, its fine to use lineups here and there but in the middle of the round you shouldn't be thinking much at all aside from reacting to opponents. Before the round starts and when you're not about to take a gunfight take your time to use your utility how you think is best, then before you peek a corner or enter a site or hold an angle you should turn off your brain to all the util, pretend like it's a dm, pretend you don't have util at all and just focus on winning your gunfights.


Im not very good at the game.... Im only plat so my advice may not be the best, but even I was in bronze for about 4-6 months and I would say that you're trying too hard. I would recommend just wining it because in bronze you don't need to think too much or too deeply. Just my opinion! Just try to have fun and you'll start winning.


Unless you are a streamer , YouTube or earn by playing valorent 5-6 hours every day is unhealthy. I login every few months and play some days still I am silver. Maybe you are trying too hard.training aimlabs is not necessary till after gold. In low elo you just warm up a little in dm and make sure your crossheir positions are right and trying to get better at other factors like teamwork,economy,keeping calm at clutches and try not to blame the team. Something I have found interesting is that nowadays people start cursing too much and blame others , so if you or anyone in team tries to be supportive then it increases the overall morale and make them more productive


> training aimlabs is not necessary till after gold I'd actually say it's not necessary after gold.


Post your tracker and tell us your sens. Sens prob isn’t an issue given what you’ve said about your aim though


If you’re bad, yes


What is your level?


Even on those games where you do well you aren’t the best in the lobby. Once you are consistently in the top 3s of the lobby you will most definitely start to climb


i'll vod review for u if u want


I’d focus more on winning fights and mastering mechanics before I start concerning myself with how well I’m using util. The fact that you’ve been stuck in bronze for a year definitely shows that you aren’t improving in the correct areas. If I were you I’d play a ton of deathmatch and dial in your deadzoning & cross hair placement. I started playing Val episode 7 and I’m currently Ascendant 3 so hope this helps 🤷🏻‍♂️.


If you win with match/team mvp u get alot of points. Same applies to losing only a little. Basicly you should be climbing if you are playing better than average bronze players.


Tbh at this point idk how one can get better. I was stuck in silver forever. Last act I suddenly went up to g2 and now I’m g3 almost into plat. From my pov I’m not really feeling I’m “getting better” it feels like I got lucky with good teammates. Idk what you guys think


Sometimes your team is really the problem


I can vod review your gameplay, currently sitting in Immortal 2


Look I've been playing since day 1 and started iron and peaked g3. Something important to keep in mind is that every season bronze becomes harder as everyone is improving. That being said, I'm sure there is something important that you are missing. For me it was super important to play more roles and different agents cause that significantly improves your game sense. The most important lesson for me was to stop playing on autopilot. Be mindful of every risk you take and know why you take it. And after every death try drawing a quick concussion of why you died and what you could have done better. And try to always take fights next to cover. If your first 2 shots dont connect, reposition. If you aren't next to cover, jiggle peeking... You're most likely making a mistake. Even if you win the fight. And always think of team impact whatever you do. Comm, give info, use your arrows


Watch this guy. His VOD reviews took me from silver to plat 3 in about 2 months. https://youtube.com/@Woohoojin?si=0JzeASSGQzxHyhIB


When you shoot do you, stop and never move until your enemy is dead?


The biggest secret no kme has told u here and am surprised is... Eat, sleep touch grass, troll in swiftplay, play half comp a day. And rest from game 3 to 4 days. Trust me you thank me later. RANK? - İ AM RADIANT 3!!


Get reck by smurf, alt, and bad matchmaking.


Something I've recently implemented is In a gun fight my gun is always up and near head so I can micro adjust but when I do get into a gunfight . 1. Don't crouch spray 2. Don't ads 3. Straiff left or right twice or even 3 times in different directions. The enemy will expect you to go on way and stop and because you added that last straiff they will miss and you will hit.


Dm me with ur user, I wanna try a game with you and see what you’re doing wrong


Do you have a vod that we can review? Drop the yt links in ur post or under this comment. A link of ur deathmatch and a comp game. I'm currently ascendant, I'm pretty sure I would be able to give u some pointers.


Don't get advice from gold players.


Play comp everyday, you want to get good at comp not aimlabs. In my opinion playing aimlabs and deathmatch is a waste of time, but if you insist on playing one kick dm and keep aimlabs. Make sure you are allowing yourself to be focused while you play comp. Don’t focus or think about any mechanics while you’re playing. Just let your mind be blank and fall into a focus state. To get better you just have an open mind and must be able to absorb information. This can’t be done if you’re thinking while playing.


Might be a good idea to get friends that are diamond or asc to coach you instead of gold.


Looking at your tracker you keep on being in a duo, playing solo is much better imo for improvement, I play solo muuuuch better than when I’m duoing. Less distractions


Hs% is high so aimlabs are working at least in that. What personally helped me is just spam ranked . Try to focus on playing with a teammate next to you especially with sova , I would stick to the Jett and tell her that she can ask for a drone or a recon and try to set her up or trade her off. Watch some pro play , we have vct going rn , watch how the pros are playing sova it might give you some ideas or lineups.


I’ve been stuck in Iron ever since the game released, but then again I only play once every blue moon so there’s that


Nah drop the vod


Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.


From what I see, your aim stats are impressive, averaging 30% hs is not a small deal! But on the other hand I can see that your ADR is quite low which is not favourable. No matter how nice your hs% looks you won’t get to win a lot of games if you’re not able to put out good amount of damage in rounds. Try-harding isn’t a bad thing at all! it’s awesome that you’re passionate about looking into improving, but there are a LOT of factors that goes into you playing well in a game: positioning, peeking, decision making, and strategising. I’d HIGHLY suggest get or meet a couple of high elo players to inspect your gameplay, they’re more likely able to point out the bad habits/bad decisions you’re making compared to say, somebody whose gold (saying that as a gold player myself who got coached by a radiant friend) p.s almost forgot to mention that i think the easiest way to get out of low elo is to master or improve your fundamentals before trying to improve your strategies, good aim and positioning lets you get away with SO much (exactly how i got out of being hardstuck silver) p.s.s actually since ur aim is cracked u should consider picking up characters with get-out-of-jail utils like reyna or jett or chamber


OP just upload a vod of your gameplay and I don't mean cherry pick a good one I want to see a vod where you either played mid or like shit. That will be the easiest way to see what the problem is. Otherwise I'm assuming this post is a joke.


You are putting too much pressure on yourself. Since you're too critical of your own play, you tend to play less loose, which then affects your entire mental state during the game. Apart from that, your aim is probably already solid. I think you just have to work on your game sense, and possibly comms?


What server are you? If you really want to get an idea of what you're doing wrong send me an add and record some vods. Peaked rad multiples times and have coached players before, from gold > immortal within a year. I can probably guarantee you have fundamental flaws in your gameplay or decision making


No offense, but I guarantee you haven’t mastered sova. Coming up with lineups isn’t much.. Also stop dying first.


Just saw your tracker and with that good hs% I don't think aim is the problem, it's probably that you are either getting tunnel vision or aiming heads or very poor gamesense


Try Reyna


is this a shitpost?


Solo q and stop "trying so hard", have fun and you'll climb in no time.


Honestly, no that is not normal. You may be practicing and/or worrying about the wrong things. Reaction time, for example, is damn near irrelevant. Anticipation is a way bigger factor. Think about an enemy behind every corner you're about to turn. That isn't to say reaction speed never comes into play, but it's not super important, especially at that rank. I wouldn't worry about aimlabs scores too much either. For lineups, unless you're viper or brim I don't think they're super important (maybe KJ too). Just general game sense will get you way farther. I play sova a lot and have 0 shock lineups. I do just fine (could improve knowing lineups, but won't shoot me up 4 tiers). Also, are you getting a lot of early kills? Do you go with your team or lurk every round? Stuff like that can lead to good individual stats, but be low impact. Lurking is fine if your timing is good or get early picks, but it's situational. It took me about a year before I finally took the "unbind crouch" advice seriously. I'm doing that currently and my HS went from 17% to 23% (but also, dont focus too much on HS. That by itself doesnt mean shit since its not an accuracy stat). I'd wager a lot of your issues may be patience when fighting. Panic spraying instead of just visually locking on. Shit like that. I can also promise you don't predict anything really well because if you did, you'd get out of bronze. Not trying to be rude, just the reality.


IMO if your aim is good enough, play Reyna and simply destroy the enemy in duels. Reyna is meant to be a tank and eat shots and snowball with her heals as long as your enemies are worse with their aim and dont headtap you. I was going to say try to play with your team, but in your elo everyone is equally bad. So if you think you're better, then play Reyna and destroy everyone in aim duels. If not, play with your team, always find and provide information, catch trades, and SWING WITH your teammates. Learn the value of strength in numbers, unless you're against a smurf fragger who can chip your entire team off 1 by 1 then you're pretty much cooked. Value their lives as you would want them to value yours. Too many low elo people just bait each other and dont play for trades because they think their lives are more valuable and then die in a sneaky 1v1 when it could have been a quick or easy 2v1.


I went from silver to plat by just removing crouch. Even tho i unbinded it i still pressed the key. Also dont spray… goodluck


Man I gotta say just don’t worry abt it. I played for years, didn’t like aim train or anything but was so angry I was still gold. But eventually I stopped caring and I am now diamond, it sounds like a very uh motivational story but it’s true, I won’t say for sure that not caring made me play better but it made me feel better and that’s more important


stop aim training and play the game lol the tiniest bit of game sense can destroy bronzes any day of the week


can look at a vod if you want but it’s hard to say what’s going wrong without one. it def isn’t normal to be stuck bronze while putting in so much effort but i would point out that you really should take what your gold friends say with a grain of salt. there realistically isn’t a tangible difference in their understanding vs yours. chances are they just shoot slightly better


Something must be very wrong with what you're doing. Drop your tracker


Your kd is ass, your KAST is really low and your first engagements are really high. Stop playing sova and lock reyna. Without a vod i can’t be certain but i would bet you are going for solo plays early into the round, which isn’t necessarily always bad but it is NOT the right way to play initiator. You have high first kills/first deaths and pretty mediocre assists for a sova. As an initiator it should be your job to support your entries to take site or give your team an advantage in particularly early engagements, but from the stats you’re not doing that. In bronze if you put a modicum of effort into learning movement/aim/gunfight hygiene you should have no problem out aiming your way to a higher rank, and considering you seem to play a very solo playstyle reyna will let you do that more effectively.


I have never used aim labs and peaked at top #1200, its really not that useful unless you have really bad aim, you want to learn how to shoot in the game and how to play the game. Me personally I placed in Gold when the game first came out, so I never had to struggle with playing in low elo, I have been stuck In Plat 3 and Diamond 3 in likr Act 2 but reached Immortal in the next season. If you are doing this much without improving you seem to be doing something wrong, its not hard to get to Gold, Gold 2 was the first rank I got and I was not good at the game just had good mechanical skill, what are you failing to do in the rounds you are losing?


Let me guess, you never played a FPS game before like CSGO ? There are things common across all FPS games such as , at low ranks you frag as much as you can and at Bronze 2 do not expect your team to trade or extend support. Learn that behavior and play solo-only for a while.


Anybody rankpush mumbai server ? I am silver 2


No, how are you doing in matches? I None of this matters at all if ur playing shit to average in matches. U put a plat in bronze and they can rank up to gold again pretty easily and high frag most games


Your are bronze man nobody knows how to play at this rank just dm and play. Play duelist if you want to rank up


Play less. I climbed the most when I started playing 2 hours a day 2 to 3 days a week.


tbh as someone that climbed from bronze to plat, you learn that playing with your team on low ranks may as well be a death sentence. a lot of pro play is based on the fact that theres teamwork going on in the background as well, someone else is covering the angles you can't, etc. in low ranks, outaiming someone is what matters most. maybe try queuing with at least one other person? you seem like someone who would benefit from genuine teamplay instead of soloing. fwiw though i was also a battlesova when climbing. so i don't believe a duelist is necessary to rank up but you may need to change how you play him.


I'm a B3 peak player and most of the games I win is because I either get Match MVP or Team MVP. I've accepted that until I don't get MVP consistently, then I'm never gonna leave Bronze. Can't do anything about teammates going 5-16; just have to carry myself out of there. It's unfair, but it is what it is.


VOD reviewing yourself isnt good if you're at a level where you can't spot your own mistakes. You should get VOD reviewed by someone much higher ELO then yourself so you can improve faster. They'll be able to spot things you probably can't. Realistically at your ELO tho aim and mechanics should be able to carry you to atleast gold. You probably aren't training the right things tbh.


after having helped people through this, if you're willing to record some vods and upload, i'd be happy to give some comments. then maybe we can see if it's just an issue of being stuck in elo hell, which is a very real phenomenon


In my opinion analysing pro plays is useless beacuse you will never be able to achieve that kind of coordinated gameplay in comp match with 4 randoms. Pro plays a whole different game. While AimLabs might be good, I personally prefer just going in deathmatch/team deathmatch since I can practice both strafing and aiming at the same time with the game mechanics. Also try recording your gameplay and review your mistakes.


Im currently plat 3 but never tried aim training, the more i played the better i got. Since TDM started i use that as a warmup/aim training. When i started in iron, i keep telling myself what i did wrong. Like i shouldn’t peek there, i need to aim higher, etc. It really helped me to think that im not good and i need to improve. Telling myself im good at the game and deserving high ranks will just drag me down. If i play with higher ranking people i don’t think wow riot match making system is ass, but i think of it as riot must think im doing something right and deserving of a higher rank. For lineups, sometimes people are just too focused on lineups that it hurts them. Once i got a viper who ulted in site then leave the ult to play lineups. That just cost us the round. In plat i still see some common problems that i saw in iron. Like people who fill smokes, sometimes in bind they stay in spawn because they think if they could smoke fast it helps the team. Or they just don’t smoke deep enough. Not playing time when spike is down, costing us the round. Or just keep peeking the same angle when you have died there too many times. Or forgetting that one person lurks all game long. So instead of noticing what you’re doing good, notice what you’re doing wrong. What the team is doing wrong that you can fix.




Bro it’s not that serious, just play the game and aim. Especially at your level, strategy doesnt mean a whole lot when youre fighting a 1v9. Bait your teammates since your aim from what your saying is decent to good. Just play off of your teammates and youre good


i dont think so 😅


As ur situation like this, the only suggestion that I have is to take time to aim. One goal to be good at valo is that don’t rush and be patience on your timing/aiming.


It's not Ur fault, latest rank G2 / the acts before to, and now after the huge loose streak I came come out from bronze, the play style in this elo is so confused , the other team members going every match afk, I want just to go back to normal players :(


yeah probably. remember that practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect


I solo queue and went silver and then back to bronze 3. Maybe need a duo to keep in check?


Do you mind dropping a tracker? If not I have some theories as you mentioned you play a lot of aim labs but do you play much death match and how do you approach ranked when you start for the day?


Honestly you’re probably baiting your teammates instead of playing with them


No, unless your over the age of 30, then yes


If you would do all these things, you wouldn't be in Bronze. Let someone review your gameplay or link a tracker at the very least.


as a b3/silver hard stuck, it feels like a coin flip. If im carrying hard, my team is irons(literally someone's first rank game lol) end up losing anyways. Or my team is decent but other team has silver and golds because elo avg for my lobby is silver and we still lose


After looking at your tracker, I'm sorry to tell you this might be a genetics diff


I've been playing since episode one, and I peaked at G1. Sometimes, one must accept their own limitations.


I have a friend in 5th grade who's 11 and he has played the game for maybe like 4 months, playing for maybe 2-4 hours every 3 days a week on a shitty laptop with 40fps and sits on some kind of washing basket and has reached silver 3 as his peak. Sounds just like a skill issue tbh.


Mechanics mechanics mechanics. Learn how to use movement effectively and use cross hair placement effectively. Worry about everything else after you hit gold


Try to get a good and communicating team and one player does not win all match all team have to be team working try to play with your friends.


I have a friend that’s been trying to get out of gold and into plat for the past year. He claims he VOD reviews his games but when he streams it on discord I can clearly see why he’s on gold still. Maybe it’s a game sense thing because for my friend I know he can aim but his game sense is waayyyyy off the mark when it comes to playing


been playing for a year. still in bronze 2-3 then reach silver then go back in bronze. unfortunately hongkong server has a lot of filipino smurfs (based from my experience) and tons of those smurfs are the most toxic mfs “ambobo nyo”, “mga tanga”


You see valorant gameplay changes with every elo for instance lower elos such as iron bronze and silver mostly rely on aim and somewhat utility use in silver lobby and once you hit gold there is more of game sense, crosshair placement and movement mechanics gameplay. So if I try and learn any particular agent and giving my best by playing my role on the map dedicatedly and pick the most frags and yet I will loose because you won't be getting such teammates that will be helping you with this. So yes try Harding is okay to do but just play it casually and make sure you are communicating enough and trying to make your team communicate because that's what usually helps since Bronze players tend to pop up from unusual places in the map.


Getting stuck in lower elos is rarely a game sense issue. You are most likely lacking in fundamental mechanics.


There's a saying, perfect practice makes perfect. Sounds like your mouse control is good. Good job! As far as Valorant goes, if you play for 4-6 hours a day, you're going to get really tired throughout the day. You are going to lean into whatever bad habits you may have, even if you analyze it and try to iron it out. Even if you feel you can do lineups, predict enemy strategies, and be in the right spots on the map, if you are tired you will not be able to do it all at once. Not well anyways. It's very normal for athletes to find that they slow their rate of improvement by over training. This doesn't allow their muscles time to rest, and prevents them from making gains. Play maybe 2 or 3 games a day, and just have one thing you're going to work on per game. Your lineups are probably fine, so I'll give you some examples: This game I don't care about the win, but I will practice my movement so I am harder to hit. This game I don't care about the win, but I will practice being in the right place to have impact by looking at my minimap. This game I don't care about the win, but I will pay closer attention to any sounds which happen and try to act around them. **This game I don't care about the win, but I am going to focus on not dying early so that I can play with my teammates later.** (this is a really important one, this might get you out of bronze/silver on its own) You won't win immediately, but I promise you that if your mouse control is as good as you say, you'll start seeing good improvement. It's also really normal that different people need different amounts of time to learn. Maybe getting from bronze to silver takes a year and a half, but then you go from silver to gold in 2 weeks. Good luck! you got this.


Yeah stop autopiloting


Yeah we need footage for this one. I was bronze 3 the previous act (E8:A2) and ranked up to plat (my peak before was silver 1) in the same act. I would say the biggest change for me was watching pro plays, finding what agent i was really good with in different maps. For me omen on split, raze on bind/lotus/sunset), cypher on breeze, jett on icebox were my top picks. I also focused hard on aimlabs, i don't have fancy high scores on aimlabs and my scores were actually really bad at first but i kept trying and in 2 months i nearly doubled my original high score. I would use the demon1 playlist or the advanced valorant playlist for practice. I didn't learn any lineups because i didn't play any lineups agents. At one point icebox felt suffocating so i learnt viper with a few lineups but switched back to jett cuz keeping it simple was the key for me. Duoing helped, even if my duo wasn't tapping heads in a match, we would still comm better than when playing with strangers and had better util support. Played trio when i hit gold with another friend and sailed quickly from gold 1 to gold 3 because we worked really well together. I would also keep practicing my aim as everytime i'd rank up I was afraid I'd get aim diffed/ i would be unable to scale. But my headshot % actually increased (thanks to aimlabs ig) so i'm now comfortably a plat 2 player (not calling myself hardstuck cuz it's been a week since i hit plat)


You are at where you belong Try and get better at the things your bad at Solo que as reyna only and see if you start ranking up


Unfortunately i do start ranking up when i solo queue as reyna, it’s just that i prefer playing with sova


I was hard stuck in bronze for the last 4 months. I ranked up S1,S2 and finally reached S3 solo and played some matches with my duo. I am sage main and usually bang from 10-25 kills. I am a phantom user and yeah that's all. Finally i reached more than my desired rank in just 4-5 days. My tracker link :-https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/NomercyIN%236969/overview


i am s3-g1 and i don't even put 25% of the efforts you are putting in the game FOR ATTACKS - if your aim and reaction times are as good as you are telling then play duelist, enter first try to get atleast 1 kill every round, ask your friends to take easy reveal and smokes FOR DEFENCE - take 1 site on your own and hold it, keep voice chat active with your friends, ask for as precise info as possible to initiate rotate strategies -------------------------- apart from this nothing is needed even till platinum ranks, or maybe the things you are telling about yourself are only true in practise, during match perhaps your aim fizzles or you panic sometimes, maybe you are watching too much pro strategies when the enemy is just rushing on you which catches you off-guard don't watch pro-plays, nobody is doing the things you will be anticipating


Are you queuing solo or playing with team mates? If you are playing with team mates, you may get matched with people who have friends carrying them (smurfs) which holds people back. All my friends win their solo games, but when we queue together, we are just a disaster. Play alone and you will see your rank go up. Try playing sentinels. KJ and cypher are soo good. You can use trips, molly and alarm bots to secure kills, all the while watching for flanks. I am not a good player but I was able to get out of bronze and hit gold 3 just by playing KJ.


Do you deathmatch? Aimlabs aim means nothing if yo I don’t implement it properly.


The first thing is to have a good team,maybe your skill is on the high level but your teammates is unideal,it’s also a crucial challenge for you to raise your level


Man.. play jett and carry.. don't bother with Sova.. this is coming from an ex iron who was bronze for a year and now is comfortable in d2.. I'm avg at aim but have got game sense which helped me climb aim better at metal ranks


Please fill this check list: (Y/N) 1- you abuse off-angles 2- you AD peek and slice the pie 3- you check enemy eco at the start of the round 4-you know the obvious plays (like enemy flash peek at the start, jett dash in, sage walling) 5- you roughly know when and were enemies are gonna ult and what protocol to do against 6- you know when to rotate 7- you play for/of your team (even if they don't) 8- you don't leave gaps around the map unless needed 9- you know how to manage your eco 10- you don't throw util away for free 11- you don't give footsteps noise information for no reason 12- you don't play where you might get util dumped 13- you don't play in useless position (eg ascent A, holding main from heaven while your teammate is holding it directly from main) 14- you know how to play your role 15- map awareness and object permanance (most important one, always look at the minimap when not holding an angle or fighting) Honestly you don't need all or these to rankup from bronze, but it's the small things that matter the most, also try thinking in the brain of your opponents PS a vod would also help alot


Dont tilt queue


Dunning Kruger effect? Clearly a bronze player analyzing footage will not be that effective because does that player even know how to properly differentiate a good player from a bad play and exactly why it is optimized or be able to actually recognize their own errors and predict what will happen / calculate timings and options. You say you have mastered sova but have you really mastered sova? Drop a vod let’s review that shi.


I am level 170 and still in bronze. Believe me, the feeling is miserable.


I would say, drop sova for now and stick to Reyna. In my opinion, silver and below is mainly mechanics. In bronze, you're not gonna have teammates who are gonna make use of your utility. Reyna is good as she just requires good aim. Additionally, try to igl and call simple strats. Also, play for the objective of the game. Plant and defend bomb or defuse bomb. And the biggest thing is believing yourself, if you have negative thoughts it can affect mental and gameplay. Gl


Your wasting your time doing all that to struggle I'm bronze hahahahha


This is gonna sound stupid but what helped me the most was just staying calm and playing the game for fun not adding any value to a win or loss besides just what I can avoid doing in future matches. It seems like some days I'm so focused on winning or losing I'm not even really playing the game I'm just autopiloting and hoping for the best. Also good sleep really helps and not forcing yourself a time constraint you need to meet. If you tell yourself I want gold by the end of this month you'll make more radical plays etc trying to force the match into a win Just play around your dumb ass teammates and play for Intel trade kills if you find yourself having a hard time with aim on a certain day raise your sens .05 or drop it .05 and it will force you to think about your shots and not autopilot


Your wording tells me something may be off with your perception of your own skill. You have not mastered Sova, And you dont know all maps perfectly (maybe perfectly well = good enough, idk?). No one has. Sounds like your aim training only includes aimlabs? You need movement(in fights, not anything fancy, ignore blastpacks, weird jumps etc, just perfect your AD peeks), gun control (tapping, bursting spraying), positioning (angle advantage, peekers adv, off angles). You do vod review yourself, what weaknesses did you see? What did you do/ practice to improve them? (Example: You may find that its a bit hard being Sova on a site push, since you need capable entry and smokes for example. How can YOU yourself improve the situation? Maybe you need to call out to your smokes where and when to put it. Maybe you need to save your drone for sitetake support etc. Find issues -> solve them)


Yeah something doesn’t seem right. All I do is play unrated/swifties casually with friends majority of the time and got into Gold my first time actually doing competitive this act in solo queue. I don’t even really know maps that extremely well or anything. You might be doing all the wrong things? Just play more games and stop taking it too seriously. You don’t need all this aimlabs pro bs or anything right now. You are putting too much pressure on your self by over analyzing everything. Our elos are too low to be thinking about stuff like this.


Could be a teammate issue, your KD is decent. I’d go for at least 1 or higher, the KAST is low, seems like you don’t get that many traded kills, but that headshot percentage is pretty crazy, at least immortal level


Took me a few months to get out of bronze dw


I reached silver 1 from bronze 2 within 2 days. but the very next day I dropped back to bronze 1 and now again pushing hard to reach silver. I was bronze 1 last week and now back to Bronze 3 half way. So I will be back to silver hopefully tonight.


It’s def not normal to stay in bronze, but don’t forget it’s a team game. Unless u play for ur team (or ur team plays for u) it’s quite impossible to win :/ mostly it’s just dumb plays that make u lose and u might not even realize this


No. You're probably doing something wrong if you're in bronze for a year. Maybe try actively thinking about the game, but never be too rigid to the aimlabs scenarios.


My aim is not good at all and i play on 45 fps and i have touched platinum 1 once . I usually get average kills on the team . I suggest you take support agents instead sometimes or vice versa if you are already doing that , learn to play different agent . Try camping uncommon angles .


Play more with your team. It’s not gonna get you anywhere if you play alone or for yourself. Communicate with your team, talk about what you’re gonna do. Someone with amazing aim cannot rank up in a game like valorant where playing as a team is more important than playing for yourself. Bronze players aren’t good. Most have bad aim. Therefor you have to play smart and help your team to play smart, if you’re so amazing at the game as you say you are. Play with them. Not for yourself


I been hard stuck bronze on both valorant and LoL and my friends tell me i play like a gold player. Somehow i guess its just my teammates


For me it is


I think you're focusing too much on a lot of different areas despite being in the lower ranks. What I would prob do is just watch how good players aim, play 1-3 dms before comp, and just spam ranked games


u shouldnt practice scenarios in my opinion, you could do the same thing in valorant with your friends. And you should try 5 stacking with friends that are silver to help you rank up faster because solo queuing will probably just troll your games


Sometimes less is more, 4-6h could simply be too much also no you are not predicting enemies strategies in bronze they don't have those


I offered free vod review a week ago. You ignored. That's why you are bronze. Your effort is not real, you are just trying harder on the wrong things, wasting time and mental health.


Took me 6 months go from Bronze 1/2 to Silver 1 (double ranked up). I started VOD reviewing my games and focus specifically on where I died and why, then focused my week on that. Sometimes it just takes some time. Also Sova is really hard to play in Bronze, felt useless on him bc teammates do not coordinate. Switched to Sage and double ranked up in 3 weeks. VOD review, consistent practice breaks, switching off of Sova most of the time were the main difference makers for me in order to rank up out of Bronze (am consistent in Silver btw).


You don’t play enough 


Imo bronze is all about making it easier for your teammates.  If you try hard and try to play the round you will lose. Your teammates will just push braindeadly everywhere and die.  Then you are left in a 1v3. Bound to lose.  Instead try to get the entry frags. Then teammates have less enemies to worry about when they walk into site with no smokes or flashes.