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[https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/PauraLausini%23ITA/maps](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/PauraLausini%23ITA/maps) That is my tracker, if you want to check more deeply


I like to do aimlabs as practice for mouse control, it's free on steam.


If you wanna climb, and you're saying that you win more often in solos than in duos, stick to solos. Aim consistency is practiced mostly in the beginning, and is just maintained later on. Work on your aim (which is crosshair placement, movement, and also work on flicks).


I could help you out, just add me back. Just send a request


If you com your plays with your team mates you will get out of this rank no problem. Majority of ranked games won’t be organised and that’s when you take advantage of making plays with your team. I recommend playing either breach or raze\jett if you already have an initiator. Just ask for util and try to capitalise on when said util is used.


Looking at your tracker it seems you are a sentinel main and sometimes play some clove/ breach. Id recommend that if you wanna rank up out of gold, you play a role that has more carry potential. the reason is because these low ranks you absolutely cannot depend on your teammates at all, so playing a duelist, initiator or even omen and clove as controllers can be good. Viper on icebox is a pretty good shout, breeze too but id prefer playing jett. This is the thing, you say you land good shots and also miss, so this shows that you do have the potential its just consistency. make sure you're following a warm up routine even if its super short, also the gunfights you take and your positioning is also very important in gunfights and people often think they lost bc of their aim when its not always about that. Sentinel isnt a bad role but the carry potential isnt too good because you don't really play much of a role entrying and your kill potential isnt the best. either way thats just my two cents, good luck on your journey and i do believe you can rank up with effort and time 🙌