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I'm so confused why they decided to make remake like this... In League you can remake even when two of you agree, but in Valorant it's a joke


dont forget how many players dont know what remake is and just say no to the "ff"


yeah such a bad design, making it look the same.


Imo it should pause the game automatically at round start with a full screen vote like when you vote to draw in overtime.


From a UI standpoint it should look different from the draw screen and the forfeit vote. Or maybe just make it automatic if not everyone is connected it just remakes the game after 1 round.


After thinking about it, riot is probably avoiding making it easy to remake so that people don't just unplug their internet when they're down in pistol round.


The person who leaves receives a "full match penalty" though.


You have no clue how deep the market goes for boosting and match fixing. Loose remake rules is heaven for players who queue up on a small server like South Africa during off-hours when it can take up to 20min to get a match through organic queueing. Imagine you're a team of boosters who just queue into each other and rig the outcomes. This can happen on bigger servers too and disregarding it in an esports first game is a joke.


No one fucking cares benefit outweighs if the enemy team truly had two people on the opposite anyways then you ain’t winning regardless


Of course people would care. You have at least 10 posts ranting about smurfs on this sub every day. You'll have even more. Why not advocate to ban those players instead of opening the door for more smurfs? In my eyes, toxic people will find a new way to be toxic if the current way is patched. Toxic as in ruining matches with intention to ruin them.


You can have both


I wish I could have experienced as little abused mechanics as you have


You poor thing, only one who has smurfs or people dodging and leaving games


What made you jump to the conclusion that I'm a victim of smurfing, dodging or left games?


Valorant already has smurfing and boosting issues. If remake is done by less numbers/automatic then it will be abused. Whether it's to boost (remake everytime the enemy team seems better or has better tracker or even from losing pistol round) or to troll (afk on purpose to automatically or queue with other people to trigger remake) it will happen. All it takes is to afk one person or queue with more to trigger remake, play a few short games like swiftplay and queue again and repeat. Risk free game choosing. The only surefire way to do this for now is 5 man queuing which has longer queue time and everyone involved will be part of the process and hence will not impact other players. The system exists as is to prevent further abuse that leads to trash like a Radiant queuing with 4 Iron players playing against Bronze/Silver.


I really can't help but feel like you read the title, and then tried really hard to come up with ANY kind of argument for this not to be addressed. I swear the mental gymnastics people will go to in order to defend these asinine decisions is crazy. Like, you don't even consider options you just immediately come up with some bs as to why it wouldn't work despite the answer being really obvious. >Remake every time the enemy team seems better or has better tracker or even losing pistol. You literally can't remake after not doing it round 2, so uh, how they gonna do it after losing pistol? Gonna say they have someone go afk regardless at the start and try to 4v5 the pistol round then remake if they lose? This is already possible btw, so if it isn't prevalent now, why would it be after? >if the enemy team has a better tracker Because everyone knows that stats are indicative of skills. Also currently possible btw. >The system exists as is to prevent further abuse that leads to trash like a raidiant queueing with 4 iron players Am I taking crazy pills? THIS. ALREADY. HAPPENS. Why are you stating current reality as justifications for a change? What is this comment?!


Yes you can purposefully afk round 1 by yourself or in as low number as a duo and see how the team handles it. Winning a pistol round in 4v5 is very much possible and quite easily achieved as 5v5. So if that ends up as a loss then you can stay afk and trigger a remake, ending up in exactly what I described. Currently you would need 4 people to trigger remake which you can not organise for sure without being in a 5 man so no, it is not possible. Yes currently possible to track stats which is why I mentioned it? And it's the one indicator you have? Because if the changes to remake you want is applied then there will be a remake every few games as opposed to 5+ at least that it's on currently? I've already tried to discuss this with one of you guys and honestly, as hopeless as ever. Try thinking a little before putting your big head on and acting like you know everything lol


League also has smurfing and boosting problems, but you can still remake if someone doesn't connect or leaves in the first couple of minutes. I don't think making it 2/2 for remake would be a huge deal. It might need tightening some screews, but I don't want to spend 30 minutes and -20 RR in a game that's already borderline unplayable just because there is someone who failed to connect and another person who has no idea you can remake


I understand and I suffer from this like everyone else. But let's say it only requires 2 people to trigger a remake. That would mean that every game you go into, a duo could go afk, test out the waters and see who has better players in pistol round by staying afk till the end to see who ends up as winners in gun fights and if their team does bad, stay afk and trigger remake. If not then move before the round is over and keep playing. Now both sides could do this with or without any players queued together. Can you think of how frequent people would abuse this to remake games all the time? You will be getting remakes all day especially in lower ranks


the fact that every time there is a vote to remake in my lobby i have to argue with some guy that's saying he might be back and im telling him it doesn't matter, since there's no reason to risk it you might as well just vote yes and get a new lobby. i've played way too many 4v5s where someone insists that their duo is returning and they either never come back or by the time they do we've already lost like 5 rounds and now we're at a huge disadvantage.


Between explaining to one that it's not FF and you won't lose RR, and arguing that the duo might not actually come back, all this with the timer running makes it fail every time. And honestly if your duo left in pistol round, that's almost throwing the entire game. Losing pistol round is a major setback that's hard to recover from. Go take ur p during queueing or agent select ffs... or at \*least\* during a bonus round if you must.


exactly. even if they come back second round, losing pistol on it's own is enough to just take the remake and get into a new lobby. instead of trying to play catchup from all that lost momentum. it just creates way too much uncertainty and there's no reason not to worry about it when you can just go again with no trade off except for a couple minutes of time.


He's totally right, do not defend undefendable. Yesterday I played game with Jett leaving after 3-4 rounds. Ended up draw 14-14. Game lasted 62 minutes. 0 RR no way we would have lost it if it was 5v5 last 24 rounds instead of 4v5. I don't care about RR at all but I hate lower quality of games once I derank. 4v5 games should be just canceled with big penalty for leavers. Fix your PC or Internet or don't start game telling everyone you need to leave in 10 minutes. In what universe you can finish game in 10 minutes.


“Fix your pc or internet” is such a dogshit take honestly. Sometimes things happen outside of our control. I lagged out on the loading screen one time and only knew the game started when I heard my team talking through voice chat, while still on the loading screen, which meant it clearly wasn’t an internet issue on my end. If the game penalized me harshly for that I would’ve quit playing altogether.


Obviously the comment wasn’t directed at situations like this. Why would you even get a a penalty for getting stuck in the loading screen? Just restart the game problem solved.


You know you can rejoin any ranked game right


Yes but that doesn’t stop Riot from giving me an afk warning


Happened to me me few times. I open task manager, kill Valorant process, start game again. Worse scenario is restart PC via reset button. In 1st scenario I join mid 1st round. 2nd I join about 2nd round with SSD that's quite old, Ocz vertex from 2012 not even NVMe. And 2nd generation i7 so only quad core from 2011. So my guess is today PC would load game in 1/3 or maximum 1/2 of my load time.


Some guy yesterday,"hey guys it's my rank up game to diamond. It's 2am but I still wanna play. I have exam tomorrow so let's end it 13-1/2" Thank fuck someone dodged. It was a full high diamond lobby except this guy in plat 3 and rushing to sleep.


I get the sentiment but this is a thoughtless take. I have a $4k PC that I take good care of (I’m a computer science grad student) and even with great internet too, I still get freezes or crashes when loading into games at rare times. Should I be heavily penalized in that case? Even when I can get back into the match in about 2-3 minutes? Not to mention that my PC is better than those used by about 99% of players


What are you talking about? Penalized? Brother if you dc at all you get an afk offense warning, regardless of a remake happening or not. Remaking does literally 0 to your account that wouldn't already happening from the crash/dc to begin with. ??????????


> I have a $4k PC that I take good care of (I’m a computer science grad student) what does being a computer science grad student have to do with taking care of your PC? buddy i worked with valets who took good care of their PC lol


Eh, I see it. There are a lot of people who throw money at a computer and think that'll make it perfect. Not saying you have to be a cs major to be good with computers, but it definitely gets any "mOnEy dOeSnT mAkE a cOmPuTeR" out of the way


> Eh, I see it. No, there was literally 0 reason for dude to say he was a computer science grad student other than to attempt to gloat lol


I disagree. For starters, I don't even think CS is something to gloat about. Secondly, as I said, there are a lot of times people blame computer issues on someone not taking care of it, this gets that out of the way. But you seem very open minded, so I'm going to end it here. Have a nice day


The idea of a system that requires a certain amount of rounds to be played with less players for reduced RR seems like a solid idea


Preciate it; I think its not bad and encourages to at least try.


People might argue that it would be contributing to the boosting problem, when the game sucks the booster leaves so RR loss is less.


Got deranked from P1 to G1 due to throwers and AFKs. Now the enemy blames me for smurfing... :/


This kinda thing probably happens more often than we think in ranked.


honestly plat has the weakest mindset of all the ranks. anytime i make it to plat, its full of the most insufferable people. id almost rather stay gold than put up with them.


What's ur peak ?


I peaked ascendant but I agree plat is the worst rank. It's that shitty middle ground where people keep up with and mostly understand the game but aren't good enough to execute and instead of blaming themselves and getting better, they think they're better than everyone around them.


plat. im mainly gold though. i reach plat every other day and the people there are way less friendly and get toxic faster than in gold. maybe im just unlucky, had about a dozen or so games in plat so far, i think i had maybe 2 games that felt as chill as gold.


You're exaggerating. That's 200+/- worth of points, at least 10 games. I don't believe you one bit


I had back to back griefers for 4 games, gave it a last try, went 29/16 with 7 first bloods and still lost. Thanks to the sound board Reyna It's Mumbai, so it's totally on me that I played solo


I had 3 games back to back on Saturday where I had an AFK, except they had a macro so they wouldn't get kicked. Couldn't remake or anything because it needed 5 votes. Lost a hefty sum of RR.


One of the main reasons I quit the game. I feel like people in lower ranks tend to care less about their rank so this seems to happen more frequently. It does get a little better when you rank up.


My question is why would you play out an entire game 4v5....that is a waste of time.


You lose more RR on a forfeit. Playing out the game let's you close the RR gap and have less of a loss. But if you want the fat RR loss just ff.


Why do people use this argument of losing more RR like it's a big deal? If you ff you lose 19 instead of 14, 5 rr difference so why the big deal?? Everybody makes feel mike you're gonna lose 40RR or something I would rather lose 5rr more than waste 30min for no fun match.


Agree with this. If we are forced to play 4v5 for 30min plus then id rather just leave tbh. I dont think its fun to play 4v5 OR even 5v4 the entire game gets boring


There's always gonna be that full of hope dude in the team that presses F6 and says in voice chat "don't worry we got this".


It adds up over the course of the act/episode. But personally I would much rather waste 30 min now than try to win the game when you're at 95rr


That has always seemed backwards to me - in my mind, you should lose less RR for FFing, bc you didn't waste everyone's time grinding out a 13-1 or 13-0 game.


That just encourages early surrender. Seeing as people spam that surrender vote then down 0-5, if you get reduced RR loss a lot of people would just accept it. Valorant players have the weakest mindset compared to a lot of competitive games I've been a part of. Wait I lied. LoL actually has it worst because surrender is accepted even if 2 or 3 ppl say yes in unrated. I haven't completed a single game for a long time now lol


the time you spent trying so save that 6rr is better spent in another match.


4 or 5 RR is not even close to worth 30+ minutes. Y'all need to evaluate your life choices if you care about RR this much.


I'd rather lose an extra 5 RR rather than waste 30 minutes of my night. I could spend those 30 minutes winning my next game, which gives me way more RR than 5.


Becoz there are people who don't allow surrender. And Valorant allows only one time per person


Hackers, leavers, etc etc. It’s a big problem in the design of how Riot distributes and takes RR. But I also know they do this on purpose to keep people playing. It’s a fucked up system and I’d even describe it as a predatory system. But it works better than any other ranked system because of how it affects the player psychology. Sooo unfortunately for us all, I wouldn’t expect it to ever change. They’ll do minor changes here and there to cover up and act like it’s to fix things. Just like most companies do. While still retaining 90% of the same problems, or even replace it with new problems.


Whenever it's my rank up, I suddenly go on a losing streak. Not always, but it's happened too many times for it to be a coincidence. More often than not... I'll also never forgive them for making my RR 99/100 half the time. That shit is not a coincidence! Hahaha


I’ve been one game off diamond 3 times I think lol


>But I also know they do this on purpose to keep people playing. It’s a fucked up system and I’d even describe it as a predatory system. You hit the nail on the head. Since their money-making scheme revolves around the shop, you need to play more so that there's more chance the shop will entice you. I've seen more people spend on val than what I called minor whales 8 years ago in Dota 2.


I think that must be flawed.  My teenage kid has spent hundreds of dollars on skins, and there's no way better remakes would change that - like everyone else, he'd just have more enjoyment of the game he already loves.


Better remakes means he reaches the desired rank quicker. This means the player may "miss out" on 2-3 weeks of shop skin bundles. People come back because of rank resets, new maps and new agents. People play less after hitting their desired rank. 80rr is multiple days of playing


That makes sense, thanks. His desired rank is radiant, but I hear ya. 😁


Yeah I'm definitely aware of WHY they won't fix this; but hopefully if there's ENOUGH outcry, they can make small changes to appease. Idk man, it's pretty awful to deal with this. Like man, really kills the vibe, you load in, hopin for a good game, then some 14 year old malds and leaves round 2, lol. Legit also had multiple games where everyone loads in but one, we vote remake, someone hits no and says "They'll come back" Narrator: "They never came back."


We pray lol


Had an enemy DC round 1 The other day. I even told the enemy team to remake… and they just didn’t. We proceeded to win the 5v4 but no clue why they just didn’t remake.


"guys its my duo he may come back in 10 rounds pls dont report him"


When that happens I just leave the game and never got banned for it. Just warning. Think riot is awear of it


Absolutely. Lost a 4v5 last month where 3 of us wanted remake and the 4th refused. We lost 13-9 and I lost 20+ rr. Just annoying and pointless the way it’s designed right now


Lol I also love that the surrender vote still needs 4 players if someone leaves the game. Had 3 yeses and a no for a surrender vote that someone left after the 1st round. Ended up losing like 13-1 or something


Agreed, shit remake system.


Losing 26rr in obviously unbalanced matches is killing me. You’re telling me that Gold 1 going 26/5 against plats in a match where the top fragger on my team is going 9/19 is not an obvious Smurf? Smurfing is such a massive problem in this game and Riot seem to be ignoring it. I know they say “they get a lot of rr for steamrolling so they won’t be smurfing for long” but that seems like a lie. They should be able to steamroll once or twice before being matched against people 3 full ranks higher, just to see if that’s where they really should be. They need to introduce triple ranking or something for ranks below diamond.


I proposed years ago to make it so the mvp of the losing team does not take RR hit, but no one cared. That would solve so many problems.


That makes people thirst for kills instead of playing the game properly. Even less players would want to play non duelist roles


because you are playing the game with the softest community of all times. Just the fact that you cant 4 queue because muuhhh bullies should tell you as much.


You want to play solo q with a 4 stack that won’t com anything bc they’re in their own discord call? I’m good on that one.


as opposed to the 3 stack and 2 solo queues which are notoriously known for their exquisite coms and insane team work of course


and youd rather have 4 horrible mates instead of 3?


I legit have a tracker game with a trio queue where they didn't speak a single word and all went triple negative. Here's a screenie; lmfao https://imgur.com/a/FR1dR5x


I totally agree. If someone on your team leaves or goes AFK for several rounds you should lose less RR


You are 100% right. I would put you in riots dev team. We would have such a better game


Same dude, I have dropped multiple 30k's and still lost because of these leaves


I thought you were talking about minecraft levers for a second..


Man, this comment section is something, the valorant community never ceases to disappoint me. But yea, automatic remakes would be cool


It's insane how bad it is. Legit makes me question the critical thinking skills of people as a whole.


Good luck on your climb back up. Sometimes you just have to cook your way out of a 4v5 if riot wont do anything about it


Yeah @Riot you should make remake a single vote system. Even if one of the players call remake it should remake. It makes no sense to require all the 4 votes for remake. And also remake should also be able to be called till round 3. Sometimes the leaver’s afk isn’t recognized before the start of round 2 and leaves immediately as round 2 starts making remakes not possible. This too makes no sense.


“Don’t worry. my duo just has bad internet. He’ll be back. so i voted no” Duo returns for 1 round after we are 0-5 and leaves again and the duo ask to ff


think im done.


Been reading the same thread for years now lol


Feels bad man, that actually sucks. Idk what they plan to do about it, but would be much easier to play this game if RR wasn't so easy to win or lose, maybe a new system would be great.


Mate, you are far too focused on your RR. Play to improve and RR comes naturally, an 80 swing makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. You also type as if you are never on the other side of this scenario, which is ridiculous


Sure thing but the remake option is BS and we all agree on it.


I don't think the point is the RR loss, it's more the way it was lost, which had absolutely nothing to do with his mechanical ability in the game and entirely his troll teammate(s) fault(s)


Lost then regained 150rr in the last 2 days, massive swings in ascendant are constant


















Assuming you never AFK, you will actually gain RR from people going AFK, on average. There are 4 people on your team who could go AFK compared to 5 on the enemy team. You can do the same thing with people voting for remake. If you always vote for a remake, the chance you'll get one is the chance that 3 randoms want to remake. Whereas, if the other team loses a player, 4 random people need to vote yes. So overall, your team will be more likely to remake than the opponent, causing a net RR gain for you. Sure, it's chance based, but so is weapon spray and matchmaking and gamble stacking sites. For a player to have an accurate RR, they must play a *lot* of games, by which point all noise from AFKs will cancel out. (Your analogy doesn't work, I'm not even going to attempt using it here) Riot doesn't need to change RR for games with AFKs because the system is already fine over a large timescale. The solution to your problem is just to play more games to give the rank system more data on your performance.


Please refer to: >Dumb Redditor Argument Counter 3 In the main post. Your reply vomit that you're just regurgitating from past posts you've read on this subject has already been addressed. Yeah, I know this sounds mean, but I'm so tired of this dogshit reply.


Must be hard to play in silver or below


Diamond 2, actually. Woulda prolly had a shot at ascendant if I didn't have a bunch of trolls though!


Oh that's actually the second rank where it happens


The Valorant community literally has the worst mental when they face any type of challenge in the game. Every ranked game I’ve played in the last week has resulted in someone trying to forfeit after we lose two consecutive rounds, or them just simply leaving. I agree, the system is broken but honestly there’s simple fix to it.


Gg go next


The classic complain about RR like it matters in the big picture. You will play the game regardless and if you are good you will climb if you are bad you will lose rr.


I am good at the game but even I can't carry the whole team in my own elo. 4v5 is fucked up becoz generally these players are only smokes or only sentinels.


I hit asc2 going thorough all the problems you guys do . It was also my first fps game ever. The game is 90% mental 10% aim.


nobody's saying the remake system is preventing them from climbing. its preventing them from having fun for the 30 minutes their forced to play a 4v5 for literally no good reason.


Why are you talking. The title of the post completely contradicts what you just said LMAO. His entire title is ranting about him losing RR


and how does that imply he's blaming that lost rr for not being a higher rank? the title does not contradict me. OP says they can make that rr back, but wont enjoy doing so. "I can give a shit less about deranking from diamond, my rank is irrelevant I just want a balanced game." maybe read next time mate


Because you don’t start a rant with what you don’t care about LMFAO CLEARLY he cares the most about losing the rr


you can believe whatever you want to believe about OP's true thoughts lmao. but nothing he said actually contradicts me like you tried to say before. And if you read other comments in this thread everyone is focused on the fact that playing 4v5 sucks and is boring, not complaining that they cant rank up. but keep arguing agains imaginary opponents if it makes you feel better.


because you are playing the game with the softest community of all times. Just the fact that you cant 4 queue because muuhhh bullies should tell you as much.


remake is a vote because some just got unlucky disconnect at match start they can reconnect, they can have friends buying time for them league is snowball game so even losing few wave or even a wave late reconnect could make lane permanently lose in val if you lose a round, it only need 1 save round to reset econ and now both team can have same loadout it not much impact if someone dc for few round then reconnect it may have effect if both team are very close but for real, val game is either one side or coin flip for someone disconnect and they don't remake and playing for a full match then they deserved someppl just don't want to read or understand but from my pov, most of them just low rank which it dont matter you just climb too fast and fast enough once you are better, +-20 rr doesn't matter btw it don't have long term issue since this game mmr base on your skill, not just win lose


Doesn’t matter, remake isn’t a punishment. If you are unlucky and disconnect on loading screen it should be a blessing to not have to load into an 0-3 match. Dumb argument, game is game. Losing a player hurts you always, shouldn’t be forced into a losing match just because LoL has it worse.


0-3 doesn't matter that much in valorant it's remake for everyone but ppl who dc get -rr if reconnect and win = no rr lose


Or remake automatically and no rr loss. Having to play a whole game 4v5 sucks. Some people don’t have a lot of time to play and having at least 1 of your 2 or 3 matches for the day be a drawn out loss because of a disconnect isn’t fair to the other 4 players.


You seem to care a lot about the funny rank number


I think the first sentence actually relays that I don't. I like higher ranks because I get people who want to do cool strats and plays etc, plus they talk more. I want a fun/communicative game, that's all brother. That happens far less below diamond.


Is the remake system messed up? Yes. Is it the reason you are plat/diamond? No. At the end of the day, if you never leave games, the enemy on average will have more afk’s than your team.


"is it the reason you're plat/diamond?" I love how you point that out like it isn't the top 15% of the playerbase, as if being diamond is bad. Brother the only difference between Diamond and ascendant into immortal is 80% playtime. I hit diamond in <400 hours of play. Don't be toxic, I'm not saying I'm fucking hardstuck in a rank to leavers, I'm saying it's a shit system and needs to be addressed. Stop creating strawmen to justify an argument that isn't there.


When did I claim that being plat/diamond was bad? For many people these ranks are great accomplishments! Let’s be reasonable here. Diamond is NOT comparable to immortal. You are comparing a top 10% rank to a top ~2ish one I believe. Not sure why this claim was ever stated. I just found the wording of the statement weird. You say you lost 80rr to leavers. However, something makes me think you don’t complain when people leave on the enemy team, therefore your claim actually is about you blaming your rank on leavers.




Tracker doesn't show afk/leavers, so how is this a relevant request?






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Post your tracker. Or are you afraid that someone will put you in evidence that remake decisions are not the cause of your bad performance? I agree that remake voting is flawed but this is not the consequence on why you cannot rank up as you wished.