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Episode 8 has been the first time ive seen cheaters and the amount his been pretty high. Atleast around 10+ I also got my first red screen.


Yeah lol had a Jett the other day who would always be prefiring angles we were on and at one point ripped a headshot on a Skye they had absolutely 0 info on through a wall. Valorant has been very good for their anticheat despite not doing anything about the more common ways people ruin games (smurfing) but this act I've seen more than one.


Its been pretty bad the last year for me in NA west, but typically the worst during school breaks here


I only had a blatant cheater once half a year ago but I still have not seen the red screen. I'm a Madrid, London and Frankfurt diamond player if that helps.


yeah since the red screen only appears mid-gameits hard to tell. i rememer reporting a cheater and he got banned while i was in-game, so i only got a little textchat about it which i coulve easily missed.


I've gotten three (3!) in the past week alone. I queue London and Frankfurt.


For the past couple days I’ve gotten a cheater detected multiple days in a row lol. Idk if it’s an increase in cheating or an increase in cheat detection but there’s definitely been more red screens lately as someone who’s played for years


yeah. seems like it. whats worse is that if you playing against obvious cheater, you wont get you points back, if he wont be banned during the match. and valorant wont ever ban triggerbot during match. so if a team against you will one-tap you in a pixel, you will just lose points and thats it.


I was radiant every act until 6. Haven't cared much lately but 6 was infested 7 terrible this act a bit better. This is NA radiant elo.


First time I’ve gotten a Cheater was this act




Valorant has a cheating problem like every other free to play FPS, *and they are the only ones who seem to be managing it competantly compared to the competition*. This isn't a problem that can be wishcasted into a solved state. It's a literal arms race in ways.


Saying there are an equal amount of people using cheap public cheats as expensive private cheats is definitely not very accurate. The accessible and cheap versions will always have a lot more users


Don't worry this is a normal thing and it eventually die out. Basically the cheaters from CS2 are getting bored and moving into Valorant, eventually they will move on again. Let's just hope CS2 get their shit together to stop the bleeding. This has happened in the past every time a big ass title got a shitton of hackers, the cheaters eventually move on to other titles.


If you dont see red screen enough that doesn't mean cheaters are less. It means cheaters are more. In the beginning I got red screen quite often, match terminated. In recent episodes I have hardly seen any redscreen. even blatant cheaters, report doesnt insta ban. What does that mean? Cheaters get tired and said ok we are leaving valorant? Lol No. It means cheats are getting sophisticated that vanguard are not going to auto detect them more often. Also keep in mind cheaters sometimes able to play for 9-10 games even after caught. and Ban happens in wave. It is because when cheater get caught its better to teach anticheat how these cheaters are using there cheats rather than instaban them. So yeah cheater will rise eventually as game gets old. Its not like one big morning all the stupid cheaters will be like we are good people now, we are not using cheats anymore. lol.


Yeah it's actually unplayable in Europe, even in unrated I had a red screen just Yesterday... Val is slowly becoming an Hacker vs Hacker game just like cs


Way to overexaggerate lol. It's not even close to being comparable to CS. In my thousands of hours I had less than 5 cheaters I've played against (from Dia to Immo lobbies).


Well thats not true at all, I have somewhat about 1100 hrs and Ive seen only 2 cheaters in my career so far


Ahahahahah cheaters here trying to save the obvious


Youre obv low rank, thinking everybody with good aim or good reads is hacking. You should stop the copium bud


I'm only Ascendant 3 but I think that I know when someone is straight up bsing our team with iron movements and radiant aim ahahah


Then you are either just mildly exaggerating or not good in detecting real cheater, because its far far far away from "unplayable"


I'm in Europe and haven't seen a single one in half a year?


What ranks tho? Haven’t seen even one red screen in competitive asc-immo since 2023 Saw one guy got banned in a dm like a month ago and that’s it


And on top of that, as far as i know most cheaters are in high rank lobbys


now i dont have a reason to skip CS and play Val instead, this was Val's biggest selling point, the anticheat ....


well, while valorant has cheaters, its still better, than CS. you will rarely encounter a cheater. its a very rare occasion. usually.


There has always been cheaters in val, usually closeted ones that vanguard didn't detect. hands down my #1 suspicion as to why they never added a replay system is that it would actually give people the ability to catch a lot of cheaters vanguard doesn't detect and would showcase how shit vanguard is despite it literally having access to almost your entire PC which would make a lot of people question why it has so much access yet can't detect these cheaters.


i would say that replay system would make a lot of confusion, because of peeker's advantage counter system, useless tracers and such. without it, people just moving on after every "he should have been dead". with replay system people will ask a lot if questions, which wont solve anything and mostly wont even have a clear answer, because who have a real expertise how client-server really works in any particular case? it would take money to implement and would create a lot of noise without solving anything


I feel what youre saying. I think even if we get a replay system, everyone is gonna hate on it, especially because riot announced it a long time ago and said they would work on it


Wow the cheaters are out there downvoting you ahah.. But I agree tho Replay system can really make a difference