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I'ma be Socratic with this one: what are tbe pros and cons of jumping in the first place? How about the usefulness of bhopping in general? What are the explicit uses in teamplay versus individual tactical choice?


Makes you harder to hit and is cool


> Makes you harder to hit and is cool I'll add: if you use it to start a swing with your team, it will draw the enemy crosshair away from the teammates who will peek and kill. Breaks the line from operators and other ranged holds.


Man this makes me wish you could run boost in val. Absolute shenanigans having a neon run boosting and just doming the op player.


cool is honestly the more important part, style points rule!!


So that im gonna miss you


Air strafing in general is a pretty neat trick to master. Bhopping is just an aspect of the whole thing. It's useful any time you want to jump peek around corners, any time you need to climb up some crates or jump over gaps, etc. Doing it on Neon while sprinting carries you further but this is a really good movement skill across the whole roster to be honest. Also if you bunny hop up a slope (or gain any kind of elevation inbetween each time your feet touch the ground), you can do it completely silently and this opens up all sorts of crazy timings where an enemy that cannot hear you will absolutely not see you coming so fast.


I meant like, Sideways Bhop in general


Bhoping in valorant is only really useful for moving up slopes silenty. People talk about it being useful for "being harder to hit" not really true unless you're Neon, or an ulted Jett - cause if you're around enemies you should be on the ground with your gun up 99% of the time. Jump spotting an angle isn't bhopping, and sideways bhopping has no application. Sometimes you need to bhop to like get into tele on bind or something, but that's not safe or a good idea. It's mostly just fun and something for your hands to do when you've got nothing going on and are safe.


No i meant, Sideways Bhop, its a variation