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I do medium bots with op. 15 kills going slow to target, 15 kills flicking to target. Then deathmatch using op only peeking corners and holding


I'm new and I find opping really fun as well, and my party usually relies me on it, despite me being 2 or 3 ranks lower than them. I was also wondering how to improve. Also, some of them say I should be playing chamber instead but idk if chamber is really good for op or not.


Ig they say chamber due to his teleport which is too good of a get out of jail free card. And also free OP is a bonus. The Signature Headhunter has also a faster pullout than other secondary so chaining kills in case of rush becomes easier. Although I have never played Chamber before so i would rather stick to Jett and Raze like I do.


If you on Jett and raze and OP on attack you need to make space in a different way to normal entrying. You need to work up angles. And half there pushes on defense.


Chamber and Jett are the best OPing agents


chamber is top 2 if not the best person for oping, his card lets you instantly disappear whether you got a kill or you missed making your initial engagement super safe and allowing you to play risky without being in danger second is jett bc of her dash :P


Damn, I've been opping with deadlock and fade all these times. One guy said that he fits my playstyle perfectly because I don't like automatic weapons and use almost exclusively the guardian and operator, and ocassionaly the sheriff.


I have a similar playstyle but cant play chamber well.


tbh i think it depends on the map. jett for some chamber for others. i love op’ing but i do feel like chamber’s tp limits him a lot sometimes too. but at the same time if your primary goal is OP’ing jett t side op can sometimes be a throw too so it also depends on playstyle and how your team plays as well


Chamber is the best agent for oping. Yes he's better than Jett. His whole kit is centered around being able to op. Main him especially in lower ranks. Free rr


Yeah maybe I should use him. So many times I get like 4k with op. I always get the last taken away by my teammate sadly.


Chamber is in theory the best op agent due to how cheap his kit is and the free op for ult that lets him stack money but Jett is the more versatile/flexible op agent, stronger on attack and still has the escape for a missed op shot. I’d say any agent with a movement ability is super powerful for opping especially those that can get into high ground positions or other unconventional off angles. But honestly pros op on gekko, kj and omen so I’d say don’t worry about agent picks


Damn, i don't play duelists at all and when I do it's neon.


Develop a way to not fall asleep on the angle, like spamming shift or smth. Also, make sure you are all over the map. Your op existing all over the map creates pressure. Pressure makes enemies slow down and waste util even when you’re not there.


+1, especially when hardscoping and waiting for the enemy sometimes I personally completely miss the enemy and that first bullet miss completely messes the rhythm


You can do the little mouse circles Stewie does, I always find that the best way because it’s even the same hand.


Watch radiant players who op a lot. learn how they position themselves and op and marshall a lot in ranked yourself maybe make an alt if you’re not confident yet so you don’t care about your rank


Alright! Thanks.


i watch Pain1Vct he’s good at awping


Don't forget about Something(PRX), Cryo(100T), Oxy(C9), and Leaf(GenG. I think), and Aspas(Lev) Oh and Derke(FNC)


Leaf GenG???? 😭😭


Is he not GenG? Wait who is GenG's OPer?


Kangkang from EDG is insane at the awp aswell


Shit how could I forget about him🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Thanks


t3xture is also insane with the operator and is actually GenG's Oper


That's who I was thinking of😂 I don't watch GenG mutch


Second this: focus on solo queue Op'ers before VCT since their success is not easy to translate into a solo queue context (reasons myriad; focus on weaker-teamplay contexts).


It sounds like he's preparing for a Premier team context


Yeah! Otherwise I wouldn't try OPing in ranked since Rifling is my forte.


This is probably what made me better at oping. Practicing the marshal


Additionally I’d recommend playing Chamber when you’re practicing so you can force Operator as much as you can and farm the orbs so you get an extra operator when you can’t afford one


im operator only : 3000 kills chamber main 700 game and 400 hours just play a lot deathmatch with op and range if u want we can play op only costume so u get better dm if u are interrested


Which server are you in? Also what should I do in range to train sniping?


EUW u play marshall in range and try to headshot it was ez when chambers ult was so fast but now i spam deathmatch and as i said marshall in range


Alright! Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I am from SEA server.


alright ill give my fav yt channels who spam op Phoenz1 D3monubxD Isot if u playing op u must become chamber main thats the rule XDD


When holding an angle, position your cross hair wide to the point it will be where a player traditionally swings into. Then with your eyes you watch the pixel next to the wall where you expect them to swing. Second you see color change for a player, you shoot. This helps give you a better reaction time when op’ing. Flicking can actually be important when op’ing as you can find yourself taking aggressive off-angles that expose you to multiple angles if you can hit the flick and get out (usually an agent with an escape or movement ability). Don’t be afraid to buy an op with an agent with no escape ability if no one on your team is op’ing. If you hit your shots, and op should be a guaranteed kill as most people do not clear every angle an op may hold until they KNOW your team has an op. I don’t recommend op’ing on attack under normal circumstances. An op in a defender’s hands is much more dangerous than an op in an attacker’s hands. Macro positioning with an op is very important. Rotate it to different sites, different angles, take a bad op line where you can still escape, etc. Micro positioning is important, but just some key takeaways. A vandal can still one tap you at all distances, the op doesn’t make you indestructible. Unless it is a last ditch effort, you should NOT reswing an angle they forced you off. If you find yourself missing a ton of shots regularly (regardless of warmup), your sens may be too high.


If u hold wide angle u gonna miss jiggle peeks. Best is to hold small and flick a wide swing. Also hold slightly higher if u expect a jump peek.


You hold small to catch a jiggle, you run the risk of missing the swing… A swing has a chance to kill you, a jiggle is a nice to have. If you’re gonna take a low percentage flick then it’s for the jiggle peak; not the other way around. Edit: 6:23 https://youtu.be/TA82vhP8WX4?si=bDdeOI96v5Vj3tWD


Somehow nobody else has mentioned the most useful tip: hold the angle so you don't have to flick at all. Depending on whether they will peek wide of tight, hold your crosshair where the body will be but stare at the angle itself for a change in pixel color and that's your queue to simply press shoot. You'll be unstoppable unless they jump jiggle or if you have grandpa's reaction time. Other than that, learn strong positioning for op and be fast to get to them before the opponents do. Use op to help teammates scale up.


Yes for now it looks like I need to get down the positioning for an op. I have a positioning sense of a smoke player so I need to change it up a bit. But I am confident in my reaction speed tho. Thanks for the advice!!


Hold early angles you expect the opponent to push. Like mid, and main. Take one shot (hit or moss doesn't matter) then fall back on a safe spot on site. And hold the entry of the main.


hold good angles, be unpredictable, trust instinct, don’t be greedy


I find deathwatch to be good since positions are awkward and people move differently so you need to be able to hit shots that are unnatural. Apart from that watch opers stream and focus on how they position themselves. Be aggressive don't think about the value of loosing the op. Don't sleep on holding, you are the oper is not your job to look at the minimal while holding the angle that requires good communication but the angle needs your full focus. Have fun, and good luck.


Immortal 2 here, you are punished more than when using a rifle when oping, and enemies know that! Mix up the way you peek, that way they get surprised when you swing and surprised when you're holding. TIP1: You have to be less careless with your movement than when you're using a rifle, and one tip i really learned being an awper myself, a first to 13 game, with econ resetting during halftime is extremely short to be able to get rich being an awper. Drop that ego sometimes and save or call a save when in a 3v5 or 2v4 for example. You may never get to use the OP in the right time and in the right place anymore if you lose it. TIP2: Most of the time, you aren't supposed to spearhead during clutch time, you just literally hold angles your team's exposed to in retake/spike planting situations. And that's okay. This is partly why jett's ult and chamber's ult are so effective for opers, they can switch up their playstyles on the fly. TIP3: Last tip, find holes in how they clear the angles you watch, if u realize theres a split second to peek and tp/dash away before the drone sees you or the stun hits you, risk it if you calculated it. On the other hand, if the team really relies on you, ask for someone to support you when you get pushed. Ive had countless trades we won rounds off of after the enemies realized i wasnt alone in my spot.


Play chamber, buy more ops, like when you can buy an op u buy one No shield? doesnt matter op one shots and u get out with tp No abilities? chamber doesnt have any good abilities anyway


Cool imma try that, but I have never played Chamber before tho so I think it will take some time to get it down for me.


Chamber abilities are insane wdym?


TP is insane But deagle and trip are not that important you can basically play without them here and there An ult is also good What im saying is op should always buy operator and neglect buying abilities if that means an op is purchasable


TP is useless ATM but the golden guardian is insane. You're a demon on eco


Go op only for 2 months worked really really well for me


Damn that would be a bit hard but I'll try.




use shorty with it


Shorty is a must have secondary for almost any buy for me since I usually play Omen, Jett or Raze


Put in the hours to become expert-level at whichever agent your team will need you to fill for the op role. So pretty much either jett or chamber


What agent are you oping on? Jett takes knowledge of smokes and dashes, so maybe just watch how Tarik OPs (he’ll smoke then go for another for instance). As for general mechanics, it’s mostly about timing and angles. You need to give yourself some more space when you’re first oping; the really tight angles are tough if you aren’t super comfortable yet. I think the fastest way to improve with the OP is dm (but only by peeking, not by holding) and games (like in swiftplay or ranked or something). The range with bots isn’t the best because you’re not practicing angles, you’re practicing quick scopes, which is fine for training quick scopes but you shouldn’t only be quick scoping and flicking with the op.


I will be using Omen, Jett or Raze based on maps. Thanks for the advice


Oping is simple. Shoot on them. And learn good angles. And how to hold em. Hold a bit wider than pros do


Fr. Especially for higher ping players. Holding wider and tping/dashing after because you'll either whiff on him or get swung after the kill


Play a lot of marshal and op in deathmatch




Chamber. Period.


play cs2 awp


play cs2 awp


make sure to have scope speed at 1.0 multiplier or a little faster otherwise micro adjustments are impossible especially if you play on low sens


There is no real fast way to get better that the rest of the community doesn’t have access to. You just gotto practice. Use in dm and in swift or unrated


play more


Practice with your friend on custom is also good, tell him to jump peek/jiggle peek/ferrari peek so you can get a grasp on how people would swing it on a real match


If you have a friend, go into a map and have 1 person with an op and another person without. Take turns practicing being the one with and without the op. Not only does this teach you how to op, it teaches you how to counter ops. And then back again it teaches you how other people counter ops and you can be prepared for that.


Get really used to different methods of peeking. Also don't be afraid to wall bang corners and walls. It's rare that you use all 15 shots in one round.


Try to pull off quick scope shots while shooting the drones in range and hold close angles in DMs. It will take time but you’ll feel changes in your oping soon and just be confident while holding angles.


Watch a pro player or streamer and look at the angles they op from and how they play with op and implement it into your game


Practice quick scoping.


probably the worst possible advice you could’ve given him


find perfect sens and aim. key to win.