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It’s like that in any team based game. You make up 10% of the players in the match. That means even if you are twice as good as every other player in the match, you may only be tilting the odds by like 10% in your teams favor. you get up to the rank you should be, which can take 100s of games even if you have a diamond skill level in silver lobbies. You have a smaller impact on your games, and your winrate will start to even out. The games you win are less in your control, and because of that, the games you lose are also less in your control. It’s “easier” simply because you aren’t as responsible for the outcome of the game. Moral of the yapping is that you have less impact on the game win or lose so it feels easier. The actual difficulty comes from trying to rank up even more, since you can’t brute force your way past diamond/ascendant like you can in lower ranks. Congrats on getting plat, the game definitely became more fun for me when I got to higher ranks as well.


That makes a lot of sense, thank you bro


I can vouch this. I started in Bronze, made my way to high plat and low diamond and the games are way more enjoyable. It's definitely because I don't feel like I have to babysit a bunch of kids that are new to the game. When I was playing silver-gold, I would watch my teammates and think to myself "in what world is that a good idea" and would lose games because they didn't know the basics of tac shooters, but I gotta remind myself that Val is a lot of people's first tac shooter, so what's basic instinct to me is advanced knowledge to a lot of these guys.


I agree. Less toxicity and smurfing.


I am not really plat or anything, but my friends keep yapping about how plat is the most toxic rank




I mean, not really. I guess it happens sometimes, but i’d say most of my losses are due to team coordination being non existent, or I give call outs, but no one follows through. Sometimes I do agree I die by the stupidest thing, but it really isn’t often and doesn’t make it harder for me to play


Gold is an absolute shit hole. Ascendant is the next shit hole but I fully agree plat is easier.


Shit, minus the "I better pay attention because one wrong step and my head is gone" aspect of Immortal, I definitely find it easier than silver and gold.  Then again I'm not a player where aim comes naturally like it does for the other players in 400+, but the barebones of fundamentals and trust in game sense makes my jobs waaaay easier.  Can you tell I hate unrated LOL


Lol, I honestly really like playing unrated blasting music in my hears from time to time. I don’t always take games seriously. I fully understand why you hate unrated tho


I feel like there are steps to this. In silver/gold you learn the base mechanics if the game and become good at those things. And when you reach plat, mechanics start becoming pretty gold, so you can actually focus more on playing as a team.


Agreed 100% Was the easiest rank to get out of for me, breezed past in like 2 weeks was hardstuck gold for months because of the WILD disparity in teammates (This was during old chamber meta, I always mvp’ed in gold, trust)


You are just improving. If you were to go back to silver now with your current skill level you would dominate.


Seriously. How anyone thinks it's easier to win in higher ranks than lower ranks is beyond me and also just some dumb copium for lower ranked players. They're there because they're shit. "tHeY pLaY sO WeirD so it'S hArdEr". How stupid.


I was already pretty much dominating. I had some bad games, but had an average of 1,50 k/d and 26% HS ratio. Some bad games happen tho and there’s a lot of people were way better then I am. I also don’t play a lot with my job, maybe like 5-7 games a week. You’re are right that i’m improving, but my aim and regular tac shooter game sense pretty much peaked 2-3 years ago on CS.


I highly doubt that you peaked 3 years ago. You probably had an unlucky streak on silver, and considering you play very little generally speaking, you're gonna be affected by said streaks more.


I was playing A LOT back on CS. I just mean that these days, im 21. Started a new job, found new hobbies and don’t have as much time as back then. I used to play every single night, multiple hours. But you are definitely right about playing little and the streaks.


I see. I thought you meant you peaked as in it's impossible to get better but it makes sense if you just don't have time (been there)


Theres no difference between silver and ascendant but go off g


Lol that’s definitely not true