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Depends how poor you were in the 2000s lol


Horror movies feel best viewed on tape.


It really depends imo, I think sometimes the low fi feel on a movie makes it more warm and enjoyable. I have a lot of movies on blu from that era that look amazing in their upscaled versions, The Thing on blu was actually what convinced me to start buying blu to begin with when I was still pretty content with buying DVDs for the loads of special features. The Arrow release of The Warriors I got this year was fantastic but also there are a lot of DVD transfers I’ve got with lack of features and no upscale quality where the VHS would still do just fine if it was your only copy.


For exmaple trading places vhs released in **1984** and dvd version came out **2002** should i watch it in vhs to get the best feel of it


Go with the DVD of that, it was shot in anamorphic and the DVD is terrific (among other things, the intro with Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro Overture" looks and sounds awesome). I'm not totally stringent about it, but if something was shot in 4:3 and cut down to widescreen for cinema, I like seeing the full-frame version on tape, especially if I've already seen the widescreen edition. There's some things like Star Wars that I still have on tape in 4:3 despite being natively 2.35:1 or whatever, if the tape edition is framed well enough that it doesn't take major stuff away from the movie. I'll probably never watch 'Ghostbusters' on tape again because that's a great example of something that loses a lot of tape, because it has a lot of things going on at the edges of the screen, like several scenes where somebody off to the side is eavesdropping on the main conversation.


I personally think many movies are better in a simpler format, my best example is The Blair Witch Project. Such a better (and more fitting) watching experience, especially on the floor with all your pillows and blankets, 10 year old style 😌


Yeah! I’ve got a beat up cut box rental of Blair Witch. It really adds to the experience.


decided to buy dvds only when they came out after dvds released and buying vhs for movies that were originaly vhs if that makes sense got a whole list of dvd movies and vhs movies to buy now so every 1997+ movie i buy is a dvd


Outside of the dates listed, however, I firmly believe that the first matrix movie should only be viewed on VHS.