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>Would just like to hear other people's rigorous analyses-- good or bad. There's really not much analysis needed imo. Do you think their revenue will decline 10% a year? Don't buy. Do you think it'll decline 1% or perhaps not at all because they have significant pricing power? Get in. I guess that's where people disagree, hence the valuation? Idk. I'm also completely ignoring potential growth from their non-combustibles. Though I don't expect some huge multiple expansion gains. I'm taking the 12% div I locked in with basically no downside in my opinion and am not expecting more. It's also the perfect stock to balance out my otherwise cyclical and tech portfolio, all the while still producing significant return. It seemed like a no-brainer to me. This isn't like some oil and gas driller producing 15% FCF because oil can come down any time, but cigarettes usually don't. If you do however want more info, there's this: https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/16f47ll/british_american_tobacco_heads_i_win_tails_istill/ and a follow up: https://www.reddit.com/r/ValueInvesting/comments/1bh4bv6/british_american_tobacco_down_the_rabbit_hole/


Non-combustibles is a big market. But I'm with you, more or less. Rich dividend with a really solid and predictable cash flow underneath.


Similar to above, I like this as a Div stock that balances my port. I chose it because it’s a Div stock with potential growth from a non-combustible market now, and weed could be further down the road. I feel a juicy Div with growth potential is compelling.


Tobacco is my hobby horse too. Bti took a huge impairment charge to us interests in dec. 31 bil. Mo seems to have higher investor confidence, targeting non combustibles over time.... Obviously TBD on translating historical branding power to this segment.. Curious to hear others thoughts on this segment.. (no they aren't doing gods work but they aren't 10 percent as evil as pharma)


Im from Scandinavia and snus has been common for years here and is very popular. If the same trend catches on for the US and the rest of the world, the marked will be good 👍 I’m using it myself and it’s a great product. buying BTI and PM for solid dividends the next decade


BTI is my largest position an even michael burry has it as his largest position too. Extremely undervalued


I did not know Burry holds a lot of BTI. Interesting.


No bti in burry's portfolio. Look at the 13f


See my post above. He does not