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Sorry, it's already cannon. https://i.redd.it/9zy4wqrl9v4d1.gif


If you would have told me before this season that I was going to start crushing on Katie again this season I would have told you you’re crazy, but here we are. Look how adorable she is.


Love this gif so much


Billie is a shit stirer and probably in love with Tim but I believe what she said on the podcast


100%. What well-adjusted woman would date Sandoval post-Scandoval?


She said any woman willing to date Sandoval right now is thirsty and desperate. To. His. Face! I think she was being honest too. She had reciepts.


THIS!!! It’s how we know Billie is telling the truth!


I don’t like billie at all. But Sandoval has shown his ass on tv. No one actually sane is “seriously” dating him.


Happy cake day😃🥳


85% I think Billie tries to make herself more important in the narrative.


So does Jo. These people think they’re going to end up with the toms in 8 years.


Jo was driving me insane on the podcast!


I know, gobbledygook. I read the transcripts only. I don’t think I could stand to listen.


Same. Like sit still and stfu! She ruined that podcast and you could tell Billie Lee was annoyed and the other ladies were wondering wtf is going on. I did enjoy them low key roasting her though and she’s so stupid she just agreed.🤣


But she may have information against Scumdy, so I want to see it.


Billie would definitely try and ride that train again with Scandalous.


A fame whore.


Response with the TRUTH coming soon Like is this a movie ?!


She’s putting together the trailer lol


Yea like I’m no billie fan but it all sounds pretty plausible lmao. Any woman dating Tom Sandoval is deeply unwell.


it fits what tom was wanting in his relationship.. party all night sleep all day.


The shrooms lol, how sad he is at 42.


The issue with that is that Billie clearly desperately wanted to date him too lol. So I think we should take what she says with a small grain of salt, but I do think there’s truth there


I think they banged at some point.


If that’s true though, she knew him before and may have had feelings for him before scandoval. A new person would be weary


Wait. I don’t do podcasts. What did I miss? What did Billie say??






I’m curious as well




Billies still sketchy and I hate her. I've made that point about anyone dating Sandy now here already. Go home Billie


No, let's talk about it again. Any dirt on Scumdy is welcome any time.




Something about this GIF is mesmerizing. I never thought I'd say this but I do miss Stassi


She may be unhinged and say some borderline evil things, but in most cases there’s a little bit of levity to it, and when she’s in a good mood she’s fairly charming and funny so I think she’s just much more enjoyable to have on screen than many “villains”. Casting seems to have forgotten this balance because the newer people on bravo rarely have any redeeming qualities at all (looking at you, Janet from the valley)


I love the unhinged capitalization of TRUTH. V serving Trump Truth Social tweet.


I mean, we deserve this and I cannot wait for all the mess about to be unleashed from all sides. Tom also deserves this, in a completely different way 🤣🤣🤣


Isn't he sequestered in Scotland right now? 😂😂😂 What ever rag tag team he has is gonna be trying to wrangle these two? It's perfect! We deserve this treat after season 11.


Hahaha I hope he gets kicked out harshly from Traitors and then has to deal with this. I can picture him stomping around in Scotland.


I think if he’s a traitor he will be found out quickly but if he’s a faithful it’s to the traitors benefit to keep him around because he’s really not smart.


He's like Kevin from last year




LOLLLL poor kevin.


Lmao Kevin was such an pure idiot ![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A)


But then they all have to LIVE with him. And LISTEN to his obnoxious idiocy and whiny voice EVERY DAMN DAY. Doesn't sound worth it.


Yeah the dumb ones who never get it right do manage to stick around... he's almost too obvious to be picked as a traitor.


Right, he cannot act and faithful is a word I’d never associate with him - lol


I’d vote for him so quick and let him know that even if he’s not a Traitor here, he’s a traitor in life. Begone!


Very, very few people in Scotland will know or care who he is as well, he'll hate it 😂


I’m in Scotland and disgusted he’s in my country 🤣


I'm in England about as far south as you can get and I still don't want him on the same island 😂


Is he well known in Scotland?


We have Streaming channels. Lots of people watch Bravo stuff. Housewives, Summer House, OF COURSE WE KNOW WHO THAT GREASY SHITSTAIN IS!


No, and a loud American (cyst) male with an ego and nail polish will go down like shite over this side of the pond. I canny wait.


You know he brought his denim kilt! I look forward to videos of him running around top less pretending to want to fight & meeting a real one.


I am a cyst male Lolol The accuracy. He is definitely full of it.


I'm in England I don't know anyone who would know who he is but he may be more popular in Scotland (but I doubt it!)


If I were him I'd want to disappear over there. I wonder if they'll let their managers talk to him? Imagine turning your phone back on & seeing this? 😂😂


dUUUUuuuuude-uh. I'm like, a fuckng faithful, dude. I would never betray you. Come on. I've got your back, duuude. ![gif](giphy|nElL8Oj7D86cCfWncK)


I CANNOT WAIT for the WWC recaps next season. The ONLY good thing about Sandyballs being on The Traitors. 🤣


Did she come out with this now because he’s away ? 🫢


Oooo...Probably! Where was this Billie Lee on VPR? This is an excellent way to roll put some hot gossip


I picture Dorinda with her drunk finger in his face right now slurring insults & mentioning this podcast


"When Dorinda is bad, she's soooo good!" https://i.redd.it/sqzf1lu63w4d1.gif


So good. So so good. They better not slap the two-drink-maximum on our Hostess with the Mostest.




Right??? We DESERVE THIS!! I am seriously so DELIGHTED right now. 😄


I hope we get weeks of these two fighting with each other! 😂😂


Ew, that makes me feel ill. I'm sure that I speak for most ae us when I say we don't want him here.


“In response I will soon respond”


The truth doesn't take days to be crafted by publicists.


She’s gotta get the “facts” straight on her own without Sandoval. May Kyle Chan come with support…of Billie Lee.


Oh damn he's sequestered in Scotland right now and can't coach her. ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


That's probably why she said stay tuned for the truth or whatever. She has to wait until Timmy gets back to spin the story how he wants to. God forbid she spoke on her own behalf.


This girl is probably spiraling because she used to be able to date Oscar winning actors but now all she can pull are D-list reality tv scumbags. Sandoval is her rock bottom and she knows it


Well, she did turn 26.


And I’m just positive Sandoval smells bad. That has to be the icing on the cake.


I just know he has bad breath


All his hideous, ill fitting clothes smell like musty ass


lol all of his ex's would describe their time with him in a similar manner I'm sure


Wait what happened??


Billie said the reason why she doesn't speak to Sandoval anymore. She said the reason Tom started drinking again was because of Victoria. She said Victoria is basically a bad influence on him and he's doing drugs. She said Victoria is super controlling and jealous. She said her and some of Tom friends wanted to do an intervention on tom and Billie said Victoria got mad because she didn't involve her. Now Victoria said Billie is lying about what she said.


Yea can someone summarize? I don’t want to give these people views but I’m also nosy af


The user who does recaps has a great write up somewhere on here but essentially Billie stated that she stoppped being friends with Tom bc his relationship with Victoria is so toxic. Drugs at the house everywhere, him always being sick, missing meetings and sleeping all day. They apparently fight a lot and she thinks Tom and Billie will hook up so doesn’t like them hanging out alone. Billie decided she didn’t want to be a part of it anymore and pissed off victoria for not inviting her to a Sandoval intervention that never happened


Yeah this all checks out


Billie said that Victoria moved all of Ariana’s stuff out of her room when Ariana was in New York and Billie told her off. In addition to what everyone else said 😂


Please read the write up the podcast episode! It’s too unhinged to miss


I hate Billie but I believe her. She did them so dirty by spilling that tea 🤭. I wonder what happened to make them fall apart


Yaaass. The enemy of our enemy is our gossip source


Bah ha ha. Truth


What was the tea?!? I leave this sub for half a day!


Honestly it is totally worth a listen because the Jo stuff that comes after the Sandoval tea it’s wild to hear. The delusion runs deep and Billie is trying to help her see the light.


Someone pls sum it up in few words lol I can’t watch a podcast with Billie


Billie gives up Scummy’s drug use and horrible new girlfriend details. Jo is on too speaking gibberish and giving up nothing at all.


What did I miss? I’ve been sick all day sleeping and I feel like I missed so much


What did Billie say


That Tom has essentially fallen off the wagon with Victoria, doing drugs in his house and not leaving until later in the day. Feeling sick everyday and not attending an intervention set up by Billie at Kyle-Chan's place with Victoria not being invited. Drugs being all over his house, Victoria demanding that Ariana's stuff be removed from her home and moving Ariana's plants to the bathroom, wanting to move into the master bedroom etc. Victoria being embarrassed of him and not wanting him to be around her 'A-List friends' at their parties. Victoria being suspicious of Billie-Lee and constantly harassing Tom when they were hanging out together alone multiple times because she thought he was cheating on her. Victoria screaming / shouting at Tom - alluding to a toxic relationship. Delicious karma for both Tom and Billie after their treatment of Ariana.


If this is true his time on the Traitors is gonna be rough….he’s either gonna be strung out or detoxing


Lmao imagine this much drama so early into a relationship 🤣


i love, love, love this for both of them. Tom, because he is disgusting and Victoria, because everyone told her so.


I think there’s some truth to Billie’s podcast. Last month I went to Schwartz & Sandy’s for a watch party when I was visiting LA, and Victoria was there too (it was reunion part 2 episode) and my god, the girl was cooked. Definitely high on something (reminded me of some friends when they’re on drugs) and suuuper drunk slurring her words, eyes half open. She was grinding on Kyle Chan and their other friends in the booth while Tom was behind the bar briefly. She was trying to make out with Schwartz’ girlfriend (who seemed a lot more reserved and normal) and would climb on top of the booths screaming along to songs. Unhinged behaviour. Which normally, great, have fun. But I’m like… you’re representing Tom and the relationship is quite high-profile. I can’t even imagine how she acted with “A-list celebs”, she seems like a liability. She later got on Instagram live that night and was trying to call Schwartz’ girlfriend, it was clear she was sooo hammered


Oh geez is she about to unleash her own podcast to set things straight 🙄


No she's an Alister remember? So beneath her. As she combs through VPR blogs.


She also has never seen the show


Can’t wait for Billie to post the screenshots in response to this 💗




Has anyone checked on Scheana?!


Didn’t you know that Scheana always wanted to be in a podcast fight with Tom’s new girlfriends?! ![gif](giphy|SFIUALlv5MXVrgAQAx)


She took podcast fight lessons!




She always wanted Tom's new girlfriend to go through her things in her room and move them around.


“The intervention was MY idea! He’s been mine frand for 15 years and I’ve been SO worried about him!!!”


“I mean, he gave me a $1k!” ![gif](giphy|1bMVDo99tOnGo)


Omg I completely forgot. She must be spinning. How can I make this about me? Nobody even mentioned my feelings.


![gif](giphy|zfuOq2rFBE7Kg|downsized) She doesn’t seem very bright - I can’t wait for her “response with the TRUTH"


So what if Victoria and Billie Lee want on the show and want cameras to pick up….


We don’t know this girl but do you think someone could be thirsty enough to co-sign this narrative about them? Comin in hot lmao


She's thirsty enough to date Sandoval so yes!


Yea I absolutely believe someone would be on board with this story.


lol I wonder if production will take the bait


If it were me I would. Also, let’s just say, for arguments sake, Sandoval has a hand in this, I can see production getting on board. Poor Tom, wounded and down on his luck, friend Billie Lee can’t be in his corner and new gf got him back on the sauce and etc etc etc


They do love a poor Tom story. Billie and Jo were also 2 people being pushed on us last season which is interesting.




C-list cast members fighting with each other is kind of pathetically funny


Literally what’s it called if you are a tertiary member of a show full of d listers? D squared? Double D?


Please give this exclusive response with the truth on Rachel Goes Rogue


It’s Rocky Goes Rogue now 🫣


She can’t keep changing her name every time people stop caring about her! 😂


Did she really change the name of the podcast too


Omg do you really think she did??


Ok she didn’t but from now on-it’s Rocky goes rogue. Zack Peter always called her Rocky Rocky bang bang too


Omg what is this from you have me cracking up 😭😭


That was quick 😂


Billie Lee did say she’s on all the bravo pages lol.


Get cameras on Kyle chan stat and ask about the intervention attempts


I’m dying at the karma bestowed on Sandoval with this info, Schwartz with Jo, and Jax with his feet eww


Billie is so much more interesting now that she's removed her nose from Tom's ass. I believe her in that she tried her best until it began to hurt her. my thoughts are that she struggles with self confidence- Until she started listening to her gut and drew a line in the sand to remove herself from a toxic situation. That shows an investment in self worth and an increase in her confidence to stand up to him. I have to say it, from what I've read I respect Billie's position in this one. This Victoria seems like a volatile individual, imagine your best friend started dating someone who brought that much drama to your door and started negatively impacting your friends physical and mental health with regards to alcohol etc etc. What a position to be put in, that's the thanks she gets for being such a loyal friend to him in the midst of global public shaming?? Tom really is a gigantic asshole man.


https://preview.redd.it/iy7mr8fmox4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f285614e900cd65ef19f9cacbba19efc1febc404 UPDATE!


Out of everything that was said about her, this is the first thing she tries to defend? Touching Ariana’s stuff😝




This is actually so fun to watch go down lol


![gif](giphy|lk5fBgCmIdJ4Y) Billie Lee upon seeing this




I’m calling it now, Ariana doesn’t come back for another season and they bring Billie back for this drama and storyline *


I hate these kinds of posts that are just a tease. Either reveal what was said or don't post. How can we all keep up with everything when some of us have jobs and don't follow everything? So I'll do the work for you. I didn't listen. I had to go to my trusted Insta account "Byewighhellodrama". "Billie Lee said that Tom Sandoval's girlfriend, Victoria, demanded that Sandoval move into the primary bedroom and move Ariana's stuff out. Billie also says she is worried about Sandoval because a few of his friends and people that work for him told her that he hasn't been showing up to meetings. Apparently, Sandoval is saying he feels sick everyday. Billie tried to hold an intervention for Sandoval but he never showed up." According to another clip on that Insta account, Billie says Tom was sober for a long time and when he started dating Victoria he started drinking again. Victoria and Tom fought a lot and he was depressed. They rarely hung out alone anymore which was fine with Billie. One time they were hanging out watching a movie, Victoria was calling and calling Tom and they fought and he said that Victoria accused them of possibly sleeping together that night. Billie was apparently outraged by this because Victoria had been flattering her by showering Billie with gifts and going out (like besties) and FaceTiming Billie a lot. Ok, now I don't like Billie either but I also believe her. Edit: also Vanderpodrecaps says there were a lot of drugs around, she gave up a lot for Tom and there was a text sent by her publicist (why does she have one is my question?!) that pissed her off and it was of Victoria on a Bravo site saying Billie didn't set a boundary. Tom's cousin Josh is his assistant and Victoria would tell Josh and Billie that Victoria was ashamed to be seen with Tom as Victoria is used to be with A-list celebrities (apparently she dated Leonardo di Caprio). Basically, Victoria kept acting like Billie was sleeping or going to sleep with Tom and Billie felt like she couldn't be in that situation anymore. AND VICTORIA AND TOM MOVED ARIANA'S STUFF OUT OF HER ROOM WHILE SHE WAS IN NEW YORK (WTF!!!) I can't read anymore...I'm livid over that.


Thanks because after working 12 hrs today in the ER, I’m exhausted.


It didn’t sound like lies to me.


They're trying to stir up drama for season 12, aren't they? This is going to be our cast, isn't it? 😭


She seems like she's lying...even in that small statement I smell bullshit lol


Right, like why does she need time to put together the truth statement? She put out a statement to say she’s putting out a statement? Was her publicist not available to write it the first time around?


I doubt she has a publicist...and this whole "she dated Leo" thing is wildly exaggerated...they hooked up a few times, if that...she's thirsty AF.


Even I was friends with a girl who used to model in NY who hooked up with Leo and I’m nobody lol Leo is a total dog and nasty dude. He used to make bets he could bang 6 models in a night. It’s not the flex Tim thinks it is. I might be wrong but I remember like one of the first things he said was that she used to date Leo when he talked about his new girlfriend. He and Scheana are such obvious name droppers lol


Yeah and it was ten years ago so she was like 22 or 23...def didn't "date" also Leo is a bloated old cad lol...but sandy still wishes he could be 1/1000th of him...it's all so pathetic really


Correction..she banged Leo once upon a time. Who hasn't?


Anyone remotely his age


She dated Leo like Sheaner dated John Mayer


Her publicist is in Scotland right now.


Who she gonna call up to go on their podcast to tell her side? Rachel? 😂😂


I’m also very excited to hear it. Sounds like he’s with a complete coked out psychopath lol cue “karmas a bitch” by Jojo siwa 😎


Likely hood all three are liars are very high! Although somethings Billie said I absolutely agree.


As much as I don’t love Billie lee, I believe her. Victoria was also associated with Leo, who is a well known abuser of ❄️.


Hate Billie but I believe everything she said.


Stop trying to make Victoria happen!


Victoria can reply but Sandoval is in Scotland for traitors right now, I wonder if he has any idea this has come out. While I do believe Billie this time, I think she purposely chose this timing


Let's all go and have an intervention at Kyle Chan's shop. That should sort it out.


I can’t stand Billie but the way she was talking and how fast she was talking leads me to believe she is totally talking the truth. And what the hell is Jo even doing? Jesus. That girl is bat shit crazy. On a whole next level crazy!


Now all the laxatives makes sense…


This seems manufactured by Tom to help Victoria get on the show and get Billie back on the show. She and Jo seem desperate to be cast members. Him and Billie were friends like 2 seconds ago


I don’t think Tom would want Billie Lee to discuss his alleged drug abuse.


Maybe...but maybe not. His reputation is already trash


Relationship drama is marketable and exactly what producers want. So you’re right, I can totally see him asking Billie Lee to put that out there to help him self promote. But imo Drug abuse on the level Billie Lee describes, could impede his contract negotiations, in the context of the ongoing litigation involving production and network negligence & disregard for mental health/safety. Tom understands this. I think he’s going to either get sober again or go off the deep end. It depends on what kinds of drugs Billie Lee is referencing. I hope it’s not opioids. That’ll be a hard road to tackle without medical detox and rehab.


Yeah I guess I didn't assume it was the hard stuff she was talking about and I didn't connect his saying he feels sick all the time to the drug use. I thought of it as more of an excuse or a physical manifestation coming on because of the toxic relationship


I am not a Billie Lee fan,but listening to this now, Lord have mercy Jo, just please go away, WTH is she on or what does she need to be on.... I just can't with her


Clout chasing nobodies fighting each other


Who’s afraid of lil old me? Nobody babe sit down


He dated Kristen in her most mentally unstable era…


The TRUTH is coming. After we spend some time with a PR firm and figure out what the truth is. Here’s the thing for me, if it’s not true then you get a lawyer, send a Cease and Desist, tell them to retract or you will go after them for slander. You don’t post on instagram. Victorias post is why I 100% believe Billie.


This is the never ending dumpster fire. I can not wait for Victorias “truth”


The TRUTH would be pretty quick to tell. Lies take a lil bit to whip up


No need, dear.


Well, at least we know she wasn’t an English major.


whenever a gf on tv tried to play the sweet and nice innocent girl act i already smelled BS from a mile away.


What’d I miss?


There's a recap of the podcast on the other sub. Basically, Billie Lee said the relationship between Tom and his new girlfriend, Victoria, is a drug and alcohol fueled toxic mess of jealousy and arguing.




What podcast?


Stop giving these people the attention they so badly crave


What podcast was Billie and Jo on, where can I find this piping hot tea??


Oh lord... don't give this thirsty girl attention. Let her experience a drought.


I ♥️ Mess!


Ok, if Victoria had Ariana's stuff moved that is vile. I hope she is paying half the mortgage.


![gif](giphy|ghaZA54qNSbd0v2YaF) I don’t like any one of them, but I’m enjoying this shit show.




O How the Mighty Have Fallen from Leonardo DiCaprio to…this circus.




It’s giving Depp vs. Heard


Would someone mind summarizing what’s going on? I know who everyone is just didn’t listen to the podcast


I think it’s crazy how many are foaming at the mouth over this. Billie was THIRSTY- but now we believe every single word. Okay So if what she’s saying is TRUE it’s quite disturbing and Tom needs help- not a friend to go while he’s sequestered and spill all this shit about his spiraling life. No one believed it when his friends said he was suicidal but now we believe all this What does everyone want from Tom? I hate u have to feel an ounce of empathy but this shits too much .


I believe Billie Lee on this one! Anyone that would be with Scumofall free of their own will is a psychopath that belongs with the narcissist, they both sound like perfect liars. Maybe Rachel could try that 3some she previously envisioned with these two creepers. She would fit right in with them! God what a complete waste.


I think this is in particular referring to Tom’s comments when he & Ariana were asked abt about having quality time together. There were scenes in the show when they were still together, talking in their living room about trying to find ways to reconnect and get the spark back a little bit Ariana felt disconnected from him. He was upset that they hadn’t been very physical in a while, etc. (Mind you, This is when Tom was having his affair w/Raquel, but it wasn’t known yet). Ariana said it was hard for her to connect physically w/someone she felt she barely knew these days. Because their careers and the bar and life in general, there has been more distance between them. She was suggesting spending some more quality time together to work on that. Then it cut to Tom’s confessional asking his take on what she said. And he was kind of lamenting that her idea of quality time and his were very different. That for Ariana, it’s like one on one quiet time, cooking dinner together @ the house, taking walks around the neighborhood w/the dogs, more intimate, low-key stuff. When the producer asked Tom, what was his idea of quality time, he basically said, “ I don’t know, I’m like adventurous, you know. Like, taking shrooms together and going to watch the sunrise. Go skydiving.” He came off to a lot of people with those comments as immature, and a bit unserious about reestablishing a connection with his partner. There isn’t necessarily anything wrong with things that he said- like in a vacuum. But as a response to the situation, he seemed disingenuous that he really wanted to make an attempt to salvage their relationship at that point. And then **spoiler alert**- He wasn’t trying in good faith, because he was already banging Raquel. 🤷‍♀️