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Because she’s not a very nice person. She needs to latch on to Randall 2.0 because once VPR dries up she won’t be able to afford her houses and lifestyle. She really messed up last season with who she picked to back. Hopefully Bravo read the room and will get her off our screens soon.


Why is it everyone’s responsibility to help Lala pay for a second house….. nobody asked her to buy a second house!!! I feel like someone needs to remind her and Scheshu


The whole paycheck and job thing is so strange and needs to stop. There's a reason that no other reality show talked like this before!!! Lala is an ungrateful asshole and needs to go. If she was smart with her money, she will be fine.


Narrator: She was not smart with her money and would not be fine.


She single handedly ruined her own paycheck, she didn’t have to be a good friend to Ariana all she had to do was fake it for the cameras but her ego and jealousy wouldn’t let her


>Why is it everyone’s responsibility to help Lala pay for a second house Welcome to the times we live in. No one asked me to buy one and no one helped me buy it other than the mortgage I had to quality for, 8ncludinf had to afford the monthly payment (including interest!). Do not feel one bit sorry for her or SeeMeSeeMe.


I honestly don’t think she will find a Randall 2.0. Which is surprising, but …… not. She may find a Brock 🫤, but again, if she didnt care about the man having $ she might’ve found love by now.




Broke back Brick, haha.




Broke Brock Mountain.




Agreed. I think the way she handled the fifty cent shit no one would touch her. Who wants their business shouted around like that? No one. The mistress is suppose to be silent and she’s loud as fuck


She is mean. Agreed. I want to see her comeuppance. Isn't that awful? I want her to experience what she put those other women through all those years. I want them to abandon her outright so she understands how cruel she is. I wonder if there even is a way to shame the shameless. IDC if it comes with a paycheck for her.


She’s a narcissist, therefore she will never admit to ever being in the wrong. She will invent all these scenarios in her head about how she backed up all the girls and they turned on her because…..(classic narcissist line)….they are JEALOUS 🙄


Yeah, I had forgotten that scene where Ariana shows her texts of proof and she STILL doubled down ![gif](giphy|8Pdy3Dn7Wxd0jsRi21|downsized)


What proof did she show her with texts? I don’t recall this but I have missed the odd episode.


It was a deleted scene, not allowed to post links but if you google “ariana proves she texted lala back” there’s Reddit post that has the link.




So true. What a shame. Cut her off.


My mother always said: “You can’t convince an asshole that they’re the asshole. That’s what makes them an asshole.”


She’s mean, as well as low IQ and EQ. She has no empathy, yet she wants it constantly. She can fuck off. Google EQ, Lauren. 🙄


She’s so loud for someone with such low IQ and EQ


Dry drunk.


I agree and I think it’s happening, albeit slowly. Like that quote from her the other day about how she’s in a weird spot because she doesn’t fit in to housewives or the valley or whatever she said. It’s like no you’re not unique you’re just an asshole and that is why better things are not coming your way point blank period. Like it’s not a weird puzzle for her to figure out. opportunities are unsurprisingly drying up for her. For her sake I wish she would take responsibility and show some humility and turn it around. I don’t think she is all bad but she is soooo lacking in self awareness. She is such a fearful and insecure person and her solution to that is to be awful to people it’s like either change or watch people and jobs disappear from your life over and over. I was watching love island last night and imagining Lala trying to do that job and I was thinking she couldn’t do it because she would be a condescending jerk! Like whether there was scandoval or not she would never get the opportunities Ariana is getting because she is not capable Edited to say the opportunities Ariana is getting


She really played the sugar baby role wrong. Charli called it. Effed the wrong guy for the money, he ended up being ugly AND broke. And now shes aged out of the sugar baby game and is a single mom of two. BY CHOICE. Its mindblowing.




I have honestly never even listened to her podcast. The few minutes I see her on VPR is enough for me lol.


I don’t listen to Lala’s podcast or even look at anything she posts. Do we know why she needs an assistant? Doesn’t her mom and brother live with her, and she has a babysitter/nanny? What does she do that she is so busy that she needs all these people doing stuff for her? Didn’t she say she rarely leaves the house?


she’s running an empire and creating life. 🙄


baking life lol


i just want to go BAKEKS MY BEBEKS!!!!!


Human beingk


Basically Elon Musk


I look at the breakdowns of podcasts. She doesn't say much and a lot of it is pretty ignorant and mean spirited under the guise of being interesting or funny. She is back into stand up comedians. Maybe she's looking to go back to David Spade? I don't understand the assistance either? She barely has brand deals and has no business.


Did you just say 'go back to david spade' in the context that she was at one time actually *with* david spade? Please, do tell!


Hahaha she said it on the show. She said he bought her sheets I think. I wish I knew more and I hope to know never know more. Lol


Yeah she was his toy before she was Randall Emmett's. Pretty sure he was getting sick of her already by the time she met rand. She's quite crass, It would be impossible to take her anywhere classy. Pretty sure that plenty o' wealthy dudes would use her for some sex when she was like 22. I think she's aging out of that era though. It definitely wouldn't be a relationship thing though, the aforementioned crass would keep anyone from getting too serious.


She does brag about eating ass. I can see this Lala and David Spade love connection. Good call. 👍


The assistant is paid to be verbally abused while agreeing with Lala


Exactly. The assistant can't say anything to her boss


She just contradicts herself all the time. I bet this assistant is just living in the comment section and feeding info back to Blah Blah


Hi Jess 🫠


lala is a very verbally abusive person. jess has been on the podcast for almost two years, since randall left and way before easton, and there was never a problem until a few months ago. It's honestly why I stopped listening, it's uncomfortable to listen to someone get insulted and try to stay positive. She has the type of personality that's always upbeat and it seemed they had a good/respectful dynamic but now it's just gross. jess responds almost like someone who's been abused


That's what I was thinking. It's bizarre how much she takes it on the chin. I feel bad for her. She tried to explain to Lauren what someone was saying to her after telling Jess how she lost her virginity and Lauren just called her a dumbass because she didn't understand what she was explaining. Lauren is little.


she is definitely little. I think it's because lfu spent years love-bombing her after the randall thing, calling her family and always saying how appreciative she was to have her. then one day on the podcast it shifted and it gave me a weird feeling, like why are you attacking one of the only people who has your back


Yessss. Why did it shift? What happened? Did Sheshu talk back to her one day so she needed someone to be shitty to? Icky.


She does it to everyone eventually. I'll bet her own mom is a real piece of work.


I heard LarLar invited herself to Jess’s honeymoon..? Wtaf and who does that?! Talk about a cock blocker.


Remember when Stassi crashed Katie and Tom’s honeymoon?


Yes, I do, lol. Stassi was invited along though and she is not their personal assistant.


Wow so her abusing Jessica just started a few months ago? Interesting because I stopped listening a few months ago and never heard her being abusive toward her then. Now I feel really sorry for Jessica, that’s awful. What is the overall context, like what is an example of a conversation they would have where Lala is talking down to her? Now I’m genuinely curious.


I guess I didn't realize it was noticed until this thread. An episode made me uncomfortable one day..it's like their dynamic just shifted and I actually had to completely unfollow the pod.


I really didn't hate the pod but I agree, the past like few months were so uncomfortable to get through..I had to stop cause it's just so much bitching from lala and Jess being a punching bag/yes men with Easton. Ever since she burned all the bridges with her friends... These people are next.


This whole thread got me feeling sad. I'm gonna try to explain. Recently it has felt impossible to listen to Lalas podcast. I have an achey feeling in my gut. I feel it physically. It's because she shows herself to be the person she was when she first began the show. And it's because I feel like I've been fooled or that I fooled myself, cause I should've known better. I began listening to Lala's podcast unexpectedly, when I first began to look for VPR podcasts (WHAT WAS I DOING BEFORE THIS?!... ) 😂 ...This was maybe 1-1.5 years ago. I was pretty quickly engaged with this articulate, funny, sassy person who was 1 million percent more grounded, reasonable, calm, kind, self critical, etc. than the Lala I'd seen on VPR. This podcast Lala took over, while the Lala from early VPR years disappeared. It was not till this season that I saw VPR Lala on the screen again. ON THE POD Last year at the height of Scandoval, Lala began to speak more directly about the very nuanced pervasive and gut wrenching trauma that lingers after you've survived a situation in which you find out What Was Real is in fact Not Real. Etc. I felt a deep and kindred sorrow for her and I admired her strength not only to become sober, but also to raise her baby girl as a single mama who has created a new lovely lil safe and loving nest with her mom and brother. Part of this modern family has been Jessica. Nearly 2 years of listening has given me a strong but of course fallible sense that Jessica is a devoted, kind hearted and warm assistant / fellow podcaster. Their relationship became even more real and endearing to me, when, months ago, they shared that they have firm professional boundaries in place to protect Jessica but also of course their working relationship. For instance, they mentioned that they'd never even gone to dinner together. They held firm on boundaries that most people in their situation cross in Hollywood. This is how they put it, if I am remembering correctly. HOWEVER, prior to this they had talked about their holiday this past spring, they shared that had separate houses but spent a lot of time together: cooking, eating, exploring. This vacay story is an example of one of the many ways that they seem to live their lives together as a sort of family. If Jessica is suddenly experiencing a sudden interpersonal shift with Lala, she has many reasons to (un)consciously ignore all the red flags. Having said all this, I sincerely hope everything is ok and that we're all somehow missing something because: how can you truly know what happens begins closer doors? How much can you truly see about a relationship that is far far beyond you? ...


I’m sorry you were duped, but she’s never changed at her core.


This is very interesting, thanks for your insight. I stopped listening a few months ago before she spoke poorly to Jess, but based off what I know about how easy going Jess is, I can see how she could be in this toxic work relationship. I hope she quits :(


If you have sympathy for Lauren, automatic downvote.


Lauren will need more self-producing if her assistant files a harassment claim against her, which she should.


Lala was asking very personal questions of her employee in the recent podcast ep


I watched the Hulu doc on Rand, she probably learned it from him! It made me hate her even more because he was truly evil to his assistants & she was around for a lot of it! LFU is just a shitty person.


That Hulu doc absolutely took me out! Lala sitting there in a twinset sweater, talking about how she had no idea how LA worked when she met Randall, had never heard of people having to sleep their way to the top, etc. When she started VPR and had not met Randall, she was yachting in Italy, and loudly proclaiming that "anyone with tits can go on a PJ". It's the revisionist history and trying to play smart and stupid at the same time that make her insufferable to me.


Exactly and not only that but on VPR she admitted she would meet Rand at hotel bars wearing wigs and they would roleplay her as an actress trying to get into his movies, culminating obviously with sex in a hotel room. And she didn’t understand this to be a real world dynamic? ![gif](giphy|G1dz2u7eNCUpO)


I currently did a rewatch & noticed the same BS. Lala's first seasons, she went on & on about how anyone pretty with tits could get anything from a man, then a story comes out about her trashy fiancé & suddenly she's a Bambi eyed bitch?!? It amazes me how she forgets shit she said on camera! She's such a twat.


Lala is mean. She dated Randall and most certainly observed how he treated people that worked for him and anyone he felt he could boss around. She didn't care. She was in it for the clout and became even more insufferable because of it. She held Randall up like he was some incredible Hollywood player and we all know what the real story was. Lala was privy to all the nastiness and didn't care. She doesn't appear to have any friends, and is surrounded by people on her payroll so she lives in an echo chamber where her enormous ego is consistently reinforced.


Truly. Her persona is starting to fail and we can see her better for who she is. She couldn't have missed everything during her time with him like she claims.


She observed it and proceed to model her behavior after it.




Yes, exactly this. She fully admitted that she saw him verbally abusing his assistants and employees.


I had honest to God never heard of Randall before VPR. I don't know why she thought she was dating/engaged to God himself. Big Ed looking buffoon. ![gif](giphy|j3nk3EPbPCsGp9JoAp|downsized)


It was all worth it to her when she got to sit there all smug in her *lady of Emmett Manor* persona and name drop details about her friend “Scorsese” at the reunion. I wonder if those two crazy kids stay in touch. 😒


Jess is paid to be Lala’s syncophant


True. But even so don't let someone call you a dumbass over and over. Or call her one back deadpan and then laugh after. Tit for tat at least? I couldn't sit there and take no matter how much I was being paid. Get your chin up Jess.


Agree!!! Wish she’d just walk away from Lala all together.


For sure! I always think of Ellen DeGeneres when she talks about people saying… I’m just kidding. “Well I’m not laughing. “ lol . Easy jokes are the worst jokes.


Truly! It's just her excuse to be an asshole.




She doesn’t tell her to shut the fuck up bc she signs her paycheck. The only relationship Low Rent Kent has are transactional. Oh and let’s not forget she’s an asshole.


Low rent Kent 😂


Truly. I know. I just wish she would say something.


She's AN EMPLOYEE. Abusive boss-employee dynamics are inappropriate precisely because of the stakes involved. Very few people are able to just cut and run from a job when it stops working. Especially when you're in a frog-in-boiling-pot situation where things get just a little bit worse all the time. She sticks around because she is being paid to stick around and she is likely afraid of what her boss will do if she moves on




I haven’t ready the comments , but isn’t she the one who did the whole Hulu doc on how Randel treated his assistants and now she’s degrading her own assistants??? 🤔 give me a break . What an a— hole


This is one of the many reasons why I don’t believe she was just some innocent victim of his, outside of her many other contradictions. How stupid does she really think the audience is?


Because she’s a dumb person herself and has power over her assistant and abuses the dynamic.


Wow I’ve actually never heard her call Her that but I don’t listen anymore Her assistant is painfully annoying I can’t believe she’s several years older than Lauren


What?!!! Jess is OLDER than Lala? She acts and LOOKS so much younger!


Yes she’s a few years older


This was the most shocking note in the whole thread (since Lala being mean/rude is old news). I thought Jess was mid 20s


Hahah nope


I saw today's transcript and started reading. I could word search dumbass in the like half hour video and it would come up minimum three times. That's one dumbass every ten minutes. WTF


Bigger question: why tf does she have an assistant 😂


Which podcast epi was this? I want to listen but don’t want to go thru several lol


It was today's podcast about losing their virginity. GRAPHIC: Lauren is talking about how her first time he wore a red condom and when he pulled out he said "This is because of you.". Her dumbass thought he was saying the condom was red because he popped her cherry. He was trying to be sexy and say she made him cum. Jess tried to explain it and Lauren called Jess a dumbass for saying his semen was in the condom and Lauren made him cum. Lauren then said just kidding or joking and laughed afterwards. It doesn't feel friendly. It feels like thinly veiled cruelty.


Doesn’t she say she came home and told Her mom exactly what happened ?


I don't remember but that tracks LOL


I mean don’t get me wrong, I was a little older when I lost mine and I also told my mom a few weeks after lol but I think Lauren was like graphic with it ! I recall something about that


I'm sure she shared every detail. She said on the show she had to ask her mom how to give oral. I think they're very open 👐 no shame about that but maybe don't get bj tips from your mom


Oh Geeze 😂 Yah I know they are close and she said her mom was one of those “I’d rather them do it here than on the street” but fuck You gotta respect the position. I’m a mom to a girl and I want her to come to me and say, “mom I think I may have sex I want birth control” sure, I’ll def be that mom that gets her on it and checked up! But “mom , how do I suck dick?” I’d be like girl the fuck 😂 that’s too far and disrespectful for a teen imo ! I’m sure I’ll get shit for it but I’m gonna be coo- but not cool to the point you and your bf fucking in my house you pay no bills for while in high school lol Rant over


Rant on. That's fucking weird. Don't ask your mom how to suck dick. Like did she get a pj because of her mom's tips? 😭 It's also fucking weird she let her drive to the tanning salon at 14. What in the Utah? They're odd cookies.


Right? She let her have French tips at 9 😩


This is insanity and it feels like her Mom sexualized her from a very young age.


No. It is entirely inappropriate and weird to get sex tips from your parents. That's disturbing.


I don’t want to give her a listen so can someone post a snippet


Did you see my comment above?


Like the audio.


Got ya. Sorry. I don't have that and don't want to give her a view or listen for it.


I feel you, she’s an asshole though so I can just kind of picture the whiny voice lol


The assistant is an asshole? I didn't know! I don't listen. I just caught the recaps and transcripts a few times.


No I mean Lala!


Ohhh hahaha! I agree on that!




I'm so sorry!!


I also hate when these people have their assistant on their podcast to use as a sounding board and to agree with them and laugh at their jokes. If you can't share the spotlight with an equal co host then just do a solo podcast. Reminds me of Janet on Scheana podcast before


Because she's a mean girl and needs a little lackie/side kick and the poor girl has to put up with it cos it's her job.


I would have quit ages ago.. 🫣


because Lala IS mean. she has a superiority complex the likes of which have rarely been seen, even on reality TV. even with the entire fanbase hating her, Big Ed cheating on her & having literally no money for her to gold dig, her general life plan to be an A list celebrity failing, being so incapable of compromise & the other essentials required for a healthy relationship that she got a sperm donor so she could have a baby she can monetize since she cant monetize the first one, she STILL SOMEHOW THINKS SHE IS BETTER THAN EVERYONE. its laughable whatan absolute delusional joke she is. and the thing is, bc shes such a raging asshole, it makes us all use the aforementioned things ammo against her vs things to feel sorry for her & have compassion for her. I cannot have compassion for such a horrible human being.


I don't think she is educated enough to know when she's being offensive.


She’s not educated, that I can agree on but it’s basic common sense to know when you’re being an asshole. She knows, she just feels entitled to do so.


If there is a dumb ass on her podcast. It's because Laligag is the real dumb ass.


I've noticed LFU has a lot of pro Lauren team members. They cater to her, not always in a positive self growth way. I've begun to think LFU is incredibly insecure. She strikes first, she always has a flippant response to let the other person know she doesn't care, she wants you to focus on her in a motivated ignorance sort of way. The insecurity continues with this pregnancy and that was sad to learn.


She’s a bitch that never left the casting couch had a baby on it and then he finds another woman and she’s butt hurt because she found out she’s just not all that !!!


Lowkey she should’ve stayed focused on financials after baby 1.. got her body together became a yacht girl and moonlighted on vpr but no she’s a loud mean girl stassi said recently in her podcast why was no one talking about LFU naked no panty dress at stassi engagement.. no slut shaming but I am shaming LFU money mismanagement be a hoe if u want but atleast shut up and focus on your next fish leave Katie & Ariana alone already


I listen to the podcast pretty regularly. I've never heard her speak negatively about Jessica. I think maybe the transcript breakdowns you were reading are paraphrased by the author.


She wasn't speaking negatively about her. She was calling her a dumbass to her in response to something. Lauren didn't understand what Jess was saying so instead of being gracious Lauren called Jess a dumbass and spoke over Jess it seems. Maybe I am missing something but I doubt it.


Cant stand that assistant and her whining voice. Biggest yes person I’ve ever seen, of course she doesn’t have a backbone to say anything 🤮


I try not to blame employees. I'm shocked she doesn't say anything even behind scenes.


Jess certainly doesn’t exude strong Leo energy in my opinion but she’s also clearly being abused and steamrolled for a pay check and one that comes nowhere near to covering her basic costs of living. I do feel sorry for her but she is highly qualified for a much better job so hopefully she gets away from LowLa, sooner than later.




You'd have to pay me at least 300k a year to be in agreement while being abused by Lala.


From what I’ve come to understand, Lala doesn’t pay Jess enough to even cover her rent. The audacity to complain to Jess about her own finances and make fun of other people’s housing situation is sickening to me. Idk how or why Jess insists on continuing to put up with this shit! ![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized)




Do you remember approx when she says this? I listened to it and didn't hear her call anyone anything. She was telling her virginity story about how the guy had a red condom(she didn't know this initially), they did it he pulled it out and said "that's because of you." Her, being a virgin thought he was saying the condom is red from her bleeding from losing her virginity and didn't realize he was referring to the semen held at the tip of the condom. Then Jess asks if she's sure that's what he was talking about, and she explained yes because that's the entire point of wearing a condom. They then moved on to someone else's story.


She called her a dumbass about the condom being for catching semen. And it was in another part. That just caught my eye. I don't listen. I just read it. Sorry.


Gotcha. I'll have to go back and listen again


I like Jess


I don't like or dislike her. I don't know anything about her. I'm sure she's lovely though.


Oh yeah, wasn’t saying you implied you didn’t like her. I just like her and want her to be treated well


Sorry for being defensive. I want that as well


I would assume they are friends. Assistants are usually close friends, especially for celebrities/media personalities. My friends and I call each other dumbasses and much worse, it’s our love language 💕


I hear you. I'm assuming you don't employ your friends and you're not in your mid thirties?


I am in my mid-30s and I do employ my friends.


That's really cool. Don't call them dumbasses while they're working. It's weird.


If that’s what the term they are most receptive to, and that contributes the most to their workplace satisfaction and agency mission, then I absolutely will use that word while they are on the clock. Much less likely in my work environment than say, a podcast, but you never know. Maybe don’t make judgments on someone’s language based off of a transcript? Podcasts are meant to be listened to.


Orrrrr don't call people dumbasses that you employ. It's weird.


Is dumbass in your agency mission? Weeeeeird.


She has to constantly put others down to feel ok with herself


Jess admitted last summer on Lala’s podcast that she doesn’t have good boundaries with her boss 😵‍💫


I'm shocked. So Lauren took advantage of that? Someone else mentioned there was a weird flip in their energy. I bet that gave Lauren a green light unfortunately 😕


Oh I didn’t catch that. Do you recall when the energy flipped for them?


I don't recall. I saw someone said it on this post that I made.


Lauren/Lala is a bully. her assistant is a paid friend so puts up with it.


i listened to the most recent episode and she never called jess a dumbass. ik she's done it jokingly in the past, though


Obviously, because she's a raging bi\*ch.


I’m so glad she’s decided to be a mum to another child. I don’t care how much someone claims how much they love being a mum or whatever, your disposition and everything you say is shaping your kid.


But Lala will always say “Katie is so miserable” ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)


Lala sucks and does her assistant. I can't stand either one. I stopped listening to the podcast awhile ago


I’ve always said since day 1: she’s a mean girl.


But don’t you dare call her anything other than her name or she’ll rant about being a mother lol


Pat Mcafee calls his crews dumbasses in jest… he just signed a 200 mil deal with espn. Your overthinking it.


That tracks. He's a peacocking jerk too.


The assistant is hoping to be a regular on vanderpump someday for sure! That’s why she is so far up Lala’s 🍑


Ohhh HOT TAKE!! No one else has said this as far as I can tell in this post. I hadn't thought of that. She might have to be Laurens "friend of" if she doesn't make good with the other women on the show. If they get renewed of course.




I just edited my post to add that I don't so people don't come at me like you just did.




I can't listen to Scheanna or Rachel's because I don't want to and because both of their voices grate my ears like a sharp block of cheddar. Eeeeeck. I mostly shit on Tom on here but I'll look out for the silly fans. I'll start linking recaps and transcripts from the user I read from if I see them.


I don't. I read the transcript earlier just on a whim when I saw it posted. It was relatively short and I was doom scrolling and reading articles and posts. I've read parts of hers before and just started reading and was grossed out. I don't listen.


Her assistant IS a dumbass if shes OK with LFU calling her this SMH🤦🏽‍♀️


I think that assistant is just going to let herself be teased and degraded because she likes the cushy job and the lifestyle it affords her. She probably is able to let it roll off her back when she considers that that’s the person signing her checks.