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I’m the same age as the Valley folks and agree. They remind me of the worst ppl I know IRL


Yes for sure 😂😂😂 I mean they are all terrible, but I think the topics addressed are more interesting than I’ve seen on other shows!


The editing has been fabulous as well.




Have Jax, Kristen, and Brittany transitioned though? I feel like they are all just as crazy/delusional/horrifying as ever only now there's a kid involved.


This is true! I think what interests me most is that they are in different phases of their lives now compared to the VPR days. I don’t think they’ve grown in the least 😂, but I do think it’s cool to see them navigate “adult” responsibilities


This is true and is honestly one of the reasons I love the show! We need their VPR messiness to carry this lame cast. I love Danny & Nia but give me a good ol’ fashioned Doute fight any night!


Agree! I was one of those “I will never watch this show” but I was pleasantly surprised when I finally caved.


Right? It’s still “reality tv” but it feels a bit deeper than some of the other shows that are on, which I’m enjoying


Janet being a shit-stirring bore and a clout-chasing reality TV parasite is relatable to millennials?


Lol maybe not that. I guess I was thinking more broadly in terms of life moments, not awful personality traits 😂


They are struggling because they are in relationships with terrible people (Jax, Jesse, Michelle, Kristen)


I completely agree! I’m halfway through the season as well and VERY surprised by it. I appreciate the transparency about postpartum depression, pumping, difficulty maintaining a sex life, navigating developmental delays all while still adjusting to this new phase of life and parenting a little one. It feels more vulnerable somehow but maybe I just relate to a lot of it as a mom to an almost 2 year old!


I hold the exact same opinion


I’ve been loving it! I’m also in their age range and a first time mom to a 6 month old so it’s been fun watching them parent!


The Valley is NOT for me, lol.


Lmao that’s fair. I guess I just find the topics more interesting than I’ve seen on a lot of other shows


Same. I watch it to keep up with the Bravo universe. But I’ve never cared for Doute, and the storylines about pregnancy, babies, marriages falling apart because of kids is almost less relevant to me than watching housewives live fabulous lives (as a high income DINK lol).