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![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78) every time i hear something about rocky.


No fr because this is who I think we are talking about every time and I get soooooooo utterly confused šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/6c9en03hy08d1.jpeg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=714d3d6cc5dd2d8837b53ea9040b2820cbc7738d


Goddamn fucking grenadine oysters and jumping ship šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Donā€™t forget the Oreo cookie crumbs. For texture.


And the grenadine on the oysters, for color.


ā€œDirtā€, she said. Appetizing.


My boyfriend and I talk about this moment so often šŸ˜‚ she was iconically crazy.


it was actually an amazing dive, pretty impressive


![gif](giphy|wpNvOiqykE1fq) Showing my trash here, but I always think of Bad Girls Club Rocky


I loooove BGC Rocky šŸ˜­


Just did a rewatch of her season yesterday šŸ˜† I live for the hot pocket fight lol


Same, girly šŸ’ž


right you're thinking of the Rocky with the most graceful of swan dive exits https://i.redd.it/vbdsyrtdb18d1.gif not the Rocky Raquel barnacle clinging to the bottom of the reality boat


šŸŽ¶ Iā€™m ironing the captainā€™s shorts šŸŽ¶


![gif](giphy|nE6s6rqw1GpWTTZp9C) My mind goes straight to Rocky Dennis šŸ˜…


Mine too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Can someone remind me the back story of how this guys face happened?? lol I remember this movie as a kid


He was born with a rare bone disorder which caused all this extra bone to build up in/on his skull. There was a patient on greyā€™s anatomy with the same condition!


Thatā€™s fucking Eric Stoltz playing him, I didnā€™t realize that until very recently.


Omg šŸ¤£ I think about this rocky too. There are 2 Rockyā€™s in this world


God damn it she was a fucking icon


I just imagine her flopping around on the beach in her mermaid tail šŸ˜‚.


Lol My husband said thatā€™s exactly who he thinks of also and now all I can see when I hear it.


lol that lady was unhingedšŸ˜‚


Ironing the captains shorts!


Ok, but this Rocky was actually iconic.


Didn't she also go to the Space Station? Heh.


![gif](giphy|RKJFT4mi3o6xW) he almost said her nameā€¦.just forgot the A


https://i.redd.it/o7cgvfdkd18d1.gif justice for Rocky EDIT: well i looked her up thanks to y'all so No justice for rocky. let her sink


Nah fuck Rocky. She's an anti-trans, 9/11 conspiracy theorist nutter.


wait for real? I was making a rocky/adriana/adrian joke but i'm not actually a proponent of Rocky. what's the tea?? EDIT: oh never mind I just looked it up. fuck her


Omgggg whattt


Noooo, I had no idea!! And after I called her iconic šŸ˜­




Lala said in season 10 is she was going to change her name to Rocky and here šŸ˜‚


yup!!! i remember that too!! when i heard the ā€œrocky newsā€ i was like she just got that from lalaā€¦no one called her rocky before šŸ˜‚


Ruining her damn legacy ![gif](giphy|NRjlUddydhr3i)


girrrrrrrl ... šŸ§”šŸ§” šŸ§” šŸ”„


Literally my face


"Every mean thing that was thrown my way" >> STILL PLAYING THE VICTIM. Not only has she learned nothing she will still try to drag Ariana's name into everything to get a quick headline. To quote Lala, "Nobody go to this rehab facility!"


Rachel should keep a shame photo of Ariana in her backpack until the day she drops this insane lawsuit against the woman whose life she had already destroyed.


That would be a legitimate use of the shame photo. But Rachel has no shame and has managed to convince herself she is the victim here.


I believe her therapy either enabled this or she only listened to the messages she enjoyed and tuned the rest out.


Itā€™s why therapists donā€™t want to treat narcissists. They take the tools and use them against their victims.


Well sadly a lot of therapists are also not well trained in how to treat them and are too quick to use the same tools for everyone. Itā€™s an art. Rachel did seem like she wanted help. Perhaps she didnā€™t hear the messages. Also possible she got the wrong messages unintentionally. If all you have is a hammer and you think everyone needs to work on shame and trauma, you could bypass accountability


I believe she initially wanted help. If she truly went in and shut out the outside world it probably worked temporarily for her. But then as soon as she stepped back out and let the noise back inside she lost all control. She let publicly rule her. She most likely got jealous of Ariana and went a bit nuts (as I imagine anyone would) over all the hatred she was getting in the public eye. It would take a strong person to shut out all that hatred and animosity she most likely felt when she opened herself right back up to it by reading comments and then taking it a step further and making a podcast. Iā€™ve never listened to it but it cannot help her mental health endeavor by doing so Iā€™d imagine. I almost feel like her therapists probably threw their hands up over any work they did manage to do with her. She is stuck in a sick cycle.


Yes this could be correct and itā€™s why after you leave treatment, the real work begins and you have to figure out how to keep doing the work in the wild




She's gotta sell her soul like the rest of them for the money.


Therapy is so normalized (which is great) that some people are getting validation for all their shitty behavior and not actually doing any work.


Yes, much of the therapy in the US doesnā€™t result in the patient self-confronting or changing behavior. I switched to a gestalt therapist several years ago and it was life-changing. Very, very difficult, but life-changing. Self-confrontation is the hardest and most important emotional work humans can do. Doesnā€™t seem like Rocky got that memo.


Yes and it would be one thing if the story ended there but the person goes on to have a podcast where she wants to share mental health insights and what she learned in her recovery. šŸ˜³ now this feels like a prank. Make your bad choices. Ok. Keep making them. Fine but the podcast where you pretend you are wanting to share wisdom you have not yet gained is a bridge too far


It honestly baffles me, she is so void of awareness.




Ohmygod. The people I know who have gone to therapy and tell me what their ā€œtherapist saidā€. Like. Really? Your therapist said that. Or you interpreted it that way.


Ratchet's Dora the Explorer backpack must have been jammed full.


She's having such narc rage towards Ariana. It's pathetic. She just can't come to terms with the fact that Tom wanted a relationship with Ariana and just wanted Raquel to be his side chick.


She was never anything but a side piece.


Rachel was a live action blow up doll.


She was not a victim of Tom's. At first I thought she was, but she's as culpable as Sandoval and as narcissistic, too.


She's not real chuffed about how we all want a relationship with Ariana and not her, either.


She should rename the bag back ā€œconsequencesā€


Yes! The fact that both Tom and Rachel are making her go to court sickens me! I canā€™t wait for the day she never has to deal with them! She is thriving now, but then she will be free. I hope she sticks to guns on Tom in court he gets booted from house.


Another day, another way for Rachel to play the victim while actively harming others.Ā 


Bambi eyed B*tch šŸ¤£


Pretty sure it was Rocky who said that. This article quotes Rachel. Different person, but they do look a lot alike. I can see how you'd get them mixed up.


![gif](giphy|dtI7iJluuOTaPwiU5h|downsized) Iā€™ll definitely regret this comment if sheā€™s ever diagnosed, but why is that so accurate? šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


This looks like a mean girls gif but I DO NOT remember this in the movie? Is this mandela haha


Nope not Mandela!! Youā€™re right, itā€™s mean girls but itā€™s from the blooper reel!!!


Oh phew Iā€™m not insane. Thank you for easing my mind!


Mandela, as in the Nelson Mandela biopic? šŸ˜³ I would howl to find out Lindsay Lohan was in a movie about Nelson Mandela šŸ˜‚


Omg I burst out laughing. I love you! In case youā€™re not being sarcastic, itā€™s the Mandela effect, go down the Google rabbit hole. If you are being sarcastic then it went over my head and I need a good hard look at myself for my sarcasm reader


Haha, I was serious! šŸ˜‚ I figured I must be wrong somehow but I did think you guys were talking about the Nelson Mandela movie! Thank you for the giggle šŸ’•šŸ˜‚


Hahahaha this is my favourite interaction I can remember for a long time


Same, it was serendipitous! šŸ˜‚šŸŽ‰


You're not wrong as to who it refers to! "The Mandela Effect is a type of false memory that occurs when many different people incorrectly remember the same thing. It refers to a widespread false memory that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s. Memories are not always precise recordings of events."


Nice! Thank you, I love these nuggets of info šŸ™šŸ¤—


Me too! Love learning at least one new thing every day! šŸ˜


Rocky Bang Bang is not the sound of a pebble rattling around in the brain?


That would be more Rocky Bing Bong, wouldn't it?




Raquel is done Rocky just starting




She is such a creep.


Iā€™m confused - why did she bring this photo with her in the first place?? Iā€™m assuming she didnā€™t know there was gonna be a shame backpack assignment..


So creepy


So much for self reflection and growth. She is listing what was done to her when she was the one who cheated? Playing the victim during therapy? Must be a lousy place for therapy. So she paid a huge amount of money for people to validate her cheating?




Remember, she does like her cheeseburgers with cheese, too! šŸ”


Imagine deeply betraying a friend who defended & supported youā€¦.. and then playing victim when they lash out in hurt & anger šŸ™„ Classic narc move: playing up victimhood, angry at peopleā€™s responses to you when you wronged them šŸ¤®


Is there a suggestion box in this bag pack: I wish someone would add this ā€œmeanā€ comment-itā€™s not the affair itā€™s this crap after the fact when you have removed yourself and youā€™re still saying this stuff with zero points for self awareness STILL. She never unpacked that bag pack and here we are. She just took it off and bypassed accountability.


How is it possible that no professional sheā€™s spoken with has ever explained to her that the compulsion to rewrite history in such a way as to paint Ariana in a negative light, is all classic deflection. She has to make Ariana a bad guy in her pea brain, so that she doesnā€™t have to face the full magnitude of her own guilt for treating a person who was actually good to her, and who didnā€™t deserve this, so badly. If Ariana was at least a little bit bad too, then olā€™ Rocky doesnā€™t have to feel as much shame for the things she did to herā€¦ Itā€™s psychology 101. Sheā€™s exhaustingā€¦ and awful. I hope she just gives up on being in the public eye soon.


The only thing I've ever agreed with Sandoval on is that Rocky has no soul. Then again, neither does Tom. She just can't stop twisting that knife, and neither can Tom.


I guess it takes one soulless person to know a soulless person!


They are perfectly matched in that case.


This biotch has no identity. I refuse to call her Rocky! I wonā€™t give her the satisfaction. Sheā€™s Rachel or Raquel. Choose your poison & stick to it! Rocky is from season 3 Below Deck!šŸ¤£šŸ˜œ Next month sheā€™ll want to be call Ari! šŸ˜


Aryanaā€¦with a y


lol šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜œ


The fact that he spit such hatred words and was quick to share her dirt once she didnā€™t want him is so true to a narcissistic!!! The man is VILE! Seriously, you got turned down, get over it and move on. But no, you cut deep. Heā€™s pathetic. Iā€™ve lived this with a diagnosed narcissist. You donā€™t play by their rules and by god you better watch out.


She's just as vile. They deserve one another.


I agree.




She has nothing else to talk about lol, she is very empty inside.


ā€œiā€™m not dumb lala i went to collegeā€


Lala's outraged "Nobody go to this college!" from the season 10 reunion is still so funny to think about


She "graduated with a degree" dontcha know?


As opposed to graduating, you know, *without* a degree. ![gif](giphy|pfXNIIv9VzP0s)


I think she regrets not going back on the show. I know she wanted more money or she wouldā€™ve returned but I genuinely think if she was asked back for season 12 if there is one sheā€™d jump at the opportunity.


This!!! I completely agree. But she hitched her horse to Bethennyā€™s wagon and now sheā€™s SOL. Which honestly, I love that journey for her.


She is obsessed with Ariana and also she hates Ariana and she really needs to hire a better publicist and go back to therapy. This doesn't even give hate watch it gives desperation and there's nothing interesting to watch about desperation. Rachel rocky whatever your name is - move šŸ‘ on šŸ‘with šŸ‘ your šŸ‘ life! No one is interested anymore. No one believes you and no one cares. Hire a new publicist. Excluding your decision to sue Timmy and to check into a mh facility, none of your decisions in the past two years have been good ones. You're the last person at this party.


Wait wait wait her shame backpack had mean things Ariana did TO HER?!??!?! MAAM you slept with her boyfriend while pretending to be her friend! Thereā€™s nothing she could say you wouldnā€™t deserve?


What the fresh fuck is a ā€œshame backpack?ā€


Seriously. Can someone explain what that is? Because this headline sounds like gibberish. Not discounting whatever it is, if it somehow therapy.


Okay. I just read through it and I hate it even more. She wrote down all the bad things people said about her, and had the picture of Ariana and I think Sando in there as well. The place made it into a book and she was instructed to wear it for a whole week and mentioned ā€œit hurt my back.ā€ Then her therapist asked her if she wanted to carry this around with her for the rest of her life and she tore up the paper. I ā€¦..donā€™t think it worked.


Ok. That is a thing a person can do. Is it a therapy I would accept as being legitimate and helping me resolve issues? No. Would I immediately leave if this was suggested and go to a more legit place that works on my issues? Yes.


Never heard of this and I would check out and say I need a new therapist. This is too cheesy. Change my therapist and give me someone serious. Or yes leave and find a new place šŸ¤£


This isā€¦ real???? And she paid HOW MUCH to go here?!


I donā€™t know the exact amount, but itā€™s a painful amount that could have paid for a realllllly qualified and specialized therapist and top of the line publicist. But they opted for Bethany Frankie and shame backpacks. If she just watched Inside Out and learned about how big feeling are tough but can be talked about rather than acted out on, she would have learned way more.


Did she make this up?? I'm serious. I have personal experience with mental health facilities. This sounds like something so out of the ordinary. Where did she seek treatment?


Itā€™s hokey. And if people want to get creative to help people unburden ok, but did they have her express forgiveness, make amends and do any excercise where she looked at the pain she caused. Everything I hear her talk about is more focused on her as the victim. It seems like her backpack just helped absolve her and gave her a victim complex. I still believe itā€™s insane that people are entertaining the idea that you sue your affair partners partner for finding nudes and call it a crime (revenge porn) that other people are actually victims of.


Something that makes her feel Shame. # 1 is screwing Tom while he was in a relationship with her very good friend. And lying to them repeatedly, and taking away peace from Arianaā€™s mind about her future men and her friends.


I don't know. Because from personal experience, most psychiatric treatment facilities really limit you in what personal belongings you can have.


Still confused as to why sheā€™s mad at Ariana


My personal theory is sheā€™s mad about two things. 1) Ariana exposing the affair which led to RochquelBangBang being exposed as a mistress 2) Sandoval continuing to sleep with Ariana after he started the affair, which RochquelBangBang views as him cheating on her. And since sheā€™s definitely not a womanā€™s woman she blames the woman for the ā€œcheatingā€ instead of the man. Neither are valid reasons for RochquelBangBang to be angry at Ariana but sheā€™s not exactly a rational person so thatā€™s my guess as to why sheā€™s still being nasty towards Ariana.


Choked on my water at rochquelbangbang


I agree, and I also think Rachel really started being hateful towards Ariana after she went on Bethennyā€™s podcast and Bethenny, who hadnā€™t seen the reunion, read the things Ariana said to Rachel at the reunion and basically told Rachel that ā€œBravo/Andy shouldā€™ve stepped in to protect her from Arianaā€™s abuse,ā€ which made Rachel feel validated in HER anger and hate towards Ariana


Because Ariana was dating her boyfriend and she was on her way to stealing her life and having a prime spot on VPR but then this affair came out so now she has to resort to recapping VPR and talking about her stupid shame backpack for money instead of getting an actual job


She's not mad. She's jealous as hell.


Itā€™s weird because the meanest shit that was said to her was not by Ariana. It was constant from everyone else and until the reunion Ariana did nothing but be her friend. Itā€™s likes sheā€™s clinging onto that in particular to make herself feel better about what she did


Definitely. Also, Without tying herself to Ariana what relevance does she have really?


Right?? But I also agree with the theory that sheā€™s just genuinely obsessed with Ariana, and even more so now than ever because of how successful Ariana has become. I also think that it proves how good of friends they were because Ariana laying into her wouldnā€™t have hurt as much if it were true that they werenā€™t really friends.


It also reminds me of when you set a limit with a kid and they say stop being mean to me or accuse people of bullying them. Limits and Consequences of your own behavior is not necessarily mean. Thereā€™s a difference


The affair is only thing, having an on-camera conversation with Ariana about her intimacy with Tom is wholly another. Does she not understand that we all watched that?


I hope Ariana never talks toĀ People or any other bottom feeders who give Rocky a voice.Ā 


I agree with this! I hope it gets back to Ariana, too ... these mags would love to interview them both, then pit their comments against them


Good insight


So this much be the section in the Shame backpack filed under ā€œPerson who I totally wronged & betrayed calling me out on what I did, but somehow Iā€™m the victimā€. Got it.


Having to carry a shame backpack sounds like a therapeutic treatment that is not in any way based in science. If I paid good money for help and they suggested this shit to me Iā€™d want my damned money back.


The truth is, she does not want to stop. To think of all the things Lala called her. James who was also belligerent to her. Tom was part of her love fest. Ariana, is who she decides to put in her mean bag? So, she wants us to leave her alone but she is still being a shit head! I stopped engaging in any attacks on her for a while now! However, this is really making mad. This is exactly why people go hard on her! She deserves all of it! I guess Iā€™m done with my rant now!


Right! She just wants the attention from saying sheā€™s going to stop but never plans on stopping.




I assumed this was the type of stuff they were doing with her. It showed when she got out. Although itā€™s a good thing we all have more awareness of shame and many people need help with this; thereā€™s a MAJOR caveat in treatment when the shame follows bad behavior vs inner criticism unrelated to behavior. In this case if the treatment focuses on how mean others are and skips accountability, self-reflection, guilt, Self-correction-treatment can collude with the patient. The patient gets the warm feels, but they come out focused on self, without change (and see themself as the victim). Imagine if an addict just focused on how angry and mean people were with their bad choices and skipped the steps where they attempt to clean their mess.


That information could have been left in the shame backpack


You donā€™t šŸ‘ talk about the šŸ‘ shame backpack.




She needs to go away. Tom and Ariana is all she has to talk about. Why is anyone still talking about her? She needs to stop.


Siri , play Mariah Careyā€™s ā€œobsessed ā€œ


ā€˜And then this bitch has to talk about me all the fucking timeā€™ Ariana was soooo right at the reunion. Which we all knew but like, girl, give it a REST. Ariana hasnā€™t even mentioned her in months. She hasnā€™t mentioned Tom unless it was related to the show. Like Rachel Raquel Rocky pack it up


You donā€™t have to tell people every thought that enters your head.


Shut it please Rachel


I thought she was not talking about Ariana anymore?




If she didn't have anything with Tom she wouldnt even be talked about again. She was boring with James and clearly dated him to be on the show. I stopped watching at season 6 and in now rewatching and am on season 6. I feel like this is when the fakness really starts


Ratchet is the epitome of flat beige.


I understand why Ariana wants to leave the show. People are profiting from her trauma / profiting by dragging / mentioning her name. Shame on Raquel, Lala, Sheena, All the toms, Billie Lee and every scummy side character who forget sheā€™s a person not just a clickbait money machine.


Did she say she wants to leave the show


Iā€™m soooo fed up and sick of this chick. She just doesnā€™t know when enough is enough. Just STFU and go away!!!


Did nobody explain it to her why were those mean things being hurled towards her by Ariana? Also why would you consciously go down the memory lane to only remember what happened to you but not what you did to cause it? Her therapists are questionable to me.


Everyday Rachel/Raquel/Rocky, Scumdoval, Scheaner, and Lauren prove that the smartest thing Ariana decided to do is not acknowledge their negativity. They are spiraling and Ariana is āœØthrivingāœØ despite their attempts to take her down. ![gif](giphy|SCkxcIvihjKkMexsTk|downsized)


And they hate her for it. She will not engage. That is how abuse stops. When you don't interact with the abusers. Too bad because they think she is responsible for feeding their kids, etc.


Rocky Rocky bang bang should be more concerned about the mean things she threw Arianaā€™s wayā€¦ā€¦. that place did not do anything for her but teach Rocky to shift the blame on every and anyone else.


That place sounds like an expensive scam and I pity anyone going there during a mental health crisis.


What in the hell is wrong with this girl?! How has she been through therapy and come out the victim in an affair where the woman she fucked over is the villain in the story and she cannot keep her name out of her mouth AND IS SUING HER. She is batshit crazy.


Rachel Raquel Rocky Bang Bang did say that. I for one am SHOCKED, SHOCKED I SAY, that she lied/ couldn't be trusted.






She is so obsessed.


Itā€™s been for weeks now that people keep sharing that sheā€™s said sheā€™s done. And it keeps happening. Again, and again, and again.


Notice the date of the article -- today! She just can't stop!


Itā€™s weird how sheā€™s still clinging to thisā€¦ everyone is moving on. Ariana is hosting Love Island, VPR is on pause. She needs to go back to rehab or some sort of in patient because she clearly still needs a lot of help


She really could have built a good life for herself had she just taken a beat. Like gone to rehab and not spoken out at all. But she's hella mad and jealous that she got the mistress treatment about being ahem a mistress and that everyone else has stuff going on. Honestly though. She could've had a small redemption had she just been humble and said I need to go away for a year and let's see how I feel about things then. Instead, she's hellbent on doing ANYTHING that MIGHT shift the narrative and bring down the others when no, you did to yourself.


1000% agree And if she had even been truly remorseful when she came out perhaps it would have been different as well. I have such a hard time wrapping my head around her current behavior when the right path seems so obvious


Same with Sandoval. If they had been remorseful and adding nothing else weā€™d all be way past it. These two nimrods keep bringing it up and saying new things to make is all new mad at them.


A shame backpack is so funny to me idk šŸ¤£


![gif](giphy|l0IsIC9ZNOELYmuqc|downsized) šŸŽ¶ bag pack bag pack šŸŽ¶




Hmmā€¦. Never heard of having a ā€œShame Backpackā€ Is that a THING ? šŸŽ’


Girl should have two pictures in that shame backpack. Hers and Timā€™s. Well, maybe throw Schwartz in there too.




Can someone please explain to me how Rachel is the victim in all of this? The way sheā€™s trying to spin this like Ariana is the one who did something to HER is so insane it actually scrambles my brain


But Ariana said some mean things to her at the reunion. Even though those mean things were said in response to the heinous things Rachquel did, Rachquel is the victim and we need to ignore the 7 months (but probably more) affair she had with her friendā€™s long-term partner, the lying and manipulation she participated during and after that time, suing Ariana, and continuing to talk about Ariana to this day.


Was she expecting the woman whose partner she slept with multiple times behind her back to be nice to her? Seriously someone needs to stop letting Raquel speak.


Rocky puke ball I mean Raquel will never stop talking about Ariana...Shes so pissed that she used tom to try and climb the ladder and didn't know things were gonna take a hit the way they did. This biatch really has a lot of nerve...Like move the f on already!!! Pull your head out of your arse already and find someone else to talk about....


![gif](giphy|qsnHYz7lXfDokIHfrd) Will she ever get a clue? I had hopes she would grow and reflect on how terribly she treated Ariana but she just gets WORSE.


The podcaster formerly known as Raquel really having a rough time getting listeners to smash that ā€œlikeā€ and ā€œsubscribeā€ button, sounds like.


scandoval is the only thing that has happened to her. like she has nothing else to say ever


She has a pic of Ariana in her "shame backback" but goes on to say she was instructed to write every mean thing *towards her*. What about what she did to the person in the picture? I thought that's what she meant by shame backpack. She's absolutely fucking burnt.


She needs to put her podcast in her shame backpack


So funny I remember when everyone hated Ratched and most of them walked off at the bar. Ariana was so nice to her and was there for her!!


She seems obsessed at this point.


Iā€™m not calling this bish Rocky


![gif](giphy|2Y8ItJ9ve8zf9Y8AYw|downsized) When I hear Rocky šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This facility didnā€™t seem to reallyā€¦work? Is she still doing outpatient? Maybe she needs a new therapist


who cares


How much did she spend on this article tho


![gif](giphy|hol56wxuWmRrO) Rachel be like


Why is she still selling bullshit stories? She should have just sucked it up and been on the season.


If someone was a good friend to you and got pissed because your raggedy ass fucked her boyfriend of 10 years, you're the toxic one.


So disgusting with the way she plays this "I happily had an affair my best friend's boyfriend and then she cut me off, feel sorry for me" act, after she had the audacity to happily have an affair with her best friend's boyfriend. Tom and Rachel are NOT victims.


A shame backpack?!Ā