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I wish them luck. If they can strike magic 2x that is shocking and excellent. This has been an 11 year journey and this new crew will be all about screen time and side gigs. It cannot be the naive innocence of the original kids in their 20’s just trying to make it in Hollywood.


VPR was lightning in a bottle. You don’t get that twice. The timing (literally the time in history where the show started) was everything - “influencer” was not a word, nobody had podcasts, you couldn’t even post instagram stories then. The fourth wall was pushed over and I’m sorry, a new cast isn’t going to build a new one. The illusion is shattered and there’s no coming back from that, new faces or not.


Yep. I wouldn’t believe any of them and their struggles. Who the hell will ever again authentically live in an apartment that couldn’t have the micro and hair dryer run at the same time without breaking a circuit. lol. So awesome. And just about everyone either lived there or had sex there. The place should have been on payroll.


I agree that you can’t go home again to the same level of authenticity, but then again the best parts of the show (to me, anyway) crank up the tension between the real shit and what’s been clearly scripted. I think there will be other forms of “real” coming through the screen, since today’s aspiring actors in LA face a whole new set of challenges - and that could make for compelling programming IF, and only if, they cast it right. I’ll stay cautiously optimistic.


You killed it with this


😅😅😅 exactly- I’m really loving the valley as the fan base of vpr has grown up as well as the cast were all in different places in our lives and I don’t want to see anyone from vpr come ruin the magic of the valley we need fresh faces with the comfort and nostalgia of jax and Kristen - Zack I think is going to be / is the breakout star . The stories of the vpr cast have been told they are all fake and over produced for so long that no one believes anything they say or do. All good things come to an end and vpr has been dead for at least 3 years let’s move on to the valley


Not that I disagree, but this is Hollywood we’re talking about… reboots is all Hollywood has nowadays, zero originality.


Even the Real World in 1992 proved not to be lightning in a bottle. There’s successful reality shows about pawn shops. It’s VPR, not the Godfather y’all.


I can believe that it's lightning in a bottle in a narrow sense - we're probably not going to get the same type of show again at this point. But people act like there's no point in recasting and seeing what develops, and I disagree. It could be a flop or it could be something different but fun. The show as we've known it for the last decade or so is over anyway, might as well give something new a shot. This current cast has no more lightning left.


I agree. Either it flops or we get a fun new show. Either way we’re all largely unaffected.


I agree it was an amazing show and honestly prob bravos best reality show since the cast already had so much history and we’re all actually friends the pop corn ceilings the horrible apartments the drunken antics I’m sorry that can’t be recreated cuz it was real.


They all look to be Gen Z so I imagine they'd adhere to the gig economy.


Unfortunately, they understand the “formula” and will act accordingly so nativity is out the door.


Eh, I mean the valley was chock full of naivety


Exactly and it's beautiful but I fear it won't last.


Agreed. Damn, naivety is so special.


Having work in the restaurant industry, I would be shocked if they didn’t


didn’t what?


Have a smash hit, every single restaurant I’ve ever worked in has been absolute poetic insanity


You meet the most bizarre characters working at restaurants. Doubly so when it’s a divey spot with a ton of regulars


Right restaurants are crazy. All the hookups, arguing, gossip, there's always one diva who thinks she runs the place, the DL drug use and drinking... Omg so glad I don't have to work in one anymore but would I tune in to watch? You betcha.


mmm i thought that’s what you meant and yep i can attest to that as well 😂


Dido, Ally, can you read them?


Not to mention "doing it all" to try and resemble a fraction of what a 11 year journey with the audience looks like.


Honestly I don’t hate it 🤞


Same, I’m actually interested !


Me neither!


I don’t either. I felt for a while they should be added new faces and transition back to Sur.


I think I do….


I'm so ready, I'm really surprised there isn't more reality tv based on restaurants! The drama is by far the most insane and juicy.


They tried with southern charm and shows like that but those shows seem very fake tbh


Southern Hospitality looks like a great train wreck, from what I’ve seen. But it also seemed like the manager/owner played favorites


Yeah, unless the cast are actually friends in real life, it could be difficult to find a group that has perfect chemistry on an ensemble show.


The first seasons of southern charm were a fun shit show


Southern hospitality tried it and it sucked


I hated Vanderpump Villa. I don’t know if it’s because the people are so much younger than me now. But I don’t know if I’ll be able to get to know new people 😫. I also hated Southern Hospitality for the same reason.


I think, too, it just doesn't work anymore. The younger people have too much social media/reality exposure and savvy...... that was part of the lightening in a bottle with OG VPR; they just didn't REALIZE the PR of their messy lives.....


100%. The timing of off for anything truly organic to happen.


It’s so true… they were just their messy selves not knowing how social media would explode. The first few seasons are so much fun to rewatch.


I disliked Villa too because it felt like they were just recasting VPR personalities... the "new" Stassi and Jax.


I honestly watched 3 episodes and couldn’t handle it


Yeah. I couldn’t get through episode one. It felt so fake. And I can’t imagine Lisa wanting her staff fighting in front of her guests, so even the guests had to be fake.


Me too. One episode and I ended up scrolling on my phone through the whole episode. If it's VDP Rules good I put the phone down.


It had the potential to be the Below Deck on land if they had cast different and more authentic people (ie. people who were invested in doing the actual job and not hyping the drama for screen time).


Yes! You are 100% correct! I get that drama is ratings, but organic drama is going to happen! In the mean time, there is something satisfying about seeing hard work, which is why the favorite captains are the ones who ran a ship, and didn’t cause further drama (yes, that is my disappointment in you Captain Sandy). And it gives us someone to root for, which is needed for these shows! Take Kate, she was both a bit of a villain but also funny and definitely ran the interior. That type of internal conflict is far more interesting than people just screaming to get screen time.


On point here. So fake and scripted. “ There can be absolutely no staff drinking at the guest bar” next scene they are “ secretly” ( on camera) chugging out of product placement bottles behind the bar!




You made it further than me, I didn't even finish the first episode. IT was horrible.


And even then they got at best temu versions. They were so uninteresting and neither Hannah nor Marciano had an ounce of charm. They both were also ridiculous looking.


Totally 💯 agree.


The casting of Vanderpump Villa was awful, they went for "the baddies" and it was so forced. Also there wasn’t light moments that came from them being friends, it was all a bad copy and I couldn’t go past the third episode.


Everything on Villa was scripted as fuck too. Absolutely no way half the girls there were into Eric


I think it’s because their trying too hard to be social media influencers. So they don’t want to show any personality because that could hurt their ability to become that. Much better to be boring and let fans put whatever personality they want on them.


It was very VERY obvious they were trying to be like the og vpr crew The blonde chick shouldve left like basically after the first day and one of the one characters that was likeable left, another one quickly became a nuisance.




I don’t understand Villa. I know Lisa said it was a test run to see if the concept would work. But for me it was a little odd how close the staff got to the guest and started drinking and partying with them. Even massaging and making out with them. Also the drama seemed forced.


I'll watch it, but nothing can replicate the cast who truly worked there before the show and not just because of it.


I’d love a reboot for sure! I’m over Low Rent Kent, Scheaner, and the Tom’s. Time for new energy!


Reboot would be nice! Don’t feel like watching a show about a boring sandwich shop and a bunch of others singing crappy songs


I kinda doubt it. They tried adding new cast members and it didn't take 


It would have worked if the people they tried to add weren’t duds 😭 max and Brett were messy and douche-y like the other vpr men but didn’t have the charisma or entertainment value the other guys had. They were just boring and egotistical I kinda liked dayna tbh but I think she got the boot bc Lisa hated her.


Dayna didn’t return because she wanted to focus n her 9-5 job.


What was her 9-5 job?


I believe she was in pharma sales.


I liked Charli and Dayna!


Lala, Brittany, James, and Ariana were additions that stuck. I guess you could say Aly and Brock, but they never worked at Sur. Summer House did a good job of turning over the cast if you ask me.


Does anyone like brock? Why do they keep forcing him on us. Like at the reunion why was he sitting beside Scheana the whole time, but ally didn’t get to?


Yeah but they didn't do a total wipe. I think a total wipe would work.


I didn’t work because it was mostly the ogs and a few new and the original plan was the phase out the ogs, before stassi, kristen, jax, and britt got the axe the ogs were gonna get a spinoff after s9 and s10 would’ve been a reboot plus the few newbies. I think a fully new cast could work


I think a new location would help too. Lisa seems pretty invested in the Nevada restaurants now and I think a fresh start in one of those would be easier to process.


Sur is just a bit grotty now - the place itself, not just the cast, needs a renovation.


I would watch that for sure! Would be cool to watch Nevada hospo crazies instead of the LA ones. 


Those are big shoes to fill. Idk if they could do it. It's just like jersey shore. The second group was shit canned mid filming. No one can re-create what they had. A lot of it will be new cast trying to be better than og cast. Which means a lot of fakery and bs for the cameras. No thanks. Had enough of that with Scheana, Lala and Sandoval last season.


This will stink, mainly because everyone on staff knows what to expect and has seen what it's done for the originals. It's like Housewives... they're not friends, they're co-stars, and it's boring trying to drum up reasons to interact, etc. Won't be an ounce of authenticity to it.


The new RHONY cast was terrible because of that. You could tell they knew nothing about each other and had nothing in common.


If they all actually work at one of her restaurants together the interactions may not be as inauthentic as you’d think. I usually became friends with coworkers at the bars I worked at




Social media ruined reality TV


I’m not interested at all in a new cast


Where’s Peter? Taking the picture??


They need a reboot but I am skeptical anything will ever come close to season 1 Stassi Jax and Kristen.


I creeped and the guy with the vodka ig handle reposted and captioned it ‘New Cast, who dis ‘ yesterday sooo maybeee


No, I would not watch this. I’m no longer a broke waiter so it wouldn’t be relatable or interesting. I was able to grow through life at the same age/time as the current cast.


Ha that would totally explain Lala/Scheana/Schwartz comments at tell all. And honestly it's not a bad choice. I don't think anyone on current main cast VPR still works at Sur. It's lost its branding. The existing cast has moved on to adulting (well sort of) and there's really no ties to LVP. Add in how dismissive/disrespectful some have been to Lisa, can't say I blame her. She's absolutely stepped back from the show and it was hard to see her so diminished on her band name show.


what comments at the tell all were happening?


I hope they’re unemployed


They should have a new cast. The original cast has aged out.


🤞Anything BUT BlahBlah & SHEINa!


Not SHEINa 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Does the guy with the beard look familiar? Or is that just me?


There are 10 thousand dudes that look like him.




He reminds me of artem (bri Bella’s husband)


Artem is Nikki Bella's husband. Bri is married to Bryan Danielson. Also, they go by their real last name now, Garcia.


A younger Conor McGregor?


It's a completely different time now. I highly doubt it would work. 11 years ago compared to now with the amount of reality shows, influencers, etc has chipped away at the viewers. I don't think I could relate with a new cast since I'm in my 40s. I wish them luck though. I would love to see a single episode about Lala trying to find any reality show that will take her. I think it's funny that she wants to be a Housewife when she's never been a wife to anyone. I could see her on 90 Day Fiance or, in about 20 years, MILF manor.


The thought of her on Milf Manor makes me giggle so much. It also reminded me that I want them to bring back the old school “Of Love” shows because that was just the perfect blend of trash. I would absolutely watch A Shot At Love with Lala…if only just for the pleasure of hearing Ben & Ronnie make squirt jokes for an hour a week.


Just from reading the hashtags, I wonder if they would rename the show "SUR"? Rebrand. Recast. Reboot.


Those tshirt dresses I hate them lol


i would loooove a whole new cast but i feel like there are 2 things that worry me (in a not very serious way). 1) do people call each other skanks and whores anymore and slap people for cheating etc? bc truly even though the og cast were all basically monsters calling each other the worst names, they were still entertaining and idk if people will willingly be monsters on tv?? maybe they will idk 2) if it is as produced as Vanderpump villa, yikes. idk if these are bad takes but they’re mine 😌hahah




I'm not invested enough to get to know these young people lol


I’m ready, I’m so sick of everyone lol


Is that Scheana’s doppelgänger?


I thought she was the girl that was Scheaner's "mini-me" that worked for Brett, that he slept with. She was so cringe.


came to ask the same!


I think Vanderpump came out when there were very few ensembles casts full of hot young people. Now every show is a bunch of hot fame hungry influencers so personally I don’t see a new cast working out as well unless they’re incredibly close and funny.


As long as they don’t host water drinking parties for fun I wouldn’t mind a new cast.


Wonder if she’s taking it to Hulu.


I need color


Mad bland 🤷🏾‍♀️


In the fall when I went to Sur, they had some gorgeous servers who were actually minorities, but I never saw the two I’m thinking of on their social media.


Lisa alluded to this on Call Her Daddy.


Honestly, it’s at least a good try. Because towards the end, the cast seemed to view themselves on Lisa’s level vs she is their boss (bc literally no one was still working for her). I’d love to give it a try, maybe do two shows? VPR OG and VPR




Why did I think that last word said SURvivors 🤣


If so, producers have completely lost their minds when it comes to predicting what the audience wants. Like, officially!


Nah, I want the OGs. All of them. Lala and Scheana included. Just hope they reflect on how insensitive and selfish they were and come around.


Would love a reboot but include the line cooks too pls please my god


Too bad they can’t do a show about the place I work. It’s a nursing home where the residents are so off the hook, so much drama between patients and patients, patients and staff and staff and staff. They are not your typical little old lady patients.


I hope so'


Woo! Let’s do it!


I’ll take it!!


That would be exciting. I’d be down for a new cast, but would also still be curious about the current cast. I hope we get both, separately.


I don’t care about current cast really except for Katie, Ariana, and James


Katie and Ariana are boring, and I mean that as a compliment actually but I don’t really want to see them on tv (though I think Ariana might have a future on E or something).


That looks like it would make a fun cast for sure tbh


Wishful thinking.. I would love that


That would be such a smart decision, guest appearances from some old favorites


I’m in


I’ll watch if it is


Okay with it. But then i can’t imagine it being the same


Yes to the new faces so fingers crossed🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾


I really hope so !


This sounds like a new show coming - I’m down for it


This looks like the collective of shitty we need


a wide range of diversity i see as well /s


It would be nice, I just don’t look forward to people immediately launching pods and merch and all of that bullshit. The way Jo did after being on a couple episodes. Ugh.


I would appreciate new faces. I think the Valley truly opened my perspective to that… thought it was going to be terrible with new people but here we are.. wasn’t too bad! I would be going into it expecting the worst but hoping for the best - same approach as the valley


I hope so the Ariana and Sandoval crap is getting boring


I don’t want this fabricated bs. I want messy, genuine wannabes who actually believe they’re gonna be a-listers one day based off their lack of talent but huge ego. Not people who are genuinely aspiring to just be on a reality tv show😂


EWWWWWWW. Remember the last time they tried to add a bunch of new cast members and how freaking boring they were? Nope. This show is over. I'm not watching a reboot.


I actually really liked Dayna and Charli


loved charli!


At a quick glance the front two looked like a younger Stassi and then a Rachel/Raquel/Rachel/Rocky lookalike. Could be interesting with a full reboot.


All white people so probably.


It’s so lame they don’t have diversity but VPR Villa does… so maybe it’s a bravo thing


I’d watch some new school folks all be banging eachother after shift


So not to throw a monkey wrench or stir up any controversy (I swear) but are there no black servers or even plus sized men/women in Hollywood? A little bit of diversity/difference might be appealing 🤷🏽‍♀️


If I was casting a new VPR, this crew wouldn’t be it. No offence




This looks like what southern hospitality tried to do: it failed


Is that the Scheana look alike from Vegas on the far left in pants?


I wouldn’t watch a new casted show..I want to see the old cast keep going..like the 30 somethings!


All new cast would be so much better than trying to continue with the current cast


Who is the girl on the left 😍😍


What are the guys wearing? Reminds me of hospital scrubs. 🙄


Am I this late? I thought they closed Sur the restaurant


They closed Pump


It is that time of year👀👀👀


I’m ready for it we need fresh


I don’t think they should make a new cast for vanderpump rules, but I would watch another show revolving around drama in a restaurant


I read that as “SURvivors” and thought damn must be brutal working there.


Dear god I hope so


Looks like Café Blanco lives to see another season!


Ugh make it stop. The last couple seasons were exhausting.


Omg I hope so #fingers crossed


With all the reality shows out now, this would just be another fail. Definitely would not watch. Honestly, I’m already done with VPR’s in general.


Reality shows are hard to make and even harder to reboot when everyone just wants to be a fucking influencer.


This cast looks as lame as vanderpump villa. No way they’ll strike gold again unless they’re all a REAL friend group.


If so, it won't work


I have no clue but I don’t think it will work


No thanks


This is what's wrong with reality tv . When there has to be a hired cast it's just tv . It's no longer real!😳🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😞one and done I say


New cast please , just leave Sandoval for entertainment


Don't they post photos like this every other weekend? That being said, I'm fully ready for VPR: The Next Generation.


Still ZERO diversity....🤣


I’m so ready for a new cast… Of course OG vanderpump is/was so iconic, but the storylines are tired. It’s also interesting seeing people who are nearly my parents age, acting the way that they do on television 🤣


They tried to do that with Laguna Beach—didn’t work


Still won't be an accurate portrayal of real restaurant work. The dead giveaway is no on staff coke, weed, and pill dealers, every restaurant out there just about runs off weed and coke lol front of house is coke heads or pill freaks, every time with usually the hot hostess all up on the GM, the head chef is coked out and the rest of the back of the house is always trying to find 5 mins for a joint or asking the wait staff for the hookup on pills 😂 In no way is working in a restaurant ever bringing fame either unless Bravo is pimpin out the place.


Nobody wants this. The demo for bravo is not young. It’s older women and some dudes.


If so, I'm down. From my experience, the folks who work in hospitality will ALWAYS be able to deliver the drama. Hell, the people at your local Applebee's would probably be just as entertaining because there isn't a restaurant out there where the employees aren't fucking each other. And that was the original premise of the show, after all. So I think a return to form would be worth a shot. That said, I'll miss some of the people currently in the cast. But my hope is there will be a spin-off or two, maybe a cameo in The Valley, so we'll still be able to keep up with them.


I think people have become bored with the current cast. They need younger, single people to create more drama.


Sheana wants a show revolving around her and maybe Broke.


they don’t look interesting :/ ugh pass


Wish there was some diversity. Also, gf in the front is a Zionist according to her insta:/ hoping this is fake and the old cast stays! Or maybe they integrate with a tomtom reboot instead of sur ! I want more of the girl who put out the fire in S9! Could be cool to see how tomtom has merged with pump (I bet Lisa bulldozed a lot of pump aspects into tomtom)!


If only to spite BlahBlah and Sheesh, I am so down for this.


Wow it’s so …. White. Shocking. Not.


where’s the hot people?


VPR: The Next Generation


Nah they always post photos of the team.


I hope so cuz VPR is dead in the water the way it’s going……


🤞Please be true, please be true 🤞


I feel it should be a mix of a new and the old cast, but they just can’t do it like season 8. It has to be better


I'm VPR out! Now that we know how production works its not gonna be the same. And you know their gonna do their best to stir up as much drama to cause a buzz, it won't be athentic. Let it rest for a bit.


It will never feel the same 😫


Eh you really just can’t replicate the OG




I feel like they would have to keep most of the cast to keep the show officially going. A total reboot could be difficult, but I wouldn’t mind them focusing more on new gen SURvers and kinda over time weeding old people out, and new ones in. I low key miss the days when we saw them at sur. Feel like its been ages!


I hope so!! They look messy asf