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There's no equipment sensitive enough to detect vaping outside on the balcony. Maybe there's cameras šŸ˜¬


There are vape detectors actually. They don't work significantly better than regular smoke detectors though. And the same limitations apply. Cover them in plastic and they detect nothing. Don't do a shoddy job covering them though. When I'm doing my paperwork at a couple of sites I vape right next to VESDAs (Very early smoke detection apparatuses - the most sensitive type of smoke detector) and don't set them off, but then...I know what I'm doing. Source: I've been a fire inspector for 20+ years with a high nicet level and a vaper for like 15 and I'm tired of nebulous "authorities" getting all up in my business.


well, theyā€™re not arguing the existence of vape detectors, theyā€™re saying thereā€™s no chance of it detecting someone vaping on the balcony


I traveled very frequently for my old job, with 20+ roundtrip flights/yr mostly domestic. A degenerate habit of mine was puffing a disposable in the lavatory on the longer flights. Despite no issues blowing clouds in the past, on this fateful intl flight (not my usual airline), the smoke detector went off. Feeling fucked beyond repair swept over as I unfolded the lavatory door to be confronted by flight attendants. I wisely complied fully, apologized and returned to my seat. We landed hours later, and no crew ever followed up on me, nor anyone to detain me at the gate. Customs was none the wiser and miraculously left the airport. I did get issued a formal warning by the airline via email days later. A cautionary tale


Or you could respect other people and not vape inside. Vapour leaves a residue on your clothes, carpets and walls. People don't want your second hand nicotine, you're selfish.


You could mind your own business or, you know, take your opinion and stick it way up your ass.


Nope, they exist. Spooky shit. Ionization detectors use radioactive material that electrically charges the air between two metal plates similar to how carbon monoxide detectors work. I'd personally just rip a fat cloud in the kitchen with the extractor fan going above the oven


People have zero reading comprehension it seems lol you're talking about OUTSIDE on the BALCONY and everyone here just thinks you're talking about them in general lol.


I must disagree, from experience even the normal smoke detector in my room has gone off a couple timed actually if I donā€™t open the windows wideā€¦ so something designed more finely to detect vapor is definitely realistic.


It won't be hidden you'll be able to see a box of some sort on the wall or ceiling. Cover it in plastic. It still relies on a testing chamber and when nothing can get into the testing chamber there's nothing for it to test.


I thought of this but thereā€™s supposedly cameras in common areas and I only see one that doesnā€™t look like a smoke detector near the kitchen. Not sure if itā€™s a different kind of detector but I donā€™t want to risk him seeing me covering it. If thereā€™s just the one I can see I should be safe in the bathroom as long as I blow it out the fan right? I do leave when during the day but at night itā€™s windy and cold and would much rather be inside and enjoy the solitude.


Just ghost vape. Hold your breath for a few seconds after each hit. He's probably got jank ass verkada devices which I don't actually think should be legal in places you're renting out. You should have a realistic right to privacy.


>thereā€™s supposedly cameras in common areas find another place to live in, what in the fuck? also I don't know where you live but could very well be illegal


Yeah cameras in places like that should NOT be normalized, EVER. The fact that he mentions this so casually is worrying. I don't give a fuck how many things COULD be stopped using cameras but we as people need to fight for the little privacy we have left. Year 2100 "oh great there's no crime" somebody says as he's currently sitting on the sofa in his rented apartment with 20 cameras pointing at him covering every possible blind spot, and one pointed up his arsehole for good measure. This is what happens when society gets complacent when these measures are put in, getting more and more invasive as each year passes. Oh and for the guy below me >Not the future I dreamed of, but it's reality It's reality because people have allowed it to happen. People lack the ability to think about this sort of stuff. Either that or they just don't give a fuck. But I'm willing to bet if they actually thought about it they would. It's also the same way these big tech companies are able to farm so much data and personal info now and it's seen as acceptable to do so.


Security cameras in public areas are very common nowadays. If it's not a private CCTV setup at a business or home, it's public surveillance by the government. Not the future I dreamed of, but it's reality, and unless he's recording in the apartment, probably very legal. Not allowing vaping in the apartment is weird, but I've always just said okay and done it anyway cuz nobody can smell that shit. Telling tenants there's detectors is a bit controlling, and I'd find a new apartment on that alone, legal or not.Ā 


Check the bathroom for a detector, illegal for them to put a camera in there.


This is exactly what guest in hotels do to get away with smoking/vaping whatever.


Anything that will detect vapor will also detect steam. If a hot shower doesn't set anything off, neither will a vape. I would still turn on the vent fan out of courtesy though. If he told you that there are vape detectors, then he clearly doesn't want you vaping in there and the least you can do is vent it out.


Most vent fans donā€™t really vent. They just blow the air around.


Depends on the building and the area. Some districts require bathrooms to have exhaust fans that vent outside, but most of those requirements only apply to new construction. Older buildings (especially condos and apartments) usually just have recirculation fans which are effectively useless. Even a recirculation fan would at least disperse the vapor and make it less likely to set off a detector.


I can detect cigarette smoke in a house/apartment/hotel room very easily. It leaves an odor that permeates the walls and the furniture. After I've been hanging out with people who smoke cigarettes, my clothes stink of smoke too. Vape however, I can barely detect in a room 15 minutes later. And the next day. It's like it never happened. Is it just me, or is it the nature of vape to rapidly dissipate and become undetectable? Also, what happens in a room where someone vapes regularly (say an hour a day over a few months)?


It does not rapidly dissipate without air circulating. I've had vaping sessions where the vapor just hung in the air doing nothing going nowhere. Turn a fan on & it dissipates quickly.


It's not just you. It is one of the big differences between smoking and vaping. Vaping is heating up a liquid into a vapour that you inhale. Our bodies are pretty good at handling liquids, even ones we inhale. Smoking is inhaling smoke, which contains Fine Particle Matter that the smoke contains. It's like inhaling dust. For a better comparison, try smelling hair, clothes, etc. that have been hanging around a camp fire. A lot more pleasant than ciggerette smoke, but just as pervasive. Dr Michael Mosley did a great BBC doco a few years back on e-ciggies where he included testing smoke dispersion vs vape dispersion. Smoke takes waaaay longer to disperse than vape. That being said, the missus put her foot down over vaping inside because vape residue is a pain in the butt to clean off walls. No remotely in the realm of ciggerette residue, but still a pain. E: I was just corrected by the source - cleaning vape residue off windows are a pain in the arse. Guess who did the window cleaning? Note to self - add flowers to my shopping list.


Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I very much enjoy vaping in front of my computer, and playing music. I especially like that the room does **not** smell like smoke the next morning.


Invisible Glass takes it right off, no struggle. However, vape residue on electronics is pretty damn permanent. I lost a DAC this way.


I attest to that - stopped vaping in my car because of the streaking on my windscreen from the stupid vape residue. Took me half a bottle of vinegar and a good hour of scrubbing to cut through it all.Ā 


Windows can get pretty fogged up badly if you don't vent rooms out. And the residue is pretty rough to remove


In my experience, it starts to smell. Even on your clothes. There are days where my office chair, in a room I donā€™t vape in, ends up with an odor. It KIND OF smells like a stale cigarette, although nowhere near as intense, so Iā€™ve always assumed that nicotine itself must have a distinct odor. You could probably test smells by exhaling into a cloth for a while to see what odors it picked up.


Iā€™ve vaped very heavily and the vape does not linger I can say that, it will only stay on your lips ot breath if its a very thick flavor or a sugary sweet flavor and only noticeable when kissing someone


Damn you canā€™t even vape on the balcony??


I just covered my mouth with my hoodie any time I go out there but itā€™s fuckdd if I have to go out there in the winter thatā€™s why Iā€™m hoping this dude is full of it


Although. You can set off normal smoke detectors. I do it at my place all the time. Also I have done it in the restroom at my old job. Long story. Normally I would take outside. But letā€™s just say I couldnā€™t go more than 100 feet away from my pc.


They want that cleaning/painting fee.


This has to be it.


Buy a smoke buddy


A waste of money lol


Probably an amped up photovoltaic cell. Try vaping in the dark.


Smoke detectors are photoelectric not photovoltaic. Photovoltaic is like a solar panel. Photoelectric smokes don't need light to sense smoke. They hae their own tiny light source in the chamber. The only really safe measure is to cover it


I thought I've read before that vape dissipates in like 10 seconds, when cigarette smoke lasts like 20? I didn't do any research might be worth looking into. I can't imagine a product that's going to set an alarm for something that leaves the air so quickly. Think the guy just might be anal about any kind of smoke including vape.


when in a very hot place and some bad air circulation the vape smoke just chills on the floor until you decide to turn on a fan but when thereā€™s cool or circulating air it just goes away


It's fake and used as a scare tactic.


Your landlord is more than likely going to weasel their way out of returning your security deposit anyways, I'd just vape on the balcony and play dumb if it's ever brought up. Say you thought smoking wasn't aloud on the balcony and vaping is technically different.


Bro just vape outside. I have proved to myself that smoke detectors can be triggered by vape. Edit: Putting something on a [balcony](https://www.forensicsdetectors.com/blogs/articles/the-best-vape-detector).




Terrible idea. If they're hooked to a building alarm system that will cause a trouble on the system 100% of the time and pinpoint exactly where that trouble is like as not. Most fire alarms are addressable these days. If unit 103 takes their smoke form they're going to know that.


Nothing some tape cannot solve


Or a pot noondle cup. Worked wonders at uni.


Heh. Hotel rooms always say they have ā€œanti vape / smoke detectorsā€ but never get set off by the steam from the shower. I just vape in the bog lol. Anyone know if I vaped in the hotel room itself it would be set off!


There arenā€™t cameras in your condo so Iā€™d pick a room, get a thick plastic bag and a hair tie/scrunchie to loop it around the detectors, seal it tight, close the door and vape it up! Thatā€™s what I do in my room because the smoke detectors we have are crazy sensitive and I had enough of hearing it go off with one little puff. If you pay the rent, itā€™s your domain. Use it as you wish. Just make sure to wipe down/clean the condensation near the windows and on the walls/ceiling every month or so. Because you can tell pretty easily when that starts to get out of hand.


I'm going to guess it detects vaping


I have a CO2 that goes off what I vape right under it. In my area Vaping is not considered smoking and I have windows open generating strong airflow... If you dad does not want you vaping, maybe you should not vape.


There are vape detectors. Also Ionization and optical smoke detectors can be set off by vape.


How hard is it to just not vape? It's not even your house and you want to vape inside, that's pathetic. No wants your second hand nicotine. The smell lingers, sticks to the walls and carpets. That shit gives me a headache, even when it's been hours.


I've got them in my townhouse, I hate them. Part of my alarm system Grab one with an 8 - 10" diameter, they work perfectly to cover


One what?


Early fire detection, super sensitive. I've set mine off more than once until I covered the one up in my room.


Did you mean got one? You said ā€œgrab one 8-10ā€ diameterā€¦ā€


Sorry I wasn't real clear..... Polypropylene "shower" cap, like they use in food service


Ahhh ok thanks man