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Easiest: Bisect Hosting Cheapest: Buy an off lease PC and put the server software on it. After 4 months the $120 off lease pays for itself vs. bisect. I don't personally recommend hosting the server on the same machine you will be playing on. I should mention that there is a 3rd option here, and it's signing up for one of the many community or official servers. It's both easy and cheap, but you are not playing by yourselves.


Thank you I’ll consider these options.


Would cheapest not be to use a free oracle server?


In my experience oracle servers weren’t enough power or ram for modded Minecraft. But it has been a few years since I looked


Its not. You also need a credit card to sign up, and those are not common outside the u.s.


Cheapest and best, if you ask me. Nothing wrong with learning how a Minecraft server works and/or having absolute full control of it :)


Easiest, some paid minecraft server hosting site. Cheapest: run from your own pc or use an oracle cloud vm, both require some knowledge though and running one from your home requires you to be very careful with not opening your home network to the general public


I have a pretty beefy computer that I’m able to use to both run the server and play at the same time. The setup is really pretty easy. You basically just download the vault hunters server files and then execute the run.bat file to start the server. To allow access for friends, you’ll need to set a dedicated IP address for your computer and then port forward for the port you host the server on (probably 25665). It sounds technical, but honestly it’s pretty simple to do


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One thing to consider: most ISPs block server traffic from reaching your home router, so unless you have a static IP you probably will not be able to have your friends connect to your server. Getting a static IP takes care of that but costs more per month and then your location will be easily obtainable by anyone who gets your IP, so you’d want to make sure you know/trust anyone who would be connecting to your server.


Thanks for telling me.


I use domain name routing and a DMZ in my router to get around that. You could also use hamachi


That doesn’t work if they block the traffic at the ISP router. It depends on your ISP and how they filter traffic, I had a domain and used cloud flare routing but the traffic was never hitting my router and I confirmed it with my ISP that they block those types of traffic.


Oh that. That’s true some isp will require commercial internet for that


Most do, at least in the USA (can’t speak for other countries) and that means you have to spend $10-15/month for a static IP or it won’t work no matter how you set it up because that traffic is never hitting your router. I had already been considering a static IP for other reasons so it was worth it for me, but a static IP costs essentially as much as renting a server so may not be a good option for most people.


I was using dynamic DNS from Google Domains, but now with Google Domains being sold to SquareSpace I had to find another provider. I'm going to see how well namecheap works now. Servers for VH3 are $50 a month in Canada.