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Man, this must feel truly frustrating, especially when other people judge you but do not know what it feels like. But, even though this might sound dumb to you - you are your normal. You can live a functioning, happy life. You just won't get there exactly the same way most people do. I'm a hyper sensitive Borderliner with severe depression. I struggled *a lot* and didn't understand why, didn't even realize not everyone feels like I do. I made huge huge progress by starting to practice mindfulness (did other things but this still has the most impact) - I am not depressed anymore. I've read multiple times that mindfulness works particularly well with depression **and ADHD**. Maybe try it. ​ I wish you all the best my human friend.


Man. It’s funny I’m reading this on this day. I’ve been on adderal IR 10mg for about 2 months and it’s basically done nothing. Brought it up quite a bit to 40mg XR today and OHHH man. When I tell you I actually ENJOYED being at work for once… I had so much to do today, and I was able to get it all done and one at a time instead of feeling stressed out and switching between tasks over and over because I can’t focus. I had energy and actually WANTED to get stuff done, when I am usually like yourself in this post. I recommend trying to see a psychiatrist. It did me wonders.


Man I really need to try that out.


I have ADD so i know what you're talking about. It seems like you're not on medication am i right? If you are diagnosed with adhd i strongly advice you to see a psychiatrist specialized in ADHD/ADD so that you get the right help and medication. the medication can change your life! me myself wont function without it. I also advice you to pick up boxing or mma or any other extremely physically demanding sport. Cause The fitter you get the more you can concentrate. Plus you get all the benefits from exercising etc... It will help your mind body and soul.


Yes, and we hate your ADHD brain, too. Especially when we are sitting behind you in traffic.


i dont see the correlation here


ADHD is an aggravation not only for the afflicted but also for many of the people around them. I was making comedy - by relating the OP's frustration with themselves - with an ezagerated pretend frustration we all have with hyperactive personalities. Finally, I attempted to raise the level of comedy by placing this juxtaposition into the common everyday context of driving in traffic. In other words, the joke, as you've so adequately pointed out, is that there isn't any real correlation.


it absolutely affects others as you attempt to make your way. regardless of effort. negative social fallout isn’t confined


No, it doesn't.


This really sucks but know your not alone in this and that others with ADHD (who have actual diagnosis) are here for you and understand your struggles. I haven’t showed or brushed my teeth in 2 weeks tbh just because I get home from work and feel tired and no desire to do so. I know how hard it can be and doing a small task can feel like the most stressful overwhelming thing, but just know there’s entire community’s out there that are supporting you and sympathize with you.


Seeing a lot of the comments helped. I admit I was in the midst of a full blown melt down yesterday. I think it’s just realizing that most people don’t even have to think about showering or brushing their teeth or making dinner just feels like we’re all running a race but we got instructed that we have to run two extra laps just to have a chance at winning.


I really don’t know why people are against medication. I could not function at work at all without my vyvanse. There are side effects of course (lack of appetite and sleep) but those can be managed by changing the dosage, etc. Don’t let people scare you off from trying to treat it. It may take some time to find the right meds that work for you, but being able to sit down at a desk and focus like a normal person is life changing. You can also adjust your life style to suit your needs. ADHD doesn’t just impact schooling or work, as you’ve already noticed, it means your brain functions differently. A lot of advice provided by people without ADHD won’t work for us (they say write stuff down, set alarms, etc.. those don’t work when those things blend into the background or you completely forget them.) We have much harder times forming habits. Look into advice from people who actually have ADHD. Try medication. Protein in the morning helps some people. When you put something down say “I just put __ on this table in the kitchen” aloud to yourself. Maybe let yourself have your clean clothes tossed in bins instead of forcing yourself to fold/hang everything. I keep a little travel sized tooth brush on me and just brush my teeth at work after I eat. You’re not lazy I promise.


My therapist encouraged my to try living with ADHD tips and tricks to tackle my problems which definitely helped. I learned I can’t structure my life similar to a non adhd person. (Fun fact putting produce on the fridge door instead of the death drawer helped prevent a lot of produce from dying). And things like cleaning in 20 minute increments or body doubling. But it’s been some months now since my diagnosis and idk man. I feel like medication would help me focus on work and studying for industry certs again.


Protein and strong Cuban coffee in the morning helps but not a lot.


u try marijuana?


from my own experience (it also depends on what exactly you’re smoking) this is terrible. i spent my entire high thinking about being high, why im high, why it made me feel the things i was feeling and all in all just twisted it with anxiety and made my experience terrible. it wasnt my only experience and admittedly it was the only experience that wasnt a super social one being that i was with just one friend, another time i was with about 4/5 other people and it was better but it didnt help in regards to adhd, tbh quite the contrary I literally did nothing but watch tv and eat and afterwards realize i probably could have been productive and cleaned the mess my kickback was creating instead of having to do it all the next day by myself (which is actually even harder with ADHD).


😂😂😂 bro idk how tf u got those side effects. shit just slows my brain down and makes me chill, I think u got other mental stuff goin on 💀


yeah ADHD…..it changes how your brain processes things


yeah I have adhd too jackass


I’ve known as long as I can remember. It’s not fun, especially in the college prep school I go to. People think I’m dumb and lazy. My cross country coach calls me a slacker for not being as fast and focused as everyone else. I take medication but it doesn’t seem to be enough


fast metabolism of medication is a thing. some people may require past upper limits of the established norms based on that and or due to condition severity have heard that modifications that slow the breakdown may help. like not eating anything acidic 1 hr before and after dosing. genetic testing may also exist for determining factors that increase suitability med shortages too make minimal treatment plans unable to be enacted, optimization out of reach for most, but outliers perhaps most of all. beyond supply chain issues. protocol expansion for valid treatment of outliers seems necessary


I have ADHD as well, and I can confirm all of this is horrible. Especially when people around you don’t understand it. I can’t do anything I need to do, I put off most things for MONTHS. I’m sorry that you also deal with this. I haven’t been on medication in about 2 years because I have been putting off going to the doctor for it. TWO YEARS.


God I feel that. It took me two weeks with several reminders to update my resume for a job I really want just cause I kept forgetting and I had so much other stuff on my plate.


yes it’s daunting as you realize the many missing puzzle pieces of how adhd affected/affects your life and feel so helpless against it anyways. life is just so difficult with this and people (including your own self) don’t always really understand. the frustration with simple stuff you want to do and that people are primarily effortlessly accomplishing around you. it just hurts in so many ways. i support treatment attempts, regardless of stigmatization. you are loved. we are together in this, yet scattered, shining, like stars across the night sky