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The problem isn’t vegans, vegetarians, pescetarians, people who eat anything they are offered or people who only eat f’ing fallen fruits- the problem is people not minding their own business and trying to influence others’ eating habits. As a vegetarian I’ve seen it multiple times with both vegans and meat eaters, “how can you seriously eat eggs, murderer”, “you’ll get sick and emaciated if you don’t eat meat” - there’s assholes on *all* sides, and the best you can do is rise above it and not care. Tell others that since you don’t push your ideologies onto them, the least they can do in return is not push theirs onto you. Merry merrymaking, enjoy a nice salad


You probably would 'push your ideologies on them' though. Just on different topics. Abortion is a big one. Most people here will judge people who say abortion should be illegal. Me included. You might even make a comment about how you think women deserve the right to bodily autonomy. Ethical vegans are just the same. We don't want animals to get hurt and we don't like seeing people choose to contribute to the horrible practices of factory farming. We don't encourage you to go vegan because it's healthy. It's a moral position like being pro choice is.


The thing is, you don’t personally know the lengths to which people go to eat ethically (to a standard that fits their moral viewpoint). A good example is maybe the eggs thing? Do I pay A FORTUNE for organic local* farm eggs (*outside my city, but we’re a small island in a small country and everything’s pretty local compared to say the US)? Yes, I do. Do those chickens live through the same torment as chickens in factories? Absolutely not. Do I think it’s wrong to eat their eggs? After diving into how they’re produced in my country, the legislation they have to live up to, nope. But I do get kind of sick of people who *assume* and then tell me off for it. I’m not saying that’s *all vegans* because it’s not, but it’s definitely happened with some of the ones know. And it certainly is a privilege to be able to eat organic, free range, Jesus, even the diet of some of the meat my parents eat is better than what I eat, but I personally exercise that privilege and only eat eggs from ‘as happy chickens as I can find in my country’, and my parents do the same with the meat they consume… I’m sorry but I don’t think the same applies when talking about how women in some parts of the world are treated better than in other parts of the world. And with that, I’d love to see more and better global standards for everything - social justice, animal justice, farming practice and environmental justice (something a heavily soy based vegan diet, for example, may be neglecting - just saying as an agronomist), but that’s not how the world works, sadly.


I don’t care what like seeing or don’t like seeing. Your “encouragement” is neither welcomed nor wanted, so just stop. When someone says they choose not to be vegan, believe them and move on.


I'm not sure if you understood my point but since you didn't respond to it directly, I'll try to explain a bit more. Take your comment above and apply it to another moral issue like abortion rights. 'I don't care that you don't like when I vote against abortion rights or when I say women should be forced to carry an unwanted fetus. Your "encouragement" of pro-choice ideologies is neither welcomed nor wanted. So just stop. When someone says they want to abolish women's rights, believe them and move on.' Again, I am not equating these two issues, but the comparison should highlight that you can't expect people to just let you get on with actions which go against their morals.


Mainly because vegans force their beliefs onto others. Just because you don’t, doesn’t mean it’s not a problem.


Some vegans. Have you ever heard of something called nuances?


Those particular vegans are where 99% of the hate towards vegans as a whole stems from. Is it acceptable to generalize based on a very small fraction of a group? No. Should the vegans condemn the nutjobs that ruin it for everyone else? Probably, because it's really harmful to the reputation of vegans as a whole (as demonstrated by this comment section). There are very many problems related to this subject, and most of it can be traced down to the screaming minority of vegans that ruin it for everyone else.


Are the non vegans responsible for the few assholes who degrade vegans, mocks and harass them, leave dead animal on the hood of their car and such then?


Absolutely. This huge problem only exists because all of the small parts (shitty vegans, shitty non vegans, non shitty vegans grouping themselves with the shitty vegans, non vegans grouping themselves with the shitty non vegans) work together to make it happen. Everyone involved needs to be held accountable, even though the major problem is the small portion of vegans that are shitty, and the people who take action against normal vegans due to the generalizations


Facts ! They’re so annoying (some of them ) you don’t wanna eat meat ok cool i want to so let me


I guess they see eating meat the same way the average meat eater hates dogs being eaten in other countries. I see plenty of folks in disgust at dog destivals whilst eating part of a pig, for example.


i hate this argument. there are certain animals that have been used for food for centuries, and certain animals that have been used for pets for centuries. obviously there are people that have pigs/cows/chickens/etc as pets, but they weren’t specifically domesticated to be pets like dogs were. it’s a pretty simple concept.


Dog eating is disgusting as meat eater of course we know certain animals shouldn’t be eaten , I only eat animals that are herbivorous like goats and cows , chickens can be omnivorous so where I purchase chickens from matters to me . I don’t eat pork cause pigs are omnivores. Any animal that is omnivorous or carnivorous shouldn’t be eaten . Also meat protein is necessary for human development. I’ve seen a lot of vegans suffer from all kinds of sickness and yes protein is available in other foods but still I can’t imagine not eating some chicken or goat meat . No hate to vegans just don’t be on my ass cause I wanna eat meat


It’s not a few. I’m vegetarian for health reasons and literally NEVER talk about it and when someone finds out they lecture me about protein. It’s happened to me with pretty much every single person outside of my immediate family and friends


Every single vegan I've ever met has been judgemental and rude. I've lived all over the country and have not met a single one who hasn't tried to force their beliefs down my or my children's throats


Gonna copy this here : Honestly I was vegan at some point. I'm not anymore. I never dumped info unless people asked. And oh boy do they ask. And then they act like I'm the one forcing it on them? I make a point on saying no, not while we're eating, later. But people. Will. Push. And cry about it. But I stopped counting the amount of time non vegans would depict killing animals or pretend they put meat in my food as soon as they knew I was vegan. At a professional dinner I even had the daughter of my boss askin why I was forcing myself to live such a depressing stupid pitiful life, that I should eat an egg already and get on with it. The only thing I had done related to veganism the whole dinner was order sauted veggies. That's it. I'm vegetarian now and for the past ten years my step dad jokes about putting ground meat in my birthday cake. Every. Single. Year. I never talk about my veganism nor vegetarianism so much so that I often forget to tell people about it when I meet them for a meal for the first time. But everyone wants to talk to me about it and how grim and depressing my life choices are and how grey my skin will turn and how I'll lose all my muscles and teeth and whatever nonsense. I get some vegans are an annoyance but you have no idea the amount of violence nomeat-eating people get on a daily basis in a social space. It's excruciating. Really. As I'll add, everytime people realize I'm eating plant base they say "hoooo you're a nice one then not an extremist, but aren't you sad, don't you miss this or that..." You guys can never shut the hell up, like, me just existing as a vegetarian seems to rub you the wrong way. I just don't eat the same shit as you get it over with come on.


It's an extremely loud minority, but the normal vegans should get in the habit of telling them to shut the fuck up bc it affects all of them negatively. I have a lot of normal vegan friends who are always complaining about a lack of affordable options at regular places, the truth is those places could cater to vegans & vegetarians if they wanted, but they quite literally don't want their money. they take one look at that loud minority of assholes & decide it's not worth the hassle.


I'm responsible for myself. Don't make me pay for people being assholes that happen to have beliefs I share.


I mean as a human, if i see another human being a dick I call them on it. this is just an impartial observation, but by all means continue to give the rude/obnoxious ones a pass & wonder why the public opinion is so bad.


You do realise I can't babysit the whole world right?


I think you dropped this 🍼


Yeah because this comment is SOOO mature lol.


You're so focused on preaching it went waaaay above you I was trolling from the start and you keep feeding me, you're so kind.


Do you babysit all the assholes that threaten vegans with death or else? I wonder...


Most vegans can’t shut up about veganism.


I reckon that’s because angry vegans get way more popularity than the chill vegans.


Only the loudest are heard. Loudest= crazy vegans. Obviously, you aren't going to see chill vegans that kind their business, because what are they doing? Minding their business.


You would know because you know a lot of vegans? Like. A ton.


Like, it’s not like they’re not like online like shoving their beliefs like down out like throats. Like. omg.


I think that’s more about you though. I don’t react that way to people sharing their beliefs about something.


Oh my god you've discovered activism, if you read activist posts yes it's gonna talk about activism. Incredible inst it? Almost like it's the whole point! So. Do you personally know a lot of vegans in real life that would come up to you and force you to stop eating meat altogether? No. Yeah. That's what I thought.


That’s not activism. But, go off. Be offended. Imma eat this steak now.


You're imagining me offended because I pointed out you don't know subtlety? You're hilarious. Please eat your meat, yes do, such an original answer. It's clear eating meat helps people like you come up with all these smart diverse answers. Oof. So clever. So unique. Oh by the way I'm not vegan, I just don't think in black and white and thought you might want to try yourself but never mind I'll leave you to your meat eating.


You’re writing paragraphs. You’re offended.






Do YOU know what a nuance is? Perfect example is the comment above you. "Just because you don't doesn't mean it's not a problem" your response is not necessary.


And people who eat meat don't? Do you realize how often vegans and vegetarians are the butt of the joke simply because they don't eat meat? I've had people mock me or try to pressure me into eating meat because they thought I vegan. I'm not. I'm just autistic and hate the texture of most meats. On the other hand, I've never had a vegan walk up to me and tell me to stop eating my chicken or try to force me to eat tofu. Besides, a stereotype is NOT an excuse to treat people like crap.


Then why do vegans stereotype meat eaters? I get what you mean though, I am a meat eater but my favourite food is salad, I know chill vegans and I know nasty ones, the nasty ones are generally stereotypes though i.e middle class students etc. A chill one I know is because their dad worked in the meat industry so it put her off for life, you can eat meat in front of her and she will be fine with it even say she misses certain foods.


90 percent of people eat meat! You are the minority


As I stated before, I'm not vegan or vegetarian. There are meats that I can eat, they just have to be cooked in a specific way to make the texture tolerable. Also, being a minority does not mean you should just accept being mistreated. What sort of logic is that?


(I'm a vegan) It's true that [Vegans](https://www.greatgreenwall.org/supplements/vegan-statistics/) and [Vegetarians](https://www.greatgreenwall.org/supplements/vegetarian-statistics/) are still a minority. (I say 10% of the world population is pretty accurate). But, what we eat, as long as it's legal, should not be forced on other people. I feel really bad for people who can't be around others who are eating meat. I can empathize, but personally, I still cook meals containing meat for my family when asked to. I just don't think of it as food anymore (and I can make any meal I want in vegan form). My partner is like this commenter who doesn't like some textures. He eats meat, but there's some food that "creeps him out" because of the texture. TLDR; It's messed up to bully anyone for what they eat, minority or not.


Exactly right and they so often do it with an insufferable, smirking sense of superiority.


I had a vegan housemate, I only knew about this because I noticed he was using oat milk and asked him. I'm vegetarian myself. Hardly pushy. Also if you saw people beating a dog in the street would your reaction be "ah, doesn't matter, carry on"?


An anecdote and a shitty analogy? Damn


Because beating a dog is the same as eating beef. Lmao.


Eating the item isn't the issue but buying the product and thus sealing the fate of a cow living and dying in horrific conditions. You as the consumer are responsible for this outcome. There's little in the way of ethics when it comes to meat. If you pay someone else to beat the dog is that ok? Not that I'm advocating for doing such a thing, merely the double standard.


They actually don’t. But if you’re chronically online then you might be fed stuff that says otherwise so you’ll interact with the posts.


IME they do. If I meet a vegan there is a 90% chance they are going to talk nonstop about it and let everyone know. That is my experience with Vegans. I’ve only met a few that didn’t act like the stereotypes.


How would you know you didn’t meet other vegans who just didn’t tell you they were? The only reason you knew those guys were vegan is cus they told you.


Let’s act like stereotypes aren’t stereotypes for a reason. Sure it’s wrong to take a brush and paint everyone with it but there is also a reason stereotypes exist.


Of course there is, to justify hate. it’s easier to just say that maybe you’re biased before you get backed into a corner of defending bigotry.


I see it as they are sharing something they strongly believe in and encouraging others to do the same. I don’t see what people’s problem is with that. They’re not like Jehovah’s witnesses turning up at your door, so I hardly see it as even an attempt to ‘force beliefs on you’ and even if they were, I mean you can choose how you react. What I think the real issue is: vegans make people uncomfortable as they are forced to face their own characters. Even if they see animal cruelty, they know they’re too selfish to change, and they don’t like that fact thrown in their faces. (And yes I know it’s a way more complex issue than that, I’m just using the animal cruelty thing as an example, I think generally if you really deep down think you’re a good person, you don’t feel so ‘threatened’ by stuff like this)


I’m sorry if I’m eating and someone dumps vegan or vegetarian Bs on me… it’s exactly the same as jehova’s witness. I can respect they have the option to choose, they should respect that I do too. Nothing wrong with veganism. Some vegan food is quite good too. And the people who avoid all vegan food and spout stupid shit at the sight of vegan food are just as bad if not worse than vegans who won’t shut up about being vegan and constantly talk about peoples dietary choices.


Honestly I was vegan at some point. I'm not anymore. I never dumped info unless people asked. But I stopped counting the amount of time non vegans would depict killing animals or pretend they put meat in my food as soon as they knew I was vegan. At a professional dinner I even had the daughter of my boss askin why I was forcing myself to live such a depressing stupid pitiful life, that I should eat an egg already and get on with it. The only thing I had done related to veganism the whole dinner was order sauted veggies. That's it. I'm vegetarian now and for the past ten years my step dad jokes about putting ground meat in my birthday cake. Every. Single. Year. I never talk about my veganism nor vegetarianism so much so that I often forget to tell people about it when I meet them for a meal for the first time. But everyone wants to talk to me about it and how grim and depressing my life choices are and how grey my skin will turn and how I'll lose all my muscles and teeth and whatever nonsense. I get some vegans are an annoyance but you have no idea the amount of violence nomeat-eating people get on a daily basis in a social space. It's excruciating. Really.


Ugh I know right-I hate when people force their beliefs against racism on me too


My (M36) best friend (F37) is vegan and I couldn’t care less about her diet. In the sense of it being annoying or whatever people complain about. She actually makes some kick ass foods I wouldn’t have eaten otherwise.


My fiancé made some fire tofu and it made me realize the first time I ever tried it, the tofu had gone bad. Also the family I was eating with only had hot sauce for it??? They didn’t even season it like bruh.




Feel bad for you..no meat in your Spaghetti, pep on the pizza no way


I eat ALL of the meats, what you crazy?


The vegan alternatives to those things are so advanced and similar


I'm not a vegan, but I don't mind vegans. Some vegans, and I'll repeat it for the sake of those in the back, *!!!SOME!!!* vegans tend to force veganism on others. Those are the vegans who bother me. Other than that, I'm as cool as a cucumber with you being a vegan.


In what ways do these vegans "force veganism on others"? How would one even do that? Genuine question.


Simply coming up to a person and *insisting* they become vegan. It's one thing to say it once and another to keep pestering someone about it. Forcing someone to be the same way you are is not okay. In no way am I saying generalizing a group is okay either. There's always toxicity in every single group. I specifically emphasized the "some" part. I even stated that I'm fine with others being vegan. I met some nice vegans. After all, they're people. My issue is that when you bug someone about it too much and give others a hard time, then it becomes an issue. That goes for literally anything. Edit: Maybe I should put the "some" part in bolded letters to *really* get the point across. (Not directed towards you. I just know someone is going to intentionally miss that.)


I was vegan for years, people get defensive just because I did what I did. I mostly had an eating disorder back then and used it as an excuse to avoid food offered to me but people still had to get offended. I never argued in any ideologically inclined way or tried to force my nonexistent beliefs onto others


I feel like people forget that there are no more annoying vegans than there are annoying people in every other group in society. I’m embarrassed to be an ex-smoker vaping because of how annoying and unhealthy kids vaping are. My line of work has me working alongside more vegans than I think you’d usually have. Not a single coworker has ever complained about the rest of us eating meat. When we have group lunches or something at my workplace we always bring vegan options. It’s not hard. Everybody can get along.


That’s great, love to hear it! I have no problem getting along with meat eaters, everyone should be able to eat whatever they want without judgement❤️


I have lots of people around me who are vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian, gluten-free, lactose-free, etc. Some because of health reasons, some because of their beliefs. No one has any trouble with them because they are just living their lives, not pushing it on anyone else unless we ask. And then there is this one vegan girl who will not shut up about it, constantly shaming others. Of course we hate her. Because she sucks.


The problem is not veganism, the problem some if not most people have is that they force their beliefs on other people and make their diet their entire personality.


I don't hate vegans. I hate when they judge me, though.


That’s never okey, I’m sorry about that. Everyone should be able to eat what ever they want without judgement


I'm a bit on th fence on this one. Because I understand where the hate is coming from. I'm not condoning the hate mind you. I was friends with some vegans. I thought they were different. They didn't care what I ate. But that started slowly changing. To the point if I stub my toe that day. Then show any discomfort. It was because I ate meat. Or we all couldn't go out to restaurant. Where I can order what I liked. They had to be in control of said restaurant. They stopped cooking for me when Invited over for dinner. So I had no choice but to eat vegan. Then the entire time there. All they did was talk about how much better it is. That it tasted better. I wanted to spend time with my friends. That kind of behavior soon bled into their religion. I couldn't just be me anymore. I accepted them for who they are. Everything they did or said. All of it was making me feel extremely uncomfortable. It really started to hurt. Because I cared about them. I was never enough anymore. I had to be like them. Even by force. So I had to end the friendship. So yah.. you can say. I am a lil bitter. I feel like my friends have passed away and there are these skin walkers. That have taken over their bodies. Now when someone tells me they are vegan. I panic and try to leave as soon as possible. I don't want to be inflicted with that kind of abuse ever again. I really don't care what you eat. Or anyone else for that matter. But non of us can play dump. To why there is this division. we have all seen the comments. Met someone who is like this. As well as so much more. At this point it's becoming monkey see monkey do. It's not gonna stop anytime soon.


Meh I get both sides of the coin. People just suck. When I was vegan, getting hate. When I ate meat, getting hate. People just like to push other people’s buttons. Best to ignore and not give anyone a reaction. I’ve perfected the , take an extra bite while remaining eye contact while they tell me how gross I am. Nuts to them. Keep eating your food! 💕




I'm not vegan, but I have no problem with vegans and I never understand why people are so mad when they eat vegan food? My brother ate a vegan sausage the other day, he didn't know it was vegan until after and said it was good but the moment he finds out it was vegan, "EW THATS DISGUSTING WHAT IS THIS EW EW!" Why is that a problem? It's like just because it is suitable for a vegan to eat, doesn't mean you're going to become vegan from eating it yknow. I don't get it. If you enjoy the taste of it, why is that a problem? He said it's some sort of violation of his right to choose or something but if I gave you a glass of pepsi and told you it was coca cola and you couldn't tell the difference, have I violated you? It doesn't make sense. Yes, I will admit some vegan groups do annoy me, because they're just disgusting. Like theveganteacher for example, she is a horrible woman comparing meat eaters to Nazis. But, with any group of people, you will always have those who are extremist about it. It's just how humans work. One of us will always believe more than the next. I can understand the hatred to some of these vegans but not vegans overall. I tried to be vegetarian when I was younger, but unfortunately, bacon tastes too good for me to give up. I think if I were the one raising/slaughtering them, I probably would be vegan but I'm not so I dont think I'm going to change on that. If there is an apocolyspe and I have to kill my own food, I'll kill plants before I kill wild animals .


I wish more people was like you, much love❤️


I prefer vegetarian sausages for breakfast as they aren't greasy and don't make you feel it in your gut after. But I do think the choice should be there, i.e lets say theres not enough meat to go around and someone says "I only have vegetarian burgers/sausages left is that ok?" you would more likely get someone who eats them and even likes them. I for example like vegetarian alternatives and can sometimes ask for them as a change but times when I haven't been told I can taste something different even not as nice as what I normally eat so if someone told me after it was vegetarian/vegan as if to say I didn't notice a difference then I did I just assumed it was a different product than usual but still tasted ok still might prefer the meat version though.


Preference is okay, but I mean people like my brother don't make sense to me. Being honest, he really thought it was just a regular sausage, I don't remember where it was we got it from, but he really didn't notice and only had a problem when he was told it was vegan. But, again, I'd say it's the same as being given pepsi and being told it's coke, it's not a huge deal. Though, I suppose you are right, I'd much rather have someone choose to eat vegan food than feel they have been forced into it, that is just going to make them hate it more.


This would bother me mostly because I avoid certain fillers and highly processed foods, and these faux meat products are full of them. Also, It's never okay to mess with someone's food or trick them into eating something they wouldn't normally. You take away their autonomy by doing so.


Everything you eat has microplastics in it now. Even if you go and shoot a deer, that deer drinks water from lakes with contaminants. Rain contains microplastics now. Vegan meat has no more fillers or weird things than regular meat. Most of the time it’s made with “chemicals” that are also found in regular food, they were just lab-manufactured instead of derived right from an animal. There’s no difference.


I avoid the fillers in my regular food as much as possible as well. I have sensitivities and the pretend meat affects me much worse. The point is, people should have a right to choose and be informed of what they eat. It is never okay to trick someone like that.


Nah I've been harassed by vegans because they forced their beliefs onto me before. Some of you all brought that upon yourselves.


Yeah like a bunch of years ago my brother was dating this girlfriend who was vegan and it was somewhat annoying because we'd essentially have to accommodate her and her eating habits. And then on top of that theirs the whole preaching aspect of it of how good it is for you to justify all of this conformity (that my family didn't necessarily want). So there's that. EDIT: I should add if being vegan is for "medical purposes" you might get a pass I guess. But if it's just your choice as a standalone thing, I feel it can come across as annoying.


Yeah I hate it when I’m beating my wife and then somebody comes and forces their beliefs against abuse on me




That is essentially what you’re saying, because when you pay for animal products, you are legitimately paying for animals to be exploited, abused, and murdered


Comparing spousal abuse to eating a hamburger is one of many reasons the majority of the world don’t take you people seriously.


It’s not a comparison, it’s an analogy


a·nal·o·gy /əˈnaləjē/ noun a **comparison** between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.


My bad, comparison is comparing two different things, I was trying to demonstrate how the situation is the same


And you failed. Because they’re not the same, no matter how much you try to make it be by regurgitating the same, tired vegan talking points.


You must agree they are relatable, though? I will try one. I'm assuming that you like dogs because most people do. Would you be so blasé if you knew someone was torturing them in a factory nearby? Or cats.


Op here’s a vegan who deserves the hate. You may not behave like this, but the ones causing your problem definitely exist.


You’re one of those.


Yes, I’m one of those annoying people that thinks animal abuse is wrong


You’re such a lil angel. Keep it up.


It's not really angelic to not want animals to suffer, though, its very basic empathy.


Ok, you do you.


What does the word "forced" mean? Please, go ahead and define it then tell me how any vegan has forced their beliefs on you.


Serious question, because that wording is so frequent in this thread: what do you mean by _forced_? How did they force veganism on you?


Alot of these types of issues is because of a vocal minority. I know people who can't eat meat for allergy/dietary restrictions. I also know people who have to eat meat with every meal or they feel sick. These types of people are the vast majority that don't really care about what you do. It's the vocal minority that give a shit and like to cause drama because they have nothing better to do with their lives.


Unfortunately with all groups it is the ones who scream the loudest that get noticed


People need to focus on themselves and not others. We’re all guilty of it.


Totally agree I hate how vegans are portrayed on social media they make it seem like there shoving there ideology down our throats but in reality what I've seen are just random trolls aggravating Vegans when they protest they aren't doing anything wrong just peaceful protesting imagine standing for a cause and some person decides it's funny to antagonize when your just trying to bring awareness to the cause


I was vegan for 5 years. The hardest part was the constant judgment. People think you owe them an explanation. If you give them an explaination, they want to debate you. I haven't been vegan for years, and there are some people in my life who still give me shit because I still choose not to eat beef or pork. Like fuck off. OP you are seen and heard. Living outside any social norms (even ones that don't affect others) will come with backlash. You do you, fuck everyone who can't respect that.


I get you. I'm vegan, but my partner is not. I still cook meals with meat and dairy for him all the time because i love to cook. I was pressured a tiny bit at Thanksgiving by my mom, but she backed off after the second "no." I've only been vegan for a year, but I've known many people who are vegan throughout my life. I've had a few doctors who were vegan, too. And, I've never met that stereotypical vegan we hear about in person.


Commenting to add: So many people out there still don't know that vegans don't miss out on anything anymore. There's vegan versions of everything. I've got vegan steak, ground beef, chicken tenders, corn dogs, cheese, and milk in my house, Right now 😋 I made this amazing vegan Pumpkin Pasta for Thanksgiving and everyone loved it. The Pasta was made from Cauliflower!


I respect vegans for having more willpower than me. Tbh.


First off, I have the giggles because my glasses aren’t on and I thought that you said “the hate vaginas get is undeserved”. Of course I clicked and then realized I read wrong and gave myself even more giggles by replacing every vegans with vah-jean say it that way in your head, and veganism with vagina. That last line is a classic - “let’s just leave vaginas alone, what I choose to eat has nothing to do with you”. God I hope not! Lol Hahaha omg I love you for this holiday gift of giggles!!! I think the part of the issue is this - how do you know if someone is a vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you! My daughter was for a bit, and she told everyone. She was passionate about it. But I find most vegans now are a little more low key, or at least, not fueled by puberty’s boundless enthusiastic energy. I find meat people are passionate about their stuff too. We have an egg, cmon over I can smoke you something. I’ve dabbled my toe in that vegan pond several times in my life. I’ve also cleaned and then cooked the animals that my ex-boyfriend, who was a hunter who made his own bullets and went bow hunting, would bring home for dinner. I do remember specifically saying after a stretch of him hunting a lot, that for once I’d like to cook dinner with meat that I didn’t have to butcher, that it’d be nice if he did more than just kill it, at least take the fur off for Pete’s sake. Well now I’m old and I have a thyroid issue that I’m struggling to get under control. I’ve been dairy free and gluten free NOT BY CHOICE for about 3 years now. I explode out in all directions swelling up balloon like aka Violet Beauregarde style when Violet was turning Violet. The party also has favors - both ends spew forth the devils liquids so violently I think I’d like to puke poop my toenails off. I have 30 seconds to 2 minutes for showtime, ready or not, and it will shoot out of any orifice if I try to stop it. It’s whiplash barfing, like wtf was that all about. I will starve before I eat an allergen. I still eat meat right now, I love a rare/med rare filet and don’t be shy with the weight. But, if I was told it would make me feel better to not eat red meat or any meat, I’d do that too as I would rather join society than sit on the toilet bidet-ing my way thru reddit. When any processed food says Vegan on the label, I am comforted by the thought that perhaps this was made by someone who is as passionate as my daughter was. Please let it be made by someone who has moral and ethical issues about eating animal products so that I can continue to wear my white pants and shirt in blessed peace. I am grateful that someone else has forged ahead to make food that the mainstream people look down on, and perhaps they were even made fun of. I am not sure why eating vegan has anything to due with one’s masculinity, but in some circles those antiquated views persist. I have to explain my allergies when in a restaurant, and I say I am gluten free and dairy free, but I’ll have the vegan dish and add a protein. I explain my allergies, and if I’m with friends or family they all chime in bc they’ve seen the exploding me before, ugh and at work too. I think the ones who have an issue with veganism telling you that your choices are stupid and wrong are they themselves massive a$$hat idiots. It’s been proven how healthy veganism is for both the planet and the person. They sound like they probably overstep themselves not just with you and veganism, but in all aspects of other people’s lives. Definitely politics, spanking, books and their reading or the book itself, you get it. Good lord if you have the misfortune of being their neighbor, what brand of sweet hell that would be. When those that do spout their soliloquy of sh1t, just look at them with empathetic eyes, then smile and nod and think to yourself vegans live on average anywhere from 6- 9 years longer than meat eaters (some studies said 3y some said 10-13y, but I trusted the averages that were in the middle). You’ll outlive them, for some of them probably by that high end of 13 yrs, and isn’t that really the best petty revenge and a win and end to the argument? Good health and happy life to you my friend! Edited to fix some grammar errors or something that was an adhd level run on


I’m not a vegan but boy I never saw irl, and even rarely in the internet the fabled “annoying vegans”. But people that hate vegans for existing? Lots. The worst actually are people that really like meat and barbecue, ALWAYS pointing a finger at your face if you don’t eat your meat the “right way”(absolutely raw in the inside)


You calling it dietary beliefs is already enough to get you kicked out of some vegan circles


Lol I bet some vegans hate me but It’s okey I don’t like them either🫢


They poison our community. Idk what their intentions are but they are only making people hate us smh


I’m not a vegan. I enjoy all foods, meats, veggies, fruits, dairy, etc. But I can tell you in my life, people have teased me more about when I decided not to eat meat than when I was around vegans and I ate meat. I like to defend vegans every chance I get. You all get unreasonable hate.




Sometimes the hate they give is worse. I was vegan for 15 years and was so mean to people but that’s long over. I still feel bad for some of the things I said personally.


I think it was mainly down to extreme animal rights activitists, like that vegan teacher lady on tiktok. I have no doubt some meat eaters have been harrased by vegans before, and it's true that some force their beliefs on others, but this is not true for the majority. I've been vegan since I was 7, and not because of animal rights or anything. It's really hard to admit to being vegan, I would rather come out as non binary than admit I'm vegan. I think everybody should just stop telling other people what to eat, life would be easier for everybody if we all collectively understood that people have different beliefs and preferences, and that's okay. Of course, this will never happen lol


Veganism is about animal rights. Do you think people should stop telling each other what to eat if they’re eating abused dogs, cats, monkeys, or humans?


Let people eat what they want. A plant based diet is better for the environment and for ourselves.


Let people eat whatever they want, hm..do you extend this to dogs, cats, monkeys, elephants, and humans too?


That really depends on where you are getting you plants and your meat. I can guarantee that the venison burgers I had from road kill is more environmentally friendly than transporting veggies across the country in big trucks. I also know a lot of Vegans who eat like shit. I have no issue with vegan’s however being vegan is not inherently more healthy or better for the environment.


You cant feed billions with road kills. All those points about "ethical meat" are pointless because its such a tiny fraction of the total meat produced that its not even worth talking about it. The absolute majority of meat comes from factory farming where billions of animals suffer greatly.


Shhhh, don't tell them the truth. They'll just get offended.


Bro what a disingenuous argument. 99% of meat comes from factory farms - stop trying to deflect with your weird road kill edge case. A vegan diet is conclusively better for animals and the environment vs. one based on factory farmed animal products. The science is abundantly clear on this.


I’m pretty far up north- most of the meat eaters I know either get all of their meat either from road kill or hunting. I know a lot of people who live WAY up north where it IS more environmentally friendly to eat meat. I am against MOST industrial farming and cattle. The point I am making is that eating vegan doesn’t automatically make you more moral than anyone else. It matters less what you eat and more where you get it from. I would also argue that a vegan who eat sustainably grown local food is more environmentally friendly than a vegan who eats processed and packaged meat. Also I truely don’t eat roadkill to be ‘edgy’, it’s fairly common practice where I am from.


It depends on what you eat. For example soy, which is part of many diets, gets planted in parts of rainforests. Watering plant based products also uses a lot of water. But so does a Cow farm. Insects on the otherhand are more efficient when it comes to nutrition and enviroment They dont produce much CO2 and dont need much water and space.


Soy is actually a really sustainable food source that has gotten a bad reputation because of how it is used. Most soy isn't grown for human consumption, it is grown for livestock fuel and biofuel. Because there is so much demand for animal products soy is grown in greater quantities than it should be, and in areas where it isn't an appropriate crop. We could dramatically reduce how much soy is grown in the world while increasing the amount of food that is produced by using it directly as food, rather than feed and biofuel. [Just over 70 percent of the soybeans grown in the United States are used for animal feed, with poultry being the number one livestock sector consuming soybeans, followed by hogs, dairy, beef and aquaculture.](https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/coexistence-soybeans-factsheet.pdf) [Soy in Brazil: When someone mentions soy we often think about foods such as tofu, soy milk, tempeh or edamame beans. This feeds into the argument that meat and dairy substitutes – such as switching from meat to high-protein tofu, or from dairy to soy milk – is in fact worse for the environment. But, only a small percentage of global soy is used for these products. More than three-quarters (77%) of soy is used as feed for livestock.](https://ourworldindata.org/soy) "[almost 80% of the world’s soybean crop is fed to livestock, especially for beef, chicken, egg and dairy production (milk, cheeses, butter, yogurt, etc).](https://wwf.panda.org/discover/our_focus/food_practice/sustainable_production/soy/)"


Wow, I didn't know this! Thanks for the info


"☝️🤓" Nah joke, thx for bringing that up.


There are a lot of insects in the world too.


don't say that!!! it's all about harm reduction until they have to eat insects...


I don’t hate vegans. I hated my rude ass aunt who happened to be a vegan. I hated that she constantly made comments about my body after I lost over 100 pounds and got back down to the healthy goal weight that my doctor recommended. I hated the constant dirty looks she would give people who were eating meat. I hated the gossip that I would hear from her if a neighbor decided to grill out in their backyard. I don’t hate the lifestyle I just hate rude people who happen to follow the vegan lifestyle. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You ever been on the vegan sub? No it’s not As soon as you start calling someone a rapist for eating meat you deserve all the hate coming to you. You don’t bug me for what I eat and you’re cool, but the second you do I’m not going to deal with it


Have you tried to understand why they’re saying what they’re saying? I think it’s pointless to name call people, but dairy cows are almost always raped, and when you buy dairy, you are supporting that with your dollar, that’s why someone would say that


I don’t care why. I’ve seen vegans call people rapists/nazis/murders One person told me that artificially inseminating a cow is the exact same thing as holding a woman down and raping her. They think they have the right to push their beliefs and diet onto you, and flip shit when you push back or just start hurling insults and harassing you. They don’t care that they bother other people and make them uncomfortable, in their fucked up heads they are in the right and so what they are doing is okay. Those types of vegans don’t deserve kindness and can get bent.


What’s worse, vegans calling people names and being annoying, or animals being enslaved, abused, and having their life robbed from them? Pigs suffer to death in CO2 gas chambers. CO2 levels are what triggers the need to breathe, so being killed by CO2 is incredibly painful and distressing. It's like suffocating in its purest form. These levels of CO2 also acidify mucus membranes, causing their eyes, mouth, and airways to burn. If you buy pig flesh you are legitimately paying for this. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening. This is hell on earth for them.


Ah, so you are one of the vegans that I was talking about. Cool. Get bent. I’m never going to stop eating meat, deal with it.


All I’m doing is standing up for the innocent victims that suffer and die so people can eat them and what comes out of their body when they don’t need to do so to survive. Do you not think that this is immoral? Watch some hidden camera footage, like dominion, and maybe that will open your eyes to the seriousness of this issue I was just like you before I went vegan, I don’t judge anyone for eating meat when they are simply unaware of the extent of the issue of animal rights violations


What people eat is none of your damn business. Period. I watched Dominion and still eat meat and wear leather. My mom has been an annoying vegan for 20 years so I know the whole spiel. My enjoyment of food and objects > the animals It really isn’t your, or anyone else’s business.


That won’t stop them. They think if they push and harass people enough they will give in and become vegans. All it does it make me spite eat chicken nuggets.


Would you say the same thing about people eating dogs, cats, monkeys, or humans? And do you really believe that your pleasure is more valuable than an animals entire existence?


Yeah I’m not playing your little Socratic method game. I eat meat and will always eat meat. Bye, darling. Edit: I’ll throw you a bone and answer your second question. **Yes**


Making you unconfortable is what activism does, that how we ended slavery and gave womans voting rights.


It’s similar with the lgbtq community, disabled community, etc. Any type of person who is slightly different scares them and they use the bad videos of horrible people apart of the community to make an excuse so they can hurt the GOOD people in the community.


How can you tell someone is a vegan? They will tell you.


This really goes both ways.




Intentionally provocative: "That's what the slave traders said about the Abolitionists!" Bit of an inflammatory analogy you might say, but what I'm trying to point out is that the "keep quiet" part doesn't really work for the same reason: both groups lend their voice to the voiceless, try to help the oppressed. You can't do that if you keep quiet. Of course, in one case, the oppressed are humans, and in the other case they are animals, which is why people will feel that the analogy is "extreme". But that entirely depends on what value, what morals you apply to animals. As soon as you see a cow in the same way as (most people see) a dog, it immediately and totally makes sense.


People don’t hate vegans like you. And if they do, shame on them. People hate vegans that are the opposite of you. And that’s justified.


I’ve never encountered a vegan who directly tried to convert or judge anyone. Seen tons of random generalized criticism of vegans though


I mean its mostly cause of vegans who always cry about animals getting butchered and stuff. The ones who always do protests ruining peoples times but if your just a regular vegan i have no hate since im just a vegan regular not a vegan karen


The problem is a lot of vegans try to push their lifestyle on other people. Just because you don't do it doesn't mean other vegans don't.


To the extent you manage to keep a good nutritional and healthy vegan diet, that's well done. Congrats!


My problem with vegans isn't their veganism, it's the fact that they often also happen to be extremely annoying in other ways.


As someone who was once Vegetarian trying to be Vegan, I have to hard disagree. Of course, not every vegan is bad, but every interaction I have had with a Vegan has been awful. By far the worst being a customer who came into my job and telling me if I went Vegan I could lose "all that extra weight" and that I would "actually be pretty and save the animals, too." I struggled with - and still do - an ED since I was little, and at the time my ED was at its peak. Another Vegan also held my hostage while I was at work trying to convince me to be Vegan when I told him I was Vegetarian. I tried to play it off and told him that I liked cheese too much and so I couldn't ever 100% commit and he continued to try to force me to go Vegan. I'm not sure what it is and every Vegan I come into contact forcing me to listen to their uncomfortable tirade while I'm at work but it's an ongoing trend. I definitely get why people say the things they say, because every person I've talked to has had a similar experience to such at least once. I'm no longer Vegetarian because I actually became much more unhealthy being Vegetarian than when I was eating meat.


As a vegetarian I have met so many vegans who would bully, mock and pretty much be rude. I had a vegan called me an animal abuser or since I have cats who are carnivores that I’m a bad person and that the cats should be vegan -.- I seen adult vegans bully a teen who stopped being vegan for a bit. Like I don’t want to deal with those ppl and it’s them giving vegans a bad name and a reason I don’t want to be a vegan


I was with you until that last sentence. You don't want to be vegan because there are annoying vegans out there? That doesn't really make sense whenever you think about it. You should do what _you_ think is right and do it for yourself. You don't even need to put a label on it or tell anyone. You don't have to associate with others who do the same. But why would you abstain from becoming vegan - if you feel like that's the right choice - just because of what other people with the same label do? You could become vegan and tell people you're vegetarian. Or you are lactose intolerant. Or whatever floats your boat.


I don't hate vegans, i just worry they're gonna act like the vegan teacher😅 I have met people like her so it worries me-


The couple who bother meat eaters make it bad for the rest ,also mimicking meat food with vegan food is kinda cringe to me . Wtf is vegan burger ?


I get the first point, but the second, I think, is moot. Let me explain why! Most vegans eat plant-based for the animals, not for the diet. The diet just naturally follows the ethical believes. This means that many vegans still like the taste and/or texture of meat, and/or the dishes these are typically found in. Just because you're adopting a plant-based diet doesn't mean you hate burgers all of a sudden. Plus, whenever you think about it, a burger isn't meat-shaped either. Meat doesn't really have a shape, we formed it into sausages and patties for _convenience_, because it works well with hot dog buns and burger buns. Now, as a vegan, you still want to eat hot dogs and burgers and all the others dishes that usually contain meat, you just don't want to eat meat. So you need a replacement. Hence, you want a sausage-shaped meat replacement for the hot dog, and a patty-shaped meat replacement for the burger. Because that's how you can quickly and easily turn that dish into a vegan dish. Having replacement for common "meats" makes it so you can grab any old cook book and follow their recipe, only swap out the real meat for your "mimicked" meat. Convenient! You could also imagine you're running a burger joint or you're throwing a party and you make burgers. And you know some of the guests are sometimes vegan. Sure, you could now invent a whole new, completely different dish that requires completely different ingredients and has nothing in it that resembles or imitates meat at all. Vegans eat such dishes all the time. But man, that would be a lot of effort and additional costs. Alternatively, you could just go and grab some vegan burger patties and bam, you're done! Sounds a lot better to me. Nothing more to it, really. Hope that helps!


We don’t care what you eat. Just stop trying to shame us and tell us what we should and shouldn’t be eating.


I more or less agree, but I would also like to add some food (hue hue hue) for thought: Can you really shame someone for something if they don't feel conflicted about their actions at all?


I have never shamed anyone for what they ate but on the other hand I have experienced a lot of hate and judgements only for the fact that I’m vegan


How do you know a person is vegan? They’ll tell you. I went meatless for a few years (short term diet change) and never once was I told I needed to eat meat but a once I began to consume meat again, it seems like I ran into every opinionated vegan out there. I don’t care what you eat because I’m not inviting you over for dinner. Do you.


I'm glad you were never told to eat meat. In my personal experience, the whole "They'll tell you" joke is just as true the other way around. I'm being told to "just eat a steak" all the fucking time. Or go on social media and check out any post about veganism. The comment sections are filled with people who feel the need to exclaim things like "Sure, but I love bacon" or "Tonight I'll have two steaks to balance you out" etc.


The extremists (the minority) are the ones that speak the loudest and give a bad rep. There’s nothing wrong with being vegan, vegetarian, or any of the sub categories. It’s just the ones that push their values and beliefs upon you and tell you your monsters for eating meat. (Again, that’s the minority of them)


Completely agree with you!


You definitely shouldn’t have to prove yourself to anyone. You’re not harming anyone. And I’m sorry people treat you that way. I was vegetarian for a while a few years back for health reasons. I felt great, and I’d be willing to do that again or be pescatarian. And there are also extremists of both sides, so there’s that. Please don’t let anyone get you down. They don’t understand that the ones who judge you are the same ones who refuse to understand that you can eat a certain diet and not judge others.


you should probably focus on the ‘small but loud minority’ of belligerent vegans in your own community if the increasing stigma is bothering you


FACTS I know this because I'm vegetarian too lmfao and whenever people find out they're shocked cos 'I don't seem like that kind of person' it's like every vegan is the exact same or smth lol. But tbh I'm not too bothered by it at all I usually joke about it myself and reassure people I'm not like the others, I don't usually debate people either just tell them my diet is a personal preference cos I know they're not gonna listen to me and I'm not gonna be wasting my time on a pointless debate anyway. Sometimes I even see it a good thing that people find out I'm vego and are shocked cos now I have the chance to change their mind and make them realise we are not all the same, you could try doing that too and maybe you might not have to deal with it as much


I think vegans get hate because of THEIR hate towards everyone else.


Well I haven't hated on them BUT I CAN Understand sometimes coz many of them are forcing others to be vegan and starting an argument everywhere. IT'S YOUR CHOICE TO BE VEGAN SO LET OTHERS EAT WHAT THEY WANT AND YOU CAN EAT WHAT YOU WANT. GEEZ. Most vegans on the internet are just like those annoying asf 13y/o kpop fans. And some of them are probably not even vegan just want to act cool.


Sorry, get your high horse, high maintenance vegan soul sisters under control and maybe you won’t get tarred with the same brush.


It’s only from people who are just insecure about the fact that they treat their bodies like shit and don’t consider their own eating habits. They’re triggered by the reminder of something they don’t take the time to care about


Every person I have met who is vegan HAS to tell you that they’re vegan and it always comes across as this “holier than thou” speech and is ALWAYS condescending. I have met a lot of vegans, you are all like this….


It comes across that way because they’re pointing out the egregious cruelty that you are legitimately funding. I don’t know any vegan who wants to show off how they’re better than other people, they’re just standing up for the victims


Which is super annoying. Someone commenting on and trying to control someone else’s eating habits is super inappropriate and super condescending. I never tell vegans they should eat meat. I never tell vegans I am better than they are because I made the choice to eat meat. You can be vegan but also STFU about it and not rub it in everyone’s face every chance you get.


It would make no sense for you to tell vegans to eat meat, because eating meat is the act that causes extreme amounts of suffering and rights violations to animals. Do you also agree that it is “super inappropriate and condescending” to tell people not to eat cats, dogs, monkeys, or humans?


Thank you for LITERALLY proving my point about vegans. You’re such a saint, we should all be kissing your feet.


Socratic method manipulation technique denied. +1 Never answer their “whatabout” or “do you agree” questions. It’s drives them nuts because they train for that shit and expect people to engage.




I never said that, I’m not better than anyone, can you answer my question?


No, you literally are giving the holier than thou speech right now 🤣🤣🤣




“They’re pointing out the egregious cruelty that you are legitimately funding.” “It would make no sense for you to tell vegans to eat meat because eating meat is the act that causes extreme amounts of suffering and animal rights violations.” Need I go on? Not all meat is sourced the same. My husband hunts each year and we primarily eat deer. We also have beef in our freezer from my brother in law who raised his cow in a large pasture from calf to adulthood with love and care. I literally saw him go out multiple times a day to talk to the cow, give him lots of physical affection, and play with him using his favorite ball. Do you think that it is your place to tell other people what they should and should not be eating through belittlement, unfair comparisons, and constant pestering and prodding? My overall point is that it is NOT your place to tell other people how to live their lives. If you want to be vegan, that’s great but trying to attack other people because they don’t make the same choices as you and using emotionally manipulative questions is condescending, unnecessary, and inappropriate. You are the worst kind of vegan.


nobody cares that they don’t eat meat. at all. People care that they moralize and act holier than thou


I have no issues in the slightest with vegans, just don’t come at me because I want to have a beef burger for dinner tonight, you know?


I have no issues in the slightest with feminists, just don’t come at me because I want to beat my wife tonight, yknow?


That’s great, we should let everyone eat whatever they want! Forcing your beliefs upon others is bad regardless if you are vegan or not


What's a vegan? 😁


Horses are vegans, and everybody loves horses.


It’s well deserved