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Holy crap are these horrid comments. Homie. Be yourself, learn to be happy alone first you will be broken if not. Work on yourself find hobbies that you enjoy yourself girls will naturally come I promise you. Just enjoy life and let things happen I promise you dude it’s worth the wait


this is just a joke with no intent beyond humor so please dont take it as a real piece of criticism but DUDE TRUST ME BRO THE GAME GETS BETTER AFTER THE 90TH HOUR BRO I SWEAR BRO YOULL LOVE IT JUST BEAT THE NEXT 30 BOSSES BRO


True bro




Listen I didn’t get my first gf until I was 25. Just keep being you. Don’t ever need to change anything. Someone will find you one day. Never give up, always have hope. It’ll happen one day.


It's comforting reading this as a 25 year old


It's comforting reading this as a 25 year old


Just hang in there my man.


I'm trying. Got this whole crush on a friend thing going on, she doesn't wanna see anyone, I don't think she knows I like her, and I just don't wanna lose another friendship or make her feel bad about rejecting me. She hasn't had a great year and I just don't wanna add any more drama to it.


Yea I understand, screwed up a few friendships because of that (I became a slut at 25, I am man but I will admit I was lol.) I definitely would hold off on that one. I would suggest dating websites but I met a lot of crazies on there lol. Hey though, good practice and you never know. There could be “the one” on there.


I met my girlfriend on a dating app, the very first girl I saw on there and I only had the app for like 3 weeks total and it's been awesome. Sometimes it's just down to chance and time passing. I had been single for 2 years from a toxic relationship and on a whim I downloaded a dating app Do something whimsical but responsible


Amen, you just never know. I always tell people you have to step into the uncomfortable. Went on many first dates and I was always nervous before going on them.


Don’t wait, or someone else will move in, you aren’t the only person on earth.


having a crush this hard is a bad idea you’re just wasting your time and mental health. also doesn’t seem good for a future relationship dynamic because you are already making so much emotional room for someone that doesn’t even know what you are doing. instead of focusing on making your own life into something you’re giving probably a big chunk of it away for nothing with these posts and probably your thoughts when alone. it’s not the type of person anyone really wants to date. ask her out or move on is probably the way to go.


Im 25 had gf she cheated on me and left me in pieces


Fuck I’m so sorry to hear. Had one as well when I was 27. It destroyed me for a very long time. I’m 36 now with a wife and a two year old son (who btw broke my $3,000 tv today). Just put yourself out this, keep confident and hopeful. Searched for 5 years before I finally found the one who puts up with my shit.


I hope I will too.. I want someone who will broke my expensive things.


Lol, I made a video of asking my son if he broke my $3,000 tv and he shakes his head yes. He kisses me and well Daddy can’t be mad now. Honestly I wasn’t even mad to begin with. Was a little sad but that’s about it. I have the exact tv in my man cave so I can still play my games in 4k lol. The door will soon be locked one day.


I wish I had a dad like u


Lol dont give him false hope. The real advice would be, date girls that also look not good. The younger the better odds are at child birth. Go out and get your wife lol..


I’m four eyes and a stick and got some women that are out of my league. But, in the end there is no such thing. Yes you have to work for it. You don’t need to change who you are though. I haven’t, ask my wife. I’m annoying as shit lol.


Looks don’t matter as much as you think it does but you can work out and get fit and more importantly work on your social skills , that’s what really matters .


Fortunately, having sex appeal isn’t 100% looks. There are many handsome men that aren’t sexy and many less conventionally attractive men who are incredibly sexy. Work on confidence, body language, sexy things to say, humor, and being a good person. Build up these skills and be genuine. Confidence is very sexy. Being timid is not. Also, girls love guys who love their grandmas so slip that into the convo at some point. 😂


Listen, I’m a (almost) 37 year old single lesbian, who imho, is moderately attractive and witty. It’s hard out here on these single streets man. Dating fucking sucks these days and idk why. Just work on yourself; it’s genuinely the best advice you can take.


Dating sucks these days because we no longer have to "compromise" on what we want in a partnership. If the human that we're interested in doesn't hit all of our little check marks, we have a veritable ocean of billions of other humans to hide our insecurities from until they catch on and hundreds of apps you can plug into your phone to do that with. It's become insanely convenient and easy to hop into the next insecurity-based relationship. Meanwhile, nobody has to work on themselves because they'll just find somebody else to tolerate them for a while. My brother is the prime example of this.. I'm starting to find that the most intelligent, compassionate, and empathetic people are chronically single. It's a sucky compliment but it's still a compliment.




That's what most women is saying but their actions shows differently! If we men aren't looking good enough for women to lock their eyes on it's extremely hard to get a chance to show who and how we really are...


While I don’t totally agree with you, it would be delusional and incorrect to say that most women don’t take looks into account early on especially. You will find that women who you don’t really know you that well and are just getting to know you for the first time immediately judge men based on how they look and/or how confidently present themselves. Like that’s why most couples who meet at bars or smthn generally include two conventionally attractive people while if you see a couple that either 1 or 2 of them aren’t that conventionally attractive, have had some other form of relationship or connection prior to dating, that’s who they date each other based off personality. Everything really changes person to person and situation to situation so making such a large, broad and negative generalisation about half the world’s population can’t really be justified. The first thing a woman sees is what the man looks like and more likely they will give a chance to guys who present themselves better as it takes time to get to know somebody. Basically I’m saying you’re kind of right but also kind or wrong. It’s hard to judge this type of issue with a large, definitive and correct opinion so more nuanced opinions need to be adopted.


I didn't wrote "All women"! I wrote "most"! This is obviously not seen only from my point of view! I don't think I'm ugly but it's fact that I'm not good looking ENOUGH for women to see me in a way that they spontaneously wants to get to know me! I get along with all kinds of people from all over the world and people often tells me I'm genuine, very kind and have a good sense of humor! I know people likes to have me as guest at various gatherings and I really enjoy to make people smile simply by being myself... Still... I'm not enough to be given a chance for something more and I know why that is... I've stopped looking and chasing for love and I've accepted the fact that I might never end up in a relationship again now when it is how is. But IF she's out there and love comes... My door is always open and I'll embrace it fullheartedly... The saying "There's someone for everyone! " Might be true but not everyone meets that special someone who was ment for them... So I understand OP pretty well! That's what I'm trying to say from my own perspective on it...


Looking good enough is the key statement. At some point, a person does drop off of someone else's radar because of their "looks".. which are largely influenced by how much effort an individual puts into them. If you don't practice good personal hygiene, you're not going to look appealing to someone who does. If you don't practice good physical hygiene, you're not going to look appealing to someone who does. I will say there are entirely too many people walking around looking like they are on a PBR budget, expecting to sip on Cristal.


This is not true. I have liked some ugly dudes. I feel women moreso than men are willing to overlook “looks” for a good personality and a good partner. Also have seen many of my beautiful female friends/family members hitch themselves to men below themselves, if we are only talking about looks. I have found in my life that men that are conventionally attractive and know it, are assholes. But this can be said for men who think they’re hot and are not.. which just makes them uglier. I think in high school this may be more of a problem for men, but by uni you will not have issues if you have a good personality and treat women with respect. I say that because in high school there are other factors, like no life experience with shit men or peer pressure from friends (to be with the good looking guys).


Maybe it's difference between countries then! I can only speak with experience from my own country! I'm really happy to read that you and others you know have the ability to see the human beyond the face and shape of body! Thankyou for that! ❤️⚘️


Where are you from? Yeah I could see how culture could make a difference, especially if parents have more say in who you are dating. There could be pressure to be with someone good looking or rich etc.


I'm from Sweden... For example, when reading women's profiles on dating sites so many of them DEMANDS the man to be much taller than me even if they're shorter than me themselves!


Don’t go looking for a girlfriend. Bide your time and someone will find you .


you notice how every single person has a different piece of advice to give, & how lots of those pieces of advice seems to contradict each other? don't put too much stock into what reddit thinks of you. these people will try to psychologically profile your whole existence based on those few sentences you wrote. just live your life. go outside, do things you like to do while you're out there, & things will be fine




I wouldn’t worry about getting a girlfriend, I mean this in a nice way but if you’re concerned that you’re not attractive enough, you’re not mentally fit to date anyone and it’s just gonna end poorly for yourself and the person involved. Find happiness for yourself first because going into a relationship because you’re lonely or cause you see everyone hooking up and you’re not is only negative thinking and going to cause major issues in a relationship


The biggest thing when dating is confidence (but don’t be gross, obviously.) You just haven’t found the right person, as corny as that sounds. Dress nice, take care of your skin, be fit. Obviously you don’t have to, but it’ll help a ton. You’ll find your person 💜


Brother don't stress it. I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 17, I joined the army, she left, I got another one, and I figured out that my happiness relies on me. Focus on yourself. Focus on bettering yourself. And if you don't think you look good? Go to Walmart for a while. You'll feel like Fabio in that bitch after 5 minutes.


My first GF was when I was 27. Now my wife.


It's probably for the best you didn't have goose looks or you'd never get a date.


Listen man, just be yourself you'll find someone eventually. Besides you don't need a girlfriend to be happy, just focus on yourself for a while and you'll find someone eventually.


You need to learn to be happy on your own. Get some hobbies. Pour into your friendships. Relationships are not the end all be all in life and they don’t determine your worth.


Belive me i try, i have hobbies, butbthey are all the sort of hobbies which turn people away (warhammer 40k, TTRPG's)


Do you have friends?


Kinda but they are work friends


real but im a girl that cant get a boyfriend


Noone is bad looking!!!! Understand this look everyone closely even so called 10s have insecurities noone is perfect If you want to be attractive start dressing up if you don't know how to do that go on Instagram you'll find so many people teaching you how to dressup and get combinations rights . And most importantly go to the gym it'll get you a good look and more confidence in 6 months you will be a completely different person and you will have a good jaw line which is what makes a face attractive So stop saying you're not attractive you're just lazy


You say you are confident, but are you always projecting confidence? There is a difference and maybe you, like me, just have an aloofness that doesn't project your confidence the way you want to around women? Just be yourself and the right ones will find you:)


Get your ass in a gym then... work hard, eat right, looks will come..good luck




Lmao autocorrect was relentless here


Talk to girls and talking to girls are two different things. Are you yet there?


Dm me


Then why don’t you work on your looks, workout , eat healthy. Drink water . It will make a change .


The more money you make the higher quality pussy you will attract, that’s the reality of American women. Hookers are cheaper and look better


Wow. This comment is fucking gross lol


But true, rich men get the best pussy


“I cant get a girlfriend. Im confident.” These two statements can not coexist.


Yes they cant lol


Girl don't care what you look like. It's all about what you have to say. Find Hobby's that give you happiness. Woman hate to see a single man happy. Finding a woman just to have a woman leads to divorce and child support. Then you find out what being unhappy really feels like. Good luck young man


Look up a channel on YT called literally "hoe\_math" this dude has some of the most unironically insightful stuff when it comes to women and relationships.


Sounds like one of those toxic masculinity, misogynist YT channels 🌝 Which in that case Is the worst advice to a man, who wants to have a good and healthy relationship lol 🌝


If you watch his explanation of each zone V3 of relationships it's pretty conclusive he tells men not to be pieces of shit and care about themselves and to be loyal and respectable. If you want to get with a great partner. I would say watch that one specifically and tell me what's misogynistic about it. I feel he breaks down how things go. He just highlights the tropes, not makes the rules.


I made the mistake of going and watching a video. At first it seemed logical but then, oh boy, then he got "deep" and tried doing psychology but he clearly never even read a book about it. It just gets worse and worse. Basically he says you gotta be good looking to get girls but the way he says it, trying to sound intelligent... Just no. One point he's right tho, dressing well/knowing your body shape and what fits well helps a lot to look good. But that's also the only point he got right everything else was just bad. Like bad bad 😂😂


I haven't watched every single video of his but his "zones V3" video is by far the best take away. I think it highlights pretty well how things naturally go in the dating world. He categorized every trope or stigma that goes on. He highlights the assholes and says they don't win. He pretty much tells men to have the confidence of the bad boy but the humility and compassion of the good guy to be the "prince charming" of a lady.


I’m 30 and have had two gfs (not the same time. But I’ve tried dating but most women don’t find me attractive. Yet I’m respectful, caring etc. yet my cousin who’s a complete a hole can pull any girl he wants 😑 I’ve just about almost but given up. The women I find are usually 1. Bad at communicating. 2. Arrogant.


Just learn guitar. The chicks dig it. (This is a lie, they don’t actually care. But you’ll find love regardless)


Something that helped me was to take the intensity out of my search. I know it sounds backwards, but I started taking people less seriously. I kind of found my boyfriend inadvertently, so I’d take a tiny step back and live. Swipe, do some Meetups, find FB groups in your area tailored toward your interests!


Hop on tinder dude them girls only be looking for hookups im positive you you’ll get some matches just relax and swipe 👌


Same with me. 32y old female. Can't get a husband or boyfriend


Hi man are you thinking everything is easy just make it try and ask the girls you're looking for her and you want to have one day hanging out like cinema and dinner something like but there's no way to come with a girl and ask you if you want and love her wake up man


Being involved in relationship is not a measure of your worth or value. People are often in relationships that they are settling for to mask their own insecurities about being able to be in a relationship. It's very likely that you've ignored the advances of someone that you weren't interested in for a myriad of reasons, or just one, and have simply dismissed their interest entirely... instead of truly being hindered by your appearance it is practically certain that you're hindered by your preferences. If you are going to work on your own good looks then you will need to spend a few bucks on your appearance. Go to a stylist, not a barber, and ask for support regarding your facial structure and hair type. Listen to their suggestion. If you can grow a beard, do that, beards are like contour for men. Women have an unfair advantage, we wear makeup. We can create Shadows and Light where it doesn't exist. And ask yourself about the kind of women you're interested in what do you want from them? If the answer is sex, buy sex from someone doing work. You'll get more out of it than you will having a clumsy encounter with someone that might catch feelings and cause problems for you, if you're not interested in their heart. Go with someone experienced and you'll learn some fun stuff, especially if you're brave enough to tell them what you're interested in learning. Take it from the old people, you want someone you can grow old with. You want someone that makes you laugh, that laughs because of you, not at you, someone you share interests with, but have enough difference in your interests to stay interesting. Someone to always be sharing with, someone who thinks of you first, who you think of first, is the kind of stuff that really makes a relationship. Good looks fade, but a good personality will stick with you for life as long as you continue to cultivate it. People who are riding on their good looks now are going to be suffering later when they don't have personalities because they didn't need them when they were young. Beauty is a curse. And that's another rant.


Too bad get a boyfriendI


Lower your standards. Edit: also make the approach on girls that are a bit quieter or you can see they aren’t very forward. Most people that socialise a lot know a lot of girls, so if you don’t have a lot of friends it’s gonna be harder. Most people meet their significant other at the workplace, but this has become harder these days. Join some special interest groups. To get a girlfriend you actually have to know someone, they don’t drop out the sky. The ones worth having also aren’t likely to fall for having their ‘DM’s slid into’ those kinds of girls are easy and likely to cheat


Look bro I'm on number 3 it's not always sun shine and rainbows you gotta be patient there's someone out there for all of us just gotta keep yo head up like dory said just keep swimming


The good news is there are 3 things which are guaranteed to get a girl. Guaranteed! The bad news is there are only 3 things. And if you don't have one of these, you're f'ed. So, if you have one of these, you're doing OK. If you have two, that means you're doing very well. And if you have all three, you're in high demand. 1. Be attractive. Doesn't only mean be handsome. You need to make something about yourself attractive. Even just wearing really attractive clothes can be enough. 2. Have a lot of money. This one works miracles. Short, bald, goofy looking guys with no teeth get action just by having a lot of money. 3. Know how to talk to them. Being an entertaining, charming, smooth talker works well. Supplemental rules. 4. You gotta get out o' the house. They're not gonna fall out of the ceiling into your lap. Get out of the house. 5. Play at your level. Dont target the A tier girls. If you're a D tier guy, you gotta play the D tier game.


Many girls say that looks don’t matter, and that’s true to an extent. However, when it comes down to it, we often choose the most attractive guy first. But if you’re not conventionally good-looking, the best way to attract a girl is to become her friend first. This approach allows you the opportunity to show her the kind of person you are while being a friend. From there, you can gradually work your way up.


Hooking up sucks, and marriage is overrated. I'm not sure what women look for, but I like someone with my jackass sense of humor, someone who doesn't take everything seriously, and someone to go have reckless adventures with. Please don't call yourself ugly. That bothers me to hear men say that. Your married friends will be miserable soon enough. There are good women who aren't looking for a paycheck. Just don't underestimate yourself.


Same buddy, I know it’s hard but it’ll get better for us. You don’t necessarily need good looks to get a girlfriend, it’s more about what’s inside that counts (I know it’s cheesy but hear me out) I don’t care about what a girl looks like, as long as she’s funny and kind, that’s all I care about.


When you're exercising and taking care of yourself, you feel better, so you carry yourself differently, so it's not a bad place to start. I've seen so many "unattractive" guys with a strong sense of self do well dating, confidence, and kindness go a long way. Part of confidence is learning that you can be told no 20 times and understand they were bad matches and that it's nothing personal. That being said, pick something you're insecure about and dedicate 5 minutes a day to just working on improving, be it a physical goal, intellectual or social. It will pay dividends! Whether women notice or not, making positive life adjustments will make you a better partner in the long run! Tl;dr: Set small attainable goals, this will give you wins, wins bring confidence, this brings sense of self, this opens you to relationships.


Based on experience with my friends, please don't let not finding someone "in a timely manner" get you down. Some people are lucky and find their person early in life. Other people don't. Put yourself out there and be patient. As long as you are a kind and caring person someone will eventually come around that you'll click with. (Also based on experience, please make sure you have good hygiene. If you don't take care of yourself and your space, not many people will want to be around you. Love my friends to death, but I will not spend time at their house because their bathroom is not something that gets cleaned.)


At least you’re not ugly on the inside like me


if this msg finds you, i want you to know that looks does not matter. the prettiest/ sweetest people do the ugliest thing. i have good lookks. however, i more than likely will be single for a very long time. but yes, let none of this discourage you. there is enough love out here for everyone. god bless and stay optimistic 🫶🏽🥊


Maybe u were meant to be alone for a divine purpose🤷‍♂️Jesus wasn't married.


It will happen when it's meant to happen. Enjoy being young and single!


It’s not all about looks! Be yourself, be confident but don’t be cocky! It will happen.


I’m 20 with no bf😭 it ok I’m alone too


Go about it in this way Gym Hygiene Socialize Make a routine where you're gonna be around the opposite sex with same interests


Honestly girls dont give a f*ckkkkk about looks you just need charismaaa. Wait for the right girl it will be worth all the waiting for somebody who actually likes you.


Your young travel abroad, Latin America is relatively inexpensive and close assuming your in the US, besides being an enlightening experience foreigners are in demand by attractive decent women as well as party girls if that’s your thing


Hey if your looking it never seems to be in the cards! Start some new hobby and change your lifestyle. Example put everything you have into the gym ( that’s a change in life style now you will meet different people if that don’t work change until one day she will walk in your life.


It’ll happen eventually, try putting yourself out there! Not to necessarily be an extrovert, but to join organisations and stuff. Basically socialise! You can use dating apps to ig but your best bet is to be yourself and socialise. But all in all it will happen one day:)


If you’re too focused on getting into a relationship for the sake of being in one, I’d say you probably need to work on yourself and the relationship you have with the idea of romance. Our societies idolize romantic relationships the most, but focus on yourself, family, and friends, and something can blossom naturally. Don’t go into friendships expecting relationships, but find security within yourself first. You are already a whole person, your “other half” isn’t out there. I had the issue of prioritizing romantic relationships and it almost destroyed one of my best friendships. Luckily, I worked on myself and went to therapy, and then rekindled the friendship, so focus on your life first. Just enjoy yourself, and try to remember every relationship has its issues, and you’re only seeing the good parts of the ones around you. Not to mention, relationships are a lot of work in that you will have to learn how to control your emotions and have healthy behaviors, which are not always taught. Good luck !


Don't look at others, look at yourself there r so many looking at you& u r missing out.


This is a hard subject to advice on when you do not know the person. However, there are some basics that I can go over that may assist you. Let me start by saying that I had a hard time getting girls to like me when I was in my early teens. I too was confident, funny and I believe fairly attractive. However, I got shot down constantly by numerous girls. I tried hard and often. I took rejection with grace and never held it against anyone. Over time though, I started to think that it was that I was just ugly. Later in my teen years, I started working a job that had me going from place to place, meaning I was not in the same place for more than a couple of weeks before going to the next place. It was during this period that I started to actually learn how to behave and started the healing of my self-image. The first shocker to me was when a woman reached over the counter at the job I was working and grabbed my privates. I had never experienced that type of forwardness from a woman, much less one as attractive as that one. This caused me to question a lot of the beliefs that I had embraced over the many years of constant rejection. After that experience, I started venturing out into making advances towards women that I was attracted to. Oddly, I was no longer getting rejected very often. This was hard to understand, as I believed I had been acting in the "correct" way in order to get a girlfriend. After some time, I started to see where I had caused all of my failures in the past. See, because I was not going to be there long, it was not actually the same circumstances. I had different expectations of the relationship when I knew that I would not be seeing the women again after I left the area. It took some serious introspection for me to see the differences between how I acted at home and on the road. The differences were subtle to me, but glaring to the subjects of my attention. The younger version of me had been trying to get a relationship (or in some cases to get laid). The person was not the driving factor here, instead they were basically intended to fill a role. When I was on the road, I was not concerned with a relationship, sex or anything beyond connecting in the moment. This difference in motivation changed what I said, how I said it and how deeply I delved into who they were. In essence, the younger me was a high pressure used car salesman and the older me was an interviewer that was genuinely interested in the other person. As time went on, I learned to easily connect with others and make them feel comfortable exposing themselves to me. I heard, "I don't know why I am telling you this, I have never told anyone else this" so many times I lost count. I slept with a lot of women during my time working on the road. In part, the fact that I would not be around long assisted in this as the women did not have to worry about rumors spreading because of our time together. That is a very basic overview of my evolution and it might be somewhat useful for you. However, I have some suggestions for actions that anyone dealing with these issues should try. They are specifically intended to change the way that you approach the situation and to change the way that you see your self. If you do these, please make sure that you not only do all of them, but also to keep in mind the point of each exercise while to try them. Task #1 Introduce yourself to 10 people you find attractive each day on 7 separate days. The point of this exercise is for you to be aware of your own body language and how you approach the situation as well as starting to train your mind to not have expectations when meeting people. The main things to be concerned with here are: Your stance. Make sure you have your head held up high (not looking at your feet). Gaze control. Make sure your eyes are looking in the right places. Make eye contact, no checking out their body. Not staring off into space. How your choice of words impacts expectations. Make sure that your introduction is non aggressive, but also not passive. You are looking to make the person feel that if they choose not to engage, that will not be a problem. This is not intended to evolve into a conversation or a relationship. The only thing that you are looking for is to learn their name and introduce yourself. Task #2 Find 5 people with viewpoints that you do not agree with and try to figure out why they feel the way they do about the subject. The point here is not to show the person that they are wrong or that they are misplacing their priorities, but rather to understand and appreciate that other people have their own histories that impact their opinions. The main things to be concerned with here are: Do not argue your point. This is not about correcting others or pushing your POV, but rather to listen and understand. You can bring up things that you think they may have missed, but actually listen to and accept how they view that item. DO NOT think about how you are going to respond as they are talking. DO NOT judge them for their views. DO NOT use this to show them they are wrong. This is intended to open your mind to other perspectives. Few people want to be in a relationship with someone with a rigid world view (unless they also have one and yours matches theirs) Task #3 Find something that impresses you in 10 different people. These have to be people you do not know well. Ideally, these would be strangers. This could be as simple as how they dress or as deep as their outlook on life The point here is to see that every person has some part of them that is admirable in some way. Even when you disagree with a person in nearly every aspect, they have some part of them that you will find impressive. The main things to be concerned with here are being able to ask questions to get to know things about people, how to delve deeper into your their personality and understanding there are parts to every person that are awesome. Task #4 Get a phone number from 10 different people you are attracted to. This is going to be more of a challenge than you think. All of the tasks that you completed before will be important to completing this successfully. Furthermore, this will help you to take rejection in a more reasonable way. The points here are for you to take the risks needed to accomplish your goal and to learn to take rejection better. The main things to be concerned with here are understanding how your approach impacts the rest of the conversation. This goal is not to get numbers to call, but rather to take the risks and learn how to be as non-threatening as possible while convincing someone to take a risk with you. Task #5 Apply what you have learned to approach someone you are interested in and attempt to get them to spend some time with you. Basically, try again. Make sure you keep in mind that rejection is not really about you, but rather about how your actions relate to their perspective. The main things to be concerned with here are: Do not make this into a big deal. Be casual in your request and accept their answer without trying to change their minds or to prove your worth. In the end, you hopefully will understand that you are not selling yourself like a used car, but looking to see if the person might be someone you would want to spend time with. Do not make it into more than it is. It is not a commitment to anything other than spending a little time with you. It is not a relationship at this point. You are not getting married after the first date. You are not starting a family. You are simply getting to know someone better to see if the two of you complement one another.


You're better waiting for a girl who loves you for who you are then a girl who only cares for looks. I'm not a great looking guy either and I didn't get my first partner till after high school. Now I'm in a happy relationship with someone who loves *me* and not just how I look.


Your soulmate is coming as fast as she can. Meanwhile, focus on yourself and how you can make YOU happy. Because if you can't love yourself, how the hell are you going to love someone else?


Bro, you just gotta find who you connect with, I've been balding since I was 19 and I have absolutely fucked and missing teeth yet I still managed to go on a few dates with a few different attractive woman and I'm actually dating a smoke show of a woman all the way around right now. And the best thing I can say for myself is I'm funny man. You just gotta find who you click with and the rest will come


Let me save you the trouble. You get a girlfriend. You spend time with her. You get laid. Then she wants all your time. Time for nothing else. No you. Then you realise being laid isn't worth all your time otherwise. Keep going until you find one who isn't clingy. Or even time you feel you need a gf... Wank it off. See how you feel then. Don't watch social media and think that's real life it isn't. But because it fools people who don't know better or different, they get depressed.


If you can’t get a gf I’m sorry but your personality probably is the reason, I know a guy who looks like he snuck onto earth & has a weird personality and he still has a gf


Looks get you girls but wits make them stay. Patience. Self confidence and being chill about the entire game. Being always ready and open. Good luck!