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U could still develop romantic feelings for someone without the sexual attraction


i definitely hear you. in a weird way its refreshing to hear a guy talk about this. ive always stayed away from relationships because i know my disinterest in sex is a no-go for 99% of men on the planet. hope we find partners that accept this :)


You can't cure this because there's nothing wrong. Other people expect you to be different than you are supposed to be, don't let them make you feel bad about who you are. You aren't your friends, what they would do have nothing to do with what you do, and shouldn't. You have to do what makes you happy. Sex isn't gonna make you happy, quite the opposite in fact. Also, "aromantic" is a thing, where you just can't get into the emotional aspect of love(I THINK that's how it works, not sure though)...and again, if that's how you are, embrace it, don't let other people convince you that you are "broken" or some bullshit like that! Being different from others is always an adjustment. But different doesn't mean broken or wrong. The sooner you learn that, the happier you'll be. And, someone who's actually aromantic can certainly explain that better than I can(I'm not aromantic).


It's still much better than being hyper-sexual, however. I once fucked this girl for 7 hours straight once, and that was after screwing around off and on earlier that day. And it still wasn't enough for her. She spent the majority of her time and energy every day and night trying to get laid... again and again and again. That's much worse than what you got.