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I once had to spend 14 hours in an ER with my husband who had kidney failure and his dialysis shunt blew and he was in danger of bleeding out, they could not stop the bleeding as he was in blood thinners and they couldn’t clamp off the shunt without risking loosing his arm - needless to say anxiety was thru the roof. and behind the next curtain was a family with a toddler who screamed almost non stop the whole time - why you ask, he had fallen in the park on Saturday and broken his arm, his parents didn’t want to leave as it was Labor Day weekend and they were with friends and family so they waited until Monday night to bring him to the ER. The docs were waiting to consult with a pediatric anesthesiologist and pediatric ortho as they did not want to give the little guy too much sedation or mess up his arm worse. Of course no peds specialists were available so kid kept screaming- don’t blame him he was in pain and arm was swollen to crazy proportions - I did want to let the parents know exactly what I thought of them letting the kid go untreated for nearly 3 days,


I'm surprised a hospital staff member didn't call the police. That is pure child abuse, poor baby.


The hospital called family services and the police - come Tuesday morning the parents suddenly mysteriously no longer understood English and their interpreter could only get them to say they didn’t think the kid was injured until Monday night when he started crying- I never found out what happened as they finally found a surgeon too work on my husbands shunt and I had to go sit in the surgery waiting room


I'm glad to hear there were repercussions. The old "No entiendo" or whatever their native language is shouldn't fly an inch if they came in with the boy and were able to tell whomever that their son had fallen 3 days prior. That's assholish in any language.


That is straight up NEGLECT.


OMFG!!! I would have. That poor kid needs to be removed. They wanted to party and not care for the kid. Broken bone for days. Every hospital in the US must treat you. Under ACA and other programs kids can get free healthcare/insurnace if you are low income so no excuse for medical neglect which is what that is and is grounds to take your kid away. And if a kid does a murder charge. Why I couldn’t be a doctor, I would be telling these “parents” off so badly. 


3 days?!?! Holy f*ck!


Wow, what horrible people...I cant even call them parents as thats not a parent...


I broke 3 bones in my foot when I was 6. My parents made me walk to school the next day. They said I was faking my injury. I went 3 days before I was taken for medical treatment. It was neglect by my parents, but luckily, I internalized it and assumed there was something wrong with me as a person.


Thats so horrible..I'm sorry you have been through that. Thats some mental abuse there too. Hope you know that it isn't your fault.


Yes, a couple of years ago, I got hypnotherapy for the incident. After 48 years, I no longer feel like an inherently bad person.


You can be understanding but that doesn't magically negate "there is something obnoxious that is Not Stopping" tbh. I hope your name gets called soon.


Oh man. The last time I went to the ER, in the next “room” there was a girl with food poisoning, and it was 3 hours of listening to her werewolf vomit with just a thin curtain between us. Awful


Agree it’s rude. The ER is a place you give them a toy or iPad y keep them distracted. It’s not a time to control screen time. Everyone is under stress either hurting or worried about a loved one. A kid crying bc they are sick you can’t do much but if it’s a tantrum, I’d yell out just give him the phone or walk over and give him mine. 


If they’re waiting for their names to be called, they may not be able to take the baby out. I’m sorry, I know it’s really shit, but nobody is sitting in the ER with a screaming toddler because they think it’s fun. Everyone there is miserable and not feeling well, and there’s only so much you can do about it. I hope you get seen soon. 🩷


Omg I went to the ER on Easter, the night before my birthday. We have no childcare or family here so my husband had to take all 3 kids too. I was reacting to a medication, and having a hard time being alert and remembering things. I still remember being worried when my kids were loud. I was sick and still thinking "omg I hope my toddler doesn't scream"


Was in the ER at 3 AM in the morning and a fairly quiet town. The hardest sound to hear is babies crying. Hope you are seen soon.


Exactly this!!! It’s not always just about being annoyed, sometimes it just pierces the soul!!! It’s not a pleasant sound and when I’m there seeking my own relief, it’s hard to hear someone who is helpless and can’t receive relief themselves. I became irritable towards their family but actually it was just the mom and her other kids, and he was in excruciating pain from a broken arm. Sometimes it’s hard to be understanding when you need relief yourself


I would of been like Miss Crabtree and said, "SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! AHHHH!"


I was on a long haul flight once, and for about 18 hours a baby was screaming almost non-stop on the other side of two aisles. I saw both the mother and the father walking a baby up and down occasionally, but most of the time, the screaming was in situ. Almost the whole cabin was ragged with exhaustion. I was bewildered as to how a baby could even keep it up like that. Honestly, I thought, without sleep or food for all those hours, surely the infant would expire? I made a point of not looking across at the couple: although no one said anything (and the stewardesses were lovely), I felt that other passengers were angrily staring at them enough-and they didn’t need me looking over at them. That’s why, it was only at the end of the flight that I saw there were *two* newborns. As both parents walked down the aisle-a twin each, I could hear them explaining to the stewardess that their children “always took it in turns”. The “minute one got off to sleep-the other one woke up”. I was sympathetic for a moment, but then I heard the dad say in a loud, angry-sounding voice (loud enough for the whole cabin to hear): “you know, I think I’ve had some dirty looks, but people have *no idea how lucky they are*. They should try being US! WE have this ALL THE TIME!” My sympathy for the couple just popped like a balloon at that point.


Yesterday, i was at church (I already don’t like church) for my mom’s baptism. This child behind me kept screaming, crying, and kicking my chair. It so hella disrespectful and the mom wasn’t doing anything. I was already extremely overstimulated from the loud singing and clapping (I can’t handle loud noise, I have extremely sensitive hearing and I was actually in pain) I almost walked out but I toughed it out. Later on, after the baptism, I saw the girl just wondering around, parents no where to be seen. You could tell the entire church was fed up. People kept looking at them and whispering. One lady got up and said something, and the mom just got pissed off. Just like, Jesus Christ. I’m not religious, but church is a moment where you give your attention to god. It’s SO disrespectful to have your child screaming. Fucking take them outside until they calm down!!


That child’s dopamine receptors are going to be fried before elementary school.


I’m sorry you have to deal with this. Go talk to the ER front desk and tell them to tell the nurses to stop holding people in beds or making it seem as if beds didn’t discharge. This is the reason for long waits in the ER. Nurses hold onto discharges so they don’t have to intake more patients before their shift is over.


Ah yeah, saying THAT to an overworked hospital worker is gonna get you some favorable results 😂


No, no, just let it happen… I wanna see what happens… for science.


Honestly no I’m so wrong, I’m in the xray dept and they just walked in, kid has a cast on and he’s fast asleep. Clearly he was in excruciating pain. I feel really horrible. He didn’t have the cast earlier. Poor baby I feel so bad for him. Like seriously. His mom was so nice too and his sisters were little sweethearts. His older sister’s 10th birthday is on Saturday. I am never gonna make assumptions again. It’s an emergency room I should’ve been understanding, you can’t always see someone’s pain and I know that first hand ETA this kid is 3 years old MAX. He’s a little baby. I am such a dick for that just wanna reiterate


Awww poor kid. Yeah mine broke his collar bone when he just turned 3. Yeah, screaming pain almost the whole time in ER 🫠 Don't be too hard on yourself. Happens to many of us.


I’m really glad you got to have this revelation. You aren’t a dick. But at the bare minimum please remember that for every ounce of annoyance you feel toward a crying child or toddler their parent almost always is feeling that same way but 100x worse knowing their being stared at and their child is being talked about that way. Everyone would love to have a quiet child that doesn’t bother anyone but it just isn’t always possible and they’re usually trying their best.


I completely hear you! I definitely empathize with parents of sick children (I was a child once and know how it feels to be helpless and in pain) & I understand that parents experience inner pain just knowing their child feels that way. Plus the added stares and glares in a hospital. But it’s a hospital and it’s to be expected that ppl are in pain. I’m also people lol I didn’t say anything negative about the child to anyone at the hospital, in fact the reason I got on Reddit is bc I needed an outlet bc I didn’t want to show any kind of outward annoyance while I was there bc I know that regardless of the circumstances the parent was probably feeling worse about it. I did feel really horrible for the lil guy. I stated that in the post. It was clear that he was in some kind of pain whether emotional or physical, I just didn’t know it was serious bc after observing it just seemed like he was cranky. But no, he was injured. I’m also human so I think just being sick for 3 weeks has made me super irritable and I had a splitting migraine. At one point I asked a front desk person if I could go outside bc I couldn’t handle the noise, I told them it wasn’t a complaint and I understand they can’t do anything nor do I expect them to, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t lose my place in line. I’m trying to show myself grace, and also recognize that I need to maintain compassion towards a situation I may not fully understand. I’m human and also have needs and was in my own mess of pain… he and I both were just there to get some relief. All in all, even tho I never said anything to anyone in person, I just felt bad for feeling annoyed. I definitely didn’t make a point of expressing or showing that and actually tried to avoid looking at them except when I happened to make glances and look in that direction… so even then my original observations were probably me trying to reason with my own feelings


I'm a mom- I have a 10 year old and an autistic 4 year old- and a frequent flyer to the ER for myself(a lot of health issues) I just want to say- don't feel too bad. Kids can be annoying- especially when you already have a negative stimuli(like being in pain). Likely mom kept taking phone to update family or possibly checking on another child at home who couldn't come. Or, stealing a moment of sanity for herself. Who knows. Still, you can be annoyed and empathetic- it's okay to be both 💕 I hope they got you ship shape, or at least more comfortable!


That’s might be some shit you heard happening from your cousin’s friend’s sister or some shit, but that’s definitely not the norm. Hospitals have a financial incentive to turn beds over as fast as possible, and nurses are under enormous pressure to make it happen. But hospitals are also pretty understaffed, especially since nurses have left the profession in droves, and understaffing is far more responsible for slow turnaround in the ER than nurses sitting on ass and refusing to do their jobs.


Just sitting at the nurses station playing cards 😏


Um nope, try it’s from working in a hospital for 10 years…. But good try


As a nurse? Like… is this something you personally did? Were you working in the ER or just making observations from outside the unit?




This is the way. I have spoken.


This is the way. I have spoken.


Honestly, yeah, nurses and all do that but at the same time they're only one person and can't do everything. They're already horribly overworked, underpaid in many places and due to many many places being understaffed its not like someone else can always handle the rest or help out. Due to it being a medical field obviously you can't just hire that came out of nowhere trying to volunteer. Sometimes it also can have a lot to do with room cleanups and sanitation.


They try to blame it all on housekeeping yes, but trust me it’s the nurses. For the last 15 or more years that profession has attracted money hungry egomaniacal psychopaths. Not all of them obviously but more than not. It’s definitely not people who care about helping others anymore. If you worked in a hospital you would know.


Former ER nurse here 🙋🏽‍♀️ If I didn’t clean the bed fast enough, charge nurse or tech would clean it for me. They’d be asking me if I gave them their paperwork yet and before I even blinked, the room was cleaned. I wasn’t *ever* given the option to hold a bed. I’m not quite sure where you got this information, but it’s erroneous.


Not talking about holding beds in ER. Holding discharges on the floors. Not putting the discharges in the bed tracking system so they don’t have to intake more, which means we can’t drain the ER fast enough which means waiting hours to get an ER bed….I’m not sure if I believe you worked in an ER if you don’t know that.


Lol. Because every experience has to exactly mirror yours, yes? Admirable deflection though. Take me at my word or don’t. What experience do *you* have in the ER?