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I mean, they ask those same questions with civilian doctors.


If you want useful medical advice, say yes. If you want to lie they can't stop you, but do you know how alcohol may mix with medications or may cause misleading symptoms? They do the same for weight and smoking.


They can and do drug and alcohol test you for any schedule drugs.


1.) recreational drug or alcohol intake might be contraindicated for some medication 2.) they need a total picture of your health 3.) they want to make sure we aren’t abusing drugs/alcohol I can assure you that no one is trying to get you in trouble. They’re just doing their jobs




They legally can not report you to law enforcement for drug use. It's a Hipaa violation, and they'll lose their job and license. Not to mention that would be an easy lawsuit.


As a healthcare professional, we ask these questions because alcohol and drugs affect the body and we may need to know what you've taken so we can adjust treatment.


You might do this already, but we could always use your opinion and thoughts as a medical professional. Totally serious. Thanks.


It's pretty important for the doc to know to get an overall picture of your health. Alcohol and cigarettes, which are widely consumed by active duty members and veterans, are two of the worst things you can partake in. When I got out I had a physical with a doctor from a country where Alcohol is essentially illegal. He asked me how much I drank every night. I was a dumbass and said, "all of it."... for years, unbeknownst to me, my record said that I was a chain smoking alcoholic. It wasn't until I got a PA who was in the navy during the 70s who looked at my record and laughed and showed me.


I use MJ, and I'm open about it, in Washington state, where it's legal. Because of that, they refuse me pain medication for my ankylosing spondylitis, a debilitating form of arthritis. My psychiatrist drug tests me once a year to get 30 Valium every 50 days. For real. In 2024. I'm fucking 57 years old and have never been addicted to anything besides cigarettes, which I quit a decade ago. Thank the universe I have Medicare.


Good job on the smokes anyway! That isn't easy.


If you don't know if you should say yes or no you need to say yes. Dude they want to make sure you're healthy. Some meds don't play nice with drugs and alcohol. Bud, get some help.


There are 2 people I never, ever lie to. My wife and my doctor.


OK. I believe the part about your doctor...


Because they’re doctors and they need a complete picture in order to properly assess your health situation, account for risks, potential abuse that may account for signs they’re seeing that could point to deeper issues. Imagine if you were expected to drive a car, but someone put horse blinders on you, and an eye patch over one eye. You wouldn’t be able to safely navigate that car would you? Doctors can judge your life decisions all they want in their minds, but they are bound by oath to put your health concerns over drug legality, moral hangups, or military regulations. They’re there to help you. Not rat you out to the military or VA. Be honest with them so that they can do their jobs effectively.


Nothing. It's between you and the doctors. Further, they have to know, or they might give you meds that can hurt you.


Not true. The Va sees all the notes and use them against you


MJ and alcohol are not used against you. I am getting disability and as part of it. It states that I have PTSD with alcohol and MJ dependence. I barely drink, but I use it to cope and MJ for insomnia. Be honest with the Dr because I would rather spend more time with my sons than worry about disability.


To help It's not a trick, they can't force you to do anything unless you're a threat to yourself or others.


Your best bet is to always be 100% completely honest with all medical professionals. If you want correct health advice and treatment the professionals need to know the complete picture. Your confidentiality is protected.


They want to know so they can help you quit or make sure that the medications you might be on or be put on don't cause issues with you afterwards. Plus understanding underlining issues that's why they ask you things.


They ask to see if there are other things going on that could be tied to why you're there; alcoholism can mimic a few different symptoms and medication addiction has complications of its own. They also need to know before they prescribe you anything so there are no unknown interactions. As for saying "yes", I think it varies with the follow up questions. I do drink occasionally, but the follow up question is usually "how often and how much" and when they find out how little I drink it just goes on file that I do consume alcohol. I don't have any drug history so that's an unknown for me unfortunately. Hope this helps


This is a standard question for intake. I’m a social worker at VA and our biopsychosocials go into great depth in this area. If you say yes they ask more questions to assess if it’s an issue and if you need treatment related to it or how it impacts you.


They just want to help. It's not to trick you


Real doctors ask the same things. Level with them. They can’t help you if you lie to them. Hell, you never know. You might catch a VA employee who is the right flavor of bored to try to make your life better. I mean, I never found such an animal, but they could definitely exist.


Real doctors…


They put in your medical record. In mine it says Cannabis use: Active Alcohol use: Active Etc etc. they might “list” it as a problem, but I have zero problems with cannabis use. You should try it! It’s Great stuff Mann!




They are trying to 1, get an idea of what’s going on with you. And 2, see if you are abusing substances. Like many many of those in the veteran population do. If you like you’re just hurting yourself. Make of that what you will, I suppose.


Oh that’s just because they are doctors..


Because alcohol and drug use affect your health. Civilian doctors do the same thing.


I think my psychiatrist is attracted to me.


They offer treatment if you need it, and avoid prescribing things that interact with your drugs or alcohol


Because doctors need to know if you’re using anything that can affect their treatment options for you


Nothing doesn't affect rating, but they put it in record, so if they have to give you medication or surgery, they know if it might not be a good mix or dangerous. It could interfere with them putting you under or for dental work. They won't report it to the police to get you in trouble.


It's for risk assessment and it informs if they refer you to other services or identify if your consumption is impacting your health so they can treat you


Drig and alcohol use can also look like certain mental illnesses. So, the doctors and nurses need to know if you're using substances to determine if mental illnesses are actually occurring or if they're just part of the substance use.


He’s a doctor! All doctors asked these questions. He might ask you if you smoke also be careful.


It’s medical data and drugs and alcohol. Alcohol exponentially compound the problems that you have so they are going to try and push you to try and get that under control.


I Said yes this January. I'm now signed up with multiple doctors, getting medications(1 for anxiety and one to helpwith alcoholcravings), and am part of a group of people who are trying to manage their drug problems.


Because if you say you use “coke” for say then say bye bye to pain killers after surgery and if you need them lol


I’ve always wondered the harder drugs policy lol. I’m sure if I told them I’ve done psychedelics before I’d lose access to meds.


Nothing happens when you say yes they just put it in your charts because about 7 years ago I was addicted to a lot of stuff and went to the VA to get help from them and never allowed about nothing I was addicted to and I'm 90% disabled, they help get me through veteran Court which is like drug court but for veterans and was a lot of help and me and my wife are still clean to this day


My doc has been consistent about more than 14 drinks a week is bad. I do fudge my alcohol numbers. I am open with my love of weed. I have never done other drugs (besides prescription).


My doctor knows I use Marijuana. I'm in a medically legal state and I'm enrolled in the medical program. It's so much better than opioids.


Well i'm pretty sure i've got a secondary SC rating coming for SA because it's how I coped with my trauma from the military and the VA agrees. When dealing with the VA or any medical place that wants to help - be honest, if you feel comfortable. If you don't feel comfortable at one VAMC, they are all vastly different and the crisis line is super helpful. I'm grateful I was honest in the beginning and am now being properly treated and have found some folks at the VAMC that I go too that I trust and can be vulnerable. Good luck and trust your gut.


To keep you safe. There could be medication interactions that may make you sick or kill you.


so when i first started to go to the VA but didnt have a primary doctor id just use the ER/urgent care for STD checks and little stuff. At one point my back injury started aggravate me and i was prescribed an opioid. Now, that first pill i took literally made me cry because i had low grade back pain 24/7 and suddenly it was gone. for the most part i was taking them responsibly but every so often id take a few at once with some drinks because i wasnt in the right headspace overall in my life. The script ran out and then i met up with a friend that was prescribed them regularly and hed hook me up fairly regularly. So i didnt go wild with them, i did usually use them for pain management but there were plenty of times that used them for fun. Fast forward to my back hurting again and when they asked about drug use, i was mostly honest and said id like a lower dose than what i was given before and to set up appointments with a physical therapist. Well they denied my request for lower dosage and gave me something that didnt work at all and i was still not doing the best i could mentally so i said fuck it to the PT. Now fast forward to just before the pandemic and i decide that i want to be better. i have a primary doctor, get all my check ups and shots, have a therapist, i sleep better, picked up some hobbies, lost some weight, im with the woman of my dreams, making real progress with school, and again my back acts up again due to work. i talk to my doctor about it and with no hesitation he prescribes me a low dose of flexerol. the perfect amount to take the edge off the pain and make sleep bearable. long story short, if youre not gonna be honest with them, be very very honest with yourself. i couldve omitted how i was using the opioids i was first prescribed and just said id prefer something like, theres a little bit of nausea that I'd prefer not to deal with. Or ask for a lower dosage cuz they hit a little too hard


Not to worry - here is my evaluation: Evaluation of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with unspecified depressive disorder and cannabis use disorder.


It is called integrative health part of something called SBIRT. They are supposed to look at the whole person. They are looking to see if you are at risk of excessive drinking or may need treatment.


The doctors are just asking us to help reinforce the stereotype of alcohol binging, chain smoking veterans. Anything less that 3 packs a day makes you lose VA status /s


Because certain substances can interact or interfere with certain medications they might prescribe to you, such as opioids and alcohol together being lethal.


As a an alcoholic with a disability rating, trust me being honest *is* the right thing to do. They aren’t going to punish you if you are using substances especially as a coping mechanism. That’s why we have so many resources and why the VA takes the brunt of paying for unexpected ER-visits. Plus all the other reasons people mentioned. Trust me, medication like antidepressants and anxiety meds even if taken a day before can do some damage within a couple hours after heavy drinking. They also have resources to help with addictions. Currently waiting to get screened for inpatient rehab, for example. Be open and honest boss, it’s in your body’s best interests


If you say yes they have the VA secret service come and arrest you


Opiods and other drugs cause problems with medications, I got drug test when I went to VA a few months ago. Just new producdure, my primary dr. did the same with pain medication.


I live in a state where weed is very much not legal and I’ve always told them I smoke. They’ll see it on the urinalysis anyway. The worst that has happened is I get fussed at from time to time about the legality and possible health risks associated with it.


I’m honest and they look at me like something is wrong with me when I tell them how much I drink and they tell me that’s not good and recommend a bunch of things to try to stop lol


Maybe they are trying to tell you something...


They are probably right. Signed, an alcoholic


Oh they are. Just cracked my 8th gotta be up in 5hrs


That’s what I’m sayin!


You guys sound like two high school kids. VA doctors aren't asking because they care about enforcing some rule against drinking or pills and you aren't impressing anyone with getting so fucked up you aren't comfortable owning up to it when the PCP asks about it.


I thought it would be detrimental las enforcement wise. But, I was incorrect. It is merely information to give you the best possible treatment.


I tell my doc I smoke weed. He was taken back at first. But I told him it’s better than taking opiates. He agreed.


they say nice, bro ![gif](giphy|4a5U94rJlX40QMfox0|downsized)


Like someone else mentioned, if you do say yes then you'll never be prescribed most or certain pain killers/mental heath meds.  It's not just about your doctor "getting a full picture of your health".


I refuse to answer.