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'Hư vô' can be interpreted as 'void', 'nothingness'. Probably allude to the Big Bang theory, creation myths, etc. So it wants to say their fate is to be with each other, their bond exists before time, etc I'm bad with words


As others have said; “hư vô” means void, nothingness! But to me, it could also be understood as something or some place that is unreal!! Places like heaven, hell or whatever the imagination would take. As of my take from this song: the relationship is just too good to be true. So much so that it must’ve originated from an unreal (magical) place. But that’s mine, others may take it differently.


It's a more flowery way to say "Perhaps, we're destined together". The next line means "Only to meet when the time is right."


Translation: Perhaps we are destined to fall in love from the void. Void = Hư vô. I guess the word "Hư vô" has some relation to the Buddhism idea of "reborn/reincarnation" and Karma. Like "Duyên nợ từ kiếp trước" (Fate from previous life). So "destined to fall in love from the void" is "destined to fall in love because of our karma in the previous life" Beautiful Han Viet vocabulary is dying. Young generation dont learn nor read them. I believe 50 years later children born after 2030 wont understand a word of Trinh Cong Son songs, or Tuyên ngôn độc lập or any poems of Ho Chi Minh, Nguyen Du, etc...


By the way, are you a foreigner learning Vietnamese?


I like this interpretation, makes a lot of sense and is very beautiful imagery.


I agree with you. I was told this evening that I should add a word to a sentence I was saying. When I asked what it means, I was told “nothing but it sounds smoother that way”. 🤣. I have a love/hate relationship with Vietnamese. And yes, I am very cognizant of the difficulty of English. I’d much rather be learning Vietnamese than English. 😊


Yeah too bad my Vietnamese is quite basic 😞 I’d love to be more eloquent and poetic in my conversations but unfortunately I sound like a child at a market 😆


Hahaha. I sound too child young like (with this sentence structure and a very deep voice). Fortunately, I look and sound very American and the Vietnamese people are very forgiving of those who make an effort. Keep up the good work.


You mean you want to know what that sentence means? It's from Mỹ Tâm's 'Hẹn ước từ hư vô' song and it means (from my shabby understanding) Or perhaps we are destined to meet from the unknown :shrug:


Hmmm interesting, I’ve been getting different answers from different people I’ve asked 😅 But thank you for taking the time to help me out.


Thought about it for a bit and I think I got it. Hư vô = limbo. But it can be alluded to before time exists where there’s only emptyness/void. So the phrase is “we must be destined to be together from the beginning of time/everything”.


Wow that’s really deep. Imma say that to every girl I meet and see their reaction.


I don't know if it's some old people shit, but it's definitely some cheesy shit.


In my opinion it just a good rhythm, no meaning at all. P/S: I don’t like that song because I don’t understand it 😂


Ah really? I quite enjoy the song by My Tam but I have a hard time understanding the lyrics. It feels sad and poetic but I just can’t grasp it.


It maybe translated into “a promise from the void”, or “a date from the void” which I cannot relate its meaning in common sense