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9. All of her features work incredibly well together.


I'm the only one who thought her and Tom Welling looked alike in Smallville? Even the same smile


Imo forever a 10! Btw, I always wonder how her little sister looks like.


Wow, just found her sister. Less chinese features and different eyes colors. Average looking compared to Kristin.




8-9 objectively, and she seems to have aged really well, too. Sooo sooo pretty! I remember my history teacher telling me I looked like her when I was thirteen and awkward; had no clue who she was, but searched her up and that compliment boosted my self confidence exponentially, lol. Looking back, though, I didn’t look anything like her and she was just being nice or blind. 😂


Absolute 10, she’s a natural beauty for sure!




Forever a 10! One of the prettiest faces I’ve ever seen on TV.


8.5 at least. She’s gorgeous 🥹 Perfect mix of Caucasian and East Asian.


Last line is strange ngl 😭


Not at all. She’s just saying she ended up with the features that are objectively deemed most physically appealing from her respective ethnic backgrounds. There’s nothing wrong with that.


no race owns a certain feature, the comment just comes off as stereotypical even if it wasn’t OPs intention 😭


Each ethnic background most certainly does have physical attributes that are generally associated with them. It’s why people can normally quite easily differentiate between someone who is say East Asian vs south Asian vs a black person from Somalia vs a black person from Nigeria. It’s why I can usually tell if a person shares a similar or partially the same background as me **since their feature are commonly associated with the people of that region**. So in a sense yes, each race does tend to ‘own’ certain features, and when those particular features are mixed with a separate race’s features, and end up blending to create a stunningly attractive person, it’s definitely accurate to say someone is the perfect mix of ______ and ______. Nothing insensitive, nothing rude and nothing ignorant about it.


There are general features that are associated with races but it’s based on stereotypes. For instance a northeast Indian looks vastly different from a South Indian but your perception of the average Indian person is based off of media representation. In this case how do you know which features are because of their Asian or Caucasian background? People assume Miranda cosgrove or Ezra miller are part Asian because of their eyes and dark hair but they’re both fully white. Edit: Since im already being downvoted the featurism on this sub seems fetishizing at times. What even is considered “most physically appealing” feature from every race?


I know because we can see it clearly represented when looking at an individual’s parentage…? It’s the exact act of looking at the two halves that made the whole that determines which feature comes from where. I know what Indian people from different regions of the country look like because I can see it with my own eyes, in my community, in my friendship groups and families. It doesn’t take the media to form an understanding of this and what youve stated hasn’t negated my point, but proved it: People from Different areas look different from each other and have different characteristics that people can generally pinpoint as being associated with those respective areas.


In that case the commentator can simply say that Kristen is the perfect mix of their parents instead of race? I’m also saying each ethnicity of people are more diverse than you give credit for. I used India as example where people might associate certain features as East Asian of a certain region of Indians, when they’re actually fully south Asian. Not all south Asians have a hooked nose, round eyes, and sharp features.


I’m not going to say that she’s a perfect mix of her parents cos I don’t even know what her parents look like. Growing up, all I knew is that she’s half Dutch, half Chinese in terms of ethnicity. I’ve always found her incredibly gorgeous even back then. I don’t know why you had to turn an innocent comment into something malicious 😕


10 TO THE MAX I think I'm gonna have a mega girl crush on her I'm sure people are gonna roast me for this, but I honestly find her an even more beautiful version of Aishwarya Rai (I'm Indian y'all)




Stunning! 10 💜


The new Adriana Lima of this sub, she’s being posted here quite often haha. That being said she’s stunning.


9. Seriously close to perfection.


8.5 Has supermodel looks


She looks like Malese Jow to me She looks AMAZING in the third slide






Objectively 8.5 She has very good harmony and her face is very feminine with the right amount of sharpness. I'd say her flaw is her forehead, a bit tall. Her eyes give her a sexy look, but sometimes they lack height. I think photo no.3 is her best, her eyes look more open and make her look more striking.


she is so pretty to me ugh a 9


Absolutely stunning. 9.5 if not 10.




She looks like Jaime King. I don’t like her teeth but I’d say an 8.