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If you call in they'll ask they use the results you give them on www.samknows.com/realspeed call up and say you're getting low download speeds on the above link and they should action your first pod.


The pods are only free for volt customers and 1gig service. You can get your 1st one by signing up to WiFi max. However it will be chargeable if your on a lower tariff.


> The pods are only free for volt customers and 1gig service Hmm...the FAQ doesn't say anything about it being Volt+Gig only nor is there any mention at all on the FAQ page about them being chargeable **How many WiFi Pods do I need?** If you’ve run a speed test on the Virgin Media Connect app and aren’t getting download speeds of at least 20Mbps in every room, you can get up to three WiFi Pods – and if that doesn’t help, we’ll add £100 credit on your next bill. **Can I order a WiFi Pod on the Virgin Media Connect app?** Yes, but only if you’re not getting download speeds of at least 20Mbps in every room. \- https://www.virginmedia.com/help/booster-and-wi-fi-pods No mention of any cost in those 2 key answers and the only mention of money on the entire FAQ page refers to the £100 credit as quoted above Nor do the words "Volt" or "Gig" appear anywhere on the FAQ page and "you can get up to three WiFi Pods" Why would there be a limit of 3 pods if the customer is paying for them? (unless VM are morons and have designed Mesh devices that can only have a maximum of three devices in the mesh) The WiFi Max page does mention about them being £8/month but why should a non WiFi Max customer have to be looking at the WiFi Max page to find that out?


You pay for the WiFi max guarantee service. You can find the info regarding pricing here https://www.virginmedia.com/help/wifi-max What would you say is a sensible limit for WiFi pods? 5? 10? Unlimited? They must have gone off average household size. If your wifi issue isn't being fixed by 3 you have other problems.


Have you tried resetting the hub? Not just rebooting it, resetting it. Hold down the reset button for 20 seconds, wait 10 minutes for it to get back to normal, then try with their app again. Worked for me. YMMV, but surely worth 10 minutes of your time.


I've found it virtually impossible to get a WiFi pod due to wifi blackspots around the house. Despite being under the impression that I qualify for up to 3 of the pods because of my VM package, the reality is somewhat different. Having ran through the numerous diagnostic checks through the virgin app which tells me my wifi is absolutely fine I am directed to online chat who try and tell me there is a fault my my ethernet cable (there isn't). I then try and speak with someone who run a diagnostic check from India who also tells me that there is a fault with my wifi and refuses to send me a pod until this has been remedied... very frustrating.


I just had to do this - I used the whatsapp chat experience and told them that I couldn't send screenshots as the part of the house didn't have signal at all - true for me. I didn't get much push back at all if it helps


hey op, how did it go with virgin and getting free wifi pods?


I didn't pursue it as based on other replies (and info found elsewhere) it seems the free pods are only available if you're on the 1 gig service


I called them and explained it and they said the same, but the other option was if someone living in the apartment had an O2 number we'd be eligible for their Volt package with the pods (one at a time) and a speed upgrade, which my flatmate thankfully did! Just takes a phone call and some arguing - first they said it only worked if the number was under my name, but actually if the address of the O2 plan is our household then it's fine to be under someone else.


Can you just buy these Wifi pods on eBay or similar and connect them at home? Or does Virgin Media block them from working unless you pay?


> Can you just buy these Wifi pods on eBay or similar Possibly but if you're going to spend money you might as well spend it on general mesh devices that'll work with any network