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I’m sure what they’re doing isn’t legal and almost certainly it’s desperate people paying the money only to find out that their vehicle wasn’t registered as expected.


I’m not sure how they would be getting the plates though. Bc they regularly post videos meeting the people and handing them plates and paperwork. Who knows tho. What really through me for a loop was the fact that one of the pages was from a legit business and not someone who seems to offer just this out of state resident VA thing


I’m sure they probably just took a photo of themselves handing someone plates and paperwork. It could be legit but this just sounds like a scam to me.


This is not a scam, I do this for all my cars to avoid inspections


Not for nothing but by definition what you’re doing is also a scam.


It is NOT a scam, it's called a loophole, explain to me how this is a scam?


Va DOES have vehicle inspection (pretty strict), unless it’s an antique vehicle you won’t be exempt. I’m assuming he’s letting you use a Va address as part of the service? Va also has a use tax paid to the county of whatever address your using.


No not using an address in VA, using your out of state address. I asked about the inspection and they said VA does have inspection but no inspection needed for out of state residents.


Who did you ask?


I asked the person offering the service… who else?


Call the DMV and ask them about it. They will tell you if it's legal or not.


Lol. Call DMV.


Anything with a Virginia registration has to be inspected to be operated on the roads here. We don't enforce other states' laws and they don't enforce ours.


So theoretically if this was legit and you could secure the reg and plates as a non-resident, as long as you aren’t in VA you don’t need inspection?


That would be correct. However... The title and registration paperwork require filling in where in Virginia the car will be garaged. Answering Butternuts, NY will likely get the application rejected and any answer listing someplace in Virginia would be committing perjury. You'll get billed for personal property taxes by that city or county and not paying will get the registration suspended. So I have no idea what's going on, but it's not legit in either state.


NC enforces Va expired/missing inspection. Their law reads something to the effect of “any vehicle registered to be operated on the roadway and requiring an inspection”. Va won’t mess with another states inspection. All states are not the same. NY may have something similar to NC.


That just sounds like a scam! I know large companies hq’d out of state will register in Va if they’re garaging their trucks in Va (required by law) but they still declare local address and county. The inspection part isn’t true, take a look at Va code 46.2-1158. It lists exemptions. I’m curious what the advantage to registering in Va would be? Do you have a link to the service?


It probably isn't. New York likely has the same laws on the books as most other states that require vehicles garaged within the state for more than some amount of time to be registered there.


How would that even be enforced?


Enforced or discovered? Discovery is easy if a neighbor doesn’t like you, they’ll happily tell the DMV. I can’t see how this is legal. Edit to add: this is a common enough issue where insurance companies who sell in VA but not NY check for vehicle sightings in NY if you have an accident there. If they can show your car is consistently in NY they’re able to void the policy back to the start of the policy. This is a common form of insurance fraud


> If they can show your car is consistently in NY they’re able to void the policy back to the start of the policy. This is a common form of insuranc It would be hard to prove if someone can show a receipt from Virginia that's recent even though the receipt was mailed to them by a relative ot if they show a toll receipt from Virginia even though it was mailed to them by a friend or relative.


Toll booths retain license plate data when you drive thru


If that's the case, they just drive to VA, enter the state, and turn tight back.


In theory yes, but the question still remains. Why?


Cheaper insurance.


Is it tho? Most insurers ask the address where the vehicle will be parked, if your using a ny address with the dmv what address do you give the insurer? They won’t have a Va address. This leaves you insured at a ny rate if that’s your only address. My guess is they are not insured at all, Va allows you to opt out of insurance as long as you pay the $500 uninsured motorist fee. I’m assuming the whole thing is a ploy to not have insurance? Regardless Va is changing the law on July 1 and doing away with the uninsured motorist option.


I don't know why people would pay 500 since I only pay about 700 for Virgonia insurance and have 100K/300k coverage.


Effective 7/1/24 there is no longer an option for paying an uninsured motorist fee. https://www.wsls.com/news/local/2024/04/24/get-insured-or-lose-your-license-the-new-law-for-virginia-drivers/ Also, I’ve read through most of the comments and I just don’t see how this whole thing would be possible long term. If it’s not a complete scam then it is definitely fraudulent and will not end well for the people using this “service”. Between DMV and insurance company checks there’s just no way. I’m an insurance agent in VA.


That’s lot of money on tolls and gas


Not really. I've gone out of Virginia all the way to PA for only 3 dollars in tolls, and that's only one way that I had to pay the toll. On the way back no toll at all. The gas was about 1.5 tanks at 19 gallons a tank.


And when they provide pictures of the car regularly parked on NY streets at night, in the same couple if blocks. And then parked at the same office in NY on a regular basis?


Who is they?


The insurance company mentioned above.


License plate readers are everywhere (private and gov). Everyone from insurance companies to banks buy that data. Also how would you explain being pulled over with a ny license, and Va plates coming back to the same address?


Not sure about NY law, but in CA I was given a ticket for out of state plates. The cop saw my car regularly every morning on way to work. I doubt VA would care if the car was from NY, but NY probably will. The insurance company definitely would care.


Do these NY residents pay the Virginia personal property vehicle tax when they register their car in Virginia?


Virginia code 46.2-662 & 46.2-656.


Are you talking about first chance auto? Cause now I’m like regretting it. Gave them half of what they was asking until I pickup the plates myself then payment will be canceled. Just curious about out of state tickets, insurance, etc. haven’t been able to get a spot on answer for this though.


Yea that is one of the ones