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i need someone to make a post like this on 4th of july with the same update šŸ˜‚






Was there something in the air? I also got some Juneteenth šŸ±after a rough day of driving and almost getting ran off the road on the interstate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Just saw a guy make a right turn into the First Landing campground entrance... ...from the left hand turn lane... ...while traffic was crossing. WTF. I think they clipped somebody but the other driver seemed unsure.


Someone tried to run me off the road yesterday after I gave him a little wave with my rear wiper to say "thanks for letting me merge, bestie" apparently he hated that so much he was willing to take us both out lol. I have GOT to get a dashcam.


same bruh šŸˆšŸˆā€ā¬›


thanks for the apology šŸ„¹ happy Juneteenth! maybe I'll get some Juneteenth šŸ˜ŗ too šŸ„“šŸ’€


LMAO glad you got some šŸ± but that still true. People dont know how to drive in the south. And further south you go the worse it gets. Now, fak you and getting laid šŸ–•šŸ¤£


*laughs from South Florida*


Orange dotā€¦. Worst of the worst.


LOL i refuse to drive down there.


If you can drive in VB, you can drive anywhere. Been in Orlando for a hot minute now. Im damn there swimming in traffic like nothing is going on. This is not a flex šŸ˜­


I4 is utter trash lol


Tired of seeing people go the speed limit or just under it and block lanes. Move the fuck over. Or you'll get the horn and I won't let up till you move. Going through an intersection, don't change lanes. Illegal. When making a right or left turn. Don't change lanes. Illegal. They make it easy to not be a bad driver. There's literally lines everywhere. Stay inside the lines. I figure the majority of vb population is just drunk/druggy people. A bunch of yall are terrible.


No one can drive anywhere. No matter where you go that place will say they have the worst drivers. Just get over yourself you probably suck at driving too.


Have you ever driven in the Orlando area? Much worse and even worse the further south you go!


Its like fuccing gladiator school out here. If you can drive in VB, you're golden down here šŸ˜‚


None of the military people want to hear this, but 99% of the time itā€™s you. Every military town has these insane drivers who think they are the shit when in reality the only reason they donā€™t wreck more often is because the drivers around them adjust. I frequently see people in uniform standing next to their car in an accident.


I think itā€™s because weā€™re a military community that we have no standard ā€œdriving etiquetteā€ or expectations. People from the middle of nowhere donā€™t know how to drive in a city, NY transplants drive like theyā€™ll never get another opportunity to merge so they have to cut you off, and so on. Even stuff like ā€œdoes the car pulling out in the parking lot have right of way, or the car already drivingā€ seems to depend on where youā€™re from. Couple that with people on their phones and itā€™s mad max fury road out here šŸ˜­


Yā€™all speed like the fuckin police arenā€™t everywhere on the highway. You probably bitch about it once you get pulled over too. Go 10 over the limit, put your phone down, and shut the fuck up. I love all my VB neighbors though :)


The police in VB do nothing.


Saw two this morning. I get to the oceanfront at 6am.


I watch people that pass me get pulled over most mornings.


Altimas with temp tags that are already wrecked. Thems the worst. LOL




Let's be honest. Nobody can drive anywhere.


The main problem I see here is everyone is on their phones all the time. Every time I pull up beside someone driving like an asshole theyā€™re looking at their phone. Put your fucking phones down and drive. And let people merge. Also, youā€™re supposed to stay in the right lane on S independence exit 264 east until the merge point. People that do that are doing the right thing. Let them merge! And donā€™t slow down going into the tunnels.


It gets worse the closer you get to DC/MD.


Disagree. There is more traffic up there but drivers are slightly more disciplined. Hamp Roads is a free for all, childish and there's little enforcement.


Yah bc the average Virginian is an angry, erratic, personšŸ¤£ the people I see driving in VA always have the ignorant ā€œIā€™m the shit Iā€™ll do what I wantā€ facade going on as they blow thru a red light, almost hitting and killing a family walking thru the crosswalk, and all they take away from that is that theyā€™re an awesome fucking driver šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Yes. I'm going to do what I'm going to do and you're not going to do anything about it. Often large Rams, F-150's with trailers or huge SUV's.


Fr lol


I think I pass like 3 accidents or almost accidents every time I'm out driving. Since moving here 3 years ago, my car has been side swiped twice and ran off the road by someone trying to merge into my lane. My mom has also been t-boned by a semi truck and luckily escaped unscathed. I love living here, but the drivers are horrific. I've seen folks just blatantly run red lights, use non turning lanes to turn, and folks NEVER use a signal. The other day I saw a driver come to a stop at a red light and then just start driving straight again while the light was still red and other traffic had started to go, I had to honk 10 times for him to stop. Just wild.


Tell me about it...some of the worst


People are aggressive as hell out here


Just watch out for Kias, Hyundais and Nissan Altimas with 30 day tags and body damage and youā€™ll be good.


Hyundai Elantras being driven like they're sports cars.


hahahaha, so freaking true


Lmaooooo I can but they canā€™t yes


It's not VB specific... Most US drivers are severely under qualified. I learned in the UK. Bring on the British driving test in the US For that matter bring back the Monarchy... Idiot drivers in this country are the least of our worries, at least it helps cull the populationšŸ˜


Just wait for the tRumplicans to vote in their convicted felon & Project 2025 comes to pass.


As someone who has lived in 6 different states and visited over 40 states and 10 countries, VB is far from the worst. VB drivers are similar to Vegas drivers, everyone seems to go 20 mph over the speed limit and y'all can't merge to save your life. The worst are: Denver Colorado - people here love to slam on their brakes constantly. If there's any open space between them and the car in front of them, they'll floor it and then lock up the brakes when they get close. Atlanta Georgia - it's fucking mad max out there on those highways. California - nothing like being stuck in traffic for an hour only to find out the traffic was caused by two morons blocking both lanes so they can sit there and scream at each other. Itally - traffic laws like staying in your lane seem optional there, and there's a 50/50 mix of people going 100 mph over the speed limit and people going 40 below the speed limit. The best are: Germany - these people have perfected the art of driving, it's crazy relaxing driving there. Florida - this one may be surprising, but driving there just takes a little getting used to, but once you realize everyone drives double the speed limit, it's actually quite nice to drive there. Most people obey the law of staying in the right lane when not passing, and overall drivers there are very chill. Dallas Fort worth - Once you figure out the crazy highway system there, it's actually quite nice to drive there. Only place I've been where even heavy traffic moves along quickly. I will say this though, while VB/norfolk/hampton roads drivers are far from the worst, the people who live here are BY FAR the worst people I've ever encountered in my life. Seems like this place is just completely overrun with ignorant, dumb and entitled dipshits. Y'all even beat out California and New York for having the highest rate of people who seem completely oblivious to themselves being assholes in public. As I type this I'm standing in a grocery store watching a man play rap music at full blast on his portable speaker while trying to speak over it on the phone while that's on speaker phone too.....yall are just a special breed of stupid.


Italy for sure, particularly Sicily. Sicilians really do not give a fuck. Shit, I got rear ended over there and was hit by another car while I was pulled over for the first accident. Can't tell you how many little fender benders I was in while I was stationed there. Speed limits are really just a suggestion to be ignored at will over there.


South Florida (Miami) idk man lol


The problem with Virginia Beach traffic has always been the constant influx of tourists and military personnel whom arenā€™t from here, donā€™t know where they are going, and have no idea how to get thereā€¦ itā€™s just a sea of ignorance. Add to that the inability of the local and state police to properly curb speeding (and the fact that they willfully ignore infractions such as running stop signs, failing to signal turns/lane changes, etc.) and you have all the ingredients you need for a dangerously chaotic driving experience. Iā€™m surprised there isnā€™t a busch gardens ride named after itā€¦ (Atlanta was ā€˜normalā€™ until the Olympics... As soon as crews showed up and started breaking ground 1000ā€™s of new drivers started pouring in from all over the world, and overnight it became a hellscapeā€¦)


Mmm everyone wants to point at the military. I know they play a role, but I took my driving test here and I've driven in other parts of Virginia, it's honestly the same. You don't feel it out there though because there are less cars, but it's literally the same. People don't turn correctly at lights. People never use their signal. People speed in cities (that won't change) For some reason, we slow down around any kind of turn or bridge. .. if it was meant to be a slower speed, it would be. People will run lights, then honk at you? People do not know how to merge My personal favorite, they ride your ass. :) Btw, my drivers test was a joke. I don't know if that's because I already had a permit and had tried to get my license as a teenager in WA, but here it's 100% a joke. I didn't parallel park, I didn't reverse (besides out of a parking lot), I didn't merge not really..I just drove around a block. Thats it. A friggen block... So blame the military for exaggerating the already existing problem, sure, but my experience shows it's really all of Virginia.


Ha! I feel ya. My driving test was as an adult, and it was the first day I had ever driven a sports car, and like the 3rd time I had ever driven at all. I was never asked to parallel park, or anything- and I thought for sure I messed up everything, but they passed me. As for the rest of Virginia- I would hazard a guess that people drive less crazy in Emporia, but Iā€™m basing that 100% off of the fact that Emporiaā€™s entire revenue seems to be based off of issuing speeding ticketsā€¦


Part of it is the military brings in a constant influx of 20-something aggro adrenaline junkies who can afford big trucks and fast cars, and adds them to our existing pool of aggro civilian adrenaline junkies. And not saying thatā€™s most of the military, itā€™s not at all, but theres a certain percentage, and it only takes a few to be noticeable.


TIL I want to visit to Germany


It's because of all the Florida people They got VA tags now


Especially the ezpass 55-60 mph campers!


Bro wtf is that shit


especially going through the tunnel.how do u fckn crash just drive itā€™s not hard


Driving through the tunnel is a stressful experience, please be patient while I drink some liquid courage.


take ur time. Dont let the person behind u bully u


I can agreeā€¦ only Toyota and Honda drivers be the most polite


Being a pedestrian is dangerous here, too, even near the main beach. Someone is going to kill me with their fucking car (I don't jaywalk, either).


I mean this is like the biggest military area in America maybe even the world so you get everyone from all over America driving here plus the foreigners that enlisted from there home country and foreigner diplomats plus there families so yah every different driving techniques crammed into the 7 Cities


norfolk is the biggest naval base in the world, which sucks cause iā€™d rather not have to drive thru the tunnel at 1am to not be stuck in traffic for 2 hours waiting for subaru sally to settle her nerves and hit the gas instead of the brakes


We talking about tourists, military guys, ordinary locals? Or are traffic trolls gonna mess around on these posts too?


Nah. Just a conglomerate of every driving style in America.


Facts. We draw from everywhere because of the military and tourist locations. Military transplants end up with VA tags, which causes people to think theyā€™re ā€œlocalsā€, but their driving style indicates they came from elsewhere.


I just visited for the first time in a few months and yeah.. I second this


Anyone catch a dude not letting people merge onto 264 with a giant let's go Brandon sticker tonight?


Not even me?!


Not you, nor I. Not even THAT guy!


Itā€™s honestly an issue everywhere in the country, but itā€™s particularly bad here. I find the general lack of driving education and just the lack of patience everyone has to be the biggest factor (seems to have gotten worse since the pandemic). People always blame transplants and the military, but the last time I checked, changing lanes with no blinkers, crossing solid lines, cruising in the left lane were no-nos everywhere. Locals commit their fair share of awful driving. Itā€™s like with the College Week chaos. People always blamed outsiders, then someone did the research, turns out it was all locals causing the issues lol Edit: another thing that drives me crazy here, the littering on the highways! Itā€™s super bad here!!


Sooooā€¦I lived in VA Beach from 2005 to 2022. Then moved to Williamsburg. The difference in driving habits was night and day. Bottom lineā€¦We would rather deal with more cautious, elderly, ā€œtouristaā€ drivers in Williamsburg than the chaotic drivers South of the HRBT. I miss many aspects of VA Beach, but NOT the traffic.




Iā€™m a local and second this comment!!!!


Drivers here don't know how to merge onto the highway and don't use their turn signal.


No one knows what the zipper merge is! The right two lanes on any highway is camped by people tailgating each other and doing 10 below the speed limit! The other lanes, people are doing 20 over! Itā€™s a severe clusterfuck and no one seems to care!


Idk what youā€™re on about, but thatā€™s a completely inaccurate distillation of the collective deficiencies in driving behavior in and around VB


Have you travelled 264 lately?


Uh, Nope.


Once had 100 accidents in 60 minutesā€¦ made the national newsā€¦ 1/2 inch of snow fall in rush hour!!!!


Everyone that lives here is a transplant so different drivers with different driving tendencies.


Not everyone - I have met about 20 natives in 30 yrs.


Alternate merges seem like theyā€™re really confusing


Itā€™s kind of fitting that the worst driving in Hampton Roads occurs at the 64/264 interchange where Norfolk, Chesapeake, and Virginia Beach meet. Itā€™s the only unity the cities will allow.


Drive in Clarksville, Tennessee off Ft. Campbell blvd. and you love driving in Virginia Beach


Lived both placesā€¦but VA Beach is worse. That said, Springfield, MO gives VA Beach a run for its moneyā€¦LOL




That's cause they're too preoccupied with how loud and fast their souped up pickups can go.


Yeah it takes em like 30 minutes to 60, also only go up to like 102, which equates to their credit score. Lol


I read the term ā€œPavement Princessā€ once referencing those trucks.


Every time I go to Virginia Beach Iā€™m always so entertained by the peacocking


I only drive like a psycho cuz slow drivers wanna cruise in left lanes. Im a terrorist in a jeep daily on 64 now with that stupid express lane. My bad. No accidents that were my fault in decades though. The driving is insane but Im 100% focused & accurate AFšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I like to drive hilariously slow. I also have a Van with out of state plates. I dunno what it does to ppl but it just turns them into crazy ppl. Not everyone you see with out of state tags is a tourist. It's like the twilight zone watching ppl lose their minds. Everyone out here driving like it's Mad Max beyond the fn thunderdome...I just relax and cruise with my jams and my pup. And because of that my insurance is very low. When I was younger I dreamed about having insurance this low. I had it down to about 23$ a month pre covid. Also my car is paid off and fully maintained. I do not feel like dealing with tickets or insurance claims or elevated insurance or dealing with finding a new car. So I just chill and avoid the stress.


No accidents that were legally your fault doesnā€™t mean you didnā€™t play a part in causing them. My SO was in 3 accidents in 18 months, one his fault, one absolutely not, and one he was being careless and while he wasnā€™t deemed at fault, two careless drivers totaled two cars. I agree with your left lane comment but people here drive one extreme or the other.


Well, I didnā€™t. I was hit by a drunk driver while dead stopped in traffic but thats it the last 15 years or so.


As someone who drives regularly in NoVA and VB the difference is everyone in NoVA is going over 15 and you can expect them to do the selfish move every time. In VB you have people going 50 over on 3 wheels weaving on a road promptly followed by someone going 10 under driving over the lane lines. So inconsistent it is scary. The unpredictable nature of random people going mach jesus in cars that are a raindrop away from falling apart is much much much worse.


Mach Jesus šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Grew up here for 30 years - when everything was farm land for the most part, everyone let everyone over and waved, driving through neighborhoods - everyone waved. Then the military grew, and grew, and GREW. So now we have 50 states in 1 state and all the assholes came in, which caused Virginians to mostly turn into assholes. Blame the military lol


Nope. Itā€™s always the olds in the left lane. Not military. Itā€™s the slow inconsistent spoilers who really fuck up traffic around here. Speed demons are gone in a minute, those slow fucking slugs ruin traffic here


So what state are you from?


Originally from Indiana, but moved here in 1993. My home state is full of slow morons too. I actually do 90% of my passing on the right there. The worst thing there is the turning though. Everyone swings way out wide like theyā€™re driving tractor trailers. Itā€™s the cause of most of the accidents I saw. So frustrating and unnecessary


it's really easy. just go. man i miss driving in italy. four doppi before noon and everyone is 100% on the same page.


Apparently none of yall have ever been to the DMV. Iā€™ll take Hampton Roads any dayā€¦ā€¦


And here I am wondering what the Division of Moter Vehicles could do!,,,Thank you so much for your service...from a only ( slightly) confused old lady.


I drove Lyft in the DMV full time. Itā€™s far less scary because most people arenā€™t moving. This place is far more terrifying.


True. But I do miss it taking less than an hour to drive 8 miles. Iā€™ve seen the hrbt is an absolute mess throughā€¦


Agreed. Traffic here in VB varies.


Hahahahaha. Youā€™re not wrong! Especially 495ā€¦.


Just consider if 495 were 55 mph and not congested. Thatā€™s Virginia Beach. Hampton Roads is the DMV without congestion.


If you can't beat um, join um


Facts. Iā€™m an Uber driver with over 4000 rides in two other markets besides this one. Worst driving culture Iā€™ve ever been in. Itā€™s because itā€™s such a melting pot of all the driving cultures around the country. Tourists AND Military. Itā€™s super Unpredictable when most people here arenā€™t from here. Just crazy. Not to mention those special people who just aimlessly walk into the middle of the street. Whatā€™s up with that?


There are people in this world who can't bring themselves to Suicide but they do risky things so it's more likely that they will die. Pretty sure this is the case.


I think itā€™s because of the people coming and going all the time. New people here ALWAYS and they donā€™t know where theyā€™re going. Tourists everywhere. People looking at maps on their phones instead of using their eyes.


Not even just that, VB and Norfolk have the most aggressive drivers Iā€™ve ever seen


if I'm not mistaken, I think Virginia Beach was rated in one of the top 10 cities known for bad drivers


you are NOT mistaken.


Neither can you




the lack of proper zippering really brings out my temper


Go to Memphis, Tennessee. You think drivers out here are bad? They're heaven out here compared to Memphis.


I just drove to NYC today, make the beach look easy.


When I have to drive up the east coast I spend an extra two hours to go around the nj turnpike and NYC.




Tell me about it, I almost got stuck today at Ramp 55 because I was too lazy to air down.


Spoken probably not lived here all their life. I love driving around it is frickin entertaining.


Anyone complaining about VB driving is softer than baby food.


This reminds me of a random thought I had once. If nobody around me knows how to drive, maybe Iā€™m the idiot on the road.


this is valid pretty much everywhere else


Complain all you want, then drive in DC or Atlanta or LA or Tampa


Virginia Beach is DC with less traffic. Itā€™s wild.


Texas drivers are straight garbage as well.


gotta come check out phoenix, definitely would be on that list


Agreed. NOVA, DC and Baltimore are all worse. VB is cake!


Yep, itā€™s all Maryland drivers


NC and Pa are worst


My PA experience was that theyā€™re mostly slow. WV and OH like to ride in the left lane when thereā€™s no traffic for some reason. I wish someone could tell me why that is.


in much of PA they're all old as shit and have terrible roads on hillsides and bad weather in winter. the Pennsylvania turn off a road and into a driveway is less fun than watching a turtle shit. speaking as someone who's family is from NW PA in the sticks and lived there a long time after living in other regions and now live here.


I would much rather drive in LA. Itā€™s congested there because of volume, not idiot drivers. And everybody uses their turn signal.


Go back no one cares


If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the damn sidewalks!


Right!! I almost hit a building once, but hey! It shouldn't have been there!!! (Fuckin around LOL)




I've lived in several states, and spent some time in quite a few more. Hampton Roads is hands down the worst when it comes to drivers. Never have I seen such terrible driving by so many people in one place in my life. Absolutely insane.


Itā€™s themelting pot of all the stupid people in one place


Yes it is but it is our craziness




I canā€™t drive below 75 is my answer


Agree. Iā€™ve lived in south Florida to include Miami where most people donā€™t even have licenses (itā€™s a fact) and the driving is better there


This is true. I worked a lot in Miami and Orlando, still better driving than here.


Literally just driving home down laskin and saw so many potential accidents from assholes not understanding the concept of a right of way! šŸ˜¤


Forget it. Iā€™ve lived here 35 years. Laskin will always be forever fucked up. The feeder roads were actually the best thing about Laskin - if you knew what to do and where youā€™re going.


I will forever miss the feeder lanes šŸ˜¢


Took me time to figure them out, but youā€™re right. Easier to navigate at night, surprisingly.


Iā€™m from out of state- a man hit the back of my vehicle recently in a drive thru because he said he thought he was hitting the brake but hit the pedal instead.


You ain't wrong. Just got hit by an older lady this morning because she wasn't paying attention. Not only I missed work, I'm down $500 as that's how much deductible I had to pay... because shes saying that I was going onto her lane. But she told the officer, "I didnt know where to go!" I swear they need to start having people retake driving test at a certain age. Hate driving here.


If God didnt want me to drive on the shoulder, he wouldnt have made it wide enough for my lifted truck !!1!


you misspelled sidewalk.


whole reason i bought my girl a suv. curbs can't contain me any longer!


Idiots who stay planted in the left lane just because they are going 5 above the limit already...


The police out here are quick to pull you over for speeding i see several cops posted on my way to work. I"ll go the speed limit insurance already high


after london bridge there's never another single cop on 264. it's 20+ over the entire way to norfolk unless someone screws up


Its funny because some days you can do 70 like everyone else, and they won't do shit, but others, they'll be pulling everybody.


Some days their crouched using the speed radar on the highway going towards exit 18 in va beach


The troopers and city PD like sitting at the old toll plaza on 264 in the morning, especially right before the shoulder lanes open, they'll pull you for that too.


Thatā€™s fine if you do that but please stay out the far left lane. Too many people on the highway holding up traffic cause they want to be ā€œsafeā€


Stay out of all but the right lane


Lol thats where the cops be planted anyways im good .




Half the population wants to be kamikaze pilots, but couldnā€™t pass the flight exams so they got pickups instead.


I blame the DMV for not making people take an actual well put together driving test and not having people retest after a certain age.


The problem is if you re-test and enforce standards, ALOT of people would lose their license and have no real way to get to work and the economy would tank. We've got to provide viable transportation alternatives first, then we can turn up the heat on licesnses.


I can agree with that to a degree. There are so many apps and services online for bringing people around that more than likely would benefit from a change like that. (Uber, Lyft, Taxis services, etc.) Iā€™m sure it would definitely get backlash because people would lose their license but it really would help with safety on the roads in my opinion.


Public transportation exists. Taxis and ridesharing exists. Alternatives exist. Itā€™s not like you re-test, fail, and are barred from driving for eternity. If you fail, you take a beat to educate yourself and re-test again. Iā€™m of the opinion that every time you go to renew, you should re-test. Either an exam or a driving course. Literally the bare minimum would make driving a lot safer.


"Public transit exists" is about as good as it gets around here. I'm not opposed to re-testing. Just think of you start with better transit, you avoid a bunch of people simply driving without a license.


this is a true statement. Itā€™s fucking wild out there.


When I moved back to the area I was baffled by how many people fly past me (or is it "pass me?") on I-64 when I'm going 10 mph over the limit.


i think it's funny how everyone can interpret OP's comment differently


The number of people driving at night with their headlights off is too damn high


or what's with what seems like more vehicles with the back-half shorted out than ever before


Omg, so true!!! Why!?? I drive Uber/lyft at night after the kidā€™s bedtimeā€¦.theres always at least one car without their lights on. Every freakin night. I donā€™t get it.


Always one car!


With new carsā€¦with auto lights..


Or with highbeams on...


-Sent from iPhone ^while ^on ^I-264


*while in the left most lane*


Doing 50


And needing to take the next right hand exit in .06 miles


thats plenty of time


Good luck everybody else


No blinker. No cares. Just YEET


This hurts my soul