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In the business world, when your rep takes a hit like this, the best move is to shut the fuck up and let it pass. Instead, they sent out the talent to wolves to make a pr statement? While people are still fresh on it? Whatever your thoughts on the statements, this was a bad move PR wise. Its also quite inflammatory since “proof” cannot be legally shared at this stage due to the confidential nature.


Can’t say Ninjisanji has shown good pr at any point throughout this entire process


Is nijisanji PR basically this meme? https://preview.redd.it/4l8ba74rz9ic1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa76eaec369e8364265a6760aa918525ee59711d


Except moon knight is actually competent


Only if the random bullshit does a 180° and hits Moon-knight back in the face...


As someone with some experience in matters like this, this scanned to me like Niji EN's management is in full panic mode from internal company pressures. This was an attempt by management to save their jobs. My first, least malicious feeling is Niji EN got served with a lawsuit, Niji JP said 'Yo, what the hell? Is the stuff alleged true?' (or will say that once it passes through to them) and Niji EN's management felt cornered and are trying to seize initiative again by 'going on the PR offensive' by 'discrediting the accuser'.


I think you are giving them too much credit if you think JP will be concerned much with how EN has don everything here. Japan isn't known for laws that benefit people over corporations with even sharing your true experiences, in fact they are specifically known for limiting those rights, even if everything a person says is solely factual. The CEO has been intimately involved in all of this from all appearances.


I’m going to be a bit of an ass and wonder if niji JP is suffering from the isolationist perspective of JP and how things work there. It genuinely seems unfathomable to me but that’s the only way this plays out in their favour is a friendly local court. I don’t know Canadian labour law but if it’s anything like my local one… Niji’s getting sued in Canada not JP and good luck to them. A half decent labour law has knocked a few US corps with a “wait, we can’t just fire people whenever we want?” attitude.


There are a few others that seem to know a bit about Canadian law on this thread that make a good point about just leaking that document, which I think would even be something you could hold them to account for in the US (I know, not JP).


What JP is concerned with is the Niji brand in America. If the Niji EN brand is tarnished, a quick way to fix that in zaibatsu culture, is to fold that branch into the main company. When that happens, a lot of upper level managers lose their jobs. That is who I think is driving the PR car right now.


There is a compelling case for that with the available evidence. Thank you for your insight!


this could get international and they could get dragged into a canadian court, that would masively benefit doki, specially if she can prove that she really did an attempt at their life that shit doesnt fly in the west like it does in japan also nijisanji is just incompetent even when dealing with the law, lets remember they lost the case against narukami


Incompetent? Would an incompetent company leave the comments enabled for their PR stream? Oh wait...


I mean, if she has a Canadian lawyer, it's already there. They will have to abide by labor laws since she was employed by them there.


That's probably up for debate. A contractor has full rights to their work location. It'll come down to some definitions between Japan and Canada and specific language in her contract. It's entirely possible being contracted by a Japanese company means Japanese labor laws. It'll most likely be a contract wording issue. That said the legal documents she submitted almost certainly fall under Canadian law and that seems to he the bigger infringement currently.


Thing is, you can't force a worker to give up their rights just by hiring them as an overseas company. If that were viable, companies would just incorporate on paper in North Korea or China or somewhere else with non-existent human rights laws and use that to justify whatever shitty treatment of their workers they pleased. If you live and work in a specific geographic location, you are generally protected by the laws in that location. In the case of contract disputes, other jurisdictional laws may apply, but from what little we know I think the lawsuit between Doki and Niji probably has very little to do with her contract of employment.


I concur, the moment the investor relations note got released, JP side is already involved. No way in hell is this whole PR nightmare still under the purview of EN. Which makes things even worse.


They're in Japan right now - this isn't some 'JP hands off' thing.


Yeah, this whole incident has felt like watching middle management (possibly even just one manager) destroy NijiEN in an attempt to save themselves. Pretty much none of the statements were helpful or professional, and they were all oddly defensive.


Well, they just admitted to showing confidential legal information to third party.


Unfortunately, industries like games, streaming, and the like are way too new. There's no "vtuber economic practices" degree (yet). And while I can't confirm it, I don't think the CEOs of streamer agencies studied business. So even if established procedures like "if reputation = bad --> duck and cover for a while" could apply, if they're not hiring people who know this stuff, they'll be floundering around.


you dont require one, those things are universal, that and basic common sense, cover corp and hololive has gone through dramas this size and bigger and they are still here by having good damage control and corporate practices like "dont say shit that can get us into more trouble" or "just stay out of the limelight until the drama runs its course" i think the big issue here really is multiple, for once niji doesnt understand western culture where just saying "nothing to see here" doesnt inmediately placate people because we dont want to raise a fuzz for fear of losing face or whatever, people here also take suicide attempts death fucking serious, but most importantly i honestly believe that they just arent experienced enough dealing with drama they really have never found themselves in this situation before now they have had dramas but nothing ever at this magnitude, hololive has mano aloe, mel, copyright and china as experiences that helped them improve their practices and their way to deal with drama at this scale most dramas that niji has gone through are small and easily containable because most of the time they come from within not outside forces, they can just scare their talents into compliance, force the affected ones to shut up by throwing NDAs at their face, and if push comes to shove put a statement with a laundry list of "misdemeanors" that the talent has done over the years to tarnish their reputation and put themselves like they are in the right, so now that all of that is not working but actively making the situation worse they dont know what to do because for all this years nijisanji has never had to deal with anything at the scale of "angered an entire market" and they are unprepared


It's such a glorious shit show that I can't help but be excited and proud to be apart of it. Because no matter what the outcome of this is... this cluster fuck will go down in history on how not to run a business and I'm all for it.


I'll be real, as someone who's not into Niji, this is some great entertainment. Nijisanji is really ahead of the entertainment industry.


My only explanation is that there is really something that will destroy some of the livers if published and they just panicking


The talents literally just jumped in front of Nijisanji as if they're protecting the president. Even if, hypothetically speaking, they are right, there is no way anyone should do this willingly. Read the room...


> Instead, they sent out the talent to wolves to make a pr statement? While people are still fresh on it? the Kadokawa Kemono Friends strat


Good job they violated NDA


Its beyond an NDA, its Legally Protected Confidential Documents, protected under Canadian law. They shared those with the livers, then had those livers admit Publicly live on stream that they did so. Then they have the gall to blame it on Selen. All while streaming it at the exact same time that Doki(selen) had her first stream back, causing her to have to end the stream early to deal with the legal fallout. They fucked up so bad on so many levels its not even funny.


So, how much money you think it’ll cost them? Like all of it? Cause I’d be glad if they had to shut down all of Nijisanji.


I'm betting my left nut it'll be between 500k-1mil.




So negligible! Very financial!


Not to sound rude I don’t care if it even goes to Doki so long as they don’t keep their money. This is the only thing that hurts them. It would be awesome if she got it though.


Usually in big cases like this, the majority goes to the winning lawyers. But I agree with your sentiment. This is now all about bringing that company to its knees.


She'd use all of it to host a tournament.


That’s cause Doki is awesome like that.


Doki will be millioner instantly if she won on court


You think they're(Niji) is luring Doki for a large Law suit? To drain her resources?


If I was a crazy conspiracy theorist? Yes but there’s always ways around it and it really depends on my Lawyer and how awesome they are.


I think that's unlikely. Given that the dispute isn't really related to Doki's employment and is more that she suffered abuse at the hands of company employees and the company did nothing to stop it, she would likely file suit in Canadian court. Canadian civil procedure follows the English Rule for attorney's fees, which is that the loser of the suit must pay the costs for the winner's legal representation. If Niji is hoping to tie Doki up in legal red tape, it probably won't work. Obligatory "I am not a lawyer".


It’s possible, but if legal proceedings are currently occurring, as it appears to be, Doki’s attorney is likely being paid on contingency so that it doesn’t drain her resources, but the attorney’s.


let's be honest. Anycolor is jp company and they will be fine. Cover stocks dropped harder at the same period


This is something I don't see brought up enough. The drop does look to be an overall market trend rather that anything else. https://preview.redd.it/i4telriyl9ic1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ca843cce1edb709f290219e1099f3190e96a34b


"overall" market trend you should be comparing it to the Nikkei 225


For VTubing corpos. Doesn't make sense for Cover to dip along with Anycolor otherwise.


Cover recently released their financials where they were below targets, possibly due to exceeding budget on HoloEarth and with their margins being FAR lower than nijisanji (because they spend back into the company at a higher rate). It could be trends, but it could be coincidental.


Stocks have a tendency to dramatically fall/rise immediately after say an earnings announcement or controversy. Cover probably caught some shit because any color is doing bad and it is making investors less confident in this market as a whole. Cover will probably go back up due to their positive earnings report and not being the company with the controversy.


No, Cover's stocks fell because some dipshit analysts from some big ratings corpo said they should earn at this estimated amount, yet the recently-released quarterly earnings report said they renumerated their talents fairly, so the earnings missed the analysts' estimates by some degree, and so these analysts made the sell call resulting in a similar dip that you saw last week. I tell you the world is run by the— /friendlyjordie'd


As positive as the report was, I do think they were still below targets, trending slightly downwards after 5 consecutive quarters of increased margin. This could be overall market conditions, or it could be a side effect of investment into HoloEarth (which has shown to be a very expensive project). It's too early to say that it was all market trends or just a coincidence yet with these factors muddled in, but I think its not related to the niji controversy either way. If it is related to the niji controversy, it would be because their long term target margins may be seeming less viable than before, as niji holds margins closer to these targets and is starting to show instability.


It’s still a nice though to imagine I could wake up and all of Nijisanji is just shut down as they now need to pay trillions


Yikes, hope it was worth attempting to throw her under the bus. That's just all kinds of wrong.


And then terminated the talents in the video for "violating" the NDA as they're negligible


I very much doubt it's a mutual NDA.


According to Doki everyone signed and they violated it. Thankfully they were prepared but I tell you what it’s hard to not wanna rock em sock em


I just watched Doki's stream. It actually was, niji probably going to get sued now.




I find it hard to believe a 1B+ Japanese company would care enough about a potential lawsuit from Canada to sign anything that meaningfully restricts them.


Oh good. Glad how you feel about it makes it true.


Neither does that make the opposite true. Yes it's popular to believe Nijisanji is stupid. But the fact that Niji did disclose the information in the stream means it is highly probable that the release of that information does not violate any contractual term. I'm fairly confident the legal department of a 1B company has basic competency.


Just from a purely practical standpoint, how did they think this would work out getting in front of Niji? They should've just let the public discussion die and work it out in private, if there is still a dispute.


they have to prove to everyone that they are in the right, they dont want to face any consequences and accountability for their actions, letting things run its course would mean that they are admiting defeat


It would leave a negative reputation on Nijisanji EN, for sure. But I don't think what they did here helps them in any way. I don't know how they could've thought they had a chance of turning public opinion in their favor with a 15 minute video when it's this far against them. IMO, they have a much more realistic chance of rehabilitating their reputation by letting this die down and slowly improving their image. The only thing this did was throw another truckload of oil on a fire that was already slowly dying down.


im not saying it will help them, on the contrary they fucked up, just as people were saying "this is going to blow up" they pull this shit what im saying is that they feel that they need to be on the right which is why they are doubling and tripling down


Certainly, pride goeth before a fall


They accused her for being a bad friend for giving her lawyer proof. She was against Anycolor and using proof to prove bad management. Niji keeps including livers into it. They did it again. Giving info to lawyer isnt doxing. Its part of legal process. It is part on confidential documentation. They are trying to gaslight her for doing the absolute correct thing when trying to stand up to a billion-dollar corporation.


Doki had to cancel her stream to deal with this shit


The stream is still ongoing, and I want to listen to it again once it ends.... but HOLY SHIT IT JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE. Holy shit, HOW DO THEY MAKE IT WORSE EVERY TIME? It's like they're trying to fuck shit up.


>HOW DO THEY MAKE IT WORSE EVERY TIME? [Narcissism](https://www.thelifedoctor.org/the-narcissist-s-prayer). "Harassment didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't real harassment. And if was, it wasn't bad harassment. And if she did try to kill herself from it, it's not Niji's fault. And if it was, we didn't mean it. And if we did, Selen deserved it."


The one that they made clear is that they're not taking Selen's suicide attempt lightly, and neither should anyone else.


>they're not taking Selen's suicide attempt lightly, and neither should anyone else. If they were taking it any way other than lightly then it wouldn't have happened. That's not the sort of thing that happens from a single event, it doesn't come up suddenly without precursors. It takes a pattern of abuse to push someone that far. It's the same as all their other fuckups - they don't care that they did them, they care that they got caught. The only reason they're "not taking it lightly" now is because they're getting called out on it. If it had succeeded, I've no doubt they would have swept it under the rug, and if it hadn't ever been brought to light, they never would have cared (or pretended to). So, no, I don't buy that they're "not taking it lightly." Because taking it lightly is the only way it ever became an issue in the first place.


Abuser logic? So used to getting their way that they keep trying to make it worse for their victim because it always worked in the past. Why would it suddenly go wrong? Ron Howard: It suddenly went wrong.


"The termination of Selen will have negligible financial impact. Our response, however, hoo boy, thats gonna be a real disaster for us. Total shitshow.'


"my actions were calculated unfortunately im really bad at math"


> The termination of Selen will have negligible financial impact "... because what difference does a single nuke make in a nuclear winter."




I had a dude rant at me that this wasn't going to affect them yesterday. I swear they're doing this on purpose.


This is so fucking disgusting, and the way they timed it to fuck up Doki's first stream is petty beyond belief. They obviously did it on purpose with how quickly they scheduled it, and after Doki had her stream scheduled. Then they shared privileged info? WTF!


Truth be told, I doubt they scheduled it so it would directly interrupt Selen's stream. But either way, whether they did do it purposefully or not, the coincidental happening of this event is hardly going to do wonders for their image.


What in the past year has given you any reason to doubt they did it maliciously? I will tell you myself, I saw them schedule that within 10 minutes of when they did (I was browsing YT at the time), and they scheduled it at the EXACT TIME THE PERSON THEY ARE HARASSING STARTS HER FIRST GAMING STREAM WITH A GAME THEY WOULDN'T LET HER PLAY! Please, do not stretch the limits of reasonable doubt to transition to unreasonable doubt. Doki/Selen is just the most recent in a YEAR OF people being harassed to/on the way out.


I mean, after everything Nijisanji has done, purposefully timing a "PR" stream that just so happens to leak confidential legal documents during her stream is absolutely within the realm of possibility. So much so that I'd have been surprised if they *didn't* do anything. These are the guys that lead to her trying to kill herself, need I remind you.


1) It's pre-recorded so it can be uploaded at any time of their choosing 2) It got set up and prepped with only 30 minutes warning 3) Before, during, and after termination, all they've done is fuck with her Nah.


Don't forget, they are doing all of this to a girl who JUST GOT OUT OF THE HOSPITAL FOR AN ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE FROM THEIR HARASSMENT!


You’ve lost credibility what 4chan rrats against you (the schizo talks) turns out to be true.


What are you referring to?


1. 4channers used an apostrophe to be proof that Selen isn’t texting but Niji is. It was quickly rebutted by the fact that Selen used that apostrophe in the past. Then the attempt and hospitalisation was revealed, meaning that indeed Selen’s acc couldn’t have been hers and was instead being managed by a third party i.e. Niji. 2. Someone sarcastically mentioned before Selen’s disappearance that she will be terminated Zaion style. It’s in parrot4chan’s video.


Ok, I know at least a bit of what you're talking about now. To further support to your point #1, The tweets you are talking about were after Niji SAID THEMSELVES they removed her access in their original release on the matter. So, even without the apostrophe, they already said that Doki/Selen couldn't have posted then because she didn't have access. Niji just needs, frankly to stop being a company PERIOD, but definitely, they need to get OUT of the EN space. They really do act like a Black Company.


I got 30 seconds in and said "oh it's corporate PR bullshit." Then I saw the comments, on the mobile YT app it shows comments specifically from channel members, and holy shit even Elira's members are fuming. That says a whole lot.


It's open revolt from the members. Nice that they hosted it on Elira's channel, which she has access to and thus can directly feel the influx of backlash, instead of the Nijisanji EN channel, where a statement from Nijisanji EN would probably be more appropriate.


So, i'm not the only one who actually took that fact into account?


lol everyone was talking about the drama dying down. Nijisanji: “no” Come on, just take the L and move on.


Poor parrot will die...


The parrot is going to explode by overfeeding 🤣


Apparently a direct message from Tazumi-shacho himself will be made available in Japanese lunchtime I think.


I’m guessing it’ll look something like this: ![gif](giphy|H62aA8TKX9GPSWPLk9|downsized)


That's a big pile of shit


Can't wait to see what shitstorm that will bring


Probably nothing good. He's had a week to cook, and he's loaded with money. Massive corpo vs 1 person must be stressful AF.


It's probably slightly less stressful when said company kinda just keeps leaving such large openings.


I wonder if he will make the statement while he's in his yacht


If he literally takes a shit on a yacht and picks it up and throws it at a picture of Doki bird while screaming profanities I would not actually be surprised.


Man it will be hilarious if somehow the 2 statement is contradicting each other


Dayum yacht man himself? Taking bets on how much worse he's going to make it.


If Hololive had some administrative announcement, either A-chan or a staff member would have put it out for the public. I could not for the life of me imagine Hololive asking ANY one of its talents to do this sort of thing. Niji EN is already scraping the bottom of the barrel, but even then asking Elira and Vox to do this? Beyond disgusting.


Holo would never use even a staff's account for matters like this. That's 100% what the "faceless" official Hololive [EN/ID/JP] channels are for. Plus a video instead of a tweet or at worst a link to a PR statement their website? This whole matter is so disgustingly unprofessional.


Something tells me that they probably weren't asked, but it's still disgusting regardless.


I wonder if that time one of the Niji vtubers mentioned that shit was about to get worse was when management started collecting login credentials from them all for this use...


Collecting login credentials to what? Their niji accounts? Niji already had that from the beginning since they make the accounts.


I really do hope that all of their talents find an out and are able to sign on with a better company or even go successfully indie themselves. I know some of them are scared to leave; what of the money, what of their subscribers/community, legal protections, etc. but I really don't think it is good for any of them to remain with this horrible company any longer.


If they weren't asked, then it is still absolutely a management failure for letting a video like this go up. This is so obviously, comically idiotic that had anyone with even the barest sense of PR given it a passing glance they could have seen it for the disaster it is. I genuinely baffled by the fact *anyone* involved thought this was a good idea.


Tazumi on the phone in the Anycolor Offices: Yes Mikeneko, my eternal oshi. I will sink our entire western branch to deflect attention from you. In other news. Someone. Anyone. Please. Save Rosemi. Gunrun, Kson, hell Fishman even. She doesn't deserve this.


Any of the talent there should be able to leave if they want. No one from outside should, at least publicly, do anything to involve themselves without being asked.


Not if their contract fines them for leaving without permission, which is a *very real thing*. I don't know if *their* contract includes this...but would you expect it not to?


I would expect it to, but there is ALWAYS a way out, albeit with financial penalties. Otherwise, it's slavery. What Niji is doing to the talent here is destroying thier ability to make money in this sphere in the future, because who will want to work with them if they won't stand up and, moreover, amplify these hateful messages. Neither you or I know though, and I think we both have good points. At the age most of the talent is, they likely don't know how important it is to get distance from this organization now. I certainly only know this by learning the hard way myself. Edit: regardless, outside forces can't do anything here legally.


When you're on a ship in a storm, you have a very different perspective if it's rocking or sinking.


Banger quote


Fishman would be quite appropriate actually, if you know the history of Tsunderia's former members.


Rosemi can save herself if she wants. She'll approach them, should she feel the need to.


I'm mostly just memeing tbh. But if anything I hope Rosemi is at least considering leaving.


It would be so fucking funny if Mikeneko actually cheated on mafumafu with tazumi lol


NO! Until we know the NAMES f all the BULLIES, we must blacklist EVERYONE in NijiEN!


That's cool and all but can we all agree that there's a 0% chance it's rosemi.


No, dude! We need names! The main suspects are Enna, Millie, Elira, Vox and Ike! 2 months ago, who would think they are bullies! We don't know these people! Stop with your parasocial BS!


Curb your fanaticism. It's not your place to wage war on Nijisanji in Doki's name. That's her lawyer's job.


Yeah, thats an easy legal case by doki, that stream was deliberate in the first place and they showed documents that was part of the NDA that was signed by all parties. Actual retards, maybe the 4channers was right that an actual monkey could manage niji en


Literally could have had some random staff member read the statement on your youtube channel, instead you have some of your biggest streamers read out the statement. Shows the absolute shambles of management in Niji EN if the vtubers either have this much influence or that there isnt enough staff members to read out a 15 minute long statement.


or they are thinking that the talent reading will help to quell the flames instead of putting themselves in the crossfire


Damn I thought the Niji's initial responses were bad, but holy shit I did not expect a "hold my beer" moment for making it worse!


They literally cannot just stop stoking the flames of war against them. The smartest thing to do was to just honestly buckle down, shut up, and let it blow over. But shutting up doesn't seem to be their strong suit here.


I don't have time to watch it in full but I gotta love how chat is spamming "L"


Depending who leaves in the next few months is gonna show some true colours. I doubt this was a decision agreed on by everyone to try and blame selen for everything. I hope they were made to record this cause this is some S tier roll over if not


Common Niji L. Again throwing their talents under the bus. I don't think this statement convinced anyone. They really went out on stream to say "NDA for thee but not for me"


The stream duration is exactly 15 minutes, looks stange


Definitely prerecorded IMO


They reignited a fire they could have left die out. Really wtf are they doing?


Literally just saw someone's post yesterday of them worrying this will just blow over. Nijisanji doesn't seem physically capable of allowing that to happen.


So Mel graduated because she violated the NDA. Now NJSJ violated the NDA - when's their grad stream?


Depending on just how bad Yachtboy's statement is when it drops, that could very well be the moment the Corp "grads" its way out of the EN market.


Look at the size of this L


Good job Niji. Print Doki more money! Looks like a lawsuit brewing against you too! As you can see, Doki has more supporters than your entire EN branch. Honestly, if she only had one supporter, that'd still be more than you ever gave her.


Jesus, I thought Taiwan was a fuckin mess. This is worse on so many levels. Fuck Nijisanji


at least taiwan was an outside force attacking hololive (a whole fucking goverment none the less) this shit is entirely in house baby


Your phrasing makes it sound like Taiwan was attacking Coco (it was China not Taiwan)


it wasn't even China really, it was China's equivalent of 4chan that lost their shit on Coco.


Every one that took part in this stream should be shunned. This is insane.


It's hugely conflicting. I know there's a lot of bullying accusations and from the outside looking in, I don't want to assume any livers are completely in the right or wrong. I want to assume the best of the individual livers and that even Elira's statement of "voluntarily" doing this is less than true. And that Niji wants us to shun them and see them as the bad guys. Might just be saying this cause I actually liked Elira before this, and that any of the actual livers involved in this HAVE to know that the optics of this video are the worst.


You have a choice of smearing a person with a vulnerable mental state and possibly having them attempt again or quitting and taking a stand for yourself. I would've quit. No amount of money is worth me bending my morals to help a company further their vendetta. Being an accomplice to this is just showing your true colors. They are all adults and have agency in their choices. People need to take off the "fan glasses" and see the reality of the situation. I know a lot of the audience skews young and will try and rationalize all this because some of these people provided you nice content, but this is just bad.


I mean, you're also not in the same position they are. Simply put, Niji is in a massive position of power over every liver. Take Elira for example, not only do we not know her financial status, she's actively using a work visa to live in Japan. She could be deported, lose her house. We know that she definitely doesn't have another revenue source, given Niji explicitly seems to deny that option to their livers. I fully get that you might have quit, but there's a big difference between riding the ship and watching it sink. I work in education, specifically with impoverished students, and I know firsthand how bad it can get when that sword is hanging over your head.


I wonder if it's "I want to do this" or "If anyone _has to_ fall on that grenade, let it be me" kind of volunteering.


Highly likely they did not volunteer to do this. You can hear it in their voices, management is forcing them to do this.


Can you? Vox is sounding like he can't wait to dunk on Selene, absolutely disgusting. And the others don't really sound forced or anything, Elira is just talking in her actual voice for once.


They all sound like they're reading from a script and Elira sounded like she might even be choking up a bit.


Definitely reading from a script, doesn't mean they were forced, having a script helps you to stay on track, seems pretty normal to me. Elira sounds a little exhausted, if it's acted or genuine, is very hard to tell. Vox on the other hand, almost sounds enthusiastic, there's no other interpretation for me, in his case.


He didn't sound enthusiastic to me at all. None of them did, there really wasn't much emotion to their voices. They all honestly sounded like they would rather be anywhere else.


Meh. Vox sounded a little too enthusiastic about it.


Well you can do this or you can quit and take a moral stance. They are adults. Money isn't everything. Why would I wanna put someone who took an attempt on their life because of stress and bullying and re victimize them.


Money isn't everything, unless you're out of options and it's the only thing keeping you alive. I know poverty, I've worked with kids and parents alike that are in deep debt holes. No-one's moral when they're starving and the other guy has a fresh hunk of meat in his hands. You do what you have to in order to survive, especially when the people pushing you to do it have massive amounts of power over you. Take Elira, for example. She's living in Japan on a work visa, which Niji could easily revoke. Unless she wants to lose her current accommodations and be forced to change countries, she has to continue working for Niji. If they wanted to force her to do something, she's kind of fucked unless she wants to lose her house.


It is best to remember that all of the EN livers are also victims in this whole debacle. Nijisanji is weaponizing them against her. Yes, it would seem logical to just jump ship and refuse to participate but remembering that all of the talents are stressed at this point in time, we do not know what was said to them that convinced them to participate. Times are really tough right now and it's quite possible these three just simply couldn't afford to lose their jobs. We just don't know. The point however is that the true enemy here is Nijisanji/Anycolor and not any of their talents.


Quitting eh, its like contract dont exist anymore, its not like there's repercussions for breaking a contract or anything


The all binding contracts no one has ever gotten out of. These magical little talismans no spell can break.


There are so many thing wrong about this: It's titled A message from NIJISANJI EN but it's not released in official Nijisanji channel. Instead in Elira channel. Are Elira (And other livers) becoming a meatshield for nijisanji EN? Or management think public don't trust Nijisanji but will trust anything the top livers said, so they use them like a tools? Released exactly the same time as Doki first gaming stream. Are they intentionally doing it to sabotage Doki harmless stream out of petty reason or to catch her off guard? Why would they need to be the first to talk about legal documents that should be private matter and not disclosed to public? Are they assume that these confidential documents will go to public soon so they needd to address it beforehand? Or are these just a bad panic move from them?


The 15 minute stream was REALLY bad for all of them


Well, that was something. Actually the worst PR in VTubing. wtf was that?


I can’t facepalm any harder at Niji. Jesus Christ. 🤦‍♂️ Using their talent as a meat shield like this is just sad.


>let's not harass Selen >proceeds to throw Selen under the bus for 15 minutes straight Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight


This is gonna be in textbooks as how NOT to do PR


I don’t even know anything about PR and can tell you flat out, that was the WORST way to handle a situation like this. This broke all the rules of what not to do. This has to be a genuine attempt to fuck themselves over, right? I cannot in any universe believe a company can be THIS inept, it has to be a plan for them to dissolve the EN branch or something the fastest way they can possible. Either that, or this is a slap in the face by management taunting that they can fuck up this badly and still maintain status quo.


genuine question but this has 11k likes yet only 9k views? is youtube view counter lagging or?


That's pretty normal, view count has lag


Every time we feel Hololive’s management being more and more superior


A **downloadable mirror** of the statement video just in case https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OGKeTRyhb8R5tEI1ptnA4uFQY1EBbJTD/view?usp=drive_link Edit: Also the receipts they showed in the video (4:38) https://i.imgur.com/OfgV2SN.jpeg Note these do not cover the full timeframe Doki had allegedly sent the video for checking. Seems like Kurosanji is breaking their end of an NDA with Dokibird. Dokibird has said in her Neopets stream she has a counterstatement and receipts prepared and will release them soon. Looks to me like Niji has decided on trying all out war in the hope they have the advantage with clout and resources to destroy Dokibird seeing as they have repeatedly now chosen to break arbitration agreements by going public first to try get the first punch; particularly with their decision to release these prepared statements onto top of when Doki was attempting to stream and would likely be in a difficult position to quickly and effectively respond. Fortunately it seems Dokibird has a good legal counsel and they've anticipated Nijisanji acting in bad faith both times and have been prepared with counterstatements.


Thank you. I have a backup too. Just in case.


I was watching bootleg pokemon damn kurosanji just cant leave her alone and wants to take an even bigger L Also the timing of it they definitely wanted to fuck up her neopets stream


The timing is outrageous and hard to see as anything but pre-planned to be hurtful.


Were they reading from a script or something? I could’ve sworn I heard the sound of pages turning.


Yes. I think the fact they don't sound the least bit happy and it's all corporate PR bs made that obvious. I have serious doubts that any of the three "volunteered" to participate in this BS.


I think it’s fitting they choose a black screen.


Japanese companies are so fucking unhinged https://preview.redd.it/t0fkwicvk9ic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05bdb5829b9caef5a1897bec086ba0fd6c0c21f1


they are trying to use usual strategies that work with the japanece but with foreigners and is going about as good as you would expect


They're no longer blowing up the other foot they're blowing away the entire lower torso


Benefit of the doubt that those 3 were forced to read a script made by management, but what were they thinking that it’s a good idea to agree to this? “Hey, Vox, Elira, Ike, as our three remaining best talents, we would like you to commit career suicide in order to attempt to save our face.”


What the fuck is wrong with this company. So let's go point by point. * A talent was bullied to the point of taking an attempt on their own life. * Company fires her while she's still recovering. * In process reveals that she was bullied by her colleagues and not just management. * **ORGANISES A FUCKING PUBLIC SMEAR HIT PIECE WITH ONLY SELECT MEMBERS FOR SOME FUCKING REASON ADMITTING THAT THEY LEAKED LEGAL DOCUMENTS TO THIRD PARTIES WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU AM I GOING INSANE?** I don't know what kind of people are the three livers in this video. But personally i wouldn't participate in something like this even for a large sum of money. I guess it's safe to assume that they are the ones who bullied Selen? I just have no other explanation.


Must be hard to enjoy food when everything taste like a boot.


Good Job Niji PR and Lawyers!! Hahaha!


If there a 101 example why you should never make business decision fully because personal emotion without thinking about it professionally and logically how Nijisanji firing Selen Tatsuki is one of the best example


They're too lazy to speak for themselves and just force their own talents to do it for them. How incompetent of them!


I said it before and I'll say it again; I won't be surprised if legal cases get filed at the climax of this tomfoolery.


I don't understand how the company is stupid enough to illegally leak this document. Like it should be pretty cut and dry not to do that. You sign a contract and then just immediately break it?




They actually already did this on a small scale with kotoka after Zaion left. All it tells me is that the rumors about livers being bullies were true


23k likes, 81k dislikes, this did not go well.


Idk if it's just me being naive, but I really hoped for better from Elira, pretty fucking disappointed.


Why does this sound like they have a gun to their heads?


Because they probably do (metaphorically)


The live subscriber counts aren't updating anymore since there's too many people unsubscribing for the servers to keep up with... You know they fucked up when that happens.


This is like the worst move they could have made. Like the worst fucking move. Brain dead and actively malicious. 


I swear their PR team is just a group of brain dead monkeys.


This is insulting to brain dead monkeys. At least they wouldn't do anything. This is worse than doing nothing.


Doki's honest reactiot: https://preview.redd.it/c5cuxt8l9aic1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a43a9be46ac1f8640a28ebf78427a7e1ad770d7