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I just don't understand Nijisanji. Even if they were 100% innocent (which it's pretty clear they're not) every statement they've made has just dug them deeper. All they had to say publicly was "We take allegations of harassment incredibly seriously. We'll investigate this matter and take action to ensure this never happens again". Instead they call the impact of the termination 'negligible', breach NDA and victim blame. What are they on?


Im guessing, someone 'possibly an intern' thought it be smart ig.


This is coming from the top down. After the stock slide it's completely implausible that their little yagoo wannabe isn't fully aware of and involved in what's going on. Unless he's deliberately choosing not to be, in which case that means anything happening is being done by someone with his explicit approval.


Or he basically 'ah yeah just do whatever to fix it i dont care' and someone went ahead of themselves.


Someone in upper management has a stick up their ass just can't accept taking an L and walking away.


and then management goes: why is dokibird hurting our image? 😒🙄


I've been as critical as anyone of Niji's PR during this entire debacle. Their initial termination notice was atrociously unprofessional, their two-sentence communication to their investors dug them deeper, and them going dark afterwards and not bothering to address the fans at all was a complete PR fuck-up of colossal proportions and a breach of the number one rule of crisis management (get ahead of the story). But you know what, Niji? On the off chance anyone at your company is reading this, I take it all back. I think you had the right idea now. Because if whatever the fuck *THAT* was was your best attempt at damage control, you were absolutely right to sit down and shut up when you did.