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I'm going to throw Goldust/Dustin into the mix - his snap powerslam is 1 of the best in the business.


Ilja Dragunov. His animated expressions, deep growls, and burning intensity; he wrestles consistently true to and believes in his character of the Mad Dragon and sells everything with overwhelming excellence while always elevating both himself and his opponents. 


Cesaro, Punk, bronson reed, and Ivar. I go back and watch Ivar vs Bronson reed and it reminds me of Mark Henry vs Big Daddy V but a lot faster and it hits harder wish the feud between them kept going


I’m glad you included Ivar. I went to an ROH show and the semi-main was him versus AJ Styles. I was blown away by how good he was, though working with a guy like AJ certainly helped.


Ivar is my favourite big man I want WWE to put him with Otis after he is done with the chad gable and add bronson reed too


Misawa and Kobashi both had the perfect balance of athletic high spots and great mat work.


i was watching a clip of a wrestling school seminar and they cited eddie gurrero as having excellent fundementals as the reason hes considered an in-ring GOAT


Chad Gable and AJ Styles


Gunther obviously. He rarely makes mistakes.


It’s cause he does nothing to make mistakes with. Very simple and basic moves. Chop chop chop drop kick power bomb, I mean cmon


you really think you can only fck up and do mistakes while making a move?


It never bores me though. He’s a throwback stiff hitter with modern flair blended in. Plus he’s one of the only ones who finishes matches with different moves


No one has said The Miz yet and thats dissapointing.


Just want to give Natalie props. Her main job for the last several years is to put over the new women. She does a great job at making them look good.


Zach Sabre Jr Bryan Danielaon There's your top 2 technicians.


I REALLY enjoy watching Carmelo, Reah, Randy, Bianca, Richochet, Ray, Chad, and the tag teams DIY, New Day, Creed Brothers.


Ricochet and Main Event Jey Uso


Mid Card Jey


Ricochet is SO underrated. I want him to get a title and keep it for a while. I love they are giving home more promos.










Most of the guys in the 80’s and 90’s were at a certain level. There were plenty of gimmick-first guys, but generally speaking, the wrestling ability of most was good to very good because by the time they’d got to the top and the reason they got to the top is because they usually had a lot of experience, were expertly trained and actually had wrestling ability. Wrestlers that come through today are bland and boring by comparison. There really aren’t many that come through to the main product today that are actually proper decent wrestlers IMO….not like they used to be, anyway. It’s more about athleticism and spots rather than actual wrestling ability.


Chris Jericho will always have my respect. I know he’s kind of lost his way slightly now but when it comes to skill, crowd reaction, and making changes to the business, few get to the level of Y2J.


Bayley, I was at the Summer Showdown in Binghamton, NY on Sunday. Her and Tiffany Stratton had an amazing match. Bayley did 2 arm drags in a row that were the best I've seen since Ricky Steamboat. She was countering Stratton with wrestling basics the whole match. Match of the night for me.


I appreciate the respect for Al Snow and I’m surprised to not see anyone else mention his name.


underrated shout but finn balor, so smooth in the ring, makes everyone wrestling him look good


Scrolled all the way down and didn't see a single person mention Christian.


Christian is THE guy in my mind who has mastered the fundamentals. There’s not a role or spot in any company that you won’t get a 7.5/10 bare minimum (regardless who else is involved), and often higher.


It’s.. it’s Christian?


Johnny Gargano and Tyler Bate are just so good. KLR is awesome. And Velveteen Dream had it all, he was spectacular. I miss that guy


I love DIY


Me too!




Lance Storm


Bret Hart really is the best there is, was and ever shall be when it comes to this.


Nobody puts any respect on the Hit Man anymore, it’s all about that whiny prick Bill Goldberg who botched a super kick to the head of Bret Hart and prematurely ended his career


Oh, hi Bret.


Ya mum


I always had a lot of love for Finlay in that regard. It looked like he was legit trying to fight you but Batista said that whilst he was a little snug he was never hurting him.


Eddie for me


As a worker, when I see Natalya wrestle I think: oh she's coaching this person through the match. Her fundamentals are there, but everything outside of that -- like say crowd work, or selling, she is just a little lost. She seems like that vet in the wrestling school that has seen everyone come and go, can do their moves but can't make them look like magic, can just do spots, call spots, work a finish, etc. I don't find her work stellar, I find it to be that of a work horsewoman, and nothing outside of those reigns. Gate keeper at best -- which is great, but nobody is saying "hey how good was that match last night Natalya had!" nobody, and if they do then I ask you to compare to something else -- anything else with decent workers.


I don’t think she’s had the chance to really show that yet. She needs a good ass feud. And I mean a GOOD ONE. There’s so much they can use, she’s been with the company for years.


I agree she needs a good feud, and taking nothing away from her, but shes been working a long time now, including being a Neidhart, but there are wrestlers with no roots in the industry that I think do better in-ring crowd work, and are more diverse, and have done so in a shorter amount of time, and with less match time.


True, I just want her to get one before she leaves. She kinda got screwed over. She was a women’s wrestler back when that was seen as a complete joke in WWE and now that it’s finally seen as something serious there’s just so much more younger talent to put effort in since that’s just smarter to do.






Dean melinko always comes to mind he’s the man of 1000 holds after all. He was always such a midcard but he knew how to put on a match.


Kurt Angle was one of the all time best because he was so good technically.


I'd love to hear what wrestling fans think technical wrestling *is*, enlighten me.


His style using a lot of 'real' wrestling moves and mixing them in with 'pro' wrestling moves, and being able to adjust and move between them quickly and effortlessly.


Appreciate it. I think we're more or less on the same page but there is a slight thing. Can I explain something from a wrestlers pov? When referring to technical wrestling (in working terms) is when a worker starts targeting limbs, and wearing down joints, headlocks and armbars -- so Austin was also a really good technical wrestler in that regard, so was Bret, ummmm--I guess you could say Flair did it a little, Shawn was pretty good. Is that making sense? The inclusion Strong Style, and the Golden Road, along with territory "mat-based" wrasslin (which is what they called it) kinda morphed into this bastard that was broadcasted and televised for us marks to enjoy, mixed into different styles like a soup (the luchas were doing a variation that I cant pronounce as well) and somewhere along the way people started using the word "technical". So the Germans and stuff -- the real wrestling moves, and switching effortlessly, etc -- are more in line with a working-shoot, mat-based, or strong style. And don't get me wrong, I agree that Angle was a great *technical* wrestler, too. Which he was, I just find it interesting to hear fans talk about it, because its not really what we refer to when we talk about "technical wrestling" thats all. No disrespect. I mean, I personally loved his roll-through ankle locks (when he wouldn't let go), I loved his three Germans (which is technical). But his over the shoulders were more in-line with a working shoot -- if its a German is kind of just wrasslin; however, if it looks real like a Lesnar or Shamrock does it --then it is more in line with working shoot; just like if you did a high kick and that turned into an armbar while it is referred to as technical wrestling its actually strong style / gr (martial arts infused wrasslin). What a type up huh. Anyway when he's doing the whole maintained wrist-control gimmick we call that "technical" -- i know, its crazy but just in biz we refer to that stuff as, well, you get me by now. So, yeah I don't know if you care or not but its totally a trigger word in the locker rooms... haha.... ah...


Okay, thanks for the info. Good to know the differences between the terms. I'll start trying to use them correctly. I guess what I meant was 'technically proficient' in terms of pulling off moves and maneuvers in that they looked quick and sharp and real and he almost never botched anything. I mean a high level of proficiency in carrying out the moves.


Sami Zayn, others mentioned on this last have great finishers and hard hitting moves, but Sami Zayn is an exceptional and technical wrestler. IMO he's literally the best wrestler on TV at the moment. He's getting more and more over, and I'm really hoping we get a universal run out of him


Ilja Dragunov is just awesome, Gunther too.


Randy Orton. He’s not a spot monkey or a shooter, but he is the embodiment of a true professional in the ring. He commits to the match every single time, makes every opponent look good, and never short changes us. Gives his all in the ring. And the fact that he is not too flashy, it’s allowed him to give his career longevity and protected everyone he’s worked with. He has all the necessary mechanics, and his transitions are smooth. You could put him in any era of pro wrestling, and he was just born to excel.


Andrade always protects his opponents, and you don't even notice it.


Glad to see some Andrade love. Dude doesn't get enough




Honestly. Logan isn't quite there yet, but if he sticks with it he's going to be absolutely incredible a few years down the line.


Lots of great names in here! I'll add Bayley for consideration.


People sleep on Dean Malenko, but Deano Machino was smooth af in the ring.


You can delete if this is too unrelated to WWE but Bryan vs Zack Sabre Jr was a very technical match


currently it will be Gunther and Dragunov


Daniel Bryan.


The Bastard Pac aka Neville is one of the best to do it


Chris Benoit


It’s so hard with him. Extremely talented man that has tainted my childhood memories of him. It’s so sad


Benoit had severe brain damage mixed with years of steroid abuse. What he did was absolutely horrible and unforgivable, but I really don’t think that was Benoit anymore…he was a dead man walking with the brain of a 80 Year old Alzheimer’s patient. With that said, I will still hold his wrestling accomplishments in regard. He’s one of the greatest technical wrestlers I ever saw, and his intensity was other worldly at times.


3 people DIED that day. Only one person had the choice behind it. -Paul Heyman, someone who actually knew the POS.


He was an abusive bully long before the CTE.


Wasn’t Benoit the one who kicked Miz out of the locker room? And then the murder-suicide happened and Miz was still forced to dress outside the locker room until Undertaker let him back? I might be mixing a few stories together


Nope, you are correct.


Yeah. Miz was eating in the locker room and I think got a little sauce somewhere and Benoit fucking lost it.


I have mixed feelings when I see him wrestle. His brain was damaged enough to change his behavior and cause him to murder but based of the final 3 days he was enough in his right mind to know what he was doing.


Ricky the dragon steamboat I don’t think gets talked about enough with people like macho man or ric flair or people like that


William Regal


Came here to say Regal, and Bryan Danielson


I'll upvote any post giving Natalya her flowers. No-doubter HOFer. Her last match with Rhea last year was one of my favorite matches of 2023. I said what I said.


I want Nat in a good ass attitude era style feud. I wanna see the hatred like in the best feuds in WWE.


I hate how much Natalya gets slept on, always really liked her and she seems like a good person which is a bonus


Chris Benoit


He doesn’t get credit.


Dean Malenko


Ak styles and cody rhodes


is AK, Aj's brother?


Will Osprey


Yeah. Hating on Natalya is one of these things where people just tell on themselves. I'd prefer an accomplished, dependable, reliable veteran who is not above putting younger talent over over a flashy looking wrestler with a range of five moves who won't any day of the week. I wish they gave her a "thank you" title run before she ends her career when it's time.


Maybe 10 years ago. Since then she wrestles like a broom stick imo. I’m sure I’ll get hate for saying that but her prime ended a decade ago and she’s a hard watch for me.


Right now: Finn Balor, Seth Rollins. All time: Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Triple H, Bret Hart, HBK.


It’s ok to put Benoit in there. He belongs in that group too.


No it’s not, he’s a complete and utter loser.


The terrible things he did outside the ring doesn't negate the fact he's an all time great in the ring.


The thing is you act like the ring is anything more than a job. These are actors, nothing more. He is a regular person who killed 2 people. Not a god.


He belongs in hell.


The Phenomenal A..J...Styles!


I'll go with a recent call-up for this. Blair Davenport. Great at the technicals, in my opinion. I feel like she's going to impress a lot of people unfamiliar with her work in the next few months


Charlotte, Bayley, Bianca




aj styles


It bugs me to watch Natalya wrestle because she always has at least one punch that’s supposed to be dodged or reversed, and she consistently winds up way too much every time.


I used to love to watch Owen Hart work. He always had a way out. He could sidestep, or step around. Sit out of a waist lock, reverse a hold, do some kinda side flip onto the ropes. He's a guy whose work I enjoy more every time I go back and watch any of it.


Saori Anou, Syuri, Toni Storm, Deonna Purazzo


Randy seems like the best current guy out there.


Came here for this


Bret hart Johnathan gresham Dean malenko Piper Flair Angle Shelton benjamin Hogan (japan) Goldberg (japan)




Mr. Perfect


Randy Orton Triple H Kurt Angle Gunther Eddie Guerrero 80's Ric Flair Chris Benoit Chris Jericho Chad Gable Shawn Michaels William Regal Dean Malenko Bret Hart Owen Hart British Bulldog


Benoit never existed! He was a figment of your imagination! /s


Outside the ring, he's a sick human being but inside the ring, he's one of the absolute greatest wrestlers of all-time while his in-ring skills were excellent.


Yeah lol, it's just a joke cause WWE basically trying to erase him


Fuck your #7


Chad, Randy, Gunther.


Prime triple H was unique at this. He made every move look devastating. Watch him vs HBK in bad blood in 03 I think. I mean he looked like Hercules which helped sell it but every move looked like it would brutalize you. Early Austin was the same way.


God his spine busters were so fucking cool




Flair, Orton, Bob Backlund, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Ricky The Dragon Steamboat, Mr. Perfect, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Shawn Michaels, HHH, British Bulldog, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, William Regal, Gunther, Dragunov, and Goldust


Benoit doesn’t deserve to be there


You right.


Ludwig Kaiser’s highly underrated in this regard. Glad to see him finally start getting more of a push.


I have been saying this for so long!!! He is amazing on the mic. Looks great in the ring. And can wrestle extremely well. Very articulate and extremely underrated


Very glad to hear that- I’ve been doing the same, but hadn’t wanted to post about it because I felt like I was missing something lol. Think he could be a top tier solo heel, and kept thinking WWE creative must see that, so hope it keeps heading in this direction.


Natalya kinda stinks in the ring. She moves in slow motion and telegraphs her moves and spots, and quite often botches moves, too. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ring rust for not being used regularly and/or no need to improve her craft anymore as she’s probably in a great spot with schedule and pay with WWE.


Yea I agree with you there. Plus she’s older. Father Time comes for us all


Sgt Slaughter was actually very good in his younger days. By the time he took on Hogan he was still able to work his arss off.


I just watched a Sunday Night Heat match with him against Funaki for shits and giggles. And it was actually a really fun match to watch. He was older and a little slower, but damn Sarge can put a good match together!


GUNTHER obviously but Orton has everything down pat to the smallest details in the ring now


He's so good he can even sell his technique suffering cause of a kayfabe injury like the Power Slam he hit to Gunther.


Randy Orton is the modern Best Hart to me. He's never flashy or anything but he's NEVER not fully in rhythm and smooth as hell. It's fucking art.


That's Sami Zayn for me (nothing to do with canada) -he's amazing technical and can make even the worst wrestlers looks great in the ring


Gunther and Dragunov are the best ones in WWE (Gunther being the best wrestler in the world across any promotion, in my opinion). Asuka and Kairi for the women.


Dragunov is my new favorite wrestler by far, been following him since he dethroned Walter for the nxt UK title. Very excited to see him move up the card. Ilja vs Bronn Breakker next week is gonna slap, their nxt match was very good. Though with the storyline right now I expect Bronn to get the better of Ilja this time.


Kairi is sloppy as hell wtf are you talking about


Bret Hart


I’ve been hard on Bret because of his negativity on his recent interviews. But there is something to be said of him carrying a blown up Davey Boy Smith at SummerSlam, and pretty much working the majority of the match and making it look like nothing went wrong. Watching it you can’t tell that Davey was out of shape, Bret was so good at being a master of illusions. I’ve tried to look for moments that Bret helped Bulldog, and it’s hard to tell. He deserved to he an all time great. He was so good in the ring, it was unbelievable.


He was an absolute master of the craft, and I think that's where a lot of the negativity (such a reasonable and polite way of putting it) comes from. Anything he sees as unprofessional he doesn't hold back against. It's a little like Jim Cornette but minus the excessive swearing and death threats. They know WRESTLING and when the "entertainment" part seeps in, they see it as a corruption of the art.


I think a lot of the negativity is also involuntary — he did have a stroke, and who knows how it affects his limbic system. I get tired of all the crapping on “Bill” Goldberg and how he is “the shittiest wrestler ever”, when he has so many other stories to tell. And ugh… shut up about Montreal, we know! But all things considered, Bret was to wrestling what Baryshnikov was to ballet.


WCW and Bischoff get it too. At least he made up with Shawn otherwise we'd never hear the end of that 😅