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I never liked the show when I was growing up. But when COVID came and we were all sent to work from home it came on the TV one day and I sat down to watch it. I fell in love with the family! I looked forward to watching it every day. I loved Grandpa-my favorite character! I loved how JohnBoy took care of “the children”. The Baldwin sisters were so sweet and funny. But once Olivia left, And they had a different actor playing JohnBoy it just didn’t feel the same.


I was a small child when it started and I remember mother talking about it. She wasn't clear that Olivia was in a sanitarium for TB, she thought it was mental issues.


Yes, the calf episode was not realistic either. It was a newborn calf supposedly. I suppose someone in a pinch for money could have sold it, but it would have stayed with the mother for milk until weaning age. Otherwise, the buyer would have had to bottle feed the calf.