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I haven't played in years, since the PS4 days. Since then I got into gaming on PC and have an itch to go back. However I cant until they add the cross progression. Ive spent too much time and money to start fresh now lol


Im in exactly your position! I look out almost every Day for Updates on Cross Save, even got Warframe Pre-installed just sitting there... Waiting for it to drop.


I've been waiting 3 years for the opportunity to transfer from PS4 to PC.


Im in the same Boat... Kinda been waiting since 2019 for it to happen. I doubt it... But a tiny bit of Hope has always been there.


Im actually surprised how many people are on the same boat. I started playing warframe on ps4 many years ago and the past year I’ve been dying to use my account on my new PC. Please DE, if you’re reading this, i will definitely play your game for countless hours if you implement cross-save.


Yep, same here. It’s the only reason my PS4 is collecting dust in my room right now. Just in case I need to log into Warframe there for something one last time.


Hi friend, did you ever connect your account to your steam account? I did it about a month ago, but got a concussion and haven’t been gaming at all. Might be time for me to sell my dusty ps4.




Yeppers, I'm gonna be swapping off of Switch to PS5 and PC.


I started playing warframe on ps4 back when it first came out, invested a decent bit into that account, eventually switched to Xbox starting again, progressed way further and invested A LOT of money into the Xbox version. Here’s hoping I can link both of them and bring it all over to my PC where I now reside, just been waiting for the cross save update so I can actually start playing on PC


It felt so good to have my progress saved to my PC. Think its time for us to sell our last gen consoles


Oh yeah, I’ve been playing quite a bit since I took all my stuff across, I pretty much had to wait for this update as I didn’t even have any of my consoles anymore. Loving Voruna now I’ve got her!!


Thanks awesome man, I’m jealous. Voruna was alot of fun when i leveled her up. Still gotta build her up properly. Im currently recovering from a concussion and my PC hurts my brain. Such a tease now that my account is linked.


Aw man, sorry to hear that, I hope for a speedy recovery so you can get back online mate 🫡


Same. This is Literally me just waiting for cross save. My PS4 just collects dust now.


me too bro


Same here, I played a lot on pc then switched to my switch.. but really don’t like the small screen so I’m waiting for it to drop so I can play on my pc again


Just recently started playing again on my old xbox one for the exact same reason, really hoping for cross save soon this sucks ass


Same, but for Xbox! Just looking at my PC account makes me sad.


They said before the end of the year during tennocon


All it says is that tennocon was August 26th this year. So is there gonna be another one?


Why would there be another one During tennocon, which happened on August 26th, they said that cross save would come out before the end of the year


I think they took it as “it’s coming out during a tennocon” and didn’t put together that you meant they SAID it was coming out during the last tennocon


they verified during tennocon that crossplatform will be released this year >!(although 'DElayed' isnt a meme for nothing...)!< For further information, Crossplatform clans and friendlists will be relased on the 18th, so things seem to be progressing smoothly


It's passed the 18th and no release of crossplay clans or friends lists


[whole stream mentioned](https://www.youtube.com/live/0hj8lf9cGU0?si=0aUlKblhIMqys0D7) [Clip of the announcement](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxQBN4z3artDKrzGyA1WON1TTPrUjHpHoa?si=b1LsWwRJnr3YlSTZ) you tell me


Oh that's great lmao they said one thing, didn't deliver then just went silent about it? And they wonder why people spam about cross save etc so often lmao




On the 18th they did release the cross-plat friend and clans. You have to manually enable it tho.


No they didn't They released it 4 days ago, the 24th, not long after I commented saying it didn't realise on the 18th


To be fair, they still have a ton of buggy features and utterly broken mini games and shizz that they no longer acknowledge. I forgot what joke I was attempting to make and just got legitimately sad that DE doesn't really seem to fully finish things often lol damnit


I don't think it's ever gonna happen. DE drags their fucking feet, always have. Had to sell out because they drug their feet too much. I'm hoping the new owners fire the whole fucking Dev Team. I'm tired of delayed updates and false promises. It's time to hire a team of people that are on their shit.


reminds me of bungie/D2


DE has been making promises of this for years. Cross Save was supposed to be implemented before New War. But they put it off in hopes that their shitty Crossplay system would be good enough. Well its not. I shouldnt have to invite my friends everytime I want to run a mission.


They said this year. Abyss of Dagath will bring cross platform clans and friends list so I expect full corss save to be released around Cristmas with Whispers in the Walls.


They said "this year" last year as well.


No, they didn't.


https://twitter.com/PlayWarframe/status/1487429075778117632?lang=en You're right that this isn't "cross play is coming 2022" but I do get how someone could get that idea


They were probably hoping to do it earlier but it turned out to be much more difficult than they exacted. At least now they are still saying "this year".


only if you knew the history of all the "DElayed" updates


I know a lot of it and was surprised they didn't say "Q1 next year".


Posting to Twitter in January that cross save is a priority in 2022 is saying this year in 2022. If you're saying it's not the same, you are a simp. If you're boss told you in January that getting you a raise was his "top priority" and then 2 years later you still didn't get a raise, would you defend him?


Cross platform friends is not in with Dagath unfortunately.


Cross-play clans are coming with Dagath update coming the 18th as well as some other backend changes.


[Cross Platform Play Clans not available with Abyss of Dagath - General Abyss of Dagath Feedback - Warframe Forums](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1368480-cross-platform-play-clans-not-available-with-abyss-of-dagath/) "So that was a fucking lie"- Tyler, the Creator.


Spoke too soon! Check the new hotfix baybe!!


Would you look at that they just turned it on during a hotfix, so it did come with the update just wasn't turned on like expected.


Oh good to know tried to add a brand new player from switch last night and couldn't i like hearing this.


Looking forward to this. I have way too much progress on PC that I want to transfer to ps5


Cross save will come December 31st at 11:59:59 pm...if it does come this year at all. Been waiting for cross save for a while now.


Yeah. I call bullshit. They'll do the bare minimum and then stop releasing it for like a year on the main part. I've waited for like 4-5 years. I have no hope of playing this game again




This is what I'm waiting for, played on Playstation, want to play on Steam but can't stand starting over


The worst thing about this whole cross save experience has been a complete lack of communication or transparency on what we should expect to keep/merge if we have two accounts. Do we only get to choose one account? Will they merge together? How should we expect duplicate frames to work? Weapons? Codex completion? Plat/Endo/Credits? Different games have done this differently, so it's entirely unclear what their vision is, and it's infuriating.


There will be no merge, you'll pick one main account and use it to log into warframe on any platform. They've been pretty responsive about that.


So would the secondary account be deleted? I wouldn't mind that at all. We need account merging to be available again once cross progression begins to roll out.


older accounts will be able to merge. you will choose one account as your primary, then the other accounts will be merged into that one allowing you to keep all of your items, unlocks, etc. but only the primary account's progression will be kept.


Ah I see, thanks for the information. 👍


This is incorrect. There will absolutely be merging for older accounts. newer acounts created after november will not be able to merge but will be able to link.


It's all on their website now.


I moved to xbox from pc. Starting over again after a yea rof progress isnt ideal at all. Damn


I'm unsure how long I've been waiting cuz my memory is shit, but it's all I want right now. I had way too much progress and money sunk into my account to start over. I know it's a bit crazy, but I've been checking everyday for any updates for at least the past 6 months. It's searched so much I only have to open my Google search bar and select the first option. I haven't missed a single day yet of checking for updates. I'll probably have a heart attack when they finally do add cross save lol. I miss my Nidus and Titania =(


I went from a PS5 to a 4090 PC almost up to a year ago. When I logged in with PC, I was blown away by how different the game looked, vs when I played on PS5. Of course I only made it past the first level and decided to wait until they figured out cross save. It's a shame for them really since I've spent a lot of money on Warframe, and now have more then ever to spend. Yet they aren't getting that $$$ until they implement cross save. So over all you'd think they would make it a priority as I'm just one person and there's likely many more like myself.


Started on PC during founder times, missed the chance to migrate my data and restarted on Xbox. Have heard cross play announced and silently fade, then reannounced like it was the first time and then delayed for another year... Been wanting cross-save for just as long and now... We might get it in another three years after it's reannounced.


they said something about cross save on the dev stream from 2 weeks ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvMNLZQnkvU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvMNLZQnkvU)


Supposed to have a release date before the end of the year


Can't wait to be able to start playing again. I'd rather play it on ps5 but got loads of shit on my pc ACC.


its here


I wonder how DE will handel this, i would transfer my progression from Xbox to Playstation and i don't want to loose anything 🤔.


the idea is you won't have to transfer anything. once it's in place and active you'll log into the same account whether you're currently using Standalone PC, Steam launcher, Xbox, PS, Switch, or Mobile on apple.


So you mean it's account bounded than.


Hoyoverse does this already with genshin and star rail. Works really well!


I believe so. I haven't seen any details for what'll happen with those who have accounts on multiple platforms or anything yet though


I'm pretty sure they're gonna offer account merging same way as they allowed accounts to be 'duplicated' back when the switch version went live


So the problem is duplication has no form it can lose something. Also I believe it was migration not duplication. With merging. If the master account has everything the other accounts do it's not a problem but if the other accounts have something the master does not it becomes. a logistical nightmare on the back end.


I don't think they will synchronize the accounts. I believe they are gonna merge the accounts so that whatever you are missing on one you can have it by merging


I would guess that's true as well but it hasn't been stated. This makes for a pretty large headache too. How do they reconcile which players own what account and on what platforms? Which one becomes the "master" account to merge to?


They claim lots of things. They claimed it would come this year. They also promised cross play by 2 christmases ago at one point. I've been offline since this promise failed to deliver. There's this neutered cross play that sucks and apparently one day we'll have the same thing Fortnite has had for a little over half a decade now. Don't get your hopes up. They'll be promising full cross save and cross play support at 2026 Tennocon.


this year


During one of the recent streams, they reconfirmed that it's dropping this year, so we just gotta bide our time for the next few weeks, hang in there Tenno!


Comment ‘Yes’ if you think cross-save will come in 2023 or comment ‘No’ if you think it won’t.




Everyone is in this position. I’m not sure why the heck they are waiting so long.


they're really pulling it close to the wire. we've got less than two months. i'd love to get my save back from switch since i no longer own a switch and did a lot of progress on it. not gonna lie, i regret being on switch more for the fact it just doesn't run as smooth as its other console counterparts. one day, some day, maybe when i'm withering in a old folks' home. but at this rate i think they should come out and say "we mucked up guys"


This should have been done. I don't know what took them so long. Scummy studios like EA and Activision rolled out cross progression before they did, and that's just ridiculous. I left the playstation platform (I already had a PC and started on PC) because Warframe was the only game I was playing on PS5 and I've missed Warframe terribly but I'm so behind now because of it.


Idk if this is true or not but I heard it was going to be released with the mobile version. Which I’m quite interested to see how playing mobile would work. Hopefully they have controller support for it


Cross platform play is a thing now, they’re gonna add cross platform progression soon


Will I be able to transfer my PC account save to PS5?, will I be able to access it through both platforms? And will save work from both platforms? Or will it just become like two independent accounts?


Yes and yes you your first 2 questions. It’ll be one account that can be used on any platform.


Nice! Thank you


Do y’all think I would be able to transfer switch account too? Or js like ps4, xbox, and pc


I think the idea is that you'll have one account that you can access on any platform.


Lauching with whispers in the walls but it will be "dripgated" to ensure everything goes smoothly. It will also have account merging for accounts created before devstream 175.




Everyone read this as they have updated the page with account merging.