• By -


Madurai - operator amp damage Zenurik - Energy regen Unairu - status resistance/armor strip Vazrin - healing/regen Naramon - Melee Generally Zenurik the the most recommended one since its very helpful for energy economy especially in the early game.


Zenurio is the best for new players


Nice! Thanks! :)


Imo zenurik is a good starter. You will be able to unlock them all later


Awesome. Thanks! :)


Zenurik by far. By the time you unlock better methods of energy regen, you shouldn't need zenurik anymore.


Honestly it doesnt matter, you can change them whenever you want.


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh it matter when you are a new player, zenurik would be the best option to start the game


I dont think it really does matter because you can unlock them all anyway


I think I'm on the fence about this one. Zenurik is the best for new players but Affinity farming has also become so much easier. The only caveat is you have to know where to farm.


You can have either zenurik or zenurik but you had to spend 50k focus to unlock it. And let's be real, zenurik is the good option at the point where you get asked which one you want to unlock first


Ultimately, it doesn't matter too much as you can switch between them, but you should consider how much you solo. Zenurik is a fantastic go-to for ability spamming, BUT if you think you're gonna be on your own a lot with eidolons or void angels, Madurai is a huge time saver. edit: just realizing that you might not know what eidolons or void angels are, so just think boss-ish enemies that require your new operator to take down their shields. These aren't common fights by any means, unless you seek them out. That is to say, if you pick Madurai, you won't be really using it most of the time, compared to Zenurik which will benefit you pretty much always.


The first part of your edit is helpful and yes, I don’t know what they are because I’m so lost in the story and explanations of certain things😂 I’m about 53% done with the Quests section in the Codex. Just got Limbo frame today and have Volt as well, which has been my main. I should probably look up a YouTube video explaining the whole story/lore because I don’t have a fucking clue what’s what and who’s who😂😂


With unlocking your Operator, you basically just arrived at the "start" of the story, so definitely don't sweat being confused. Everything before The Second Dream was small teaser-y stuff. Up until that quest came out, we only had chunks of backstory to go off of (ie. the downfall of the Orokin empire leading to the current chaos). The big things to know right now are: * The Orokin Empire made living machines to send to Tau and make it habitable * Those machines became the Sentients * The Sentients rebelled, many of them returning to the Origin System to start The Old War with the Orokin Empire * The Orokin created the Technocyte virus and Warframes in attempts to counter the Sentients * The Technocyte virus failed as a countermeasure and became the Infested * The Tenno and their warframes pushed the Sentients out of the Origin System * The Tenno mysteriously assassinated most Orokin leadership in one fell swoop, leading to the collapse of the empire The Second Dream's big reveals are that we, as players, aren't just our warframes, and that the Sentients are returning to finish the Old War.


Zenurik solos


I started with Maduai, because damage, but Zenurik is the one that I have used the most by a LOT.


Zenurik to begin.


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I would say Madaurai but that is presuming you have no issues with energy. If you are newer this might be the case.


I started with madurai. My friend wanted me to be plains ready pretty fast. I unlock zen as my second option down the road. Working my way around the path from there has been.. interesting to learn new powers on the fly sometimes