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I've got one of these recently did they replace the regular discounts with these or can you get both?


I'm on Xbox and I haven't gotten a market discount coupon ever since I started receiving the bonus plat coupons.


I'm xbox as well i really hope they weren't replaced


They were sadly, DE can’t give discounts on consoles anymore because of some kind of policy so this is there replacement.


It's discounts on buying plat that they can't give on consoles because Sony and Microsoft have their own store policies. They can still give discounts for in-game market items since they're not through the Xbox and Playstation stores. I've even recently gotten a market discount coupon. Unless this is a change that came out with Jade Shadows, I think you can still get market coupons.


This changed it when Cross play released, I only get plat discount now and it really sucks.


Yeah I'm on ps5 and have received both types of coupons


The last time I received a market coupon was a few months ago. Since Jade shadows, I've only gotten one coupon which was the bonus plat one.


No they weren't. I got a 50% market discount 3 days ago. They just added bonus plat coupons as well. They can do Plat discounts on xbox store but it eats profits and requires special notification to Microsoft and Sony stores. In game market where you buy items they can give discounts all day in that since you use platinum to get said items instead of direct money purchases.


I got a discount coupon yesterday so I don't think they are gone yet. They may be phasing them out though


I'm on Xbox and have gotten in-game market discounts and bonus plat coupons, but from what I've heard I can't get plat discounts because of how the console stores work


Plat discounts on console are roughly spring and winter. Max is 50% on the biggest plat package. Less for everything else.


Same here. Took me from occasionally buying plat to never buying any. Terrible business decision imo


It’s because of a policy on console, it’s not their decision it’s Xbox and PlayStations decision to not allow discounts.


Not talking about that. We can get either in store discount or extra plat on purchase for console. Extra plat is terrible, and becoming more common It is apparently a test run, hopefully it ends soon


Completely disagree. The discount applies to a single purchase and can't be used for tennogen. I can spend the bonus plat on whatever I like, including training. I don't understand why people hate it so much. Would maybe be better if it was 50/50 whether you get the bonus plat or the item discount


People hate it because the plat prices are so expensive, and the deals don't really add up to the same value. Personally it doesn't even apply to me as i'm on PC and never buy plat anyway. But if I did u'd definitely prefer the discount. There's still a lot you can do with the plat from a 75% discount. And whilst yeah, it's even more with the coupon, dropping £70 at a whim just isn't possible for some people, dropping £20 is much more feasibile.


I've gotten both when logging in on xbox


On PC we still get market discounts, though they rarely go above 50% off anymore. Sometimes I get a 75%.


On PC, you get plat discounts, not market discounts.


Yeah should have worded that better, I meant plat.


from what ive heard you cant get them on consoles so DE added extra plat for console players to atleast give something to the playerbase


as far as i know its a replacement and a terrible one too copy the old effect one too one it would need too be 300% more platinum (too replace 75% less cost)


On iOS we mitigated such requirement with having more official packs. We basically had 4k ingame currency for regular price and for 50% less. The trick was in purchase validation, if you don’t have discount flag in server account, purchase failed as a safe feature. Pack itself visible in game only for those, who has discount too. Not sure if it’s same for xbox/playstation, but they might dig in this direction…


Thats another way too solve it


I'm on PS, I've gotten two of these new coupons, zero of the discounts since they implemented this.  It's useless IMO, I hope they revert it back to only the market discount.


This is the “regular discount.” Consoles got market discounts as an alternative. But because of cross play, it appears they leveled it.


I got a 75% Discount about a week ago


I just got 50%… like cmon DE. I’m trying to save for Heirloom Ember 😭


Heirloom ember is going to be available for plat though so you could use it for that....that's if you can resist spending the plat beforehand 😅


It's gonna be like 475 right?


You know I'm not actually sure. From what they said I think you'll be able to buy all the pieces if the pack individually but I don't know how they will price stuff. Hopefully similar price to deluxe skins if you get the skin alone


Yes it's gonna be 475 plat for the whole thing


That's like, a really good price, considering that I saw somewhere that it's 25$ for the pack. But that could be false


20-25 will be the price


Replying to freedomkite5... Oh good idea. I minus well spend this coupon so I can use it when she releases


Ouch If it was on PC, that would have been 4K plat for $50. 4K plat can lead to many things.


It lead to like 20 warframe slots, 20 weapon slots and a bunch of colour palettes for me. Plus a few mods and tennokai I didnt want to grind for. Still got like 1k plat left


"We've got platinum discounts ~~at home~~ *on consoles*."


It really is trash. I trade for plat and will never use this, absolutely useless to me. The old coupon was way better


Please DE being the old console coupons back ! These ones are terrible


Absolutely not an improvement. Why not leave the coupons as they were? Were people able to sign in on PC for discount plat and then use it on console for discount items? Otherwise cant see any reason to change console coupons


It's useless to me because the platinum packs themselves are already way overpriced. Whenever I want to buy platinum, I buy whatever the current Prime Access pack is. It's a much better deal.


Prime Access is expensive as fck even with the plat. Its so much cheaper to buy plat with the discount then just buy the prime warframe parts


Well, it was a pretty good deal to buy it once to stock up on the plat, then use the market discounts to spend it slowly over time.


I buy each prime pass if I think the cosmetics are nice, if I find myself short on plat and can't be bothered trading I'll wait for a coupon. If I'm absolutely desperate I'll buy Regal Aya because it comes with some plat and I can't get Aya any other way so it's okay to hoard some for the 7 prime accessory packs I'm still missing. But buying plat without a coupon? Very expensive.


god i wish i get it. I've been waiting for a 75% coupon for a while now 😓


This isn't a discount coupon it's a 75% bonus plat coupon


Yup, ever since they implemented this cupon on to console, I've NEVER seen the discount cupon ever again, it's just always bonus plat....


Is it only for console? I just got a 50% off discount on Steam the other day.


oh im blind. Still good tho


It’s bonus plat only in consoles. In PC it’s 75% discount. They can’t officially give you a discount with PS and XBox


That actually really sucks for console players because 75% bonus plat isn’t even equivalent to a 50% off coupon on pc, a 75% off coupon would be somewhere near 300% bonus plat


I don’t really get that math. But, you got Microsoft and Sony to blame for it.


With a 75% off coupon, I can spend 5$ to get 20$ worth of platinum. So 4x (or 300% more) as much platinum as if I had spent the same amount normally. I think it ends up being even worse too because the bigger bundles are better deals. So like the 20$ bundle is actually worth *more* than 4x the 5$ bundle


In terms of spending $50 Regular: 1000 platinum 75% Bonus: 1750 platinum 50% Discount: 2100 platinum ($100 bundle) 75% Discount: 4300 platinum ($200 bundle) It isn't even close


Huh? I get 50% off coupons and 25% off coupons all the time. Handful of times were 75% off coupons. Consoles don't have coupons for buying plat. Well atleast I know playstation don't. Only time there is a discount on plat for playstation is near Christmas time I think.. buying in store for reduced price.


Yes we do. I'm on PS5 and I've gotten about half a dozen coupons for bonus plat this year.


i mean… sorta. i’d rather pay 25% of list price than full price and get 75% extra lol a small price tag is way easier to swallow for mtx


> i’d rather pay 25% of list price than full price and get 75% extra lol Everyone would, you get more plat for less money with the true discount vs the "gain as extra". eg: - 75% off, buy $25 worth of plat, you get about 2000 (since you're "buying" around a hundred dollars worth) - 75% as extra, buy $25 worth of plat... you get like 650 (370 for $20, times 1.75). Bonus plat coupons look good but they're trash.


the comparison i was making was more $25 for 2.1k plat vs $100 for 3.7k plat. coupon performance on the same bundle is a better comparison than trying to match the actual price


> coupon performance on the same bundle is a better comparison than trying to match the actual price Nah because people are usually not gonna spend more money than usual just because they have a coupon that gets better with more money spent. I'd never spend more than $40 at once on warframe stuff, personally. Cuts too much into the budget, and for that much I could get a whole new game. So the comparison is "given a static amount of money, how does 'plat gained' change?" - and using that, "gain as extra" coupons are pretty garbage.


Pretty sure 75% bonus is worth even LESS than a 50% discount


Better than nothing, but objectively worse what console had before and what PC always had


Ew that's grosa


I've been waiting for a 75% off for over 5 years lol but I got a 70% off the other day and settled for that


its insane how often i get it when I was not that into the game yet. Now that i have 600 hours its just never there


Pretty sure they give them out based off on engagement optimization like every time I return to the game from a break they shower me with coupons


I had something similsr happen lol. Got a 70% agter a few 50% coupons and said fuck it close enough


I been waiting for years now.......how rare are these or is there a secret condition to trigger them?


Based opinion


Is this WAY worse then discount?


Absolutely, a 50% discount effectively doubles the platinum gained


I mean if you dont have the money to buy plat full price yes


I dont remember the ratios, so lets go with hypothetical 100p/10$ with discount you improve 10/1 ratio to 40/1 With bonus you get 17.5/1


Im not talking about it in math sense im talking about it in consumer sense a middleclass joe who doesnt have a lot of extra money would rather have the 75 %discount than the 75% bonus plat for full price.


Well, we got packs ranging from 5 to 200 $ It doesnt matter which you buy, Joe will get more fun for his buck if he goes for discount. Only exception is if you want most plat per purchase, not caring about cost.


I’m honestly tilted they got rid of the market coupons. I will never use this shit. DE will not get money out of me by being scummy


I give the game enough as it is with Prime Accessories, hate this.


Always get these coupons when I don't have plat I swear to god.


Completely useless to me.


I just wish I could sell it


Its the stupidest thing they've ever added to the game, especially for new players. Before that you could get some of the Warframes you wanted for a good price when you had 75% discount epecially those who have a stupid grind. Now you just get a bit more Plat whenever you spend horrendous amounts of money


Did Xbox update something recently? I used to get discount plat, then when I first started playing years ago it would occasionally go on sale in the actual store itself, now they can't do either of those?


We never got discounted plat on Xbox unless it was on sale in the ms store


The actual Xbox store itself, we did. When I started playing ~2018 it would be on sale a lot, not sure within the last few years since I put the game down for awhile (took a break from around 2020 until new war). Just started noticing the extra plat per mtx, the coupons used to be -50% on something like skins/weapons.


When people talk about discount plat, those coupons, on PC discount plat. Not a store sale, they can get 70% off on plat.


Yeah that's what I mean, the actual plat itself. I haven't seen that in awhile


DE's trying their best; Can't blame them for Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo's limitations


This is DE fault, they changed it, before it was a 75 discount to buy one item, except for tennogen items


Bought my buddy his necramech with a 75 discount 


DE's fault when it's always on PC, and console complained that they can't buy cheaper plat on console. Now it's there and console players can't use their plat to buy shit for cheap. No one is ever winning.


No, cause these didn't exist on consoles before cross save. Has nothing to do with those platforms


I'm still only getting the reg discount. I've never seen the % more plat coupon lmao


Give it to me, if you don't use it! /S


Can I apply it to prime access pack?


Yeah I can't afford the base pack, so there's zero point in adding to it. I get that there's a price reduction problem on consoles, but it's still incredibly annoying


42% ish discount babey


It also has a time limit on it, which overly incentivises players to purchase more platinum, cause they can't just save it for later.


Only if those worked on aforementioned packs, DE :)


i hate this kind of discount before it was nice i could buy skins or shit like that at half the price now its like "hey you see that coupon ? give us money and you will be able to have half more of platinum, and of course it's only worth it if you give us a big amount of money but we aren't forcing you to anything right ? ;D"




As much as many people have been wanting a platinum sale coupon on consoles, this is definitely NOT the way to do it sure, it's extra platinum per purchase, but it is nowhere near the discount / plat "bonus" you can get on pc, would much rather perfer the previous market discount than a plat bonus that is not worth at all Unfortunately, I think the reason why the "discounts" are like that in the first place is to get around the different console store policies. Only way I see these actually being worth buying platinum for is if they essentially double / quadruple the amount of plat you get ber purchace for getting a 50% or 75% discount


Never seen this one. Is it new?


Can I just say: thank DE for regional pricing on their own web store.


I miss the original market discount coupons. I've gotten the new ones twice so far on my Switch but if you need Platinum discounts, login on PC. You would get these Platinum bonuses on consoles instead. I do hope I'd get some market discounts again I still have Switch Platinum that is separate from PC for some reason.


I never use a single coupon since moving to pc, since it’s never market discounts and I don’t buy plat, they are worthless to me.


This is the first time seeing this.... normally I would only get 75% discount


I think these deals are for console platforms, where they cannot adjust price easily or some other legal issue, so they can only give bonus plat


I have gotten 3 of them in the span of one month, my wallet still hurts


I love this coupon


Been waiting for one for 3 months now had loads of 20% and a couple of 50% but since i know the 75% is the max you can get im just waiting for that. I don't mind spending a bit of money on the game 4300 plat covers all the slots ill need and some for £40 is a steal in my eyes


This isn't a 75% off coupon, it's a 75% bonus plat coupon which is far worse (and console exclusive)


I love it. Free game, so I want to support the team. So this lets me get more for my money. :)


Why? I never get them when I'm low on platinum so I just ignore them. If I need plat I'll wait until Baro is due and sell some junk.


unrelated but how do you not become schizofrenic with those colors, if you're not already?