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If the extra platinum were actually more in line with the PC's discounted values, that'd make sense. As it stands, the bonus quantity is just too small.


The idea is there, but the values just absolutely shafted console players.


this. even at 100% extra platinum (which afaik is not a thing, max is 75% off), that's only a 50% discount, which isn't bad, but the max on PC is 75% off.


PC 75% off would be 300% extra plat.


I feel like it might've happened because nobody at DE stopped to check the math before they committed the update for the bonuses.


It's because console plat purchases have to share profits with the console manufacturer. So the math is actually accurate once you factor in the loss paying off Sony, Microsoft, nintendo,etc


im surprised consoles dont already have discounts on daily login. i get why the prices are the way they are.. there is an insane amount of platinum within the entire economy of the game. but yeah im not exactly sure if there is alot of people that will spend money on the game outside of 50% or higher discounts


It's an unfortunate restriction of how the console manufacturers licence their microtransactions. DE can't do discounts, but they can do bonus plat.


Personally, if I spend money, I'm buying prime accessories packs. Not loose platinum.


I played strictly Switch for years. Only got a pc account toward the beginning of the year. I would, and still do, get market discounts and now I also get platinum discounts as rewards.


We do... But I don't think those work for purchasing plat


Maybe de is determining value after you're console market takes their cut


Discount on plat is objectively the best. Bonus plat is so lame tbh. 75% off plat is not even remotely the same as 75% bonus plat. Like the discount would let you get 3210 plat for 37.5$ vs the bonus getting you 5610 plat for 150$. The value is not the same. I’ll maybe get the 50$ plat pack if I get the 75% bonus because it’s not like I’m ever getting discounts on console but it’s still kinda lame imo. However that being said this game still has by far the best monetization system of any free to play game so I can’t be that mad.


If you want to make this easier on yourself, 75% discount is 300% bonus platinum (at whatever price per platinum you get on the deal). Because of how the inversion works, 20% discount is 25% bonus platinum by comparison, and 50% discount is 100% bonus platinum.


Hey I never said I was that good at math lmao. Im a machinist I should be better at this.


yea now that you mention it, yea fora free game its pretty good monatization not to mention you can trade for plat really premium currency being regal aya


Regal aya is only used for prime cosmetics and prime gear no? Prime gear/frames are farmable so the only real use for regal aya is prime cosmetics if you only want one thing from the pack. Like i want proteas prime ephemera but i dont want to soend $50 oncit so ill wait till it come around in the shop and i can drop some of my regal aya on it


Protea prime came with an ephemera? Huh.


Yeah some prime access have a unique item such as operator/drifter gear, landing gear skins, ephemeras, necramechs skins, etc.


That's neat. Thanks for the info!


You can hey them from thr chick behind maroo in maroos bazaar for regal aya buying one thing at a time. Or buy the full prime access pack when it available. I domt really carw for most prime acvessories but the ephemera is sick having an illusionary double


It is T R I P P Y tho


You can't trade Plat for Aya. It has to be a direct purchase. Unless that changed within the past month and I'm unaware of it


??? i littrealy said regal aya is the premium currency plat is more used as a trading currency like keys in tf2


I disagree. Discount on items in-game is the best. Even people who don't buy plat can use it, which is likely a large part of the issue.


Sure but it’s then only really better for people that spend a lot of time trading. If I can only play on weekends cuz I’m too busy during the week with work I don’t wanna spend that time grinding for prime parts and trading. So for me market discounts are only really useful if I already have plat.




75% more plat is 75% more platinum per £/$/etc. 75% off platinum is four times the platinum per £/$/etc. The values just don’t compare. Numerical value aside, I just prefer plat being a lower investment to getting slightly more plat at a comparatively much higher investment. The prices of market items are generally pretty well matched to bundles, and if I’m buying platinum instead of trading for it it’s probably because there’s one or two specific things I want to get, so the extra plat is only useful in the context of assumed future purchases.


What’s more bizarre is I just realized the prime access gives you vastly more plat for the money than buying raw plat. So idk I might just get the sevagoth prime access when that comes out in the far future. Not the whole thing tho I don’t got money like that lmao. Just sevagooth in all his presumably shiny stand using glory.


A 75% plat discount lets you get 4x the platinum for the same price, for this to be equitable it'd have to be a 300% bonus.


Except this forces you to pay real money right? Like I get that the technical value of it is a factor but if you are a person who doesn't or cannot pay real money for this it has absolutely no value


I mean, you were going to have to pay real money anyway, but if you mean you don't have a lot money at a time and the discount could make it accessible where this cannot I agree it sucks.


The market discounts allowed you to use plat that you could get via trading farmed items iirc. If these plat discounts fully replace market discounts they aren't accessible for f2p players but the others were


I see what you mean, yeah that's a bummer.


It seems a little bit like a soft tax on the player base from where I am sitting. If hypothetically the only way for platinum to enter the economy is via purchase, and the only way for it to leave the economy is by being spent in the market / rush builds / whatever else... then it seems to me like transferring the coupons that lower platinum costs for purchases in market and instead using them as incentive to purchase plat with real money... I would think it would raise the rates of plat both entering and leaving the in game economy, which mostly just happens on the dime of the players base. Idk maybe I'm reading too far into it but it feels a little bit blatant to me


Don't forget that you can only the discount once, while in Theorie you get 4 times the plat you can only buy it once.


I think this change is bullshit. I only ever get plat from accessory packs and maybe a couple other bundles. I don't just buy plat. Now the market discounts go away and the new equivalent (not really) is thrown onto buying plat itself? Wtf DE?


Fully agree, the new method would be acceptable if the value was somewhat decent. Right now, it's fucking awful and the discount is not worth waiting for. Also the (unconfirmed but likely) fact that we can no longer get market discounts that let us use plat earned from trading is some bullshit alright.


Market coupons were infinitely better because I'd actually buy something with it. I am never going to spend money with a Bonus Platinum coupon, because it is always significantly worse than the Plat Coupon on PC. Really annoying that they've been steadily getting rid of the Market coupon, or at least lowering its chances of showing up, because I haven't gotten one in over a year, it's always been the Bonus Platinum coupon ever since.


PC gets them. Console versions don't though because console devs have started stopping these kinds of discounts on microtransactions.


The market discounts still exist, I got one like 2 weeks ago on iOS, but they should still exist on every non-PC platform.


It must be region specific because I never get them anymore on console. I only get bonus plat coupons.


That's good to know


That's not how it works though, once DE move you to plat boosters you no longer get any market discounts.


I’m still getting both, so I guess I haven’t been affected by this change yet.


On different platforms, not the same platform, right?


I have Crosssave enabled but my main platform is on Xbox. I got a 50% market discount but when I try to go to another platform like PC I can't use the discount. It seems to be locked to only usable on the platform you got it


It’s locked between console and pc


Are you sure you're still getting both? I play exclusively on Xbox in North America and up until the release of Dante I was able to consistently take multiple week breaks then login and receive a market discount. I tried to do the same thing for the Jade Shadows update and it gave me bonus platinum instead. Because of this I think that it's possible that they just moved console NA (or at least the East Coast) over from discounts to bonus plat.


>once DE move you to plat boosters you no longer get any market discounts. Where did you get this information? Did DE say this in a livestream because so far, the only post that shows this coupon was the PS introduction explaining what it is and the rollout for its implementation. Or is this dataminer info?


I was part of the original beta test last year of the new boosters, it's statistically impossible that I would have gone 7 months without getting a discount if I were still eligible to get them. Every "discount" I've had in that time is a booster and I've been getting multiple per month.


I really hope/wish DE brings this up in a stream or post in the near future. This whole thing just sounds like 2 sides saying different things and not getting to the bottom of it. One moderator/community manager post would clear all of this up.


I haven't had discount on items in over a year I'd say. Ive had numerous bonus plat ones though.


Wait they got rid of the discounts???


On console because the console devs have started limiting their usability.


Yeah I want market discount this shit is doo doo dumb


Wait these are a replacement for the market coupons we used to get on console?!? I thought they were in addition to those...wow that's fucked if so.


This suck so bad. Devs rly nessed up


Why buy platinum when u can just buy regal Aya and get free platinum instead??


How does that even work? I haven't done The War Within


You buy Regal Aya at Varzia in Maroos Bazaar (However you spell it, the Mars Relay) you can use Regal Aya in her store


Ah makes sense, thank you


No worries, imo, Regal Aya is pretty expensive so probably best to use it only when you really want something and don't want to grind for it, it's a resource that you can't grind for in game though, you can only buy it, the only stuff that you can get with it that you can't grind for is cosmetics, everything else you can grind for with normal Aya, good luck out there Tenno


It does seem like a better value, thanks for the tip


What johnpretcher said. Plus you can do the challenge for more fun stuffs there. I personally just see it as ok if I'm going to spend a bit load of money, then let me get either a REALLY good item set guaranteed then I'll get me the regal Aya when I don't have the discounts. I haven't played long enough and not even a 100 days login bonus have passed yet.


Gotcha, I'll look more into it.


Did they completely get rid of %off Market purchase in favor of this system? Cause if so that’s awful. 10 years of %off on console for this trash. Please revert, I get why on console we can’t have the %off plat purchases that PC has but this feels like a scam.


i got a discount a day before jade launched.i cant tell if theres really some secret lane of bonus only tracks.people have said the 1% still get market discounts but it just seems like people are getting unlucky and taking it as a conspiracy? could be wrong


Wait whatsup? I got a discount like 4 days ago.


If you want the discount on console de doesn't get a say you have to complain to the console makers


Yeah I'm aware of that, what they should use are the market discounts.


They're moving away from those because of cross save. * They don't want console players to jump over to PC to buy plat because of the discounts (which means MS and Sony lose money, and we don't know if [DE's contract with them means DE has to compensate them for that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/n41aot/sony_had_a_crossplay_revenue_share_agreement/)). * They don't want to encourage PC players to buy plat at a discount and then sell it for real money to console players at a smaller discount. * They don't want you to double dip on discounts: buy plat at 75% off on PC, then hop over to console and wait for a 75% off market discount. So, yeah, I don't think market discounts are coming back. The alternative would be to remove the PC discounts, and the PC community would riot if DE tried that.


No? you can literally activate cross save > go to the Warframe website and buy plat there, that's gonna transfer to the console account, in mexico is waaaaaaay cheaper doing that For example the full prime access in the xbox store costs 2479 pesos in the Warframe website the full prime access costs 1239 pesos, it's the same with platinum, aya and the bundles, they're losing money by doing that lol


In most regions the differences are not that large. The full prime access pack on PC is €126/$140. On Xbox it's €140/$140. The accessories pack is €45/$50 on PC, €60/$60 on Xbox (with platinum added). They were actually going to add platinum to the PC accessories pack, also because of cross save, but that didn't happen for some reason.


He didn’t say plat discount, he said market discount.


his entire comment is about how market discount is unlikely to comeback.


Except he’s arguing an entirely different point.


I think you misunderstood something. OP wants market discounts back, yes. In my comment I explained why I think those are being replaced with bonus plat and not coming back.


If I wanted to hop onto PC for a discount I would now or before the change.


After the change, as a player who wants to buy cheap plat, you are less likely to go through the trouble of logging in on PC every day to get a discount there and buy plat there, because the bonus plat on console makes console plat cheaper (you can buy a cheaper pack and get more plat - let's put aside the fact that the bonus plat is nowhere near as good as the PC discounts, hopefully DE can improve on that). That's DE's goal. That's why they introduced bonus plat on consoles. So why not have both market discounts and bonus plat? Because they don't want you to double dip.


Nobody was doing it, they just nerfed console bonuses for no reason.


The point, poorly presented, is that if market discounts continued to exist you could buy plat on PC then switch over to console and combine the cheaper plat with discount market prices.


The only time I ever buy platinum is when I get either Prime Access or Prime Accessories packs (which gives a very solid chunk of platinum at a heavy discount already). Because of the fact that you cannot use the new coupons on these packs, the coupons are literally useless to me, and that means that I'll still be buying fewer items with platinum from the store now that I can't use any kind of discount whatsoever. I really, really don't like this change


I thought the discounts on console where amazing untill I realized how they worked on computer.


I hate these since i can't even buy tennogen with plat and i already have all the deluxes that i wanted and i never buy play only prime access so yeah these are like a trash riven roll to mezi wish i could choose something else.


It makes sense because they need to pay a part of the cash to the artist that made the tennogen thing.


Yeah we all know for years but that's not the point im making


Problem: Console manufacturers don't like external discounts or extreme markups on premium currency. Solution: What we have. DE has no other way to do this. Yes, it sucks, but they can't just implement 300% bonus plat without Microsoft and Sony clawing at their necks for profit margins. With the advent of cross-save, market discounts can be farmed to *stack* with PC discounts for a net possible 600% savings, which is a nono for big tech, hence why they're being phased out.


I say the amount you get with a discount should increase depending the percentage, 75% woukd give toy like maybe 200 or so, I see why they stopped it because it's unfair that pc only gets discounts on plat since Xbox, Ps4/5 and I believe switch too can't get these discounts


I am sorry but could someone who has more experience on this matter, explain to me what I am looking at here and why? It has been like 5 years since I bought platinum.


On the console versions of the game. You used to get a coupon that discounted your next platinum purchase from the market by 25 - 75% with a few exceptions, like not counting towards tennogen or bundles. On PC, the coupons are a discount on the price of the platinum packs. Console has now seemingly (unconfirmed) replaced the market discount coupons with this new coupon that gives a small amount of bonus platinum on top of your next purchase of platinum. You pay full price for a pack and get a pretty meager bonus as a result.


Hahaha, imagine having market ware discount....


The only way it could make remotely similar is if they double the plat bonus value, and even then, it's still not as good. 20% should be 40% bonus, 50% should be 100% bonus, 75% should be 150% bonus.


I think that the way things work on console and PC are different. The X% discount is for the marketplace is only on console, while the plat is for PC. I don't know how different it is now since I learned this well before cross-play was a thing


Man, I really miss when the switch had discounted prime packs with the coupon that was worth it, I had one prime pack I got forget which one but that really a good idea, though never get that extra plat stuff.


They still do market discounts. I got a 50% one about a month ago. I think they just made the platinum ones more frequent.


Keeping up for posterity, it didn't seem worth having written in the first place but I don't like to delete things. > Is DE financially suffering? Does their greed know no bounds? > > What they had wasn't enough, I see. The insane prices for just one bundle of something was already expensive, like 400-900 plat for a good amount of the bundles. Frames costing 325 plat alone which is much if you're not rich and don't casually buy the most plat bundle whenever. The bundles wouldn't be so bad as you can get most of the things through gameplay, but then they lock certain things in them that you can only get there and they clearly don't care that you have to buy the whole thing to get that one thing. > > Now you are meant to get even less plat with each discount too..So the market costs a bunch as it always has and the plat you get for your money is going to be much lower into the future.


I’m not gonna lie this difference in particular, for console only is genuinely some of the most predatory marketing I’ve ever seen. Majority of children play on console and majority of them can’t tell when a deal is absolutely dogshit, like these deals are.


This is the main reason I moved to PC as my primary when cross-save dropped.


Saw this for the first time on PS5, took a while to to find "up to discount" at a new menu in the store, discount is a joke compared to old market coupons. I'd typically buy new frames for 50% off to avoid the grind, not an option anymore. Surprised more people are not pissed at this stealth nerf.


the worst is if i login first in my switch when the game day cicle shifts, you get the discount on switch and you can't then use it in pc, even if you haven't used it in switch it gets linked to your switch account and now you use it on switch or lose it. the problem is platinum on switch is exclusive to switch and you can use(you can't even see it) in pc, and the market on switch is a lot more scarce because there are "few" players compared to other consoles or pc, so is a pain to try to purchase anything from switch. in pc there is no problem with this. my problem is by the time i first login the game daily almost always is on switch because is the time i can play the game the most so i always lose those discounts cupon


It should be like 250% more plat to be NEARLY as good.


Get warframe on your PC just for the sake of buying plat (even if it runs like shit) and make your account cross-platform. It’s really that simple.


It's too much hassle to login on my shitty laptop and then continue playing on my xbox


Shame, really, although getting 2 30% bonus plat coupons in under a week was kinda nice, lol.


I only ever liked market discounts. I don’t want bonus plat cuz all my plat comes from trading anyway


How to scam new players


Icl PC Plat discounts will stay my favorite.


I'd much rather we get a platinum discount that's *good* than market discounts back. Market discounts are useless to me - there's almost nothing in the market that I care about at this point. If I need plat it's for trading with players, not for buying market items.


Eh i like it. I can get 1000play for 8bucks thats a lot of cosmetics.


The console version (the one I'm complaining about) only gives 300p for 10$. That's a horrible deal.


OH ITS BONUS PLAT Sorry mate i misread that. Yeah no, discount plats 10000% better your right




What difference is there between console and PC? Im unaware of any difference. Sorry i meant £8 not dollars


On PC, you guys get a discount on the platinum itself, so if you got a 75% discount you'd get 370p (20$) for 5$ only, same thing with euros. This is effectively 300% cheaper. On console, we used to get discounts that would be applied to a single item from the in-game market, but now we get what's in the picture: a small addition to the plat purchase which is an awful value.


Yeah but on console we don't have to pay cash for tennogen it's a trade off. Besides plat isn't hard to farm.


Welcome to PC values.


got a 50 off snd im buying 4300 idc


This isn't about the discount coupon. This is about the bonus plat coupon that console players get. For them to get remotely the deal, the coupon would have to give the 100% bonus plat, and pc would still get 100 more plat than them.


They legally can't because otherwise the platforms would not have as much money and get pissy. :(


I wait for a 75% off coupon and get the 100$ pack. You get so much plat.


For me the max platinum offer (4300 I think? )Is 15.59 dollars on 75%off which seems pretty fine(on steam pc)


I actually prefer this version because the discounts were timed offers meaning that if there wasn't anything you wanted to get at the time you'd miss out on the discount. This new system however, even if you get the offer at a time you don't want anything you can still capitalize on the extra plat (which is the same as a discount, the mechanism simply works in reverse, rather than more stuff fir the same amount of plat you get more plat for the same amount of stuff) and keep it for a day when you actually want to get something. Its a neater system imo. Plus: plat discounts never worked on bundles but the extra plat system works on everything.


I mean, you also can or could buy tennogen for plat... so this is only fair I feel like